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recorded message for all the details. Supplies are limited or visit: JMilham.OC XH The Associated Press Alexander Zemlianichenko Ismail Hanlyeh, Hamas' apparent choice for prime minister (center), replies to a greeting of lawmakers inside the Palestinian parliament in Gaza City Saturday. ii Hamas in charge; j. 1 FOR 1 Buy a 95 efficiency furnace or a SEER 14 air conditioner and receive Apollo's Home Health Kit (2-stagc air filtration, and duct cleaning $1,000 Value) OR Apollo's 10-Year Warranty 2 FOR 2 Abbas stands up -1 i 6 V- for peace policies A'' .1 meet with Abbas later Saturday to wkw Buy the furnace and air conditioner and receive votn vie Health Kit d10-Year Warranty rbiUa an auuibiui lai Oinmw ht ambiiml with cthtr tpteialt Offtr expim 3WOt.
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Israeli government officials declined comment Saturday. Israel considered the swearing-in ceremony as a turning point, after which it will drastically scale back ties with the Palestinian Authority. Israel's Cabinet is to vote today on sanctions against the Palestinians, including sealing Gaza, cutting off Gaza from the West Bank and keeping thousands of Gazan workers out of Israel. Saturday's parliament session was held simultaneously in the West Bank city of Ramallah and in Gaza City linked by video conference because of Israeli travel bans. In Gaza, some 2,000 diplomats and other VIPs gathered in a government complex to view the session, along with about 100 women from the Hamas Women's Union, their faces covered by veils.
In Ramallah, Hamas lawmakers entered the main hall in Abbas' headquarters as a group, one carrying a picture of jailed lawmaker Hassan Yousef. The group's female lawmakers covered their heads in traditional Muslim fashion. Abbas told parliament that a new reality was created by Hamas' victory in the Jan. 25 election and the defeat of his Fatah Party. "Therefore, it (Hamas) will be asked to form the new government," Abbas said.
"On my part, you will find all the cooperation and encouragement you need, because our national interest is our first and final goal, and is above any individual faction." Hamas said its choice is the group's pragmatic Gaza leader, Haniyeh, who in the past served as a liaison with the Palestinian Authority. However, no formal announcement was made. Once Hamas officially chooses its prime minister, it has five weeks to form a By Ravi Nessman The Associated Press RAMALLAH, West Bank Hamas legislators took control of the new Palestinian parliament Saturday and President Mahmoud Abbas demanded the Islamic militant group recognize existing peace deals and back his moderate policies, including negotiations with Israel. Abbas, who said talks with Israel were the only "strategic choice" for the Palestinians, made the demands in a speech to the inaugural session of the new Hamas-dominated legislature. Hamas controls 74 of 132 seats, but Abbas retains considerable power as Palestinian Authority president, controlling foreign affairs, security and peace negotiations.
After the session, both Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas' choice for prime minister, said they would try to resolve their deep differences through dialogue. However, several Hamas legislators said the group would never agree to negotiations with Israel. Negotiations with Israel are "not on our agenda," said Mushir al-Masri, a leading Hamas legislator. Hamas is pledged to Israel's destruction, opposes peace talks and has said it will not moderate, despite international pressure and threats of tough Israeli sanctions, such as a blockade of the Gaza Strip. Abbas has not decided whether he'd fire a Hamas prime minister who rejects his policies, Abbas aides have said.
After leaving parliament Saturday, Abbas told reporters: "Why assume that there will be crisis? Let us resort to dialogue. This is our position, this is our policy, and we talk to every- body on this basis." Hamas legislator Abdel Aziz Duaik was chosen as the new parliament speaker and said officials from the militant group would 2 DAYS ONLY! YOUR CHOICE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 6 6 from Hias West, BCEGirls, Itercliicr, Cola Clsrks, Esprit end mere WPHOB fflYUSAK! SCtS VWSV STOW. 19.97 MEN'S FAMOUS-MAKER GOLF KNIT SHIRTS in a great selection of styles and colors. Orlg. 49.50-54.00, Bonus Buy price 19.97, after Monday 29.99.
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By Brian Murphy The Associated Press PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil A 1 p-i i i i "The (Church of England) has chosen to take a stand on the politics of the Middle East over which it has no influence, knowing that it will have the most adverse repercussions on a situation over which it has enormous influence, namely Jewish-Christian relations in Britain," wrote the chief rabbi of Britain, Sir Jonathan Sacks, in an article for Friday's edition of the Jewish Chronicle. Even mainline churches that overwhelmingly condemned Israel's security barrier are divided over whether a stand for divestment is worth poisoning relations with Jews and others. Lord Carey, the former spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, told The Jerusalem Post he was "ashamed to be an Anglican" after the vote by the Church of England, the communion's historic cradle. "We are calling on churches to move from statements to action." 19.97 LADIES' WOVEN SHIRTS from Parisian Signature and relativity. Orlg.
58.00, Bonus Buy price 19.97, after Monday 43.50. in ladies' sportswear, selection varies by store. 19.97 18 CT. T.W. EARRINGS, BRACELETS 19.97 YOUR CHOICE of any size Oleg Cassini PENDANTS.
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80.00-140.00 each, Bonus Buy price 19.97 each, after Monday 39.99 each, in gifts, colors and SIZES VARY BY STORE. wide-ranging, global gathering of Christian leaders has become a forum for a question that one delegate calls a religious minefield: Should churches use their investment portfolios to protest Israeli policies toward Palestinians? The debate cuts across ethics, interfaith ties and Holy Land politics and has taken on an even sharper edge since the Church of England approved a motion for "morally responsible investment" earlier this month. It could lead the church to eventually reshuffle its $1.53 billion in stocks away from companies it considers aiding or profiting from Israeli control of Palestinian territories. Supporters of pro-Palestinian divestment are now seeking more momentum at the biggest and most diverse Christian gathering in nearly a decade: the World Council of Churches assembly of mainline Protestants, Anglicans and Orthodox churches that together represent more than 500 million followers and billions of dollars in stock holdings. The amount the churches hold in companies targeted by the divestment campaign is just a fraction, so any possible action would be mostly symbolic.
But organizers hope to raise the movement's profile by carrying it from college campuses to mainstream churches -nearly all Protestant as a way to pressure Israel into concessions. Powerful critics stand in the way. Jewish groups are riled by echoes of the anti-apartheid campaign of the 1980s. They call it a one-sided view of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and complain it smacks of anti-Semitism. Most evangelical Protestants, meanwhile, sympathize with Israeli policies and some believe that biblical prophecy demands Jewish sovereignty over the entire Holy Land.
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Nairn Ateek, a Palestinian Anglican who heads the Jerusalem-based group Sabeel, one of the most active pro-divestment groups. "But we know this is a religious minefield. We are asking churches pleading with them to have the moral courage to do the right thing." His pitch to the WCC gathering was to a friendly crowd. Last year, the central committee of the WCC-backed "economic pressure" as an acceptable policy tool for its more than 350 member denominations. But its members are still a long way from turning sympathy for Palestinians into any significant economic leverage on Israel.
Most churches studying divestment calls prefer to move cautiously, by starting talks with companies whose products are used in Israeli security operations and other roles, such as Caterpillar Motorola Inc. and ITT Industries Inc. Divestment is widely seen as the last option. Even pro-divestment Christian leaders take pains to support Israel's right to exist. YOU'RE SOMEBODY SPECIAL rv ft i i a ii mm snilj 7 unrig- -i rftrn i TO ORDER ANYTIME, CALL 1-800-424-8185: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY, 10:00 AM TO 10:00 PM EST.
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