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Modifi ed 5/08/09InDesign* Edition: CY Sec/Page: A1 Rundate: Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Volume 149 Number 236

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Workers for state battle pay squeeze at hearingProposed freezes on longevity

and merit pay are especially unfair

when combined with increased

retirement contributions, they say.

By SUSAN M. COVERMaineToday Media State House Bureau

AUGUSTA — State worker Dean Staf-fi eri told lawmakers Monday that case-workers, clerks and others he works with can’t afford a continuation of a freeze in their merit pay – a term referring to step increases that recognize job experience.

“I ask you, today, to please consider

the people who are hurting, the people who make sig-nifi cantly less than those doing the same jobs in the private sector, the people who make sure that the fi ne state of Maine continues to function,” said Staffi eri, a licensed social worker in the Offi ce of Child and Family Services.

Staffi eri was one of about a dozen state workers or union representatives who testifi ed in opposition to two elements

of Gov. Paul LePage’s two-year budget: a continuation of a merit pay freeze put in place two years ago, and the reinstate-ment of a freeze on pay increases related to years of service.

Those two parts are estimated to save $12.6 million over the two-year period. Unlike his predecessor, LePage is not proposing that state workers be required to take unpaid days off, nor is he propos-ing a large number of layoffs.

Merit pay increases affect employ-ees mostly in their fi rst seven years of

Please see BUDGET, Page A7










The nation’s largest organization of pediatricians is telling its members and parents that children riding in cars should remain in rear-facing child safety seats until at least their second birthday, and preferably even longer.

That confl icts with advice given to parents for years by many pe-diatricians: that children’s car seats should be turned around shortly af-ter their fi rst birthday.

The new policy from the American Academy of Pediatrics, published Monday in the Pediatrics medical journal, is buoyed by research that shows children younger than 2 are 75 percent less likely to die or be

Please see CAR SEATS, Page A7

Turn them forward at age 2

or later, not at age 1, they say

while urging other changes.

Pediatricians do an about-face on child safety seats

Campaign volunteer admits to falsifying He didn’t understand the law

on gathering Clean Election

contributions, his lawyer says.

By DENNIS HOEYStaff Writer

PORTLAND — A South Portland man who collected campaign con-tributions for former Democratic gubernatorial candidate John G. Richardson of Brunswick pleaded guilty Monday to making false state-ments about the donations.

Joseph Pickering, 54, of Harbor View Avenue pleaded guilty to fi ve counts of unsworn falsifi cation – a Class D misdemeanor – in Cumber-land County Superior Court.

Pickering had been charged with 16 counts of unsworn falsifi cation, but under an agreement reached with the state Attorney General’s Offi ce he was allowed to plead to fi ve counts.

Judge John O’Neil accepted the arrangement and ordered Pickering to complete 120 hours of community service.

Under what is called a deferred disposition, O’Neil said Pickering’s criminal record will be erased if he completes the community service within a year.

If Pickering fails to do the commu-nity service in the time allotted, he could face a fi ne of up to $2,000 or 364 days in jail.

“This campaign did not train its volunteers very well,” Assistant At-torney General Leanne Robbin told O’Neil.

“It would not be a model for other campaigns to follow.”

Pickering is one of four former Richardson campaign volunteers accused by the state of falsifying Maine Clean Election Act contribu-tion documents.

Their cases are in various stages of prosecution.

Maine law requires the circulator –

Please see FALSIFY, Page A7

Witnesses detail workings of sham wedding scheme

By DAVID HENCHStaff Writer

PORTLAND — A Massachusetts man faces charges of conspiring to defraud the federal government by arranging numerous sham weddings between Mainers and people from Af-

rica seeking to become legal residents of the United States.

Rashid Kakande, 37, appeared Mon-day in U.S. District Court in Portland for the opening of his trial before a federal jury. He is charged with arrang-ing payments of up to $5,000 for women and men willing to marry people from Uganda and other African countries who were here on expiring tourist or student visas.

The ultimate goal of the marriages, according to the government, was to get permanent legal status and, eventually, citizenship. Most of the weddings were held in apartments in Lewiston.

The marriages themselves were worth $1,500, followed by additional payments as the U.S. recruits fi lled out paperwork to support the charade and met with immigration offi cials

to convince them that the marriages were legitimate, according to court papers fi led by Assistant U.S. Attorney Gail Fisk Malone, the prosecutor in the case.

Some recruits got cold feet after the wedding and backed out of the scheme when told by immigration offi cials that pretending to get married for immigra-

Mainers say they were paid

up to $5,000 to marry people

trying to become U.S. citizens.

Please see MARRIAGE, Page A7


By RYAN LUCASThe Associated Press

ZWITINA, Libya — Coalition forces bombarded Libya for a third straight night Monday, targeting the air defenses and forces of Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi , stopping his advances and hand-ing some momentum back to the rebels, who were on the verge of defeat just last week.

But the rebellion’s more orga-nized military units were still not ready, and the opposition disarray underscored U.S. warnings that a long stalemate could emerge.

The air campaign by U.S. and European militaries has unques-tionably rearranged the map in Libya and rescued rebels from the immediate threat they faced only

days ago of being crushed under a powerful advance by Gadhafi ’s forces. The fi rst round of airstrikes smashed a column of regime tanks

that had been moving on the rebel capital of Benghazi in the east.

Monday night, Libyan state TV said a new round of strikes had be-gun in the capital, Tripoli, marking the third night of bombardment. But while the airstrikes can stop Gadhafi ’s troops from attacking rebel cities – in line with the U.N. mandate to protect civilians – the United States, at least, appeared deeply reluctant to go beyond that toward actively helping the rebel cause to oust the Libyan leader.

President Obama said Monday that “it is U.S. policy that Gadhafi has to go.” But, he said, the inter-national air campaign has a more limited goal, to protect civilians.

“Our military action is in support of an international mandate from the Security Council that specifi -

Please see LIBYA, Back Page

Top and above right:

Libyan rebels advance on

the outskirts of Ajdabiya, where pro-

Gadhafi forces sealed

the city’s entrance Monday.

Right: Tracers from anti-

aircraft guns arc above the hotel

where foreign media and

government offi cials are

staying in Tripoli.

The Associated Press


Missiles halt assault, but stalemate looms




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The Portland Press Herald/ Tuesday, March 22, 2011 B3


Modifi ed 5/05/09InDesign* Edition: CY Sec/Page: B3 Rundate: Tuesday, March 22, 2011


the Oscars of the culinary world. Desjarlais said she has been watching the nominations every year since she was a teenager, “so it feels pretty surreal to be on that list.”

The chef found out about her nomination from her husband, Erik Desjarlais, who is also a chef and now a stay-at-home dad to the couple’s daughter, Cortland.

“Looks like I have to get a tux,” he said, breaking the news to her.

Erik Desjarlais said the nomi-nation is “well deserved.” He said his spouse’s innate talent in the kitchen is “like magic.”

“I’ve watched her cook, I’ve cooked with her, and she just has a really great palate,” he said, “and she just knows what’s going to work.”

Krista Desjarlais said she thinks it’s her personal touch with food that translates into a

good dining experience for her customers.

Bresca has been open a little over four years, and she has been in the kitchen every night. The restaurant only has 18 seats and a staff of four, including the chef.

“Every night that we’ve been open, I’m the one on the line,” she said. “It’s as personal as it gets. I think that has to trans-late, as I develop as a cook. Every night I’m working on the dishes. Every night I’m there touching the ingredients and putting it out, so the food has to evolve as I see it.”

Last year, Clarke Frasier and Mark Gaier of Arrows in Ogun-

quit won Best Chef: Northeast. Sam Hayward of Fore Street was the fi rst Maine chef to win the honor, in 2004. Rob Evans, chef/owner of Hugo’s, won in 2009, and Melissa Kelly, chef/owner of Primo in Rockland, won the title in 1999, before she opened her restaurant in Maine.

The winners of the 2011 James Beard Awards will be announced May 9 at the Lincoln Center in New York City. To view a complete list of nominees, go to www.jamesbeard.org.

Staff Writer Meredith Goad can be

contacted at 791-6332 or at:


CHEFContinued from Page B1

King said. “I think it’s a great idea. I applaud him for it.”

Unfi ltered communication is exactly what the creator of Maine Video on Demand had in mind.

Brian Pomerleau, a former electrical engineer, started do-ing video production fi ve or six years ago. “Inside the Blaine House” will be similar to his “In-side Maine Business,” and will be produced with no taxpayer dollars.

For LePage’s show, a camera team will shoot video of people asking the governor questions. The governor will respond to those questions on the show, which will be taped at the Blaine House.

Producers will collaborate with the LePage administration on the subject matter, Pomer-leau said.

“We’re trying to provide a platform where these people can speak directly to the public and eventually have a back-and-forth with people, without being controlled by the media,” Pomerleau said.

TVContinued from Page B1

Jury acquits Trenton man of assaulting 10-year-old

By BILL TROTTERBangor Daily News

ELLSWORTH — After a day-long trial Monday, a jury of eight women and four men found a Trenton man not guilty of sexu-ally assaulting a boy in a camper nearly three years ago.

William G. Rich, 25, was ac-cused of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy during a cook-out. After Rich and the alleged victim both testifi ed, the jury deliberated for about 75 min-utes before deciding that Rich was not guilty of gross sexual assault.

During deliberations, the jury came back into the courtroom at Hancock County Superior Court for about 10 minutes to hear the boy’s testimony read back to them. Jurors then deliber-ated for 10 more minutes before reaching a verdict.

The boy’s family was clearly upset. One man stormed out of the courtroom, banging the door as he threw it open, while anoth-er male relative began shouting and hitting a courtroom bench before another family member pulled him out of the room. A third man said loudly, “God bless America” before walking out.

Law enforcement offi cers

stood by in the courthouse park-ing lot immediately after the trial ended to make sure all the parties left without any more commotion.

Rich was accused of assaulting the boy during an outdoor gath-ering at his mother’s property on Goose Cove Road, where he stayed several nights a week when not staying with a friend in Bangor. Several members of Rich’s family and the boy’s family, including children, were at the gathering. Rich and the boy’s mother had been good friends.

The boy, now 13, testifi ed that Rich assaulted him in a camper on the property where Rich was living with his family. The boy said he tried to cry out during the alleged attack, but Rich pre-vented him from doing so.

The allegation surfaced about a year later, when the boy’s mother said she found out about it and contacted police. The boy is developmentally disabled and has the intellectual capacity of a third- or fourth-grader, his mother testifi ed Monday.

Rich testifi ed that he had no memory of ever being in the camper with the boy. He said he remembers a cookout on April 30, 2008, but that the only time he went to the camper was to re-trieve a chair with another boy, not the alleged victim.

Rich’s mother had testifi ed earlier that she remembered

seeing the boy sitting on the fl oor of a bedroom in the camper during the cookout. She said the boy did not seem to be in any physical or mental distress when she saw him.

William Hooker, a jail inmate serving time on a probation violation for a gross sexual as-sault conviction, also testifi ed Monday, telling the jury that Rich had told him in jail in Au-gust 2010 that he had assaulted the boy.

Hooker, who had shared a cell unit with Rich, denied hav-ing read about the allegations against Rich from a police re-port Rich had with him in jail.

Rich said during his testimony that he never talked to Hooker about the allegations against him.

Assistant Hancock County District Attorney Mary Kellett stressed during her statements that Hooker never requested and never was offered any deal in exchange for his testimony.

After the trial ended, Kellett said she was disappointed with the verdict. “These are diffi cult cases,” she said.

Rich’s defense attorney, Jef-frey Toothaker of Ellsworth, said after the trial that he was confi dent his client was in-nocent. He said that Hooker’s testimony was dubious but that the jury seemed to focus on the boy’s testimony, which he said lacked details.

William G. Rich was

accused of gross sexual

assault on the boy during

a cookout three years ago.


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IN MEMORIAMIn Loving Memory Of


March 19, 1967 - October 31, 2001

Gone but not forgotten.

Love, Mom and JoAnn

IN MEMORIAMIn Loving Memory Of


Who Passed Away March 22, 2005

Forever in our hearts.

Lovingly Remembered ByDad and Family

IN MEMORIAMIn Loving Memory Of


On His Birthday March 22nd

Loved and missed by,Wife Barbara,

Children Christina, Ann, Mikey & Barbie,Ethan, Grandchildren, Family & Friends

IN MEMORIAMIn Loving Memory Of


Who Passed Away on March 22, 2010

We miss you and love you.

Lovingly remembered by,All of your family

Telemachus GeorgeAnastos, 91

P O R T L A N D — T e l e m a c h u sGeorge Anastos, 91, of Riverbend,

Yarmouthf o r m e r l y o fCambridgeMass., died ath o m e o nM a r c h 1 8 ,2011. He was pre -d e c e a s e d b ybrother Peter,s i s t e r E l l e n(Sampson);and daughter

Beth. He is survived by his chil-dren, Peter of Yarmouth, Kath-ryn of Yonkers, N.Y., Ellen ofPortland, George of Littleton,Colo.; and six grandchildren. He was a veteran of WWII, serv-ing in the U.S. Navy 1942-1946. A celebration of life service willbe held on Friday, March 25, at11 a.m., at the First Parish Con-gregational Church, 116 Main St.,Yarmouth. Following the servicefriends and family are welcometo remember George at the homeof Peter and Lori Anastos, 56Spruce Point Rd., Cousins Island,Y a r m o u t h . P l e a s e v i s i twww.lindquistfuneralhome.comt o s h a r e y o u r c o n d o l e n c e s ,memories and tributes with theAnastos family. He was much loved and quite acharacter, and will be missedgreatly by his children, grand-c h i l d r e n , o t h e r f a m i l y a n dfriends.

Donations may be made in George's name to:

The Casco Bay YMCA14 Old South Freeport Rd.

Freeport, Maine 04032

Telemachus GeorgeAnastos

Lindquist Funeral HomeFuneral Home & Cremation Service


Harry L. Lang, 94 WINDHAM — Harry L. Lang,94, of Windham, died on March

17 , 2011 , a tt h e M a i n eVeteran’sH o m e i nScarborough. B o r n i nAtt ica , N.Y. ,o n M a y 2 2 ,1916, he wast h e s o n o fHarry L. andEva Mae (Jon-cox) Lang Sr.;

he was raised and educated inAttica. In 1942 he left school to enlist inthe United States Marine Corp.,serving his country during WWII.After retirement from the insur-ance business, Harry and his wifeBeverly, purchased and operateda m o t e l i n C a m d e n w h i c hbecame very successful. After sev-eral years, Harry and Beverly didthe “big” retirement and movedto Windham, it was there that heb e c a m e i n v o l v e d w i t h t h eWindham Mal l on Roosevel tTrail and picked up a part-timejob. Harry will be remembered forhis love of service and his loy-alty to his family and friends.Unfailingly polite, he was alwaysr e a d y w i t h h i s q u i c k w i t ,strength, sound advice and gen-erous heart. He took particularjoy in his friends and veteranbuddies. He was always lookingfor ways to help those aroundhim. Probably best known as SantaClaus, for over 55 years, Harrywas Santa at the Windham Mall,for the Shriners and many otherlocal organizations. Harry wasalso an avid Red Sox fan. His wife Beverly E. Hall prede-ceased him on Nov. 13, 1991.H a r r y i s s u r v i v e d b y m a n yfriends. There are no visiting hours. Amemorial service will be held at2 p.m. on Thursday, March 24,2 0 1 1 , a t t h e D o l b y F u n e r a lChapel, 434 River Rd., Windham.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made

in his memory to:The Maine Veteran’s Home

290 U.S. Route 1Scarborough, Maine 04074

Harry L. Lang

IN MEMORIAMIn Loving Memory Of

NANCY LOEFFELWho Passed Away March 22, 2006

Our lives go on without youBut nothing is the same,

We have to hide our heartachesWhen someone speaks your name.

Sad are the hearts that love youSilent the tears that fall,

Living our hearts without youIs the hardest part of all.

You did so many things for usYour heart was kind and true,

And when we needed someoneWe could always count on you.The special years will not return

When we were all together,But with the love within our hearts

You will walk with us forever.

Lovingly remembered by,Daughter Debby & Son-in-Law John,

Son Scott & Daughter-in-Law Angela,Son Carl and Fiancee Linda,

Grandchildren Kasey, Sam & Kim

Gwen Bessey SOUTH PARIS — Gwen Bessey, aresident of South Paris, died on

M a r c h 1 9 ,2011. Gwen was al o n g t i m eemployee o fWilner WoodP r o d u c t s o fSouth Pa r i s .She loved herf a m i l y , g a r -dening, cook-ing, line danc-i n g , h e r

"house on the hill," and helpingat all of the functions of the FirstCongregational Church of SouthParis. She was much loved andrespected by her family and thecommunity. A memorial service will be heldat a later date. Arrangements areunder the direction of ChandlerFuneral Homes & Cremation Ser-vice, 45 Main St., South Paris.Onl ine condo lence s may bes h a r e d w i t h h e r f a m i l y a twww.chandlerfunerals.com.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations may be made to:

The Monarch School of New EnglandP.O. Box 1921

Rochester, New Hampshire 03866

Gwen Bessey

IN MEMORIAMIn Loving Memory Of


On His Birthday, March 22nd

Thinking of you, Dad, on your birthdayand every day. Remembering your smile,your laughter, and your one-line songs.

With much love,Maureen & Scott

Alcester P. Taylor, 85WILMINGTON, Del. — Alcester

Peers Taylor, 85, of Wilmington,Del., departed this life on Satur-day, March 19, 2011.She was born on Sept. 2, 1925, in

Palo Alto, Calif. The daughter ofJohn Peers and Alcester Swin-burne Peers, she moved to NewRochelle, N.Y., as a child whereshe attended local schools andmet her future husband. On Feb.2, 1944, she married Bertram L.Taylor; they moved to Delawarewhere he was employed by theduPont Company. Alcester was ahomemaker who enjoyed cro-cheting afghans, and reading. Sheattended St. John the BelovedRoman Catholic Church.In addition to her parents and

her husband, she was prede-ceased by her brother, Jack Peersof California; aunts, Edith Swin-b u r n e M c C o y a n d D o r o t h ySwinburne; and a grandchild,Jennifer Knoff Floyd of Virginia.She is survived by her daughters,Kathryn Martin and her husbandPhilip of Falmouth, Patricia Tay-lor and her husband Eric Shute ofBuxton, and Elizabeth Tuskwethof Lewes, Del., her sons, DavidTaylor and his wife Cindy ofWilmington, Del., and RichardTaylor of Wilmington, Del.; fourgrandchildren, Anthony Tusk-weth of Pennsylvania, AngelaTuskweth of Delaware, BenjaminShute of Maine, and Erica Shuteof Arizona; six great-grandchil-dren, Ian Gilman of North Caro-lina, Brina and Brooke Abele ofVirginia , Parker and MichaelJohnson of Delaware, and DylanTuskweth of Pennsylvania; twonephews, John and Sam Peers,and a niece, Diane Peers of Cali-fornia; a half-sister, Jackie PeersClothier of Scottsdale, Ariz.; acousin, Alcester McCoy of NewJersey; and a brother- in- law,Daniel Taylor of Connecticut.Arrangements are by Mealey

Funeral Home, 2509 LimestoneRd., Wilmington, Del. A chapelservice and interment will takeplace on March 22 at All SaintsCemetery, Kirkwood Highway,Wilmington, Del.




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Lawrence E.McDonald (Larry), 75

SOUTH PORTLAND — LawrenceE. McDonald (Larry), 75, of South

Portland,p a s s e d a w a yon March 19,2 0 1 1 , a t h i shome with hisloving familyb y h i s s i d e . Lawrence wasborn in Lubeco n O c t . 2 2 ,1935. He wast h e s o n o fJ o s e p h a n d

Alberta (Greene) McDonald. Hehad nine sisters and three broth-ers. He moved to South Portland in1942. Lawrence attended SouthPortland Schools, he was a BoyScout, was in the Civil Air Patroland the U.S. Air Force. Lawrence married the love of hislife, Shirley L. McDermott onOct. 29, 1956; they had four chil-dren. He was a member of the Chest-nut S t ree t Uni ted Methodis tChurch. He was a coach and wasa little League Umpire. He wasalso an ASA Softball Umpire anda W o m a n ' s s o f t b a l l c o a c h .Lawrence was a charter memberof the South Portland RecycleCommittee. He was a member ofthe Maine Historical Society, theLubec Histor ical Society, theGrand Manan N.B. Ca. HistoricalSociety and the South PortlandHistorical Society. He was an avid sports fan; heenjoyed going to Bonny Eaglefootball games, the Boston RedSox, Portland Sea Dogs and thePatriots. He was also a member ofthe Maine State Golf Association.His highlight in golf was playingwith Che Che Rodriguez. Lawrence worked 44 years forW.O. Matthews Machinery Co. ofAuburn. He retired on March 11,2011. He was predeceased by his par-ents; his loving wife, Shirley; ason, John; sisters, Bernita andMargaret, and a brother, Alfred.Lawrence is survived by his threechildren, daughter Shelby Noyesa n d h e r h u s b a n d T e r r y o fS t a n d i s h , t w o s o n s , J a m e sMcDonald and his fiance Adri-enne Bowden and Lawrenc eMcDonald II, all of South Port-land; seven s isters , Mrs . LoisSmall of St. Petersburg, Fla., Mrs.Mary Brown of St. Petersburg,F l a . , M r s . G l o r i a M o o d y o fGorham, Mrs. Geraldime Renchof Portland, Mrs. Belva Carey ofWestbrook, Mrs. Virginia Smitho f A u g u s t a , a n d P h y l l i sM c D o n a l d o f A u g u s t a , t w obrothers, Robert McDonald ofW e s t b r o o k , a n d A r t h u rMcDonald of Port land; e ightgrandchildren, Shannon, Jodi,J o h n J o s e p h , R y a n , G r a c i e ,Raquel, Mackenzie, Mason andJasmine; three great-grandchil-dren, Mykenzie, Madison andKaelynn; Poptart's favorite littlegirl, Maya Atkinson; and severalnieces and nephews. Visiting hours will be held from2-4 and 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday,March 23, 2011, with additionalvisitation beginning at 11:30 a.m.on Thursday, March 24, 2011, atIndependent Death Care, 660Brighton Ave. , Port land; fol -lowed by a funeral service at 1p.m. Interment will be at ForestCity Cemetery in South Portland.To offer words of condolence tothe family, sign a guest book andshare memories, go to the obitu-a r y p a g e a t w w w . i n d e p e n -dentdeathcare.com.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to:

Grace Bible Church of Gorham74 Deering Rd.

Gorham, Maine 04038

Lawrence E.McDonald

RICKER, DIANE M. - 60, of Westbrook,March 16, 2011. For service arrange-ments p lease contact Bobbie Jo at207-632-5035.

RUSSELL , WILL IAM BARCLAY - of Fal-mouth, March 18, 2011. Funeral services,Congregational Church, Main St., Cum-berland, April 2, 11 a.m. Jones, Rich &Hutchins Funeral Home, Portland.

STOREY, EMMA YUILL - 81, of Portland,March 18, 2011. Memorial service, March2 5 , 3 p . m . , J o n e s , R i c h & H u t c h i n sFuneral Home, 199 Woodford St., Port-land. Reception wil l follow. Burial inSpringvale at a later date.

P E L L E T I E R , J A C Q U E S L . - 65 , o f EastWaterboro, March 19, 2011, in Portland.Visitation, March 26, 1-3 p.m., AutumnGreen Funeral Home, 47 Oak St., Alfred.Burial in spring.

MCDONALD, LAWRENCE E. (LARRY) - 75, ofSouth Portland, March 19, 2011. Visitinghours, 2-4 & 6-8 p.m., March 23 & addi-tional visitatioN, 11:30 a.m., March 24,Independent Death Care, 660 BrightonAve., Portland; followed by funeral ser-vice, 1 p.m. Interment, Forest City Cem-etery in South Portland.

MORGAN, MARCIA BENTLEY FISHER MOL-THOP - 88, of Lakewood, Colo., March 6,2011. Memorial service was held in Colo-rado.

MCLELLAN, BARRY - 58, in Surry, March19, 2011. Visiting hours, 1-2 p.m., March23, Jordan-Fernald, 113 Frankl in St. ,E l l sworth & funera l serv ice , 2 p .m.Spring interment, Cunningham RidgeCemetery, Surry.

MORSE, MALLORY ALLISON - 21, of Bux-ton, March 17, 2011. Celebration of lifeMarch 25, 6 p.m., Grace Baptist Church,476 Summit St., Portland. Visitation, 4-6p.m. & reception to fol low. FuneralA lternat ives Group, 374 Route One,Yarmouth.

HENRY, ANNE R. - of Scarborough, inPortland, March 20, 2011. No visitinghours. Memorial service, 11 a.m., March25, St . Albans Episcopal Church, 885S h o r e R d . , C a p e E l i z a b e t h . H o b b sFuneral Home, 230 Cottage Rd., SouthPortland.

LOMBARD, REGINALD THOMAS JR. - 83,March 18, 2011, in Scarborough. Memo-rial service, March 26, 2 p.m., HobbsFuneral Home, 230 Cottage Rd., SouthPortland.

HOSKINS, CHAUNCEY W. - 68, March 16,2011. Celebration of life in the summerat his camp on Center Pond.

HUTTO, CHARLES C. “BUZ” JR. - 63, March19, 2011. Visiting hours, March 24, Dolby& Dorr Funeral Chapel , 76 State St . ,Gorham, 6-8 p.m. Funeral service, March25, 11 a.m., Galilee Baptist Church, 317Main St., Gorham.

KAISER, FREDERICK J. - 75, of Falmouth,March 17, 2011. Memorial service, Fore-s ide Community Church, Falmouth,April 9, 11 a.m. Independent Death Careof Maine, 660 Brighton Ave., Portland.

LABBE, ANITA F. - 82, of Sanford, March19, 2011. Visitation, 5-8 p.m., March 22,Lafrance-Lambert & Black Funeral Home,29 Winter St., Sanford. Mass of ChristianBurial, 11 a.m., March 23, St. Thérèse ofL is ieux Par ish , Holy Fami ly Church,North Ave., Sanford.

HAYES, CLAIRE - 67, in Biddeford, March19, 2011. Memorial visitation, 10 a.m.-12p.m., March, 23, Hope Memorial Chapel &funeral service, 12 p.m. Burial, St. JosephCemetery, Biddeford.

LANG, HARRY L. - 94, of Windham, March17, 2011, in Scarborough. No visitinghours. Memorial service, 2 p.m., March24, Dolby Funeral Chapel, 434 River Rd.,Windham.

MARTIN, LUCIENNE B. - 79, of Biddeford,March 19, 2011. Visiting hours, 4-7 p.m.,March 22, Hope Memorial Chapel. Massof Christian Burial, 9 a.m., Wednesday,St. Joseph Church, Biddeford. Burial, St.Joseph Cemetery, Biddeford.

ADAMS, THERESA MARY - 86, March 18,2011. Time of visitation, March 25, 10-11a.m., Jones, Rich & Hutchins FuneralHome, 199 Woodford St. , Portland &memorial service, 11 a.m. Gravesidecommittal services & interment, CalvaryCemetery.

DZIK, ELIZABETH K. - 65, of Limington, inScarborough, March 16, 2011. Servicesprivate. Watson, Neal & York FuneralHome, Cornish.

GROOMS, EDITH - 90, of South Portland,March 19, 2011. Visitation, 10-11 a.m. &memorial service, 11 a.m., March 23,Hobbs Funeral Home, 230 Cottage Rd.,South Portland. Interment, BrooklawnMemorial Park, Portland.

ANASTOS, TELEMACHUS GEORGE - 91, ofYarmouth, formerly of Cambridge Mass.,March 18, 2011. Celebration of life ser-vice, March 25, 11 a.m., First Parish Con-g r e g a t i o n a l C h u r c h , 1 1 6 M a i n S t . ,Yarmouth. Gathering, home of Peter &L o r i A n a s t o s , 5 6 S p r u c e P o i n t R d . ,Cousins Island, Yarmouth.

DAVIS, DORIS J. - 90, March 19, 2011. Noservices. Burial, Varney Cemetery, Brun-swick, in the spring. Stetson’s FuneralHome, 12 Federal St., Brunswick.

DAVIS, ANNIE L. - 89 of Fryeburg, March14, 2011. Gathering, 2-4 p.m., March 22,Crab ie l -R iposta Funera l Home, 182Waldo Ave., Belfast.

CONKRIGHT, PAMELA (USHER) JEAN - 56,of Newry, originally Portland, March 19,2011, in Lewiston. Celebration of life,March 26, 3 p.m., Bethel Church of theNazarene, Bethel.

CANTIN, NANCY E. - 74. No services at thistime. Dolby & Dorr Funeral Chapel.

BROWN, AARON RICHARD (DICK) JR. - 87,March 17, 2011. Arrangements by Havenof Rest, Gig Harbor, Wash.

BESSEY, GWEN - of South Paris, March 19,2011. Memorial service at a later date.Chandler Funeral Homes & CremationService, 45 Main St., South Paris.

ADAMS, HERBERT "HERBI" R . - 87 , ofPortland, March 20, 2011. Graveside ser-vice, March 23, 11 a.m., Evergreen Cem-etery, Portland. Gathering, Keeley theKaterer, Warren Ave., Portland. Jones,R ich & Hutchins Funera l Home, 199Woodford St., Portland.

BRUCOLI, GIULIANO “GIULIO” - 82, March20, 2011. Call , Jones, Rich & HutchinsFuneral Home, 199 Woodford St., Port-land, March 23, 2-4 & 6-8 p.m. & prayers,9:15 a.m., March 24. Mass of ChristianBurial, 10 a.m., St. Peter's Roman Catho-l ic Church, 72 Federal St . , Port land.Burial, Calvary Cemetery, South Port-land.

DUMONT, LEO “PAUL” - 79, of Dayton,March 19, 2011. Calling hours, Dennett,Craig & Pate Funeral Home, 365 Main St.,Saco, Wednesday, 4-7 p.m. & funeral ser-vice, Thursday, 10 a.m.

Theresa Mary Adams, 86

PORTLAND — Theresa MaryAdams, 86, passed away on Fri-

d a y , M a r c h18, 2011. She was bornand raised in“Little Italy”here in Port-land on Feb.13, 1925, thed a u g h t e r o fJ o s e p h a n dAntoinette(Po l i to ) Fa i -etta .

Theresa had worked as a house-keeper at Brighton Medical Cen-ter for 18 years where she wasnamed “Employee of the Year”on two occasions before she wasforced to retire due to illness inthe early 1990s. Her hobbies included Bingo andmore recently she loved socializ-ing with her friends at HarborTerrace. Besides her parents, she was pre-deceased by her brothers, Johnand Dominic, and her sister, JuliaDowns. She is survived by herthree sons, John of Portland,Walter of Freeport and Jack ofStandish; and her sister, MarieHammond of South Portland.Also surviving are four grand-children and one great-grand-child. Relatives and friends are invitedto attend a time of visitation onFriday, March 25, 2011, from 10to 11 a .m. , a t Jones , R ich &Hutchins Funeral Home, 199W o o d f o r d S t . , P o r t l a n d . Amemorial service will follow atthe funera l home at 11 a .m.Graveside committal services andinterment will follow in CalvaryC e m e t e r y . P l e a s e v i s i twww.jonesrichandhutchins.comfor additional information andto sign Theresa's guest book.

Theresa MaryAdams

Jones, Rich & HutchinsFuneral Home & Cremation Service


Herbert "Herbi"R. Adams, 87

PORTLAND — Herbert "Herbi" R.Adams, 87, of Wolcott Street,Portland, a 35 year employee fort h e C i t y o f P o r t l a n d P a r k sDepartment, died on Sundaymorning at Maine Medical Cen-ter with his family by his side. He was born in Portland, the sonof Frederick and Minnie E. Batch-elder Adams, where he attendedlocal schools . Herbert wouldenlist into the U.S. Army in 1943where he served with the 7thArmy, 438th Div, 6 Battery Dwith invas ion of Normandy,Rhineland, Ardennes, NorthernFrance and Central Europe. Hisunit was involved in the libera-tion of the Nordhousinger Con-centration Camp. Herbert was employed by theCity of Portland for 35 years inthe Park & Recreation Depart-ment where he was the supervi-sor at Evergreen Cemetery untilhis retirement in 1987. Herbertalways took pride in the cem-etery grounds. Even after hisretirement he would visit thecemetery on a weekly basis tofeed the birds while enjoying theserenity of the surroundings. He enjoyed day trips to Kenne-b u n k , O g u n q u i t , a n d W e l l sBeach. His garden was also a spe-cial place for him to grow histomatoes. He also enjoyed tak-ing walks at the Maine Mall withhis wife three days a week whereh e e n j o y e d m e e t i n g m a n yfriends. H e w a s p r e d e c e a s e d b y h i sdaughter, Roxanne M. Adams,who died in 1974; six brothers,Ralph, Gene, Walter, Albert, Fredand Robert Adams, and his threesisters, Jessie and Gladys Norberg,and Daisy Ashley Collard. Heleaves his wife of 62 years, Lou-ise M. (Gray) Adams of Portland;his brother-in-law, Howard andhis wife Marjorie Gray of Scar-borough; and many nieces andnephews. Relatives and friends are invitedto attend a graveside service onWednesday, March 23, 2011, at11 a.m., at Evergreen Cemetery,Portland, with the Rev. MarkRustin officiating. Please meet atcemetery office for escort to thesite. Military honors will takeplace at the service. Immediatelyfol lowing the service, a l l areinvited to greet the family at Kee-ley the Katerer, Warren Avenue,Portland, for a time of fellow-ship and food. Please visit jones-richandhutchins.com for furtherinformation and to visit Herbert'sguestbook. Arrangements are byJones, Rich & Hutchins FuneralHome, 199 Woodford St., Port-land.

If so desired, contributions may be made in his memory to:The Animal Refuge League

P.O. Box 336Westbrook, Maine 04098

Herbert "Herbi" R. Adams

Jones, Rich & HutchinsFuneral Home & Cremation Service


TAYLOR, ALCESTER PEERS - 85, of Wilm-ington, Del., March 19, 2011. Chapel ser-vice & interment, March 22, All SaintsCemetery, Kirkwood Highway, Wilming-ton, Del. Mealey Funeral Home, 2509Limestone Rd., Wilmington, Del.

Doris J. Davis, 90 BRUNSWICK — Doris J. Davis,90, of Bath Road, passed awayon Saturday, March 19, 2011, atMid Coast Hospital. She was born on June 27, 1920,in Jay, the daughter of Harold B.and Eda Chadburn Swift . Shegraduated from Jay High Schooland Central Maine School ofNursing. She was a nurse at Brun-swick Hospital, Regional Memo-rial Hospital and in Private Duty.In August of 1942 she marriedWoodbury W. Davis Sr. Doris was an avid reader andenjoyed watching sports on tele-vision, especially the Boston Celt-ics. She always loved attendingthe reunions of her adopted classof 1934, Brunswick High. Sheenjoyed dogs, especially her box-ers, and was always ready for thenext yard sale in town. She is survived by a son, AndrewW. Davis of Brunswick; daughter-in-law, Iris Davis of Brunswick;two grandchildren, Barbara Sam-son and her husband Scott ofLisbon Falls and Woodbury DavisIII of Brunswick; and two great-grandchildren, Geoffery Samsonand Megan Samson. She was pre-deceased by her husband of 45years, Woodbury Davis Sr.; twosons, Lorne Davis and Wood-bury Davis Jr.; and two brothers,Edgar H. Swift and Ronald Swift. Per her request there will be noservices. Burial at Varney Cem-etery in Brunswick beside herhusband will occur in the spring.Arrangements are by Stetson’sFuneral Home, 12 Federal St. ,Brunswick, where memorial con-dolences may be expressed atstetsonsfuneralhome.com.Donations in Doris’ memory may be

made to a charity of one’s choice.

Frederick J. Kaiser, 751936 - 2011

FALMOUTH — Frederick J. Kai-ser passed away peacefully atFa lmouth By The Sea in Fa l -mouth on Thursday, March 17,2011. He was 75. Fred was born on March 12,1936, in Passaic, N.J., to Fred andRuth Kaiser. He attended Mont-clair Academy. Fred went on toattend Colgate University wherehe graduated with a bachelor'sdeg ree in h i s to ry and was abeloved member of Phi Kappa Psifraternity. It was during Fred'stime at Colgate that he met hisfuture wife of 50 years Susan“Sunny” Rodormer from Syra-cuse, N.Y., who was attendingnearby Skidmore College. After getting married on April30, 1960, in Syracuse, N.Y., Fredand Sunny settled in Ho-Ho-Kus,N.J., where he helped his fatherrun the family business, RubberLatex Company. Together Fredand Sunny raised two daughters,Lisa and Susan. Fred was actively involved as amember of the Board of Trusteesfo r Sadd le R ive r Day Schoo lwhere he helped successfully leadthe school through challengingtimes and as a result was electedas a permanent honorary boardmember. Fred eventually soldRubbe r La t ex Company andstayed on in a sa les capaci tybefore retiring in 1994. Fred was known to everyone as adedicated family man with anunusually amiable personalityand notable wit highlighted byhighly enterta ining one- l inequips. He was a voracious readerwho perused several papers eachday and particularly enjoyed his-torical novels and biographieswhich accounted for his fascina-tion with and deep knowledge ofworld and U.S. history. Fred alsospent years enjoying bassetingaround the countrys ide nearPeapack, N.J. , as a member ofTewksbury Foot Bassets. And Fredestablished a long relationshipwith and deep love for the peopleand places at Winnisook Club inthe Catskill Mountains of NewYork. Later in l i fe Pops, as he wasknown to his grandchi ldren,enjoyed guiding several familytrips to various Caribbean loca-tions as a way to expose his fam-ily to the joys of travel and fuelhis own longtime wanderlust.Family, however, was always hisbiggest passion and his greatestjoy. Fred is survived by his wife ,Sunny of Yarmouth; daughter,Lisa (and Joel) Yuodsnukis ofBozeman, Mont., daughter, Susan(and Willard) Dyche of Freeport;grandsons, Charlie Dyche andPeter Dyche, granddaughters,Kat ie Yuodsnuki s and JennyYuodsnukis; and many lovingin-laws; nieces, nephews and life-long friends. A memorial service will be heldat Foreside Community Churchin Falmouth on Saturday, April 9,a t 11 a .m. Arrangements a reunder the guidance of Indepen-dent Death Care of Maine, 660Brighton Ave., Portland.

Donations may be sent to:Maine Coast Heritage Trust

1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Suite 201Topsham, Maine 04086

Nancy E. Cantin, 74 PORTLAND — Nancy E. Cantin,74, went to be with her loving

husband afterf i g h t i n g acourageousb a t t l e w i t hcancer at herhome. N a n c y w a sborn on Aug.26 , 1936 , inPortland, thed a u g h t e r o fWil l iam andLil l ian Waye

Waite. Nancy worked in her earlydays as a house cleaner, and laterat The Portland Press Herald as aninserter. She enjoyed yard sales,sewing, camping and decoratingher house. Nancy was a lovingmother, wife, homemaker, sisterand grandmother. She was predeceased by her hus-band, Leonard J. Cantin Sr.; herparents; two brothers and a sister.Survivors include her daughter,Pamela Jo Ferrer and husbandRichard, a son, Leonard; sisters,June Wilder and husband Horaceof Fernandina, Fla., Beverly Rog-ers of Standish, Judith McCul-loch and husband Harold ofEnglewood, Fla., Dora Durgin ofGorham, a brother, Jerry Waiteand wife Julie of Turner; grand-daughters; great-grandson; andsevera l n ieces and nephews . There will be no services at thistime. Arrangements by Dolby &Dorr Funeral Chapel.In lieu of flowers, donations in her

memory may be made to:VNA Home Health & Hospice

50 Foden Rd.South Portland, Maine 04106

Nancy E. Cantin

Reginald ThomasLombard Jr., 83

Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired)

SCARBOROUGH — ReginaldThomas Lombard Jr., 83, Colo-

nel, U.S. Army(Retired), diedpeacefully inh i s s l e ep onM a r c h 1 8 ,2011, in Scar-borough. He was bornon Labor Day,Sept. 7, 1927,a t t h e S t a t eStreet Hospi-t a l i n P o r t -

land, the son of Dr. Reginald T.Lombard, and Dorothy JewettLombard.Reg graduated from South Port-

land High School (Class of 1944).He then entered Bowdoin Col-lege (Class of 1948) at age 16. Fol-lowing Bowdoin, he entered theU.S. Military Academy at WestPoint (Class of 1950). At Bow-doin, he was a member of ZetaPs i f ra terni ty . He was a pas tPresident of the Maine Antiquar-ian Bookseller’s Association and amember o f the Ant iquar ianB o o k s e l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n o fAmerica.Reg immensely enjoyed horse-

back riding and was the MaineS t a t e G r a n d C h a m p i o n i nhorsemanship at the age of 12.H e a t t e n d e d t h e L i p i z z a n e rRiding School in Salzburg, Aus-tria and the French Riding Schoolin Paris. He rode until the age of83 and loved it.Reg was devoted to the perform-

ing arts, producing, directing,and acting in classic and musicaltheater. During his Bowdoin andWest Point days, one could oftenfind Reg playing the organ andpealing the bells in the chapels,and entertaining requests fromup and down the Hudson River.In recent years, Reg played thepiano for Piper Shores residents,friends and family.While he took a break from his

musical endeavors, Reg lovedreading, world travel and wasfluent in Spanish, French, Italian,and German.Colonel Lombard’s mi l i tary

career spanned 34 years, includ-ing 12 overseas. He was a Com-bat Infantry Officer and a masterparatrooper. He served in Korea,Vietnam (First Air Cavalry Div.),Tha i land , Cambodia , Egypt ,France, Germany, Italy, Spain,and Austria. In Cambodia, hesupervised the successful Ameri-can evacuation of Phnom Penh,two weeks be fore the fa l l o fSaigon. In Egypt, he was one ofthe founders of the Sinai PeaceKeeping Force.Career highlights include orga-

nizing the ninth Conference ofthe American Armies and gradu-ating from the French Army WarCol lege (Ecole Super ieure deGuerre) where he earned the cov-eted French Army paratrooper’sbadge. Colonel Lombard com-pleted his career as Dean of theNational War College in Wash-ington, D.C. for five years. Hismilitary awards include threeLegions of Merit, the Bronze Starfor Valor, five Air medals, andthe Department of Defense Supe-r i o r S e r v i c e a n d t w o A r m yCommendation medals.After retiring from the military,

Reg and his wife , Sa l ly , con-verted their hobby of collectingrare maps and prints into a suc-cessful business. They traveledcoast to coast exhibiting at majorantique shows and Antiquarianbook fairs for 18 years.Reg was predeceased by his par-

ents. He is survived by his wife of57 years, Sally Cronk Lombard; ason, Terry Lombard and wifeCheryl, a daughter, Kristen Lom-bard and husband Bi l l Barry;grandchildren, Jack Lombard andwife Sadie, Will Lombard andwife Caroline, Shawn Warren,and Anna Lombard and husbandJason McGeachey; and two great-grandchildren, Quentin Lom-bard and Haisel McGeachey.A memorial service will be held

on Saturday, March 26, at 2 p.m.,at Hobbs Funeral Home, 230Cottage Rd., South Portland.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his memory and sent to:

The Tate House Museum1267 Westbrook St.

Portland, Maine 04102

Reginald ThomasLombard Jr.

Charles C. “Buz”Hutto Jr., 63

BUXTON — Charles C. “Buz”Hutto Jr., 63, died unexpectedly

on Saturday,M a r c h 1 9 ,2011. He was bornin Car l sbad ,N.M., on Dec.27, 1947, theson of Charlesand DorothyKimball HuttoS r . He was ag r a d u a t e o fBonny Eagle

High School class of 1965. Buz enlisted in the U.S. Air Forceand then after worked for morethan 30 years for S.D. Warren. His pastimes included gardening,taking care of the family pool,exercising especially walking nomatter what the weather . Heenjoyed spending t ime wi thfriends and family and takingcare of his pets. Buz was mar r i ed to Sha ronCousens for 42 years. H e w a s p r e d e c e a s e d b y h i sfather; and step-father, WilliamForest. Besides his wife Sharon,survivors include his mother; hisstep-mother, Arlene Hutto; son,Ty Hut to , daughte r , TammyChase and her husband John;brothers, Gary Hutto and his wifeHeesh , Wayne Hutto , s i s te r ,Claudia Benge and her husbandCharles; grandchildren, Devon,Adam, Jenessa, Seyena, Jackie,Tyler; great-grandchild, Dustin;and several nieces and nephews. Visiting hours will be held onThursday, March 24, at the Dolby& Dorr Funeral Chapel, 76 StateSt., Gorham, from 6-8 p.m. Afuneral service will be held onFriday, March 25, at 11 a.m., atthe Galilee Baptist Church, 317Main St., Gorham. Online condo-lences may be sent to www.dol-byfuneralchapels.com.

In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to:

Galilee Baptist Church317 Main St.

Gorham, Maine 04038or to National Children’s

Cancer SocietyOne South Memorial Drive,

Suite 800St. Louis, Missouri 63102

Charles C. “Buz”Hutto Jr.

Giuliano “Giulio” Brucoli, 82

P O R T L A N D — G i u l i a n o“ G i u l i o ” B r u c o l i , 8 2 , d i e d

o n S u n d a y ,M a r c h 2 0 ,2 0 1 1 , a tBirchwood atCanco. He was borno n J u n e 7 ,1928, in Ari-ano, Italy, thes o n o fFrancesco andGrazia (Mar-t ini ) Brucol i

and attended schools there. Hecame to the Port land area in1958 and was a barber at Adam'sBarber Shop for many years. He was a communicant of St.Peter's Roman Catholic Churchwhere he served as a Eucharisticminister, was a member of TheHoly Name Society and was apa s t P r e s ident o f S t . Pe t e r ' sCatholic Church Parish Council.He was a member of The Wood-fords Club, The Sixty Plus Club, amember of the Maine CharitableMechanics Association, and am e m b e r o f T h e K n i g h t s o fColumbus where he was a thirdand fourth degree and a pastGrand Knight and Faithful Navi-gator . Mr. Brucol i was a lso amember of Alhambra and servedas a past Regional Director. Hevolunteered three days a week atSt. Vincent dePaul Soup Kitchenand volunteered at Mercy Hospi-tal. His wife, Anna (Pallozzi) Brucoli,died in 2006. He was also prede-ceased by a sister, Giovanna Bru-coli in 1946. He is survived by abrother-in-law, Anthony Pallozzi,and two sisters-in-laws, EmilyTirrell and Jane Adams. Mr. Bru-coli is also survived by numer-ous nieces and nephews andnumerous cousins in Italy. Throughout the years Giulio wasblessed with many friends. Relatives and friends may call atthe Jones , R ich & HutchinsFuneral Home, 199 WoodfordSt. , Portland, on Wednesday,March 23, from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m.Prayers will be recited at 9:15a.m. on Thursday, March 24, atthe funeral home, to be followedby a Mass of Christian Burial at10 a .m. a t S t . Peter ' s RomanCatholic Church, 72 Federal St.,Portland. Burial will follow atCalvary Cemetery, South Port-land. P lease v i s i t www. jones -richandhutchins.com for addi-tional information and to signMr. Brucoli's guestbook.

If desired, contributions may be made to:

St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church72 Federal St.

Portland, Maine 04102

Giuliano “Giulio”Brucoli

Jones, Rich & HutchinsFuneral Home & Cremation Service


Portland Press Herald 3-22 - [PDF Document] (15)

Barry McLellan, 58 SURRY — Barry McLellan, 58,died peacefully in the loving

a r m s o f h i sf a m i l y o nM a r c h 1 9 ,2 0 1 1 . H epassed in hishome in Surryon the land hecarefullyt e n d e d f o rover 25 years. He was bornin Winchester,Mass., on Aug.

12, 1952, the son of Betrand“Bud” and Carole (Ambrose)McLellan. Barry was an airline pilot forover 30 years and was respectedby his peers for his extraordinaryskills and ability to mentor andtrain other pilots. He began hiscareer with Bar Harbor Airlines in1973 and retired as a captainwith Continental Express. Barry loved the outdoors. He wasan avid snow and water skier,sailor, and woodsman. He lovedthe North Maine woods; enjoy-ing flying float planes; fishing atJerry Pond and camping at Lunk-soos Lake. He spent hours walk-ing in the woods near his homewith his dogs, Joe and Kiska. Heloved the Red Sox. Most impor-tantly, Barry was a wonderfulfather. He is survived by his belovedson, Bryan of Seattle, Wash.; par-ents, Bud McLellan and wife Car-ole of Naples and Delray Beach,F la . ; s i s te r s , Chr i s ty Fogg ofNaples, Brenda Olson and Bon-nie Pierpont, both of Raymond,their husbands, children andgrandchildren. He is remem-bered and loved by many othercherished relatives, friends andcolleagues. Visiting hours will be held from1-2 p.m. on Wednesday, March23, 2011, at Jordan-Fernald, 113Franklin St., Ellsworth, where afuneral service will be held at 2p.m. Spring interment will be atCunningham Ridge Cemetery,S u r r y . C o n d o l e n c e s m a ybe expressed at www.jordanfer-nald.com.

In lieu of flowers, the familyrequests that donations

in Barry's memory be made to the charity of one's choice.

Barry McLellan

Mallory Allison Morse(AKA Alice), 21

DRESDEN — Mallory All isonMorse (AKA Alice), 21, of Buxton,

w a s c a l l e dh o m e t o b ewith Jesus onThursday,M a r c h 1 7 ,2011. In theshort time shewas here shel i v e d l i f e t ot h e f u l l e s t ,u n a f r a i d t otake risks andfull of joy in

her existence and her love for theLord. Mallory was born in Portland onFeb. 24, 1990. From a young ageMal lory enjoyed playing thepiano and singing. Music was ahuge part of who she was. Withan amazing ability to play any-thing by ear and a clear, sweetvoice, she blessed anyone whohad the opportunity to hear her.One of her favorite things wassinging with her brother, Drew,while he accompanied her on hisguitar. Mallory’s greatest love was serv-ing Jesus. Her actions imitatedHim as she ministered to all whoknew her. She always had a smileand a kind word for everyone,and her love for Jesus shone inher eyes . Mal lory grew up atGrace Baptist Church. She sangin the choir, and for 10 yearsvolunteered at the homeless shel-ter. After graduating high schoolMallory moved to Boston, whereshe became very involved in LifeChurch, ministering in the nurs-ery, mentoring teens, and par-ticipating in music. Mallory attended Greater Port-land Christian School and Bos-ton Baptist College. She plannedto attend Colorado ChristianCollege this fall to complete hermusic degree. Mallory was in theHonor’s Society and won theMaster Teachers ScholarshipAward from GPCS in 2008. Mallory loved to travel, and byage 21 she had traveled all overEurope and to New Zealand andAustralia. She loved animals, par-ticularly penguins and kiwi birds.She loved to run, to jump offbridges, to go to the movies, toplay DDR, to spend time withfriends. She loved life, and shelived every second with passionand excitement. Mal lory ’ s immediate fami lyincludes her parents, Chad andRebecca Cram and brother Drew;father Glenn Morse and brotherand sister, Gavin and MorganMorse . Her ex tended fami lyincludes grandparents, JosephYuhas, Leslie and Linda Morse,and Harvey and Sandy Swanson.Her grandmother Delpha Yuhaswent home to be with the Lordin May, 2010. Mallory leavesbehind more friends than it ispossible to name. A celebration of Mallory’s lifewill be held on Friday, March 25,a t 6 p . m . , a t G r a c e B a p t i s tChurch, 476 Summit St., Port-land. Family and friends can visitfrom 4-6 p.m. to spend personaltime with Mallory. A receptionwil l fol low the service at thesame location. Flowers can besent to Grace Baptist Church atthe above address . For thoseunable to attend condolencesmay be expressed www.funerala-lternatives.net. Arrangements areunder the care of Funeral Alter-natives Group, 374 Route One,Yarmouth.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Grace

Baptist Church Youth Fund.

Mallory AllisonMorse

William Barclay Russell1933 - 2011

FALMOUTH — William BarclayRussell died peacefully amongstfamily on Friday after-noon in Falmouth. Willie was born in New-ton, Mass. , the son ofGordon and V i rg in i a( L u c e ) R u s s e l l a n dbrother of Jane RussellSymmes. He attendedP h i l l i p s A c a d e m yAndover and HarvardUniversity, class of 1956. Upon g radua t ion hejoined State Street Bankand Trust and served there forthe next 21 years, ending his ten-ure there as Senior Vice Presidentof Genera l F inance and Rea lEstate. During this time he metand married the “lovely lady,”Anne Lawrence Hildreth fromCumberland Foreside, settled inLincoln, Mass., and had threechildren, Willy Jr., Jennifer andSarah. In 1978 Willie became Presidentof Fifty Associates in Boston.Founded in 1820, it was the old-est corporation in the city of Bos-ton. He remained there unti l1994 and then became Presidentand CEO of New England CableVision of Massachusetts where heserved for four years until retire-ment. Aside from his business career,Wil l ie par t ic ipated on manyboards of var ious causes . Heserved on the board of Lincoln'sRural Land Foundation and theCommittee on Affordable Hous-ing, as well as trustee for CarrollSchool in Lincoln. He was also aDirector of Diversified Commu-nications, Emery-WaterhouseCompany and Consumer WaterCompany of Portland, as well asbeing on the President's Councilof ACCION International in Mas-sachusetts. Willie's personal interests wereextensive. Whether it was moun-tain climbing, photographingflowers, preserving habitat for hisbeloved bobolinks or exploringnew cultures, Willie and Anneshared a love of travel from themountains of British Columbiato the peaks of Bhutan. H o w e v e r , h i s h e a r t a l w a y sremained in New England whereWillie and Anne devoted their

William BarclayRussell

Jones, Rich & HutchinsFuneral Home & Cremation Service


lives to Lincoln and its commu-nity, to their fields and woods in

Acworth, N.H., to thec o a s t a n d i s l a n d s o fPenobscot Bay. During the last chapterof his l i fe Wil l ie suf-fered from Alzheimer'sdisease. A testament tohis everlasting grace, henever surrendered ordespaired but faced theillness with dignity andgood cheer. Willie was a gentleman,

poet and romantic. An inveter-a t e l o v e r o f p e o p l e , h e w a sunfailingly curious about ideasand issues. He enlivened andenriched those around him withhis infectious smile, engagingm a n n e r a n d i n e x h a u s t i b l eenergy. His humor and sense offun were defining and his sing-ing voice deafening. Willie is survived by his wife of47 years, Anne; his three chil-dren, Willy and his partner RobMcQuilkin, Jennifer and herhusband Sean Mahoney, Sarahand her husband Joseph Rey-nolds; his seven grandchildren;and his dog, Lulu, the last in along line of eccentric springerspaniels. Willie is also survivedby the sons and daughter of hissister, Jane Russell Symmes: Fred,Ginger and Whit, with whom hedeveloped a special bond afterhis beloved sister died far tooearly. “Who's a fan of Willie & Anne?” Funeral services will be held atthe Congregational Church onMain Street in Cumberland onSaturday, Apri l 2 , at 11 a .m.Arrangements are under the careo f J o n e s , R i c h & H u t c h i n sF u n e r a l H o m e , P o r t l a n d .P l e a s e v i s i t w w w . j o n e s -richandhutchins.com for addi-tional information and to signWillie's guest book.

Donations in Willie's memory may be sent to the Maine Chapter

of the Alzheimer's Association(www.alz.org/maine).

Aaron Richard (Dick)Brown Jr., 87

May 10, 1923 - March 17, 2011

GIG HARBOR, Wash. — AaronRichard (Dick) Brown Jr. passedaway on March 17, 2011, at theage of 87. Richard was born on May 10,1923, in Dover, N.H. He gradu-ated from Berwick Academy inSouth Berwick, and from theUniversity of New Hampshirewith a degree in Civil Engineer-ing; a profession he enjoyed andpracticed until his health deterio-rated in late 2010. Richard was an avid sailor, gar-dener, and collector of sportsmemorabilia, vintage automo-biles and bicycles. Richard is survived by his wife,Patti; his children, Greg, Jocelyn,Rebecca , Douglas and Aaron(Skip); and 11 grandchildren andgreat-grandchildren. P l e a s e v i s i t h i s o n l i n eguestbook at http://www.haven-rest.com/obituaries/216 to leavea m e s s a g e f o r t h e f a m i l y .Arrangements by Haven of Rest,Gig Harbor, Wash.

Richard earned the Eagle ScoutBadge and cited teachings from hisscouting days throughout his life;

memorial donations may be sent tothe Boy Scouts of America.

Chauncey W. Hoskins, 68

D E X T E R — C h a u n c e y W .Hoskins, 68, died unexpectedly

on March 16,2 0 1 1 , a t h i sresidence. He was borno n J u n e 2 0 ,1942, in Milo,t h e s o n o fC a r l a n dAlyce (Mitch-el l ) Hoskins.Chaunceygraduatedf r o m M i l o

High School, Class of 1960, andHusson College, Class of 1965.He taught business education atDexter Regional High School,retiring in 2002, where he servedas cha i rman o f the bus ines sdepar tment and head o f theschool scholarship committee.Chauncey was named teacher ofthe year in 1986 and in 2001, thestudents dedicated the year bookto him. He was a past president of theBusiness Association of Maine,a n d w a s a m e m b e r o f t h eMasons. Chauncey remainedactive in the retired teachersassociations, and continued toserve on severa l scholarshipcommittees . He also enjoyedsummers at his camp on CenterPond. He is survived by his son, JamesC . H o s k i n s o f P o r t l a n d ; abrother, Dennis and wife NancyHoskins of Dexter, sisters, LucyGoodwin of Orono, Constanceand husband Jerome Bragdon ofPe ru , Chrys t i e and husbandRoger Shepherdson of Oneonta,N.Y.; a special aunt, Alberta Richof Charleston; many cousins;n i e c e s , n e p h e w s ; a n d m a n yfriends. He was predeceased by abrother, Carl Hoskins, and aninfant sister, Amy Hoskins. A celebration of his life will beheld in the summer at his campon Center Pond. Those who wishmay leave written condolences atwww.CrosbyNeal.com.

Memorial donations may be made in his memory to:

The Lyme and Tick-borne Diseases Research Center,

Columbia UniversityAttention Barbara Strobino, Ph.D.

1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 69New York, New York 10032

Chauncey W.Hoskins

Marcia Bentley FisherMolthop Morgan, 88

LAKEWOOD, Colo. — MarciaBentley Fisher Molthop Morgan,88, of Lakewood, Colo. , diedthere on March 6, 2011, with herdaughters by her side. She and her husband, the lateGeorge Eldred Morgan, moved toKennebunkport in 1986: theysought “the perfect place” andfound it in Maine. After nearly 15years, they moved to Colorado tobe closer to family. Marcia enjoyed nature, golf, gar-dening and volunteer work wher-ever she lived. In Kennebunkport,she joined St. David’s EpiscopalC h u r c h , v o l u n t e e r e d a s a narborist and gardener for thetown itself and also at LaudholmFarm. At the end of her life sheprovided paintings for the Alzhe-imer “Memories in the Making”Project in Colorado. She had atwinkle in her eye, an arch senseof humor, intense opinions, gen-e rous a f f ec t ions and spec ia lcauses: she loved fun and wantedeveryone to have it. S h e l e a v e s t o c h e r i s h h e rmemory two daughters, SusanMolthop Bentley, MD (Kim R.Jonason, Ph.D.) of Louisville, Ky.,and Julia Bowen (Molthop) Love( Je ra ld A . Love) o f L i t t l e tonColo.; four grandchildren; threegreat-grandchildren; step-chil-dren; a brother and two brothers-in-law and their families. A memorial service was held inColorado. Complete obituaryo n l i n e a t h t t p : / / w w w . a l lstatescremation.com/index.html:“Obituaries.”

Please consider a donation to:The KennebunkportConservation Trust

P.O. Box 7004Cape Porpoise, Maine 04014


Emma Yuill Storey, 81PORTLAND — Emma Yuill Sto-

rey, 81, of Portland, died on Fri-d a y , M a r c h18 , 2011 , a tMaine Medi-c a l C e n t e rwith her fam-ily at her side. E m m a w a sborn on May27 , 1929 , inSpringvale,the daughtero f J o s e p h S .a n d M e t a

(Miller) Yuill. She was educatedin Sanford schools and gradu-ated from Sanford High School,Class of 1947. She then went toFisher College in Boston, gradu-ated with the Class of 1949, andthen worked in Minneapolis ,Minn., for a short period of time.Upon re turning to Sanford ,

Emma was employed by Good-all-Sanford Mills as ExecutiveSecretary to the Vice President ofManufacturing and later held thesame position for F. Everett Nut-ter who was Vice President ofDesign & Development. Theiroffice was the last to close uponthe sale of the mils in 1954.Emma then moved to Portland,

where she met Jess Storey whomshe married in 1955. The Storey'sb u i l t T h e S e n a t o r M o t e l i nAugusta. She was the InteriorDecorator and Bookkeeper. Afterselling The Senator in 1961, theStorey ' s moved to Raymond.They purchased hotels in thePort land and South Port landareas and Mrs. Storey always kepther finger in the pie. Mrs. Storeywas also employed by L.L. Beanin later years, retiring in 1992.Mrs. Storey was an active volun-

teer at Maine Medical Centerfrom 1966-1983, serving on theWomen's Board and Treasurer ofthe gift shop. She was a formermember of The National Secre-tar ies Club and an honorarymember of the Greater PortlandWomen of Rotary, serving asPres ident in 1965. She was amember of the Raymond VillageChurch and Friends of MaineMedical Center.Mrs. Storey's husband died in

1984; and her sister, GeorgetteCarpenter d ied in 1993. Hercompanion of many years, Rob-ert E. Elliot Sr. died in 1995. Sheenjoyed golf, music, travel andanimals.She is survived by her niece,

Gayle S. Sonstrom and her hus-band Don, and their daughters,Jennifer Sonstrom and KristineS o n s t r o m , a l l o f C o v e n t r y ,Conn.; and her three step-chil-dren, Joan Sharon Shemwel l(deceased) of Grand Rapides,Mich., Patrick Storey and VikkiO'Connor of Brewer. She alsoleaves behind many close friendsand was loved by all.There will be a memorial service

on Friday, March 25, 2011, at 3p.m., at Jones, Rich & HutchinsFuneral Home, 199 WoodfordSt., Portland. A reception will fol-low. Burial will be in Springvalea t a l a t e r d a t e . P l e a s e v i s i twww.jonesrichandhutchins.comt o s h a r e y o u r c o n d o l e n c e s ,memor ie s and t r ibu te s w i thEmma's family.For those who wish, donations maybe made in Mrs. Storey's memory to:

Animal Refuge LeagueP.O. Box 336

Westbrook, Maine 04098

Emma Yuill Storey

Jones, Rich & HutchinsFuneral Home & Cremation Service


IN MEMORIAMIn Loving Memory Of

LORETTA L. PARKERWife, Mother, Daughter, Grandmother

March 22, 1934 - September 11, 2010

You loved us unconditionallyand were the strength

that our family turned toin our times of need.

Not a day goes bythat we don’t think of you.

™ ™ ™Love Always,

Boffie & Mike, Lloyd & Lisa, & Family

IN MEMORIAMIn Loving Memory Of


May 29, 1954 - March 22, 2002

Today we remember you,A devoted Wife, a loving Mom,

A caring Daughter, a loyal Sister,A special Aunt and a generous Friend.

Your are now an Angel in heavenBut more than that,

A Grandmother from heaven.Watch over us as you always do,

Because we are always missing you.

™All my love


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C2 The Portland Press Herald/ Tuesday, March 22, 2011


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WHO: Worcester Sharks (32-26-4-8, fourth in AHL’s Atlantic Division) at Portland Pirates (43-18-5-2, fi rst in AHL’s Atlantic Division)WHEN: 11 a.m.WHERE: Cumberland County Civic CenterRADIO: WLOB (95.5 FM)TV: Time Warner cable channels 9, 12 or 21SHARKS NOTES: The Sharks, who are still in contention for a playoff berth, have earned points in seven of 10 games against the Pirates. An upper-body injury has kept former NHL scoring champion Jonathan Cheecho, Worcester’s leading scorer, out of the lineup for the past 11 games. Left wing T.J. Trevelyan and defenseman Sean Sullivan have each scored fi ve goals against the Pirates, while right wing Tommy Wingels is riding a six-game points streak.PIRATES NOTES: Winners of nine of their last 10 games, the Pirates are coming off three consecutive road wins. In 10 games against Worcester, left wing Derek Whitmore has eight goals. In his last six games, right wing Mark Parrish has fi ve goals and 10 assists, while Marc-Andre Gragnani, who leads AHL defensemen in scoring, has 15 assists in his last 10 games. Rookie left wing Luke Adam is riding a 10-game point-scoring streak.

— Paul Betit




Today. . . . . . . . Worcester . . . . . . 11 a.m. 25 . . . . . . . . . Bridgeport. . . . . . . 7 p.m. 26 . . . . . . . . . . Charlotte . . . . . . . 7 p.m. 29 . . . . . . . . . Providence. . . . 6:30 p.m. 30 . . . . . . . . . Bridgeport. . . . 6:30 p.m.


Today. . . . . . . . . at Utah . . . . . . . . 9 p.m. 24 . . . . . . . . . . . at Utah . . . . . . . . 9 p.m. 26 . . . . . . . . at Bakersfi eld . . . . 10 p.m. 27 . . . . . . . . at Bakersfi eld . . . . . 7 p.m. 31 . . . . . . . . . Fort Wayne . . . . . . 7 p.m.

APRIL 2 . . . . . . . . . . . at Erie . . . . . . . . 7 p.m.

End of Regular Season


Today. . . . . . . New Jersey . . . . . . 7 p.m. 24 . . . . . . . . . . Montreal . . . . . . . 7 p.m. 26 . . . . . . . . . N.Y. Rangers . . . . . . 1 p.m.


EAST CONFERENCE W L Pct GBz-Iowa 34 11 .756 —x-Erie 28 16 .636 5 KFort Wayne 21 24 .467 13Dakota 17 28 .378 17Maine 16 28 .364 17 KSpringfield 12 33 .267 22Sioux Falls 10 34 .227 23 K

WEST CONFERENCE W L Pct GBx-Rio Grande Val. 30 15 .667 —x-Tulsa 30 15 .667 —x-Reno 29 16 .644 1x-Bakersfield 27 16 .628 2Utah 25 18 .581 4Idaho 20 25 .444 10Texas 20 25 .444 10Austin 19 24 .442 10New Mexico 17 27 .386 12 K

x-clinched playoffs.z-clinched conference.

Sunday’s gamesMAINE 107, Texas 105, OTIowa 104, Fort Wayne 97Springfi eld 112, Sioux Falls 75

Monday’s gameIdaho 116, Rio Grande Valley 94

Today’s gamesErie at Fort Wayne, 7 p.m.Austin at Tulsa, 8 p.m.Springfi eld at Sioux Falls, 8 p.m.MAINE at Utah, 9 p.m.Bakersfi eld at New Mexico, 9:30 p.m.

Wednesday’s gamesSioux Falls at Dakota, 8 p.m.Idaho at Rio Grande Valley, 8 p.m.Iowa at Austin, 8:30 p.m.Bakersfi eld at New Mexico, 9:30 p.m.



W L Pct.Detroit...........................18 9 .667Kansas City...................14 8 .636Seattle ..........................12 7 .632Toronto..........................12 9 .571Minnesota.....................13 10 .565Los Angeles ..................11 12 .478Baltimore ......................10 11 .476Cleveland ......................10 11 .476BOSTON ........................12 14 .462Texas.............................10 12 .455New York.........................9 12 .429Tampa Bay ......................9 12 .429Oakland.........................10 14 .417Chicago............................8 14 .364

NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct.San Francisco................18 8 .692Colorado ........................15 8 .652Philadelphia ..................16 9 .640Atlanta..........................14 9 .609Cincinnati......................14 9 .609Milwaukee ....................13 9 .591St. Louis........................12 11 .522New York.......................12 12 .500Washington ..................11 12 .478San Diego......................10 11 .476Chicago..........................10 15 .400Pittsburgh.....................10 15 .400Los Angeles ....................9 15 .375Houston ........................10 17 .370Florida .............................8 14 .364Arizona............................8 19 .296

NOTE: Split-squad games count in the standings. Games against non-major league teams do not.

Monday’s gamesSeattle vs. Cincinnati, ccd., rainCleveland vs. Kansas City, ccd., rainChicago Cubs vs. L.A. Angels, ccd., rainColorado vs. San Francisco, ccd., rainTexas vs. Milwaukee, ccd., rainOakland vs. L.A. Dodgers (ss), ccd., rainPhiladelphia 4, BOSTON 1Washington 7, St. Louis 2Minnesota 4, Pittsburgh 1Detroit 9, Houston 1N.Y. Mets 8, Atlanta 7N.Y. Yankees vs. Tampa Bay, 7:05 p.m.L.A. Dodgers (ss) vs. Arizona, 9:40 p.m.Chi. White Sox vs. San Diego, 10:05 p.m.

Today’s gamesN.Y. Yankees vs. Baltimore, 1:05 p.m.Houston vs. Washington, 1:05 p.m.Minnesota vs. Florida, 1:05 p.m.Philadelphia vs. Toronto, 1:05 p.m.N.Y. Mets vs. Detroit, 1:05 p.m.San Diego vs. Milwaukee, 4:05 p.m.Chicago White Sox vs. Seattle, 4:05 p.m.Oakland vs. Cincinnati, 4:05 p.m.Chicago Cubs vs. L.A. Dodgers, 4:05 p.m.Cleveland vs. Arizona, 4:10 p.m.Tampa Bay vs. BOSTON, 7:05 p.m.L.A. Angels vs. Kansas City, 9:05 p.m.

Wednesday’s gamesPhiladelphia vs. Tampa Bay, 1:05 p.m.Florida vs. Atlanta, 1:05 p.m.Houston vs. Pittsburgh, 1:05 p.m.N.Y. Mets vs. St. Louis, 1:05 p.m.L.A. Dodgers vs. C. White Sox, 4:05 p.m.Kansas City vs. Cleveland, 4:05 p.m.Cincinnati vs. San Diego, 4:05 p.m.San Francisco vs. L.A. Angels, 4:05 p.m.Arizona vs. Texas, 4:05 p.m.Oakland vs. Chicago Cubs, 4:05 p.m.Toronto vs. N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m.Baltimore vs. Minnesota, 7:05 p.m.Seattle vs. Colorado, 9:40 p.m.


ab r h bi ab r h biEllsbury cf 3 0 0 0 Victorino cf 1 0 0 0Dening cf 1 0 0 0 Valdez 3b 2 0 0 0Pedroia 2b 3 0 0 0 Mrtz 2b-ss 3 0 0 1Thomas 3b 1 0 0 0 Rollins ss 2 1 0 0Ortiz dh 3 0 1 0 Orr 2b 1 0 0 0Wilkrsn ph 0 0 0 0 Howard 1b 3 1 1 0Saltlmch c 3 0 1 0 Gload 1b 1 0 0 0Hoover c 1 0 0 0 Ibanez lf 3 1 1 1Cameron rf 2 0 1 0 Sullivan lf 1 0 1 0Hssn pr-rf 1 0 0 0 Francisco rf 1 0 0 0Lowrie ss 2 1 1 0 Young rf 1 0 0 0Kang pr-2b 1 0 0 0 Brfl d 3b-cf 4 0 1 2McDnld lf 1 0 0 0 Schneider c 2 1 1 0Khry 3b-ss 3 0 1 0 Sardinha c 0 0 0 0Sutton 1b 3 0 0 1 Halladay p 3 0 1 0Sprs 3b-lf 4 0 1 0 Madson p 0 0 0 0Totals 32 1 6 1 Totals 28 4 6 4Boston 000 010 000 – 1 6 1Philadelphia 001 003 00x – 4 6 0

E—Lester (1). LOB—Boston 8, Phila-delphia 6. 2B—Lowrie (4). 3B—N.Spears (2). SB—Rollins (2). CS—Sullivan (1). SF—Sutton, M.Martinez.Boston IP H R ER BB SOLester L,1-1 5L 5 4 3 4 6Albers 1M 0 0 0 0 3Wheeler 1 1 0 0 0 0Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SOHalladay W,3-0 7M 5 1 1 3 6Madson S,1-1 1L 1 0 0 0 0

Umpires—Home, Eric Cooper; First, Mark Wegner; Second, Phil Cuzzi; Third, Andy Fletcher.

A—10,912 (8,500).


NBAFavorite Points UnderdogChicago ............ 3K (180)......... ATLANTAPORTLAND 11K (191) ..........WashingtonLA LAKERS .......7 (199) ..............Phoenix

NHLFavorite Points UnderdogCAROLINA ......... 1/2-1................ OttawaBOSTON........... Even-1/2...... New JerseyNY RANGERS .... 1-1K ................. FloridaMONTREAL .... Even-1/2..............BuffaloPHILADELPHIA .. 1/2-1.........WashingtonTAMPA BAY ....... 1/2-1........NY IslandersMINNESOTA ... Even-1/2.............TorontoNASHVILLE ....... 1-1K ............EdmontonColumbus ........ Even-1/2...... COLORADOPHOENIX ............ 1/2-1.............. St. Louis

COLLEGE BASKETBALLFavorite Points Underdog

NIT TOURNAMENTCOLORADO ...........10 .................. Kent St

CIT TOURNAMENTE. TENNESSEE ST 5K ....................... OhioIONA .................... 7K ...................BuffaloSAN FRANCISCO ...2 ............ Santa Clara

Thursday’s gamesNCAA TOURNAMENT

Florida ............. 2K (149)................... ByuWisconsin .........4 (124) ................ ButlerConnecticut .......1 (130) ..... San Diego StDuke ..................9 (145) ..............Arizona


North Carolina 4K (149)........ MarquetteOhio St ............ 5K (140).......... KentuckyKansas ........... 10K (138)........ RichmondFlorida St ..........4 (132) ...... VA C’wealthHome Team in CAPS



23 . . . . . . . . . . Memphis . . . . . 7:30 p.m 25 . . . . . . . . . . Charlotte . . . . . 7:30 p.m 27 . . . . . . . . at Minnesota. . . . . . 7 p.m 28 . . . . . . . . . . at Indiana . . . . . . . 7 p.m 31 . . . . . . . . at San Antonio . . . . . 8 p.m

April 1 . . . . . . . . . . at Atlanta . . . . . . . 8 p.m 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Detroit . . . . . . . . 6 p.m 5 . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia . . . . 7:30 p.m 7 . . . . . . . . . . at Chicago. . . . . . . 8 p.m 8 . . . . . . . . . Washington . . . . 7:30 p.m 10 . . . . . . . . . . at Miami . . . . . 3:30 p.m 11 . . . . . . . . at Washington . . . . . 7 p.m 13 . . . . . . . . . . New York . . . . . . . 8 p.m

End of Regular Season



GP W L OL SL Pts GF GAPORTLAND 68 43 18 5 2 93 247 197Manchester 73 41 23 3 6 91 234 193Connecticut 70 36 26 2 6 80 194 188Worcester 70 32 26 4 8 76 189 214Providence 70 31 33 3 3 68 181 228Springfield 71 30 36 2 3 65 202 230Bridgeport 69 23 36 3 7 56 181 237

EAST DIVISION GP W L OL SL Pts GF GAx-WB/Scrntn 69 50 18 0 1 101 226 156Hershey 72 42 23 2 5 91 229 189Norfolk 68 35 19 8 6 84 230 184Charlotte 71 38 25 2 6 84 227 215Binghamton 69 35 27 3 4 77 218 195Albany 69 30 35 1 3 64 187 233Syracuse 69 27 35 3 4 61 171 213Adirondack 67 24 33 4 6 58 159 214


GP W L OL SL Pts GF GALake Erie 70 37 25 3 5 82 197 184Manitoba 71 38 27 1 5 82 197 183Grand Rapids 71 35 26 2 8 80 215 219Hamilton 69 36 26 1 6 79 194 175Toronto 72 34 28 1 9 78 202 198Abbotsford 69 34 26 4 5 77 168 187Rochester 69 30 33 3 3 66 187 221

WEST DIVISION GP W L OL SL Pts GF GAHouston 72 41 25 1 5 88 208 185Milwaukee 69 37 19 5 8 87 192 168Texas 70 36 24 4 6 82 191 189Peoria 71 37 27 2 5 81 198 195Chicago 71 36 26 3 6 81 235 229Okla. City 71 36 26 2 7 81 211 207San Antonio 69 37 27 3 2 79 207 210Rockford 69 28 32 4 5 65 176 217

x-clinched playoffs.Sunday’s games

Worcester 3, Manchester 2Texas 5, Manitoba 1Connecticut 3, Springfi eld 1

Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 2, Charlotte 1Houston 3, San Antonio 2, SOGrand Rapids 5, Rockford 3Chicago 4, Oklahoma City 0PORTLAND 5, Providence 3Syracuse 5, Hershey 2Binghamton 4, Bridgeport 3, OTLake Erie 4, Peoria 3

Monday’s gamesNo games scheduled

Today’s gamesWorcester at PORTLAND, 11 a.m.Rochester at Lake Erie, 7 p.m.Adirondack at Charlotte, 7 p.m.Oklahoma City at Milwaukee, 8 p.m.Houston at Texas, 8:30 p.m.

Wednesday’s gamesSpringfi eld at Connecticut, 7 p.m.Toronto at Grand Rapids, 7 p.m.Syracuse at Binghamton, 7:05 p.m.Albany at W-Barre/Scranton, 7:05 p.m.Adirondack at Norfolk, 7:15 p.m.San Antonio at Rockford, 7:35 p.m.



Maine at Sacred Heart, 3:30 p.m.

LACROSSECollege men

Colby at St. Lawrence, 4 p.m.College women

Bates at Babson, 7 p.m.; Colby vs. Union, at Clermont, Fla., 10 a.m.; Southern Maine vs. Scranton, at Clermont, Fla., 6 p.m.; St. Joseph’s at UM-Farmington, 4 p.m.


Bowdoin vs. Wis.-Stevens Point, at Clermont, Fla., 9:30 a.m.; Bowdoin vs. Plymouth State, at Clermont, Fla., 11:30 a.m.; Colby vs. Union, at Clermont, Fla., 5:30 p.m.; Colby vs. Luther, at Clermont, Fla., 7:30 p.m.; Southern Maine vs. Williams, at Clermont, Fla., 9:30 a.m.; Southern Maine vs. Wisconsin-Stevens Point, at Clermont, Fla., 11:30 a.m.

TENNISCollege men

Bowdoin at Cal Lutheran, 5 p.m.; Colby vs. Grinnell, at Orlando, Fla., 1:30 p.m.

College womenBowdoin at Redlands, 6 p.m.; Colby vs.

UW-Oshkosh, at Orlando, Fla., 9 a.m.



x-non-points raceMarch 27 — Auto Club 500, Fontana,

Calif.April 3 — Goody’s Fast Relief 500,

Martinsville, Va.April 9 — Samsung Mobile 500, Fort

Worth, TexasApril 17 — Aaron’s 499, Talladega, Ala.April 30 — Crown Royal 400, Richmond,

Va.May 7 — Showtime Southern 500,

Darlington, S.C.May 15 — Dover (Del.) 400May 21 — x-Sprint Showdown,

Concord, N.C.



GP W L OT Pts GF GAx-Philadelphia 71 44 19 8 96 228 190Pittsburgh 73 42 23 8 92 213 181N.Y. Rangers 73 39 30 4 82 215 179New Jersey 72 34 34 4 72 154 182N.Y. Islanders 73 28 33 12 68 203 233

NORTHEAST DIVISION GP W L OT Pts GF GABoston 71 39 22 10 88 213 175Montreal 73 40 26 7 87 200 185Buffalo 72 35 28 9 79 214 208Toronto 73 32 31 10 74 192 225Ottawa 72 27 36 9 63 164 223

SOUTHEAST DIVISION GP W L OT Pts GF GAWashington 73 42 21 10 94 198 176Tampa Bay 72 39 22 11 89 214 217Carolina 72 33 29 10 76 201 214Atlanta 72 30 30 12 72 202 238Florida 72 29 33 10 68 182 198


GP W L OT Pts GF GADetroit 73 43 21 9 95 237 209Chicago 72 39 25 8 86 234 202Nashville 73 38 25 10 86 190 172Columbus 72 33 29 10 76 195 218St. Louis 72 32 31 9 73 201 214

NORTHWEST DIVISION GP W L OT Pts GF GAy-Vancouver 73 47 17 9 103 238 172Calgary 74 37 27 10 84 226 214Minnesota 73 35 30 8 78 185 204Colorado 71 27 36 8 62 198 250Edmonton 72 23 39 10 56 175 237

PACIFIC DIVISION GP W L OT Pts GF GASan Jose 73 42 23 8 92 211 191Phoenix 74 39 24 11 89 213 207Los Angeles 72 40 26 6 86 197 176Anaheim 72 40 27 5 85 204 208Dallas 72 38 25 9 85 203 202

x-clinched playoff. y-clinched division.Sunday’s games

N.Y. Rangers 5, Pittsburgh 2Nashville 4, BUFFALO 3, OTNew Jersey 3, Columbus 0Montreal 8, Minnesota 1Chicago 2, Phoenix 1Anaheim 5, Calgary 4, OT

Monday’s gamesPittsburgh 5, Detroit 4, SOCalgary at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m.

Today’s gamesNew Jersey at BOSTON, 7 p.m.Florida at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m.Ottawa at Carolina, 7 p.m.Washington at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m.BUFFALO at Montreal, 7:30 p.m.N.Y. Islanders at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m.Edmonton at Nashville, 8 p.m.Toronto at Minnesota, 8 p.m.Columbus at Colorado, 9 p.m.St. Louis at Phoenix, 10 p.m.

Wednesday’s gamesVancouver at Detroit, 7:30 p.m.Florida at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.Anaheim at Dallas, 8:30 p.m.Calgary at San Jose, 10 p.m.

PLAYOFF STANDINGSDivision leaders in bold

EASTERN CONFERENCE Pts Pts�-Philadelphia ...96 �-Buffalo.......... 79�-Washington ...94 �-N.Y. Rangers . 82�-Boston............88 �-Montreal....... 87�-Pittsburgh......92 -Tampa Bay.... 89

BUBBLE TEAMS: Carolina, 76, Toronto, 74.

WESTERN CONFERENCE Pts Pts�-Vancouver ....103 �-Anaheim, Dal 85�-Detroit............95 �-Nashville....... 86�-San Jose.........92 �-Los Angeles.. 86�-Phoenix ..........89 -Chicago ......... 86

BUBBLE TEAMS: Calgary 84.


RACE SCHEDULESaturday, March 26

Race 2 the Point: 11 a.m. Blue Point School, 174 Pine Point Rd., Scarborough. Contact: Jill McFarland, 409-7984 or [emailprotected].



1952 — The St. John’s Redmen avenge an earlier 41-point loss, beating top-ranked Kentucky 64-57 in the East Regional championship game of the NCAA Division I Men’s Tournament. St. John’s, led by Bob Zawoluk’s NCAA tournament record 32 points, advances to its fi rst Final Four.

1967 — Muhammad Ali knocks out Zora Folley in the seventh round at Madison Square Garden to retain his world heavyweight title.

1969 — Lew Alcindor leads UCLA to the NCAA basketball title with a 97-72 win over Purdue, and is chosen as MVP for the third straight year.

1986 — Trevor Berbick wins a unani-mous 15-round decision over Pinklon Thomas in Las Vegas for the WBC heavyweight title.

1994 — The NFL announces the addition of the 2-point conversion, the league’s fi rst scoring change in 75 seasons.

1997 — Tara Lipinski’s jumps, the cleanest and the surest in women’s fi gure skating, lift the 14-year-old into history as the youngest women’s world champion ever.

2000 — Pat Verbeek of the Detroit Red Wings scores twice in a 2-2 tie with Calgary to become the 28th player in NHL history with 500 career goals.

2004 — Los Angeles’ Luc Robitaille becomes the highest-scoring left wing in NHL history, picking up an assist in a 2-1 loss to Edmonton for his 1,370th career point.

2005 — Amare Stoudemire with 40 points and 13 rebounds helps Phoenix beat Atlanta 105-94 as the Suns become the ninth NBA team to win 50 games following a 50-loss season.

2007 — Kobe Bryant becomes the fourth player in NBA history to score at least 50 points in three straight games. Bryant scores 60 points in the Los Angeles Lakers’ 121-119 win over Memphis. Bryant joins Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain and Michael Jordan.


TELEVISION11 a.m. — AHL: Worcester at Portland, TimeWarner Ch9, 12, 21, or 22

1 p.m. — Major Leagues: Preseason, Yankees vs. Orioles, ESPN

7 p.m. — Men’s college lacrosse: Dartmouth at North Carolina, ESPNU

7 p.m. — NHL: Devils at Bruins, NESN

7 p.m. — Women’s college basketball: NCAA Division I tournament, second round, Purdue at Connecticut, ESPN

7 p.m. — Women’s college basketball: NCAA Division I tournament, second round, Georgetown at Maryland; Louisville at Xavier; Oklahoma vs. Miami at Charlottesville, Va., ESPN2

7:30 p.m. — NHL: Capitals at Flyers, VERSUS

8 p.m. — NBA: Bulls at Hawks, TNT

9 p.m. — Men’s college basketball: NIT, quarterfi nal, Kent St. at Colorado, ESPN

9:30 p.m. — Women’s college basketball: NCAA Division I tournament, second round, West Virginia at Baylor; Wisconsin-Green Bay vs. Michigan St. at Wichita, Kan.; Georgia vs. Florida St. at Auburn, Ala.; Rutgers vs. Texas A&M at Shreveport, La., ESPN2

10:30 p.m. — NBA: Suns at Lakers, TNT

RADIO11 a.m. — AHL: Worcester at Portland, FM: WLOB-Portland (95.5)

7 p.m. — NHL: Devils at Bruins, AM: WVAE-Biddeford (1400), WBAE-Portland (1490), WZON-Bangor (620)

9 p.m. — NBA D-League: Maine at Utah, FM: WJJB-Portland (96.3)


W L Pct GBy-BOSTON 50 19 .725 –Philadelphia 36 34 .514 14 KNew York 35 35 .500 15 KNew Jersey 22 47 .319 28Toronto 20 50 .286 30 K

SOUTHEAST DIVISION W L Pct GBx-Miami 48 22 .686 –x-Orlando 45 26 .634 3 KAtlanta 40 30 .571 8Charlotte 28 41 .406 19 KWashington 17 51 .250 30

CENTRAL DIVISION W L Pct GBy-Chicago 50 19 .725 –Indiana 31 40 .437 20Milwaukee 28 41 .406 22Detroit 25 45 .357 25 KCleveland 13 56 .188 37


W L Pct GBx-San Antonio 57 13 .814 –x-Dallas 49 21 .700 8New Orleans 40 31 .563 17 KMemphis 39 32 .549 18 KHouston 37 34 .521 20 K

NORTHWEST DIVISION W L Pct GBOklahoma City 45 24 .652 –Denver 42 29 .592 4Portland 40 30 .571 5 KUtah 36 35 .507 10Minnesota 17 54 .239 29

PACIFIC DIVISION W L Pct GBy-L.A. Lakers 50 20 .714 –Phoenix 35 33 .515 14Golden State 30 41 .423 20 KL.A. Clippers 27 44 .380 23 KSacramento 17 52 .246 32 K

x-clinched playoffs. y-clinched division.Sunday’s games

Washington 98, New Jersey 92Atlanta 104, Detroit 96Milwaukee 100, New York 95Phoenix 108, L.A. Clippers 99Sacramento 127, Minnesota 95Houston 110, Utah 108Toronto 95, Oklahoma City 93Dallas 101, Golden State 73L.A. Lakers 84, Portland 80

Monday’s gamesOrlando 97, Cleveland 86Indiana 102, New Jersey 98BOSTON 96, New York 86Chicago 132, Sacramento 92Memphis 103, Utah 85San Antonio 111, Golden State 96Denver 123, Toronto 90

Today’s gamesChicago at Atlanta, 8 p.m.Washington at Portland, 10 p.m.Phoenix at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m.

Wednesday’s gamesIndiana at Charlotte, 7 p.m.New Jersey at Cleveland, 7 p.m.Atlanta at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.Memphis at BOSTON, 7:30 p.m.Miami at Detroit, 7:30 p.m.Sacramento at Milwaukee, 8 p.m.Utah at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m.Orlando at New York, 8 p.m.Golden State at Houston, 8:30 p.m.Toronto at Phoenix, 10 p.m.Washington at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m.San Antonio at Denver, 10:30 p.m.

PLAYOFF STANDINGSDivision Leaders in bold

EASTERN CONFERENCE Pct. Pct.�-Boston........ .725 �-Indiana...... .437�-Chicago....... .725 �-New York ... .500�-Miami ......... .686 �-Phila.......... .514�-Orlando ...... .634 -Atlanta ..... .571

BUBBLE TEAMS: Charlotte, .406; Milwaukee, .406.

WESTERN CONFERENCE Pct. Pct.�-San Antonio .814 �-Memphis... .549�-L.A. Lakers . .714 �-N. Orleans . .563 �-Dallas ......... .700 �-Portland..... .571 �-Okla. City ... .652 -Denver ....... .592

BUBBLE TEAMS: Houston, .521; Phoenix, .515.



BASEBALLColby 5, Manchester 1, 1st gameManchester 10, Colby 1, 2nd gameSt. Olaf 2, Southern Maine 0


Manchester 100 000 0 – 1 4 1Colby 111 020 x – 5 11 1

Schell, Zabst (6) and Forges; Sullivan and Schroeder.

WP—Sullivan. LP—Schell. 2B—C, Newton.

MANCHESTER 10, COLBY 1Second game

Manchester 021 340 0 – 10 9 2Colby 001 000 0 – 1 5 0

Murphy, Kempasky (7) and Smolinski, Heritz (6); Nelson, Dagres (3), Bezahler (5) and Schroeder, McConnell (6).

WP—Murphy. LP—Nelson. 2B—C, Newton, McConnell; M, Murphy, Forbes, Schell. Records—Manchester, 7-5; Colby, 2-4.

ST. OLAF 2, SOUTHERN MAINE 0So. Maine 000 000 000 – 0 5 1St. Olaf 000 011 00x – 2 6 0

Holmes, Goodrich (6), Powers (8), Nut-ter (8) and Marks; Voss, Johnson (8), Olson (8) and Schechinger.

WP—Voss (1-0). LP—Holmes (2-1). Save—Olson (3). 2B—SM, Bernard. Repeat hitters—SO, Blissenbach. Records—Southern Maine, 5-4; St. Olaf, 8-1.

AMERICA EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Stony Brook ........10 5 0 0 .000Binghamton ..........4 8 0 0 .000MAINE...................6 15 0 0 .000UMBC ....................3 8 0 0 .000Albany...................4 11 0 0 .000Hartford ................1 11 0 0 .000

GNAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Lasell....................... 7 4 0 0 .000Suffolk .................... 5 3 0 0 .000Johnson & Wales.... 4 7 0 0 .000Albertus Magnus.... 3 6 0 0 .000Emerson.................. 5 10 0 0 .000ST. JOSEPH’S ......... 2 7 0 0 .000Norwich................... 0 4 0 0 .000Rivier....................... 0 4 0 0 .000

LITTLE EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Keene State ............. 8 2 0 0 .000E. Connecticut ......... 6 2 0 0 .000SO. MAINE............... 5 4 0 0 .000UMass-Dartmouth .. 6 4 0 0 .000Rhode Island Col...... 5 4 0 0 .000W. Connecticut ........ 2 2 0 0 .000UMass-Boston......... 2 7 0 0 .000Plymouth State ....... 1 5 0 0 .000

Player of the Week—Mike Eaton (Sab-attus), sr., 1B, Southern Maine.

Rookie of the Week—Forrest Chadwick (Gardiner), fr., 3B, Southern Maine.

NAC EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Husson .................. 10 5 0 0 .000Thomas ................... 1 1 0 0 .000Lyndon St................ 2 4 0 0 .000Castleton ................ 1 8 0 0 .000UM-Farmington ...... 0 5 0 0 .000

NESCAC EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.BATES ..................... 4 7 0 0 .000BOWDOIN ............... 7 2 0 0 .000COLBY ..................... 2 4 0 0 .000Trinity ..................... 3 3 0 0 .000Tufts........................ 1 1 0 0 .000



Saturday, March 19at St. Pete Times Forum, Tampa, Fla.

Kentucky 71, West Virginia 63Sunday, March 20

at Time Warner Arena, Charlotte, N.C.North Carolina 86, Washington 8

at Quicken Loans Arena, ClevelandOhio State 98, George Mason 66Marquette 66, Syracuse 62

at The Prudential Center, Newark, N.J.REGIONAL SEMIFINALS

Friday’s gamesNorth Carolina (28-7) vs. Marquette

(22-14), 7:15 p.m.Ohio State (34-2) vs. Kentucky (27-8),


Sunday’s gameSemifi nal winners


Saturday, March 19at The Verizon Center, Washington

Butler 71, Pittsburgh 70at St. Pete Times Forum, Tampa, Fla.

Florida 73, UCLA 65at The Pepsi Center, Denver

BYU 89, Gonzaga 67at The McKale Center, Tucson, Ariz.

Wisconsin 70, Kansas State 65at New Orleans Arena


Florida (28-7) vs. BYU (32-4), 7:27 p.m.Butler (25-9) vs. Wisconsin (25-8), 9:


Saturday’s gameSemifi nal winners


Saturday, March 19at The Pepsi Center, Denver

Richmond 65, Morehead State 48Sunday, March 20

at The United Center, ChicagoVirginia Commonwealth 94, Purdue 76Florida State 71, Notre Dame 57

at The BOK Center, Tulsa, Okla.Kansas 73, Illinois 59

at The Alamodome, San AntonioREGIONAL SEMIFINALS

Friday’s gamesKansas (34-2) vs. Richmond (29-7),

7:27 p.m.Florida State (23-10) vs. Virginia Com-

monwealth (26-11), 9:57 p.m.REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP

Sunday’s gameSemifi nal winners


Saturday, March 19at The Verizon Center, Washington

Connecticut 69, Cincinnati 58at The McKale Center, Tucson, Ariz.

San Diego State 71, Temple 64, 2OTSunday, March 20

at Time Warner Arena, Charlotte, N.C.Duke 73, Michigan 71

at The BOK Center, Tulsa, Okla.Arizona 70, Texas 69

at The Honda Center, Anaheim, Calif.REGIONAL SEMIFINALS

Thursday’s gamesSan Diego State (34-2) vs. Connecticut

(28-9), 7:15 p.m.Duke (32-4) vs. Arizona (29-7), 9:


Saturday’s gameSemifi nal winners

FINAL FOURat Reliant Stadium, Houston


East vs. West championSoutheast vs. Southwest champion


Semifi nal winners


Miami 81, Missouri State 72Alabama 74, New Mexico 67

Oklahoma State (20-13) at Washington State (20-12), 11:30 p.m.


Kent State (25-11) at Colorado (23-13), 9 p.m.

Wednesday’s gamesNorthwestern (20-13) vs. Oklahoma

State-Washington State winner, TBDCollege of Charleston (26-10) at

Wichita State (26-8), TBDAlabama (23-11), vs. Miami (21-14),



UCF 66, Rhode Island 54Creighton 102, Davidson 92Boise State 75, Evansville 69

Duquesne (19-12) at Oregon (17-17), 10 p.m.

SEMIFINALSWednesday’s games

Creighton (21-14) vs. Boise State (22-12), TBA

UCF (21-11) vs. Duquesne-Oregon winner


SMU 57, Northern Iowa 50Today’s games

Ohio (19-15) at East Tennessee State (23-11), 7 p.m.

Buffalo (20-13) at Iona (23-11), 7:30 p.m.

Santa Clara (21-14) at San Francisco (19-14), 10 p.m.



at Bryce Jordan CenterUniversity Park, Pa.

DePaul 75, Penn State 73at Cameron Stadium, Durham, N.C.

Duke 71, Marist 66Today’s games

at Gampel Pavilion, Storrs, Conn.Connecticut (33-1) vs. Purdue (21-11),

7:05 p.m.at Comcast Center, College Park, Md.

Georgetown (23-10) vs. Maryland (24-7), 7:15 p.m.


at Thompson-Boling ArenaKnoxville, Tenn.

Tennessee 79, Marquette 70at St. John Arena, Columbus, Ohio

Ohio State 67, Georgia Tech 60at Huntsman Center, Salt Lake City

Notre Dame 77, Temple 64Today’s game

at JPJ Arena, Charlottesville, Va.Oklahoma (22-11) vs. Miami (28-4),

7:05 p.m.


at Maples Pavilion,Stanford, Calif.

Stanford 75, St. John’s 49at The Pit/Bob King Court

Albuquerque, N.M.North Carolina 86, Kentucky 74

at McCarthey Athletic CenterSpokane, Wash.

Gonzaga 89, UCLA 75Today’s game

at Cintas Center, CincinnatiLouisville (21-12) vs. Xavier (29-2),

7:10 p.m.


at Ferrell Center, Waco, TexasBaylor (32-2) vs. West Virginia (24-9),

9:45 p.m.at Intrust Bank Arena, Wichita, Kan.

Wisconsin-Green Bay (33-1) vs. Michi-gan State (27-5), 9:40 p.m.

at Auburn Arena, Auburn, Ala.Georgia (22-10) vs. Florida State (24-

7), 9:35 p.m.at CenturyTel Center, Shreveport, La.

Rutgers (20-12) vs. Texas A&M (28-5), 9:40 p.m.


Friday’s gamesSemifi nals

Minnesota-Duluth vs. Union, N.Y., 3 p.m.

Yale vs. Air Force, 6:30 p.m.Saturday’s game

Minnesota-Duluth-Union, N.Y. winner vs. Yale-Air Force winner, 6:30 p.m.


Friday’s gamesSemifi nals

Michigan vs. Nebraska-Omaha, 5:30 p.m.

Boston College vs. Colorado College, 9 p.m.

Saturday’s gameMichigan-Nebraska-Omaha winner

vs. Boston College-Colorado College winner, 9 p.m.

NORTHEAST REGIONALat Manchester, N.H.Saturday’s games

Semifi nalsMiami (Ohio) vs. New Hampshire,

4 p.m.Merrimack vs. Notre Dame, 7:30 p.m.

Sunday’s gameMiami (Ohio)-New Hampshire winner

vs. Merrimack-Notre Dame winner, 8 p.m.

MIDWEST REGIONALat Green Bay, Wis.Saturday’s games

Semifi nalsNorth Dakota vs. Rensselaer, 1:30 p.m.Denver vs. Western Michigan, 5 p.m.

Sunday’s gameNorth Dakota-Rensselaer winner vs.

Denver-Western Michigan winner, 5:30 p.m.

FROZEN FOURat St. Paul, Minnesota

Thursday, April 7Semifi nals

Midwest champion vs. West champion, 5 or 8:30 p.m.

Northeast champion vs. East cham-pion, 5 or 8:30 p.m.

Saturday, April 9Championship, 7 p.m.


Overall Conference W L W L Pct.W. New England ..... 3 2 2 0 1.000Nichols .................... 2 1 1 0 1.000Salve Regina........... 4 2 1 0 1.000Endicott .................. 2 2 1 0 1.000Roger Williams....... 1 3 1 0 1.000New England Col .... 2 2 0 0 .000Gordon..................... 1 4 0 0 .000Wentworth ............. 1 1 0 1 .000UNE ......................... 2 4 0 1 .000Curry ....................... 3 3 0 2 .000Anna Maria ............. 2 4 0 2 .000

GNAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Norwich................... 1 0 0 0 .000ST. JOSEPH’S ......... 3 3 0 0 .000Becker ..................... 2 3 0 0 .000Lasell....................... 1 4 0 0 .000Mount Ida ............... 1 4 0 0 .000Daniel Webster....... 0 0 0 0 .000Rivier....................... 0 0 0 0 .000Emerson.................. 0 2 0 0 .000

LITTLE EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.UMass-Dartmouth .. 4 0 0 0 .000E. Connecticut ......... 4 1 0 0 .000Keene State ............. 3 1 0 0 .000Plymouth State ....... 2 1 0 0 .000SO. MAINE............... 2 2 0 0 .000W. Connecticut ........ 3 3 0 0 .000Salem State............. 2 3 0 0 .000UMass-Boston......... 0 2 0 0 .000

Offensive Player of the Week—Kyle Baker (Kennebunk), jr., M, Southern Maine.

NAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Johnson State ........ 0 0 0 0 .000UM-FARMINGTON.. 0 0 0 0 .000Green Mountain...... 0 1 0 0 .000MAINE MARITIME . 0 1 0 0 .000Lyndon State .......... 0 2 0 0 .000Castleton ................ 0 3 0 0 .000HUSSON.................. 0 5 0 0 .000THOMAS ................. 0 5 0 0 .000

NESCAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Trinity ..................... 3 0 2 0 1.000Tufts........................ 3 0 2 0 1.000Wesleyan ................ 5 0 2 0 1.000Amherst.................. 3 1 1 1 .500COLBY ..................... 2 1 1 1 .500Middlebury.............. 2 1 1 1 .500Williams.................. 1 1 1 1 .500BATES ..................... 2 3 0 2 .000BOWDOIN ............... 1 2 0 2 .000Conn. College .......... 1 3 0 2 .000


Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Endicott .................. 2 3 2 0 1.000Curry ....................... 5 0 1 0 1.000Roger Williams....... 3 1 1 0 1.000Gordon..................... 2 2 1 0 1.000Colby-Sawyer.......... 2 3 1 0 1.000Salve Regina........... 1 4 1 0 1.000New England Col .... 1 1 0 0 .000W. New England ..... 2 3 0 0 .000Regis ....................... 1 2 0 0 .000Nichols .................... 0 1 0 1 .000UNE ......................... 1 4 0 2 .000Anna Maria ............. 0 3 0 2 .000

GNAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Rivier....................... 2 0 0 0 .000Mount Ida ............... 1 2 0 0 .000Lasell....................... 1 3 0 0 .000Norwich................... 0 0 0 0 .000St. Joseph’s (CT) .... 0 0 0 0 .000ST. JOSEPH’S ......... 0 0 0 0 .000Simmons................. 0 1 0 0 .000Emmanuel............... 0 2 0 0 .000Emerson.................. 0 5 0 0 .000

LITTLE EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Plymouth State ....... 1 0 0 0 .000Rhode Island Col...... 1 0 0 0 .000W. Connecticut ........ 2 2 0 0 .000Keene State ............. 1 2 0 0 .000SO. MAINE............... 1 2 0 0 .000E. Connecticut ......... 1 4 0 0 .000UMass-Dartmouth .. 0 2 0 0 .000

NAC EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Green Mountain...... 2 0 0 0 .000THOMAS ................. 1 0 0 0 .000HUSSON.................. 2 1 0 0 .000UM-FARMINGTON.. 0 1 0 0 .000

NESCAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.COLBY ..................... 4 0 2 0 1.000Middlebury.............. 2 0 2 0 1.000Trinity ..................... 3 0 2 0 1.000BOWDOIN ............... 2 1 1 1 .500Tufts........................ 1 1 1 1 .500Williams.................. 2 1 1 1 .500Amherst.................. 2 1 0 1 .000Conn. College .......... 2 2 0 1 .000BATES ..................... 0 3 0 2 .000Wesleyan ................ 3 2 0 2 .000

Co-Player of the Week—Katie Griffi n, fr., A, Colby.

IWLCA DIVISION III POLLFirst-place votes in parentheses

Record Pts Prev 1. Salisbury (18) .............9-0 398 1 2. Hamilton (2) ...............2-0 379 2 3. Coll. of New Jersey. ....5-0 362 3 4. Gettysburg ..................4-1 334 5 5. Trinity (Conn.) ............3-0 313 6 6. COLBY .........................4-0 275 7 7. Franklin & Marshall ....5-1 271 4 8. SUNY Cortland............4-1 257 8 9. Stevens .......................2-1 209 9 10. Williams......................2-1 187 10 11. Tufts............................1-1 172 12 12. Catholic .......................3-1 158 14 13. Middlebury ..................2-0 157 13 14. Washington & Lee ......4-4 134 11 15. BOWDOIN ...................2-1 121 15 16. Messiah.......................4-1 109 — 17. Mary Washington.......6-3 81 16 18. Amherst ......................2-1 52 17 19. Williams Smith...........2-1 42 — 20. St. John Fisher............3-1 35 —

Also receiving votes: Babson, Eliza-bethtown, Stevenson.

SOFTBALLChicago 3, Colby 0Eastern Connecticut St. 1, Bowdoin 0Wellesley 4, Bowdoin 2Wellesley 6, Colby 1

WELLESLEY 6, COLBY 1Wellesley 022 000 2 – 6 8 1Colby 010 000 0 – 1 1 3

Johnson and Townsend; Becker and Poulin.

WP—Johnson (1-0). LP—Becker (1-1). 2B—W, Blesoff, Cabral, Bakacs. 3B—W, Ellis. Repeat hitters—W, Cebrian, Cabral. Records—Wellesley, 4-1; Colby, 1-3.

WELLESLEY 4, BOWDOIN 2Bowdoin 010 010 0 – 2 8 1Wellesley 100 120 x – 4 6 2

DellaTorre and Correa; Goldfarb and Yamauchi.

WP—Goldfarb (2-1). LP—DellaTorre (0-1). 2B—B, Dewar, Correa; W, Spiga, Cebrian. Repeat hitters—B, Dewar, DaCampo, Correa. Records—Bowdoin, 4-6; Wellesley, 5-1.

AMERICA EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Boston Univ ........12 7 0 0 .000UMBC ..................11 9 0 0 .000Binghamton ..........7 7 0 0 .000Stony Brook ..........8 9 0 0 .000MAINE...................8 19 0 0 .000Hartford ................3 11 0 0 .000Albany...................3 12 0 0 .000

COMMONWEALTH COAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Endicott .................. 6 3 0 0 .000Anna Maria ............. 7 5 0 0 .000UNE ......................... 4 5 0 0 .000Nichols .................... 4 6 0 0 .000W. New England ..... 3 7 0 0 .000Gordon..................... 2 5 0 0 .000Curry ....................... 2 6 0 0 .000E. Nazarene............. 2 8 0 0 .000Salve Regina........... 2 8 0 0 .000New England Col .... 1 6 0 0 .000Roger Williams....... 1 9 0 0 .000Regis ....................... 0 0 0 0 .000Wentworth ............. 0 10 0 0 .000

GNAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.ST. JOSEPH’S ......... 7 3 0 0 .000Rivier....................... 4 2 0 0 .000Emmanuel............... 3 5 0 0 .000Emerson.................. 4 8 0 0 .000Simmons................. 3 7 0 0 .000St. Joseph’s (CT) .... 2 8 0 0 .000Mount Ida ............... 1 6 0 0 .000Suffolk .................... 1 7 0 0 .000Albertus Magnus.... 0 2 0 0 .000Johnson & Wales.... 0 5 0 0 .000Pine Manor.............. 0 6 0 0 .000Norwich................... 0 8 0 0 .000Lasell....................... 0 10 0 0 .000

LITTLE EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.E. Connecticut ......... 4 0 0 0 .000Rhode Island Col...... 7 3 0 0 .000Keene State ............. 8 4 0 0 .000Plymouth State ....... 2 1 0 0 .000W. Connecticut ........ 2 1 0 0 .000UMass-Boston......... 4 4 0 0 .000SO. MAINE............... 2 4 0 0 .000UMass-Dartmouth .. 1 7 0 0 .000

NAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Lyndon State .......... 2 0 0 0 .000MAINE MARITIME . 4 1 0 0 .000THOMAS ................. 6 6 0 0 .000Castleton ................ 3 5 0 0 .000HUSSON.................. 3 7 0 0 .000Green Mountain...... 0 0 0 0 .000UM-FARMINGTON.. 0 4 0 0 .000Johnson State ........ 0 8 0 0 .000

NESCAC EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.BATES ..................... 4 2 0 0 .000BOWDOIN ............... 4 6 0 0 .000COLBY ..................... 1 3 0 0 .000Trinity ..................... 2 2 0 0 .000Tufts........................ 0 4 0 0 .000

MEN’S TENNISBates 5, Kalamazoo 4Thomas 6, Green Mountain 3

COLBY 6, WIS.-OSHKOSH 3Singles—Uilsdork (WO) def. Ottoman,

6-4, 6-4; Moore (C) def. Blachburn, 6-4, 7-5; Lewis (WO) def. Carroll, 6-2, 6-1; Bryant (C) def. Niewi, 6-2, 6-0; Martin (C) def. Hopfensperger, 6-1, 6-1; Mantikas (C) def. Alexander, 6-2, 6-2. Doubles—Uilsdork/Lewis (WO) def. Albano/Mantikas, 8-5; Bryant/Carroll (C) def. Blachburn/Hopfensperger, 9-7; Bachelder/Yee (C) def. Niewi/Grecco, 8-2.

BATES 5, KALAMAZOO 4Singles—Bettles (B) def. Eddy, 6-4, 6-2;

Crampton (B) def. Denenfeld, 6-4, 4-6, 6-3; Berg (B) def. Cafmeyer, 6-2, 6-2; Dom-bos (K) Beaton, 6-1, 6-0; Hanselman (K) Yanofsky, 6-2, 6-3; Korn (K) def. Bogard, 6-3, 6-3. Doubles—Bettles/Crampton (B) def. Denenfeld/Eddy, 8-5; Berg/Woods (B) def. Dombos/Cafmeyer, 8-4; Bartelt/Hanselman (K) def. Bogard/Beaton, 8-4. Records—Bates, 5-4; Kalamazoo, 0-5.

LITTLE EAST Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Bridgewater State... 1 0 0 0 .000Rhode Island Col...... 1 1 0 0 .000SO. MAINE............... 1 1 0 0 .000UMass-Boston......... 1 3 0 0 .000Salem State............. 0 0 0 0 .000UMass-Dartmouth .. 0 0 0 0 .000W. Connecticut ........ 0 0 0 0 .000 Player of the Week—Mike Sarrazin (Lewiston), sr., Southern Maine.

NESCAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Amherst................ 16 2 0 0 .000BATES ..................... 5 4 0 0 .000BOWDOIN ............... 2 2 0 0 .000COLBY ..................... 2 0 0 0 .000Conn. College .......... 4 4 0 0 .000Hamilton ................. 3 2 0 0 .000Middlebury.............. 3 0 0 0 .000Trinity ..................... 0 0 0 0 .000Tufts........................ 4 1 0 0 .000Wesleyan-x ............. 5 3 0 0 .000Williams.................. 1 0 0 0 .000 x-one tie.


SUNY NEW PALTZ 4Singles—Schara (NP) def. Muto, 6-3,

6-3; Perese (C) def. Wilson, 7-6, 3-6, 6-4; Garyn (NP) def. Brezinski, 6-2, 1-6, 6-4; Wiener (C) def. DiPaulo, 6-4, 6-1; Vergeyle (C) def. Esposito, 6-0, 6-1; Munroe (NP) def. Love, 6-3, 0-6, 6-2. Doubles—Schara/Garyn (NP) def. Muto/Perese, 8-3; Wiener/Vergeyle (C) def. Wilson/DiPaulo, 9-7; Brezinski/Holmes (C) def. Esposito/Munroe, 9-7.


Singles—Thirkell (Colo) def. Muto, 6-2, 6-7 (3), 6-0; Evans (Colo) def. Perese, 6-1, 6-0; Brezinski (Colb) def. Patterson, 6-4, 6-0; Wiener (Colb) def. Criss, 6-2, 3-6, 6-2; Vergeyle (Colb) def. Bush, 6-1, 6-1; Yamanoto (Colo) def Love, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4. Doubles—Thirkell/Evans (Colo) def. Muto/Perese, 8-4; Patterson/Yamanoto (Colo) def. Wiener/Vergeyle, 9-8 (3); Brezinski/Holmes (Colb) def. Esposit/Munroe.

NESCAC Overall Conference W L W L Pct.Amherst.................. 4 1 0 0 .000BATES ..................... 3 4 0 0 .000BOWDOIN ............... 4 1 0 0 .000COLBY ..................... 2 6 0 0 .000Conn. College .......... 2 5 0 1 .000Hamilton ................. 5 2 0 0 .000Middlebury.............. 3 0 1 0 1.000Trinity ..................... 1 0 0 0 .000Tufts........................ 1 1 0 0 .000Wesleyan ................ 6 3 0 1 .000Williams.................. 3 1 1 0 1.000


COACHES’ POLL Pts 1. Albany (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2. Binghamton (1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3. Boston University. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4. New Hampshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 5. UMBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6. MAINE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 7. Vermont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 8. Stony Brook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 9. Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


COACHES’ POLL Pts 1. Albany (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2. Boston University (1). . . . . . . . . . 51 3. MAINE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4. New Hampshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 5. Vermont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6. UMBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 7. Stony Brook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 – Binghamton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 9. Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


Garnett 10-15 4-4 24, Pierce 8-13 4-4 21, Krstic 3-5 1-2 7, Rondo 6-15 1-3 13, Allen 5-16 5-5 15, Davis 3-8 2-2 8, West 0-2 1-2 1, Green 2-6 3-4 7, Arroyo 0-0 0-0 0, Murphy 0-0 0-0 0. Totals: 37-80 21-26 96.NEW YORK (86)

Anthony 7-17 7-8 22, Stoudemire 7-15 2-4 16, Turiaf 5-7 1-2 11, Billups 6-15 5-5 21, Fields 1-6 2-2 4, Sha.Williams 0-3 0-0 0, Jeffries 0-1 1-2 1, Douglas 2-7 1-2 5, Mason 2-3 0-0 6, She.Williams 0-0 0-0 0. Totals: 30-74 19-25 86.Celtics 22 15 26 33 — 96Knicks 25 26 18 17 — 86

3-Point Goals—Boston 1-10 (Pierce 1-2, West 0-1, Green 0-1, Rondo 0-2, Allen 0-4), New York 7-22 (Billups 4-9, Mason 2-2, Anthony 1-2, Jeffries 0-1, Fields 0-2, Sha.Williams 0-2, Douglas 0-4). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Boston 56 (Gar-nett 11), New York 42 (Stoudemire 11). Assists—Boston 17 (Rondo 12), New York 20 (Douglas 4). Total Fouls—Boston 21, New York 23. A—19,763 (19,763).


Turkoglu 3-10 0-0 8, Bass 9-10 4-8 22, Howard 9-11 10-12 28, Nelson 3-9 0-1 8, J.Richardson 4-12 2-2 11, Anderson 5-11 0-0 12, Q.Richardson 1-5 0-0 3, Arenas 2-8 0-0 5, Duhon 0-1 0-0 0. Totals: 36-77 16-23 97.CLEVELAND (86)

Gee 3-10 0-0 6, Samuels 2-7 3-4 7, Hickson 6-14 6-7 18, Sessions 3-6 3-3 9, Parker 1-7 0-0 2, Hollins 2-4 0-0 4, Gibson 7-11 0-0 16, Eyenga 5-9 0-0 12, Harangody 1-4 0-0 2, Harris 1-8 5-7 8, Graham 1-1 0-0 2. Totals: 32-81 17-21 86.Magic 30 26 24 17 — 97Cavaliers 15 23 20 28 — 86

3-Point Goals—Orlando 9-28 (Nelson 2-4, Turkoglu 2-6, Anderson 2-7, Q.Richardson 1-2, Arenas 1-4, J.Richardson 1-5), Cleveland 5-20 (Eyen-ga 2-3, Gibson 2-5, Harris 1-4, Sessions 0-1, Parker 0-2, Gee 0-2, Harangody 0-3). Rebounds—Orlando 56 (Howard 18), Cleveland 45 (Hollins, Sessions, Hickson 6). Assists—Orlando 27 (Turkoglu 9), Cleveland 24 (Gibson, Sessions 6). Total Fouls—Orlando 16, Cleveland 17. Technicals—Orlando def 3 sec, Cleveland def 3 sec. A—19,343 (20,562).


Granger 7-17 4-4 20, Hansbrough 3-6 1-1 7, Hibbert 10-14 4-7 24, Collison 3-9 9-9 15, George 1-2 0-0 2, D.Jones 2-6 4-4 8, Rush 3-10 2-2 10, McRoberts 6-7 1-1 14, Foster 0-0 0-0 0, Stephenson 0-1 2-2 2. Totals: 35-72 27-30 102.NEW JERSEY (98)

Graham 0-5 0-0 0, Humphries 4-8 1-2 9, Lopez 9-20 2-4 20, Farmar 6-12 2-2 14, Morrow 5-15 1-1 12, Vujacic 5-12 0-0 14, Outlaw 2-5 1-2 7, Wright 1-6 0-0 2, Gaines 6-11 5-7 18, Petro 1-4 0-0 2. Totals: 39-98 12-18 98.Pacers 15 25 29 33 — 102Nets 19 25 17 37 — 98

3-Point Goals—Indiana 5-16 (Rush 2-6, Granger 2-7, McRoberts 1-1, D.Jones 0-1, Collison 0-1), New Jersey 8-26 (Vujacic 4-8, Outlaw 2-5, Gaines 1-2, Morrow 1-6, Graham 0-2, Farmar 0-3). Rebounds—Indiana 51 (Hansbrough 9), New Jersey 54 (Humphries 14). Assists—Indiana 19 (Collison 12), New Jersey 25 (Graham, Farmar 4). Total Fouls—Indiana 13, N. Jersey 26. Techni-cals—Hansbrough. A—13,792 (18,500).


EASTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GAD.C. 1 0 0 3 3 1Sporting K.C. 1 0 0 3 3 2Philadelphia 1 0 0 3 1 0New York 1 0 0 3 1 0Chicago 0 0 1 1 1 1NEW ENGLAND 0 0 1 1 1 1Houston 0 1 0 0 0 1Toronto FC 0 1 0 0 2 4Columbus 0 1 0 0 1 3

WESTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GALos Angeles 1 0 1 4 2 1Vancouver 1 0 0 3 4 2Colorado 1 0 0 3 3 1Real Salt Lake 1 0 0 3 1 0FC Dallas 0 0 1 1 1 1Chivas USA 0 1 0 0 2 3San Jose 0 1 0 0 0 1Portland 0 1 0 0 1 3Seattle 0 2 0 0 0 2

Three points for victory, one for tie.Sunday’s game

Los Angeles 1, NEW ENGLAND 1, tieFriday’s game

Houston at Seattle FC, 10 p.m.Saturday’s games

Portland at Toronto FC, 2 p.m.Vancouver at Philadelphia, 4 p.m.New York at Columbus, 4 p.m.Sporting Kansas City at Chicago, 4 p.m.D.C. United at NEW ENGLAND, 4:30 p.m.Los Angeles at Real Salt Lake, 9 p.m.San Jose at FC Dallas, 9 p.m.Colorado at Chivas USA, 10:30 p.m.


Garcia 5-9 0-0 12, Cousins 5-11 1-1 11, Dalembert 4-8 1-1 9, Udrih 5-10 3-3 13, Thornton 9-14 5-6 25, Thompson 1-6 2-4 4, Casspi 1-5 0-0 2, Jeter 0-3 4-4 4, Greene 0-3 0-0 0, Jackson 1-2 4-4 6, Taylor 1-3 3-4 6. Totals: 32-74 23-27 92.CHICAGO (132)

Deng 5-9 6-6 17, Boozer 6-10 4-8 16, Noah 5-9 4-4 14, Rose 6-11 4-4 18, Bogans 6-9 0-0 15, Brewer 3-5 1-1 7, Gibson 1-3 0-0 2, Asik 6-6 2-6 14, Korver 7-11 0-0 18, Watson 4-6 1-2 11, Butler 0-1 0-0 0, Thomas 0-0 0-0 0. Totals: 49-80 22-31 132.Kings 28 19 25 20 — 92Bulls 34 30 34 34 — 132

3-Point Goals—Sacramento 5-12 (Gar-cia 2-3, Thornton 2-3, Taylor 1-1, Udrih 0-1, Greene 0-2, Casspi 0-2), Chicago 12-17 (Korver 4-5, Bogans 3-5, Watson 2-2, Rose 2-4, Deng 1-1). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Sacramento 39 (Cousins 8), Chicago 47 (Noah 9). Assists—Sacra-mento 19 (Udrih 5), Chicago 34 (Rose 8). Total Fouls—Sacramento 22, Chicago 23. Technicals—Chicago defensive three second. A—21,873 (20,917).


Kirilenko 1-2 3-5 5, Millsap 7-12 1-4 15, Jefferson 6-10 0-0 12, Harris 1-1 1-1 3, Miles 1-8 8-9 10, Watson 4-7 0-0 9, Favors 2-3 2-2 6, Bell 2-7 1-2 5, Hayward 3-4 0-0 8, Evans 4-6 0-0 8, Price 1-6 2-2 4, Fesenko 0-0 0-0 0. Totals: 32-66 18-25 85.MEMPHIS (103)

Young 2-6 0-0 4, Randolph 8-15 3-4 19, Gasol 4-9 3-3 11, Conley 5-13 0-0 11, Al-len 5-8 2-3 12, Haddadi 5-7 0-0 10, Bat-tier 1-5 0-0 2, Mayo 4-7 0-0 11, Vasquez 1-3 0-0 3, Arthur 7-11 0-0 14, Powe 3-5 0-0 6. Totals: 45-89 8-10 103.Jazz 21 21 23 20 — 85Grizzlies 29 25 26 23 — 103

3-Point Goals—Utah 3-12 (Hayward 2-2, Watson 1-2, Price 0-1, Millsap 0-1, Miles 0-3, Bell 0-3), Memphis 5-12 (Mayo 3-4, Vasquez 1-2, Conley 1-3, Randolph 0-1, Battier 0-2). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Utah 43 (Evans, Millsap 6), Memphis 44 (Randolph 13). Assists—Utah 20 (Price, Millsap 4), Memphis 33 (Conley 11). Total Fouls—Utah 17, Memphis 20. Techni-cals—Haddadi, Memphis defensive three second. A—12,688 (18,119).


Wright 5-14 3-5 14, Lee 4-8 5-6 13, Udoh 7-14 1-2 15, Curry 3-8 1-1 8, Ellis 4-13 0-0 10, Radmanovic 2-5 0-0 5, Law 6-11 2-2 14, Williams 3-5 0-0 7, Thornton 4-6 2-2 10. Totals: 38-84 14-18 96.SAN ANTONIO (111)

Jefferson 3-7 6-6 12, Duncan 2-2 0-0 4, McDyess 2-4 0-0 4, Parker 7-15 3-4 17, Ginobili 9-18 6-6 28, Bonner 2-9 0-0 6, Splitter 5-8 0-2 10, Hill 3-5 1-1 8, Neal 3-10 0-0 7, Novak 5-6 0-0 13, Green 0-0 0-0 0, Anderson 1-1 0-0 2. Totals: 42-85 16-19 111.Warriors 21 24 24 27 — 96Spurs 32 22 32 25 — 111

3-Point Goals—Golden State 6-19 (Ellis 2-5, Curry 1-2, Williams 1-3, Radmanovic 1-4, Wright 1-5), San Antonio 11-32 (Ginobili 4-9, Novak 3-4, Bonner 2-9, Hill 1-2, Neal 1-4, Jefferson 0-4). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Golden State 50 (Lee 9), San Antonio 46 (Splitter 14). Assists—Golden State 16 (Ellis 4), San Antonio 29 (Parker 15). Total Fouls—Golden State 19, San Antonio 11. Technicals—Golden State Coach Smart, San Antonio Coach Popovich. A—18,443 (18,797).


J.Johnson 4-8 0-0 8, A.Johnson 3-3 1-1 7, Bargnani 8-14 2-2 20, Calderon 4-8 0-0 9, DeRozan 6-13 2-2 14, Evans 0-4 0-0 0, Weems 3-8 2-4 8, Barbosa 2-11 1-1 5, Bayless 0-6 5-6 5, Davis 1-5 1-2 3, Wright 0-0 0-0 0, Ajinca 4-7 0-0 11. Totals: 35-87 14-18 90.DENVER (123)

Gallinari 2-4 5-6 9, Martin 5-13 1-1 11, Nene 7-9 4-5 18, Lawson 7-10 7-7 23, Chandler 5-11 1-1 12, Smith 4-11 3-5 13, Andersen 1-3 1-2 3, Harrington 5-11 3-3 15, Forbes 5-9 4-5 14, Mozgov 2-4 1-2 5, Koufos 0-5 0-0 0. Totals: 43-90 30-37 123.Raptors 23 21 28 18 — 90Nuggets 36 36 29 22 — 123

3-Point Goals—Toronto 6-18 (Ajinca 3-5, Bargnani 2-5, Calderon 1-1, Weems 0-1, Bayless 0-1, J.Johnson 0-1, Barbosa 0-4), Denver 7-23 (Lawson 2-3, Harrington 2-4, Smith 2-8, Chandler 1-6, Forbes 0-2). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Toronto 47 (Ajinca, Evans 9), Denver 63 (Smith 10). Assists—To-ronto 20 (Bayless 9), Denver 31 (Smith, Lawson 8). Total Fouls—Toronto 29, Denver 18. Technicals—Bayless, Martin. A—16,258 (19,155).

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T h e S o u t h e r n M a i n eCommunity College isconducting a competi-tive bid process for theCampus Util ity Meter-ing at SMCC in SouthPortland, Maine. Bidsw i l l b e o p e n e d a n dread aloud at the Cam-pus Center Board Roomon the second floor ofthe SMCC Campus Cen-ter at 2:00 p.m. on April26, 2011.

Work encompasses thei n s t a l l a t i o n o f a nenergy monitoring sys-tem including electri-c a l , n a t u r a l g a s a n dwater meters and datastorage devices in 39b u i l d i n g s , W o r k a l s oentails the installationo f a d a t a h a r v e s t i n ga n d d i s p l a y s y s t e mconsisting of an opera-tors workstation (PC),energy data harvestingand analysis software,a n d t w o i n t e r a c t i v e“ d a s h b o a r d ” d i s p l a ylocations.

The detailed Notice toContractors and Sub-contractors is on theBGS website:http://www.maine.gov/bgs/constrpublic/contractors/gc_rfp.htm

Bureau of General Ser-v ices, 77 State HouseStation, Augusta, Maine04333, 207-624-7353.




Request forQualifications

Bayside Trail SeatingProject

T h e C i t y o f P o r t l a n dPublic Art Committee isr e q u e s t i n g s u b m i s -sions of qualificationsfor the design and fab-rication of public seat-ing to be instal led ats e l e c t e d l o c a t i o n salong the new BaysideTrail in Portland's Bay-s ide ne ighborhoods .T h e p u b l i c s e a t i n gshould contr ibute tothe distinct identity ofthe Bays ide Tra i l andengage the public withhigh quality public art.The PPAC reserves theright to select multiplea r t i s t s / d e s i g n e r s t oproduce the public art.

Qual i f icat ion submis-sions may be submit-ted electronical ly v iae m a i l a t [emailprotected] orhard copy with digitalfiles delivered to Port-l a n d P u b l i c A r t P r o -gram, 4th Floor Attn:Erick Giles, City Hall, 389Congress Street, Port-land, Maine 04101. Alls u b m i s s i o n s w i l l b ereceived until 3:00 pm,Thursday , Apr i l 28th ,2011.

T h e R F Q i s a v a i l a b l eonline at http://www.portlandplanning.org/baysidetrailartproject.aspT h e R F Q m a y a l s o b erequested by ca l l ing874-8723 or via e-mail [emailprotected]




A meeting of the MaineTurnpike Author i ty ' sPersonnel Committeewill be held at 8 A.M. onWednesday, March 23rdat 8:30 A.M. A meetingof the full board of theM a i n e T u r n p i k eAuthority will be heldon March 24th at 9:00A.M. Both meet ingsw i l l b e h e l d a t t h eh e a d q u a r t e r s o f t h eM a i n e T u r n p i k eAuthority at 2360 Con-gress Street, Portland,M a i n e . F o r f u r t h e rinformation or copiesof the agenda pleasecontact Jonathan Areyat 871-7771, x136







PUBLICATION This cause came to beheard on the Motion ofP l a i n t i f f ’ s a t t o r n e y ,S h e c h t m a n H a l p e r i nS a v a g e L L P , w h o s ea d d r e s s i s 1 0 8 0 M a i nS t r e e t , P a w t u c k e t ,Rhode Island 02860, forservice by publicationupon one or more oft h e D e f e n d a n t ( s )n a m e d i n a c e r t a i nS u m m o n s a n d C o m -plaint for ForeclosureBy Civil Action, Title toReal Estate Involved,n o w p e n d i n g b e f o r ethis Honorable Court,namely: on Jerome L.Wills, individually and asguardian and conserva-tor for Lorraine G. Wills,htta Lorraine Wilkins. The real estate involvedin this act ion is s i tu-ated at: 8 Ponce Street,Portland, Maine. T h a t a f t e r d u e d i l i -g e n c e P l a i n t i f f , K e y -Bank National Associa-tion, has been unablet o m a k e s e r v i c e o nDefendant(s), Jerome L.Wills, individually and asguardian and conserva-tor for Lorraine G. Wills,htta Lorraine Wilkins, ofits Summons and Com-plaint For ForeclosureBy Civil Action, Title toReal Estate Involved,n o w p e n d i n g b e f o r ethis Honorable Court,and the present where-abouts of said Defen-d a n t ( s ) c a n n o t b eascertained. IT IS ORDERED that ser-vice be made upon theDefendant(s), Jerome L.Wills, individually and asguardian and conserva-tor for Lorraine G. Wills,htta Lorraine Wilkins, bypublishing once a weekfor three (3) consecu-tive weeks, in the Port-l a n d P r e s s H e r a l d , anewspaper of generalcirculationin Cumberland County,M a i n e , t h e c o u n t y ,municipality and statemost reasonably calcu-lated to provide actualnotice of the pendencyof th i s act ion to theparty to be served; ac o p y o f t h e O r d e r ,attested by the Clerk ofthe District Court, Divi-sion of Portland. The f i rst publ icat ionshal l be made withinthirty (30 ) days afterthis Order is granted. Twenty-one (21) daysafter the first publica-tion of this Order, ser-v ice sha l l be cons id-ered complete. Withintwenty (20) days afterservice is consideredcomplete, the Defen-dant(s), Jerome L. Wills,i n d i v i d u a l l y a n d a sguardian and conserva-tor for Lorraine G. Wills,htta Lorraine Wilkins,shall appear and defendthis action by filing ananswer with the sa idC l e r k o f t h e D i s t r i c tCourt, Division of Port-land, and also by filing ac o p y o f s a i d a n s w e rw i t h t h e P l a i n t i f f ’ sattorney, ShechtmanHa lper in Savage LLP ,Attn: Bridget S. Dorn-bach, Esq. , 1080 MainStreet, Pawtucket, RI 0 2 8 6 0 . ( I N C A S E O FF A I L U R E T O D O S O ,JUDGMENT BY DEFAULTM A Y B E R E N D E R E DA G A I N S T T H E D E F E N -DANT(S), Jerome L. Wills,i n d i v i d u a l l y a n d a sguardian and conserva-tor for Lorraine G. Wills,htta Lorraine Wilkins. IT IS FURTHER ORDEREDt h a t a c o p y o f t h i sO r d e r , a s p u b l i s h e d ,shal l be sent by ordi-nary first class mail tothe last known addresst o t h e D e f e n d a n t ( s ) ,Jerome L . Wi l l s , indi -vidually and as guard-ian and conservator forLorraine G. Wil ls, httaLorraine Wilkins, if pos-sible. The C lerk sha l l entert h e f o l l o w i n g i n t h edocket: The ORDER dated Feb-ruary 24, 2011, is incor-porated in the docketb y r e f e r e n c e . T h i sentry is made in accor-d a n c e w i t h M . R . C . P .7 9 ( a ) a t t h e s p e c i f i cdirection of the Court. DATED:February 24, 2011

Hon. Richard MulhernJudge, Maine District

Court ( 5 5 0 0 6 1 3 ) ( W i l l s )( 0 3 - 0 8 - 1 1 , 0 3 - 1 5 - 1 1 ,03-22-11)(266582)


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VERMICOMPOSTING -Worm Composting Kit:Worm bin plus 1 poundof bed run red wigglerworms $35.00. 885-9745

2 P R O M D R E S S E S -sequins, never worn,s i z e 5 / 6 . $ 3 0 / e a c h .883-0808

A R T H U R G O D F R E Y -“Too Fat Polka” & “ForM e a n d M y G a l ” 7 8C o l u m b i a R e c o r d ,Archie Blever Orchestra,Good cond. Wells. $55/B e s t . 6 0 3 - 5 1 2 - 3 9 7 [emailprotected]

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N -Woman's leather jackets ize smal l w/ sweat -s h i r t & 2 t e e s . $ 1 0 0 .797-0516




- Dave Christian, Bruins,signed. Sz. large. $150firm. Final Offer!


SOLID CHERRY CRADLE -w/ foam mattress. Mea-sures 17 1/2” X 33 1/2”.G o o d c o n d . S o m escratches. P ics avai l -able. $35/Best. [emailprotected]

MISSING DOG SHARPEI/LAB MIX from SouthPortland. Fawn col-

ored like bambiw/purple tongue.

Weighs about 70 lbs.Needs medication

daily and mostly needto be home with his

family. Looks like a Pitin the face but is not.He has been missing

since 2/28. Please callVicki 207-409-9996.

A U T O G R A P H E D S E ADOGS BASEBALL - W/Sea Dogs logo, signedby Anthony Rizzo. $10749-5026 [emailprotected]

B O B B Y D O E R R A U T O -GRAPH BASEBALL CARD2007 - Legendary Cuts.$5. [emailprotected] 749-5026

PANASONIC LUMIX DIGI-TAL CAMERA DMC FZ28w i t h P I C T U R E M A T E -10.1 megapixels, usedvery little. 18 zoom. ®ß$175 or best offer. $300new. 310-1915

B O Y D ’ S C O L L E C T I O NE D M U N D T . B E A R -B a i l e y ’ s f r i e n d . $ 4 0 .284-8744E M P R E S S A T L A N T I CW O O D S T O V E -$475/Best. 854-4710 or854-4183

H A R R I S O N F R A M E DPRINTS - “Portland Sky-line II” - $125. “CamdenHarbor” - $125. “MillionDollar Bridge” - $100.878-2794

H A R V A R D L A M P O O NMAGAZINE 1966 - Vol. 1#1, subject: parody ofP l a y b o y . G o o d c o n d .$35. 878-2794.

J O E C O U S I N S P R I N T -1975 S i m o n t o n C o v e,Wil lard Beach - 5 lob-s t e r s h a c k s . $ 2 0 0 .878-2794NATIONAL GEOGRAPHICH A R D C O V E R B O O K S -Over 50 titles available.$7. each. 284-8744NAVY COMMEMORATIVEKEY CHAIN - celebrat-ing the 200th anniver-sary of the Navy. Topreads: 16 October 1976Bottom: U.S. Navy LajesAzores. Mint Pics avail.Wel ls . $30 . [emailprotected]

ENG. SPRINGER SPAN-IELS -AKC champ lines, L&W, M&F #1960B 207-369-9597 campkennels.com

O V E R 5 6 , 0 0 0 S P O R T SCARDS - 55% football,4 0 % b a s k e t b a l l , 5 %other . 1980s - 2000s ,G r e a t c o n d . $ 5 0 0 [emailprotected]

LAB PUP - choc/black,pure breed, lg dogs ,ready 3/24. $500. 730-6406

VIZSLA PUPPIES - 1 handsome M, 1 beautiful F .born 9/1. AKC reg. Hun-g a r i a n & A m e r i c a nchampion l ineage , a l lshots, health guaranteeCall 594-8082 or [emailprotected] more info & photos.Lic. #V02126FR PLUSH EASTER BUNNY -

Hallmark Crayola, Mint,Hard to f ind. Approx.40“h x 30”w from tips ofarms. Great collectibleor gift for Easter. Neverused, always protected.$55. 877-7289

SPEEDAWAY SLED -1950s sled. 48" long.Good cond.Pic avail.

Wells $40/Best. [emailprotected]

THE ULTIMATE MATRIXCOLLECTION - f r o m2004. Complete set of10 CDs. A l l in p last icdisplay case, w/ a figu-rine of the gentle giant& o r i g i n a l b o o k l e t .$45/Best. 776-1260


photographs. womansitting 3 1/4 x 2 3/4

inches , woman withbaby 3 3/4 x 3 1/4

inches pics avail. Wells.$75 or best offer


VINTAGE BESS IE GUT-M A N N P I C T U R E - Bessie Pease Gutmann.Or ig ina l f rame, handcolored. 19"x 15". Pic-ture of baby. Very nice .$65/Best. 776-1260

V I N T A G E B R A S SELEPHANT - with raisedtrunk. 19 1/2" h x 121 / 2 " w . H e a v y . V e r yc l e a n . $ 4 0 / B e s t .776-1260

V I N T A G E C A N E - O l dh a n d c a r v e d w / ad r a g o n ' s h e a d , v e r yd e c o r a t i v e . H a s 4parts-unscrews. Verynice $50/Best. 776-1260

VINTAGE FISHING FLIES -Old, mixed lot, about 60o f t h e m . I n t i m e f o rbrook fishing. $1. each.776-1260

2005 JEEP WRANGLERSOFT TOP - Black, w/allhardware, complete .L i k e n e w c o n d i t i o n .$200. firm. Bought newfor $1100. 781-4219

2 0 0 A M P S E R V I C ES I E M E N S 4 0 S P A C E -B R E A K E R P A N E L - w/some breakers in place.And Milbanks outsideservice. $275. 423-3279

1977 ELVIS BUBBLE GUMCARDS - Donruss/Box-car complete set.Num-bered cards 1 - 66. Pho-tos & facts of his life onback. In 3-ring binder.$ 1 5 . d a v e s e p 1 9 6 [emailprotected] 749-5026

2 C E M E T A R Y L O T S -Brooklawn in Portland.$450 each. 772-08854 E X P L O S I O N P R O O FLIGHTS - For automo-bile paint rooms. $400or best offer. 838-9081

7 PC. NORITAKE HANDPAINTED DISHES -madein Japan, white/b lueflowers. $50. ETCHEDC A N D Y B O W L - $ 7 .CLEAR HI C PITCHER - $7.284-8744

BED RAILS - New. $75.‘ H O M E T O H O L L YSPRINGS’ HARDCOVER -new by Jan Karon. $15.21”LAMP - $25 . HUMI-DOR - C lear g lass . $5 .284-8744






S e a l e d b i d s f o r E l mStreet Garage Traf f icMembrane Re-Coat asspecified herein, will berece ived by the Pur-chasing Off ice, Room103, City Hall, 389 Con-gress Street, Portland,Maine 04101, until 3:30p.m. (Prevail ing time)on Thursday, April 14,2011 at which time theywill be publicly openedand read.PROJECT NAME: ElmStreet Parking GaragePhase 1 RestorationLOCATION: E l m S t r e e t ,Portland, Maine.O U T L I N E O F W O R K :B r i e f l y a n d w i t h o u tforce and effect upont h e c o n t r a c t d o c u -ments, the work of thecontract can be sum-marized as follows: fur-nishing a l l the labor ,materials, equipment,and incidentals neces-sary to repair/replacem e m b r a n e a n d s e a l -ants on Levels 5 &6 andcoat Levels 2 ,3 , and 4with penetrating corro-s i o n i n h i b i t o r a n ds e a l e r . T h e w o r ki n c l u d e s c o n c r e t erepair, repair of DoubleTee flange connectionsand installation of newdrains. This work shallinc lude restr ip ing ofp a r k i n g s p a c e s a n dpainting of directionalinformation to matche x i s t i n g l a y o u t . A l ls e a l a n t s a n d m e m -branes shall include a 5year material and laborwarranty. Contractors h a l l b e p r o v i d e d amaximum of 72 spaces(approximately 1 ful ldeck) to complete thework. Contractor shallbe responsible for pro-tection of all vehicles,pedestrians, and adja-c e n t p r o p e r t i e s a n dshall be responsible forall damage caused bythe work.


A mandatory pre-b idconference will be heldon Thursday, March 31,2011 at 10:00 a.m. at theE l m S t r e e t P a r k i n gGarage; which all pro-spective qualified bid-ders must attend. Wewil l meet at the mainentrance on Elm Street.T h e a b o v e - n a m e dplans , spec i f i cat ionsa n d p r o p o s a l f o r m smay be seen at the Pur-chasing Office, City Hall,R o o m 1 0 3 , 3 8 9 C o n -gress Street, Portland,M a i n e , p h o n e ( 2 0 7 )8 7 4 - 8 6 5 4 , f a x ( 2 0 7 )8 7 4 - 8 6 5 2 o r e - m a i [emailprotected] l a n s a n d p r o p o s a lbooks are available forpurchase at the Pur-chasing Off ice, Room1 0 3 , C i t y H a l l , u p o npayment in advance of$25.00 for each set ofp l a n s a n d p r o p o s a lbook or $35.00 for eachset of p lans and pro-p o s a l b o o k t o b emailed. Such paymentwil l not be refunded.Each prospective bid-der will be required toobta in f rom the C i tyeach copy of the pro-posal form and plan set.Partial sets will not beissued.


B O N E C H I N A C R E A MP I T C H E R - white withb l u e f l o w e r s . $ 7 .LEFTON CANDLE HOLD-ERS - pink flowered. $7.284-8744

B O O K S O N C A S S E T T ETAPES $40 or best offer.854-4183.

BOXES OF GLASSWARE -$20 each; KIDS/TEENSC O A T S & G L O V E S, l iken e w - $ 1 0 a n d u p .842-6033

BOYDS BEARS COLLEC-TION - Stuffed plush &f i g u r i n e s . P r i s t i n econd., some limiteds!$ 5 a n d u p , o r w h o l ecollection at flat price.All proceeds to Springer

Spaniel Rescue .642-2722

C E M E T A R Y L O T S -Brooklawn Park, Port-land $1700. 934-5019

C O L O R T V - $ 1 0 , P E TC A R R I E R - $ 1 0 . L i n e rbeds & truck cap. $35each. truck organizer -$ 1 0 . 3 d r a w e r f i l ec a b i n e t - $ 1 5 , b u t -cher block kit. table -$40 . t ra i ler ax le $50 .table saw - $50. pumpjacks - $25. 929-3817

EUREKA VACUUM-Goodcondition. $30. 699-7345


CALL 772-7505.

GRISWOLD NO. 3 SKILLETFRYING PAN - cast ironErie PA 709 block largelogo, smooth bottom.$40. 284-8744.

HOOVER VACUUM - likenew $70, Forest greenloveseat- plush $100, TVEmerson $25,Deacon’sbench $50. 939-4987

H . S . T A R M C O M B I N A -TION WOOD/COAL/OILB O I L E R - w / C a r l i nburner. $750. 829-5001

J A R O P E N E R - FromPampered Chef, brandnew. $7. CLAY FLOWERPOTS - $ 7 . e a c h .OILLAMPS - w/ flower pat-tern - $7. each. BATTERBOWL - cream colored.$5. 284-8744

JFK 75TH ANNIVERSARY1 3 C O M M E M O R A T I V ECOVERS - envelopes w/p i c t u r e s . P o s t O f f i c es t a m p e d h i s t o r y .B i r th- funera l . $45 orbest offer. 799-1645

M A I N E R O L L O N -42”long x 2” diameterroller attachment forThule, Barre Crafter, &T r a c R a c r o o f r a c k s .Facilitates loading lum-ber, canoes, & kayaks.$85. 856-0091

PS 2 OR ORIGINAL X BOX- each w/20 games and2 control lers. $99/ea.671-2649

RINNAI GAS HEATERS -21OO BTU Silent Server,self-exhaust. $400. 5500BTU, good condit ion.$700. 633-7798

TABLE SAW -heavy duty Craftsman

10” on steel legsw/retractable casters.Incls. manual & acces-sories. $170. 767-3739

TOP OF THE LINE HAND-H E L D S A T E L L I T EF I N D E R / A C U T R A C 2 2P R O / P E R F E C T 1 0comes with extras. $60f irm. Bought new for$ 1 8 9 . F o r a n y o n einstall ing satell ites, amust have for perfectreception. 207-282-0917

US/CELLULAR SAMSUNGT O U C H S C R E E N C E L L -P H O N E - G o o dc o n d . , C a l i b e r p h o n ew/charger. $60/Best .299-2620

Portland Press Herald 3-22 - [PDF Document] (29)






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Portland Press Herald 3-22 - [PDF Document] (30)

Portland Press Herald 3-22 - [PDF Document] (31)

FIREWOOD - cut, split,delivered $175 per cord

Call 415-5476.

CRAFTERS NEEDED!CRAFT FAIR SAT. MAY7, 9AM - 3PM, Trinity Episcopal Church, 403Main St. SACO, Tablerental: $25. 283-0686

2 E X C E P T I O N A LMATCHING MAHOGANYTABLES W/RAISED GLASSTOPS - Cof fee tab leh a s a n o v a l t o p ; t h eother is a round lamptable. Very attractive, inv e r y g o o d c o n d . $ 6 0each. Call 775-2416.

FALMOUTH - $ 2 2 5 , 0 0 0 .Charming 1200 sq . f t .ranch w/3BR,1BA. Greatlocat ion for a youngfamily or retiree, turn-key cond. Completelyrenovated, wonderfuln e i g h b o r h o o d n e a rnew ball field & publictennis courts. 3/4 ac.1.5 car garage. 632-8892

Westbrook: 510 CountyR d . 3 ,125 - 17 ,000 SF .L o a d i n g d o c k s &drive-in. Excellent vis-ibility & frontage on Rt22. 207-773-7100

P o r t l a n d - 3 , 8 8 6 S F 2level office suite avail-able on Milk St. $17.50psf MG includes heat.Call Joe.

Y a r m o u t h - Premieroffice space for lease atLower Fa l l s Land ing .8 9 5 ± - 5 , 5 3 2 ± S F . C a l lMatthew

S O P o r t l a n d - U p t o20,000± SF office/whsefor lease at 39 WallaceAve. Close to Me Tpke.Call Mark.

Cumberland- 4,400± SFo f f i c e b u i l d i n g o nLongwoods Rd. Pr iceReduced $294,000. CallMark Malone

2-3 BR-HEATEDWelcome Spring with a

newly renovated ApartmentPrkg for 2, Laundry on Site.

Call Sarah 207-329-5700www.ApexMaine.Com


SO. Portland- 6,632 SFbui lding on 1± acres.On Broadway less than1 mi le f rom Route 1 .Call Mark.

Portland: 390 CongressSt Over 61,400± SF, sub-dividable. Undergoingcomplete redevelop-m e n t . B u i l d - t o - s u i t .207.773.7100

Windham- 6 , 0 0 0 S Fava i lab le . C lear spanwarehouse. Lease rate$4.85 psf NNN. Call JohnDoyon.

2BR, 1.5BA CONDO - fullb s m t , W / D , l e a s e ,$1075+. Call 415-4691

2 S IDED WOOD DESK -s h e l v e s & d r a w e r s ,needs refinishing. $40.423-3279

RICHMOND - New 3BRpost & beam cape w/water access, boat slip& gar $199,900. 721-6343

A U B U R N S T - 1BR & 3BRs, yard, prkg, lndry,n o d o g s , l e a s e .$725/$1050+ht. 797-0239

Auburn- 1,925 SF – 4,675SF available at 593 Cen-t e r S t . F r e e s t a n d i n gbuilding in Auburn Mallarea. $10.00 psf NNN.Contact David Caron /M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

5,000-10,000+/-sf. ClassA s p c i n N o r t h g a t eS.C. avai l immed for$ 1 2 / s f N N N . C a l lCharles Day, 772-1333


CHESTDRESSER -Great cond. Must sell.

$350. A MUST SEE!650-7604

WESTBROOK- 1,075 SFoffice condo for sale at50 Park Rd. Near turn-p ike & next to MercyPrimary Care. Sale price$75,000. C o n t a c t J o eMalone, CCIM/ MaloneCB at 207-772-2422

Port land- 4 ,900 SF ofprof office space avail-able at 2338 CongressSt. Onsite parking. CallPeter.

FREEPORT- 3 acres ofc o m m e r c i a l l a n d f o rsale on Route 136 nearI295 Exit 24. Local Busi-ness Zone, 800’ of roadfrontage. Contact MarkMalone/ Malone CB at207-772-2422

B E A U T Y R E S T Q U E E NMATTRESS & BOX SPRING- pillow top, exc cond.$200. DK WOOD BOOK-CASE, 2 SHELVES, 3’X3’ -$25. 878-3225.

Bridgton- 4,000 SF forl e a s e o n R t 3 0 2 . E x cv is ib i l i ty w i th ampleparking. $7.50 psf MG.Call John.

GORHAM- 1.5 acre & 6.63acre development lotsavailable at New Port-land Parkway. Indus-trial, business & serviceuses. Call John Doyon,C C I M / M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

2 BR Dublex - 1.5 BA.prkg. bsmt, $1000/mo.+utils. no dogs. 318-2273

BRAND NEW BIG MAN’SR E C L I N E R - W / h e a t &massage. Cloth fabric.$ 8 0 0 . Q U E E N S I Z ESOFABED - very goodcond. $100. TWIN SIZET R U N D L E B E D -Captain’s style. 3 draw-e r s s t o r a g e . $ 2 0 0 .229-6554

Portland- 534 SF – 6,176SF suites available at 22Free St. Nearby parkingavailable. $17.50- $18.50MG lease rates. ContactJoe Malone, CCIM/ Mal-one CB at 207-772-2422.

Harrison Bldg Lot - 469'paved rd, 2 acres, soiltested, survey & GREATOWNER F INANCING. 1mile to L o n g L a k e &Crystal Lake. Huge treeso n t h e l a n d . O n l y$ 2 4 , 9 0 0 . 4 5 m i n P t l dL&S Realty 207-781-3294

Wells: Post Rd/Route 18,408± SF retail/office -3 , 8 4 0 ± S F s t o r a g e &10,000± SF warehouse.H e a v i l y t r a f f i c k e d .207.773.7100

F A L M O U T H - 1 , 6 0 0 S Fretail space available forlease on busy Route 1.Upscale shopping plaza.$ 1 6 . 0 0 P S F N N N CallMark Malone/ MaloneCB at 207-772-2422

W e l l s - . 5 6 + / - a c r e sc o m m e r c i a l l a n d f o rsale just off Route 1 .General Business Zone.S a l e p r i c e $ 2 9 5 , 0 0 0 .Contact Matthew Bar-n e y / M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

1 4 P O W S L A N D S T . -Sunny 1BR w/hdwd flrs.g a s h e a t , H W & p r k gincl . on-s ite . laundryLease & sec. dep. $825/mo. 450-7890

P O R T L A N D - 550 SF ofprime waterfront officespace ava i lab le at 50P o r t l a n d P i e r . L e a s erate includes HVAC andelectric. Contact JohnDoyon, CCIM / MaloneCB at 207-772-2422

COFFEE TABLE - 3 1/2long, 1 1/2 width, wal-nut, $20. 854-4143.

W E S T E R N M E - 10+ac$ 9 9 , 9 0 0 . P o t e n t i a l 5b l d g l o t s , 1 4 5 4 ’ r d ,G R E A T O W N E RFINANCING, stone walls,s o i l s , n e w s u r v e y ,p o w e r . L o n g L a k ecloseby. L & S R e a l t y207-781-3294

2 5 6 P A R K A V E - 2BR,2nd flr, hdwd flrs, laun-dry.$875 incls Heat, catsOK. Avail 4/1. 831-5058.

FREEPORT- Up to 10,000SF of retail space avail-able for lease on Route1 . 1 s t & 2 n d f l o o rretail/office suites assmall as 600 SF. ContactMark Malone/ MaloneCB at 207-772-2422

W i n d h a m - WindhamMills Park lots available@ $ 1 1 5 , 0 0 0 e a . U p t o2 , 0 0 0 S F b l d g s . C a l lDavid Caron.

D A R K W A L N U T C O M -PUTER DESK - 5’h x 5.5’l,w/storage & cabinets.$60/Best. 854-4183

2,000-18,000+/-sf Class As p c i n S o . P t l d n e a rM a l l , J e t p o r t & I - 9 5 .$14/sf NNN. Call Craig,772-1333

2BR heated - 1st flr, nopets, W/D hkup, prkg$1100 - $1200. 314-4472

PORTLAND- 8,085 SF ofp r o f e s s i o n a l o f f i c espace available at 130Middle St in Portland’sOld Port. Direct lobbyaccess. Lease rate $12.00psf NNN. Contact PeterHarrington/ Malone CBat 207-772-2422

D I N I N G R O O M S E T -Thick dark pine table, 2m a t e s & 2 c a p t a i n schairs, dry sink & hutch$500. 856-6847

PORTLAND- 1,409 SF retails p a c e a v a i l a b l e a t 1 5 7Middle St. Large windowsf o r d i s p l a y s . H e a t & A i rincluded. Contact Peter /M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

ENTERTAINMENT CEN-T E R - 5’ l x 4’t x 1.5’w.$60/Best. COFFEE TABLE- 3.5l x 1.5w. $20. MIR-R O R - $ 2 5 / B e s t .854-4183

1984 SKYLINE 14X70 2BR,n i c e c o n d . $ 7 5 0 0 .DOUBLE WIDE 24X40 2BR,1BA, nice cond. $9500.

283-9988 or 590-6471.

21 DONALD B DEAN DR.4,500 SF avail. BrianneO ’ D o n n e l l , 8 7 1 - 1 0 8 0Dirigo Mgmt Co.

ATTRACTIVE 1BR UNIT.Q u i e t b l d g . g r o u n dlevel, heat, prkg. N.S. nodogs. $825. 568-3683.

NORTH TURNER, ME -Country Store. Financ-ing for qualified buy-er. $289,000. 224-8477

Portland- 970 SF – 2,313SF suites available at 75M a r k e t S t . L e a s eincludes heat and A/C.Call Peter.

PORTLAND- 1,500 SF –3,800 SF of inline retailspace available at West-g a t e P l a z a . G r o c e r yanchored center. Con-tact Joe Malone, CCIM/M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

44 EXCHANGE ST. 640 to9 4 5 s q . f t . B r i a n n eO’Donnell, 871-1080.

Dirigo Mgmt Co.

NEAR ME MED -2BR, 2ndflr, N.S. avail 5/1, $950heat/HW incl 712-6917

WINSLOW - Pine ViewHomes - since 1955 -

1-800-464-7463 www.pineview1955.com

LANE CEDAR CHESTS -O n e A n t i q u e w h i t e .$100. One Walnut - $200.Call after 4pm: 797-4732

OLD ORCHARD- 16,086S F d o w n t o w n r e t a i lc e n t e r f o r s a l e . 1 . 8acres. Excellent devel-opment site. Call Mark

5 3 3 C O N G R E S S S T .800-16,000+ SF. BrianneO ’ D o n n e l l , 8 7 1 - 1 0 8 0Dirigo Mgmt Co.


Couch - Good cond.$40. 699-7345

P O R T L A N D , B A Y S I D E -N E I G H B O R H O O D O F CSPC: 1,000-10,000+/-sf.FREE on-site prkg. Bestprice intown - $9.50/sfMG. Call Justin, 772-1333

Portland: 1,800+/-sf of1st floor spc. Corner loci n L o n g f e l l o w S q .$2,500/mo MG. Call JoePorta, 772-1333

PARK AVE - Remodeled2BR, $800 htd., laundry,no dogs, 797-0239

57 EXCHANGE ST - 1,200+ / - S F a v a i l . B r i a n n eO ’ D o n n e l l , 8 7 1 - 1 0 8 0Dirigo Mgmt Co.

U n i q u e p r o p e r t y w /s p e c t a c u l a r v i e w s .$599K. Tim K. RE/MAXHeritage 846-4300 X125


1 BR & 2 BR Apts.Cats OK, No Dogs.

Ref. req’d, deposit,www.sawyerrealty.net

P O R T L A N D - 11 ,316 SFoffice/classroom/ware-h o u s e p r o p e r t y o nB r a c k e t t S t f o r s a l e .Great West End loca-tion. Contact Joe Mal-one, CCIM/ Malone CB at207-772-2422

QUEEN SIZE MATTRESSonly (no box spring) -$40; 5 DRAWER DRESSERCHEST - $30. 699-7345

7 PORTLAND FARMS RDS c a r b o r o 3500 +/- SF .B r i a n n e O ’ D o n n e l ,871-1080 Dirigo Mgmt

P O R T L A N D - 2,500 SF -4 , 3 4 9 S F r e s t a u r a n t /retail space available at1 Monument Square. 10s t o r y C l a s s A o f f i c ebuilding. Contact MarkMalone/ Malone CB at207-772-2422.

S E W I N G C A B I N E Tw/thread (no machine)- $ 7 5 ; b l a c k STANDw/glass doors & videos& DVDs - $100; 2 pieceHUTCH FOR COMPUTEROR TV $200. 842-6033

A u g u s t a - 2 , 9 9 8 ± S Foffice building for saleor lease at 185 State St.Near Statehouse. Cal lMatthew

Portland- Class A officespace at Canal Plaza forlease. 1,897 – 34,065 SF.Call Joe Malone.

Portland- Former ElksLodge on 6.9 acres fors a l e . L o c a t e d a c r o s sfrom Portland Jetport.Call Mark.

2 B R h e a t e d - Secure ,prkg, new paint/appls,lease, dep $740. 772-8818

WHITE BOOKCASE - $35& DESK $40.; BUREAU -$50; 2 BUREAUS WITHDESKTOP - $100; DROPL E A F T A B L E W I T HD R A W E R S - $ 1 5 0 .842-6033

Portland- 2,550–7,000 SFavai lable at 250 Com-mercial St. Old Port w/l o w l e a s e r a t e . C a l lPeter.

Portland, Historic Time& Temp Bldg: tower spc,great views, attachedgarage, 300-2,163+/-sf.Call Nate, 772-1333

LG 3 BR - Heat/HW, W/Dhk-up, prkg. $1000. Nodogs. Call 577-1882.

F A L M O U T H - P r i m eoffice, Rte 1. Only $350!


S a c o - 7 , 1 4 0 S Fretai l/whse propertya v a i l a b l e f o r s a l e . 2bui ldings, 4 .61 acres,200’ of road frontageon US Route 1. ContactJames Harnden / Mal-one CB at 207-772-2422

KING COURT - Modern,heated, 1st fl, w/washerdryer. $695. 229-5996.

FREEPORT- 1,256 SF ofsuburban office spaceavailable at 20 Indepen-dence Dr. Subdividable.Lease rate $15 .00 psfMG. Contact Mark Mal-o n e / M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

YOUTH COMPUTER LOFTBED W/TRUNDEL BED, 7DRAWERS & COMPUTERDESK - made by TradeW i n d s . 2 t w i n m a t -tresses incl . Reducedf o r q u i c k s a l e $ 5 5 0 .Orig. price $1660. Wil lsend pictures by emailupon request. 222-2067.

S A L E ! - S A C O 2 B R ,park ing, b ig k itchen,$745 HEATED! 289-5246

PORTLAND - 4,128 SF ofrestaurant/retails p a c e l e a s e a t 1 0 0C o m m e r c i a l S t . Ca l lPeter

PORTLAND - 4,600 SFformer Aubuchon onForest Ave. Exc visibil-ity with onsite park-ing. Call Mark.

PORTLAND - 1,129 SF1st floor condo at 15Brown St. Also avail-able for sale. Call PeterHarrington.

P O R T L A N D - S m a l l t olarge office suites forlease at 100 Commer-c ia l St . C lass A off ices p a c e . O n - s i t e b l d gmanagement. Call PeterHarrington/ Malone CBat 207-772-2422

SANFORD- Former St .Ignatius church, schooland rectory residencefor sale. 42,630 SF on2 . 7 5 a c r e s . C o n t a c tPeter Harrington/ Mal-one CB at 207-772-2422

Lewiston- 2,460 SF ofr e t a i l / o f f i c e s p a c eavailable on Lisbon St.P r i c e r e d u c e d . C a l lDavid Caron.

2BR - Cable, elec, W/D,deck, yd $900. Avail now839-6987 or 415-6987.

Portland- Small to largeoffice suites available at222 St John St. Amplefree on-s i te park ing.Convenient locat ion.C o n t a c t P e t e r H a r -rington / Malone CB at207-772-2422

2BR w/view of Scarbor-ough marsh, W/D hkup,plenty of storage,monitor heating $850/mo + utils 883-9408.

WESTBROOK- 11 BRIDGEST- M u l t i - p u r p o s ew a t e r f r o n t b l d g . i nh e a r t o f d o w n t o w nnext to RMS Ins. & DanaWarp Mill (hundreds ofemployees) . Total of4400 S.F. of fin. space.$279 ,900 w/ poss ib leowner fin. Help-U-SellR.E. 854-8431

P A I R O F A D V E N T A S 2TOWER SPEAKERS - $150for the pair, paid $280.615-5413

PORTLAND- 1,000 SF of2 n d f l o f f i c e s p a c ea v a i l a b l e o n U n i o nW h a r f . $ 1 , 7 5 0 p e rmonth MG inc l . heat ,air, electric & 2 parkingspaces. Contact Peter /M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422


$850. inclds all.N.S. No pets. 883-1651

SOLID OAK ENTERTAIN-M E N T C E N T E R - w i t hPanasonic 32” color TV.3 shelves, double glassdoors, plenty of stor-age. $800 or best offer.878-2993

Portland- Up to 20,000SF office for lease at 27Pearl St. Parking avail-able in adj lot. Call Joe.

Portland: former hairs a l o n s p c i n h i s t o r i cdwntwn bldg. 685+/-sf,p l u m b e d & r e a d y .$775/mo, MG. Call Nate,772-1333

F R E E R E N T ! O L DORCHARD BEACH - Big,2/1, W/D hk-up, Hard-wood, deck! Quiet, offX34. $875. 289-5246

Portland: 1,143-9,152+ /- s f a t t r a c t i v e , v e r yaffordable spc on St .John St. Only $11/sf MGw / p r k g & h e a t . C a l lAndrew, 772-1333

BREAKWATER - 1 BR,Penthouse Condo,

Newly renov. No pets$900 incls HW. 854-1514

Scarborough- 2,938 SFClass A office availableat 23 Spring St. $12.50p s f N N N . C a l l J o h nDoyon.

2 B O S T I C H F R A M I N GG U N S - $ 1 2 5 f o r t h epair.615-5413

Portland, SUPER condo,cellar, great yard, extraclosets, low cost heat,near everything! 2 BR.$925. 934-7622 x27

SUNNY 2BR, DINING RM,l i v ing rm, wood f l r s ,W/D hkup in unit, deck,p a r k i n g , y a r d , n e wpaint, $1075 heated. Nodogs. 671-2408

3 T R E E S T A N D S - o n ec l imber & 2 portab lewith assorted climbingpegs & straps - al l for$225. 615-5413

Port land: Ofc/Retail,former daycare ava i li m m e d o n 1 s t f l rw/outs ide p lay area .1,250+/-sf, $12/sf MG.Call Nate, 772-1333

P O R T L A N D - 12 ,500 SFretail/office space avail-able at 145 CommercialSt. Excellent Old Portl o c a t i o n . L e a s e r a t e$16.00 psf NNN. Con-tact Joe Malone, CCIM/M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

Scarborough: 3,500+/-sfspc on Rt. 1 w/Class Afinishes. Ideal for med,prof ofc user . $13/sfN N N . C a l l A n d r e w ,772-1333

CRAFTSMAN 10” RADIALARM SAW and cabinetwith 2 drawers - $225;6” DELTA DELUXE JOINERmodel 37190 with standa n d r o l l e r s - $ 6 5 0 ;CRAFTSMAN 16” SCROLLSAW - $75. 775-1453

RICHMOND - New 3BRcape w/garage, wateraccess & boat s l ip onKennebec River $1500/mo + utils 721-6343.

3BR+ , 2nd flr & 2BR, on3rd flr. Prkg. Price neg.Heat/HW inc. 329-1956

Port land- 5 7 , 0 0 0 + S Fwhse/off ice b ldg forsale. Just off RiversideInd Pkwy. $182K NOI .Call Mark.

SACO - 2BR $975 incls.heat/HW, prkg. $25 app.fee credited if selected. N.S. no pets. 899-7240

PORTLAND- 12,600 SF -7 5 , 6 0 0 S F o f C l a s s Aoffice space available at1 Monument Sq. City &w a t e r v i e w s , r e c e n tmajor renovations. Con-tact James Harnden/M a l o n e C B @207-772-2422

3 BR - W/D Hkup. AvailApril 1. N.S. Sec. 8 okay.$950+ utils. 856-6383

Scarborough- 1,500 SFretail space for lease at450 P laza . $14 .00 ps fNNN. Call Mark Malone,CCIM

Scarborough: Rt 1 loc.1,000-1,800+/-sf, on-sitep r k g , s i g n a g e , e a s yaccess. FREE RENT! CallNate, 772-1333

S O . P O R T L A N D - 2 B R ,f e n c e d i n y d , o f f - s t .prkg. $1050+ utils. sec.no pets, N.S. 232-1417

5 PC. PEARL DRUM SET -Smoke color w/ Zildjianc y m b a l s a n d s t a n d s .Hardly used. $500/Best.332 - 9204

2 B R T O W N H O U S E -Monitor heat, coin-oplaundry. No pets. $775+lease, sec dep. 893-2801

S o . P o r t l a n d f o rSale/Lease: 10,654+/-sfbldg w/OHD & LD. Someofc spc. Near I-95 & Jet-p o r t . $ 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 o r$5.75/sf NNN. Call Greg,772-1333

PORTLAND- 1,296 SF ofoffice space available at59 Baxter Blvd. Waterviews & onsite parking.Lease rate $17 .95 psfM G . C o n t a c t J o h nDoyon, CCIM/ MaloneCB 207-772-2422

S O . P o r t l a n d - U p t o13,786 SF of retail spacea v a i l a b l e a t M a l l s i d ePlaza. Call Mark Malone,CCIM

FENDER ACOUSTASONICSFX-1 ampl i f ier . E x c .c o n d . i n c l s . c o v e r ,manual , 2 chanels, 80watts each. On boarddigital signal process-i n g . D e s i g n e d f o racoustic guitar & voice.$400. 772-2442

SO. Portland: 1,215+/-sfRt. 1 retail/ofc spc on1st f l r . On-s i te prkg ,g r e a t v i s . M o t i v a t e dlandlord!!! . Cal l Nate,772-1333INN AT ST. JOHN

Portland - Wkly ratesstarting @ $185.939 Congress. 773-6481.

HOLLIS - 2BR $875.STANDISH - 2BR $800.WATERBORO - 3BR $950.Heat /HW incl. 929-8065

INTOWN C o n v . l o c . ,room in historic bldg.,$158/wk. 329-6993

PORTLAND- 1,500 SF-1 0 , 0 0 0 S F s u i t e s o nMiddle St above Star-bucks . 18 .00 ps f MGlease. Call Joe.

PORTLAND - 200± SF,6 4 7 ± S F & 1 , 2 3 6 ± S Foff ice for lease at 4M o u l t o n S t i n O l dPort. Call Matthew.

PORTLAND- Up to 4,800S F w / p a r k i n g a v a i l -able at 59 Middle St.Convenient location.Call Joe Malone.

S Portland- 2,100 SF ofpr ime end cap reta i lspace available at Jet-port Plaza on WesternAve. Contact Mark Mal-one, CCIM / Malone CBat 207-772-2422

W . K e n n e b u n k : 7 0Twine Mill Rd 29,895± SFon 14.27± acres. Excel-l e n t r e d e v e l o p m e n to p p o r t u n i t y o nMousam R iver . Mot i -v a t e d s e l l e r .207.773.7100

LIMINGTON - 1BR, sunnyeat-in kit $550+. N.S., nopet, avail now. 637-2170

PORTLAND-Intown,furn.$150/wk. All utils, cable,phone. N.S. 878-9128

SO. PORTLAND- 1,500 SFf in ished off ice spaceavailable at The Castleat Brickhill. 5,655 SF –8,009 SF unfinished alsoavailable. Contact JoeMalone/ Malone CB at207-772-2422

RICHMOND, near 295 - lgnew 2BR apt incl heat$895/mo. 721-6343.

SACO - HILLTOP MOTORINN. Weekly rates from$99. Deposit. 284-4402

GOLF BALLS - 5 DOZENM I S C E L L A N E O U S . A l lc l e a n , w h i t e , g a m eballs. No cuts, in greatshape. $25.

[emailprotected] 749-5026

Topsham- 5,695 SF ofinline retail space avail-able at Topsham FairM a l l . S u b d i v i d a b l e .G o o d l o c a l / n a t i o n a lt e n a n t m i x . ContactM a r k M a l o n e , C C I M /M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

~ MOTEL RENTALS ~Old Orchard

$130 weekly. 934-4062.

SO.Portland Class A spc:1,920+/-sf 2nd flr newc o n s t r b l d g w / s o m efurniture incl. $13.50/sfNNN. Call Nate, 772-1333

Old Orchard SeabreezeSuites, fully furnished,a l l u t i l i t i e s f r o m$135/week. 934-2091

W E I D E R P R O 9 9 4 0WEIGHT MACHINE - but-t e r f l y / a b p u l l e ystation/leg press andmore. $200. 229-6554

Brunswick: 43 BibberP k w y N e t l e a s e dinvestment. 102,000± SFindustrial building on7.78± acres. 8 yrs left onlease. 207.773.7100

Windham- 860 to 5,670SF 1st floor retail/officespace available at Shopsat Sebago. Low leaser a t e . $ 8 . 9 5 p s f N N N .C o n t a c t J o e M a l o n e ,C C I M / M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

P o r t l a n d - 1 , 5 5 3 S F –1 7 , 3 6 8 S F o f o f f i c espace in Portland ArtsDistrict. $9.50-$10 psfNNN. Call Joe.

SO. Portland: Knight-v i l le area spc , up to4,621+/-sf. $10/sf NNN.Call Justin, 772-1333

Portland: 200 VerandaSt 14,620± SF buildingwith land. Highly vis-ible. Direct access from295 exit 9. 207.773.7100

Auburn- 2,500 SF-12,500S F a v a i l a b l e o n R o d -man Rd. Easy turnpikeaccess. $5.50 psf NNN.Call David

S Portland- 1,513 SF –3 ,758 SF of of f ice w/beautifully landscapedgrounds, ample on-siteparking available at 100F o d e n R d . C o n t a c tPeter / Malone CB at207-722-2422

PORTLAND- 1,689 SF &9,497 SF office/retail on1st fl & 10,775 SF officeon 2nd fl available forl e a s e a t 2 5 P e a r l S tSubdividable. ContactJoe Malone/ Malone CBat 207-772-2422

S c a r b o r o u g h : 5 2 U SR o u t e 1 I d e a lmedical/office redevel-opment site adjacentto MMC Scarborough.207.773.7100

Portland: 3,100-3,500+/-sf in indust area withL/Ds. $5.25/sf MG. CallJustin, 772-1333

WESTBROOK- 11 BRIDGES T - Multi-purposew a t e r f r o n t b l d g . i nh e a r t o f d o w n t o w nnext to RMS Ins. & DanaWarp Mill (hundreds ofemployees) . Total of4400 S.F. of fin. space.$1400 / mo. Help-U-SellR.E. 854-8431

P o r t l a n d - 2 , 1 5 6 S F &3 , 1 5 6 S F o f 1 s t f l o o roffice on Marginal Way.Drive thru window. CallJoe.

2BR- Convenient area,heat/HW incl, w/d hkupprkg. $750. 602-625-9164

Scarborough: 62 Mus-s e y R d 2 , 4 2 8 ± S F o n1.86± acres. Great rede-v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u -n i t y n e a r W a l m a r t .207.773.7100

3 B R 3 R D f l , h e a t / H W ,W/D hkups. incl.. 78 PikeSt. $800/mo. 831-8919

PAYING CASH for yourATV, sport, dirt bikesrunning or not 233-6685

Portland –(3) 2,010 SFw a r e h o u s e b a y s f o rlease at 273 Presump-scot St. $4.50 psf NNN.Call John

P o r t l a n d - 2 , 4 0 0 ý S Favailable at 36 MarketSt. 2nd floor walk up.$12.75 psf NNN. Call Joe

Westbrook- 3,600 SF ofretail/office/flex space@ 3 3 E l m w o o d A v e .$6.00 psf NNN. Call MarkMalone.

LARGE Beautiful 3rd flr,1BR, ht & HW h/u, pkg.,$725/mo. 229-5996.

SO. Port land: Broad-way 9.74± acres. Excel-lent access & visibilityn e a r n e w W a l m a r t /Lowes. 207.773.7100

SO. PORTLAND - 2000 sf12 ft overhead doors$1,050/mo. 329-0463.

10’ WALKER BAY boat -w / 2 . 5 H P S u z u k i 4 -stroke, used 20 hrs. andoars, etc. Bought newAugust 2008, not usedmuch. Asking $1450 forboth. FMI call Jeff @ 781-2641

P o r t l a n d - 9 , 8 0 0 S Foffice/whse space onP r e s u m p s c o t S t . 2docks, 18’ ceilings. $6.50MG. Call Joe.

P O R T L A N D - 3 , 0 0 0 t o30,465 SF office spacea v a i l a b l e a t 1 7 8 - 1 8 8M i d d l e S t . E x c e l l e n tlocation at the cornerof Exchange St aboveStarbucks. Contact JoeMalone, CCIM/ MaloneCB at 207-772-2422

1BR - Heated, no pets.$150 per week + sec .dep. 207-865-6407

Westbrook: 869 Main St4 , 2 5 5 ± S F s u b l e a s e .C l a s s A , n e w l y r e n o -v a t e d . F u r n i t u r eincluded. 207.773.7100

Portland: 1 IndustrialWay 1,500 SF w/ OHD.Easy access to I -95 &R o u t e 3 0 2 .$1,200/month.207-773-7100

W. Bath: 76 New Mead-o w s F u l l y t e n a n t e d ,m i x e d - u s e c o m p l e xtotaling 79,082± SF on8 . 4 8 ± a c r e s .207.773.7100

CLOSE TO BEACH - 1BR.heat,HW,prkg, priv. en-try, yd, pets OK. 502-2610

PORTLAND RIVERSIDE -Forest Ave. Area. HighVisibility 1500 SF w/OHD o o r + o f f i c e . $ 1 2 0 0incl. all. (714)305-8242.

P o r t l a n d - 3 , 0 9 5 S F &5,985 SF available at 50Monument Sq in heartof downtown Portland.Call Peter

W e s t b r o o k - PRICEREDUCED. Up to 1,776SF office for lease at 91Larrabee Rd. Call Peter.

POLARIS SWITCHBACK600 DRAGON 2009 - w/elec. & reverse, new leftover. $7500. 892-3166

SO. Portland: 184 MainS t 3 , 8 0 0 ± S F w / l a n davailable. Convenientlylocated w/ great Route1 visibility. 207.773.7100

S o . P o r t l a n d :1,000-1,500+/-sf unitsn e a r M a l l . O n l y$1 ,000-$1 ,100/mo MGplus ut i l . Ca l l Just in ,772-1333

FURN- luxury 2BR,gour-met kit, gas fplc, gar.,W/D $1400 incls utils &wifi. N.S. 767-4777.

P o r t l a n d - 4 l e g a l ( 1 )b e d r o o m u n i t s p l u saddit ional unit . 100%leased @ 271 Spring St.S a l e p r i c e $ 3 4 5 , 0 0 0 .Contact David Caron /M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422.

Windham- 660 to 4,010S F 2 n d f l o o r o f f i c es p a c e a v a i l a b l e . O nRoute 302 with greatvisibility. $8.95 psf NNN.C o n t a c t J o e M a l o n e ,C C I M / M a l o n e C B a t207-772-2422

PORTLAND- 3,308 SF 1stfl office space availableat 119 Middle Street. 2private off ices. Leaser a t e : $ 1 7 . 7 5 p s f M G .C o n t a c t P e t e r H a r -rington/ Malone CB at207-772-2422

SPACIOUS 2 BR - office,W/D, prkg, N.S. no pets$975 + utils. 767-4777

Westbrook: 1 Chabot St15,000± SF warehouse &off ice. OHDs, loadingdocks & ample parking.207.773.7100

SO. Portland- 4,000 SFoffice/warehouse sub-lease near Maine Mall.$7.50 psf NNN. Call JohnDoyon.

Westbrook- C o m m /residential property onMain St. 100% leased.Sale price $530,000. CallDavid.

Yarmouth: 2,034 +/-sfattractive spc at 30 For-est Fal ls Dr. $12.50/sfN N N . C a l l J u s t i n ,772-1333

Portland- 3,616 SF ClassA off ice avai lable forsublease at One CanalPlaza. Call Peter.

56 RACKLEFF ST - 2BR,n e w B A , p r k g , p r i v .deck , W/D hkups , nodogs, NS $880+ 774-6346

Westbrook: Warren AveMultiple lease opportu-nities 3-6,000 SF. Com-p e t i t i v e r a t e s , e a s yaccess. 207.773.7100

PORTLAND Town Homes at Ocean East

Now Leasing Beautiful 2 & 3 BR Town HomesHeat & Hot Water incld.

Sign lease by 4/15/11 for*lst Months Rent Free*Rent Begins at $1137.

Section 8 Welcome! Income Restrictions

May Apply.Realty Resources

Management 1-800-338-8538.

Commercial Property

626 Rte.1 Scarborough$749,900

Medical/ professional/ commercial building on over 2ac res in p r ime Rte 1 loca t ion in TVC zone!Expandable 2500+ sq. ft. medical / professionalbuilding built in 1984 w/ 8 offices, reception & largewai t ing room at tached to a beaut i ful 4000 sfFederal-style (c. 1750). 3-phase electric, 25+ spacepaved & lighted parking. Great visibility w/ 21k carsdaily. Owner financing considered.

Charlie Webber 749-1283Peter Coyne 939-6126

Commercial Lease

Jay Wise207.775.3499www.wrebrokers.com

WESTBROOK - 2,700 SF On Main St., formerdrive thru coffe shop available for lease.The property comes complete with most ofthe equipment in place. Parking for 30+cars with room to expand if needed. Prop-erty could be converted for a bank use withdouble drive. Adjacent to KFC/Taco Bell andacross from McDonald's . Other nearbybusinesses include; Amato's, AdvancedAuto, Dunkin Donut's, Shaw's and Kohl's.


Commercial Lease

Jay Wise207.775.3499www.wrebrokers.com

PORTLAND - 3,096 SF, Proposed newretail bank location with double drivethru capabilities. First class interior fin-ishes with brick and granite exterior.E x t r e m e l y v i s i b l e l o c a t i o n i n t h eWoodford's Corner section of ForestAvenue. This prominent location offersthe tenant tremendous signage possi-bilities and presence on Forest Avenue.

BIDDEFORD - River Walk.2 BR, 1 3/4 ba. Startinga t $ 2 4 9 K . E a s t w o o d sDevel. Corp. 282-5876

2 & 3BR - New paint, city& water views, incl heat/HW, Sect 8 OK 797-0000

E. PROM - 1BR,2nd flr.water views, hea /HWincl. $865/ mo., no pets,NS, off-st prkg 233-9232

SUNNY, 3 BR, 1 BA - W/Dh k u p . F e n c e d y a r d ,d e c k , o f f - s t . p r k g .Heat/HW incld. $1300/mo. 207-767-3219

Westbrook- 3 -un i t @5 3 2 M a i n S t f o r s a l e .MAJOR PRICE REDUC-T I O N . $ 2 4 9 , 0 0 0 . C a l lDavid Caron.

3BR Federal St, 3rd flr,ocean view, new kit/BA$1250+ Sec 8 ok 772-5831

Portland Press Herald 3-22 - [PDF Document] (32)

Portland Press Herald 3-22 - [PDF Document] (33)

The Portland Press Herald/ Tuesday, March 22, 2011 D7


Modifi ed 5/05/09InDesign* Edition: PD Sec/Page: D7 Rundate: Tuesday, March 22, 2011

DEAR ABBY: My job re-quires me to travel out of town several nights a week,

leaving my wife home alone. She recently invited a mutual (male) friend out for dinner dur-ing my absence. He’s the other half of a couple we socialize with frequently. (His wife was also out of town.)

I told her I was uncomfortable with it. I don’t think married men and women should go out alone with members of the op-posite sex. She maintains that it wasn’t a “date,” that she was just having a meal with a friend.

Did I overreact? – Feeling cheated on in Illinois

DEAR FEELING CHEAT-ED ON: With some couples this

wouldn’t be an issue. However, how I feel about it is not as im-portant as how YOU feel. If you have explained your feelings to your wife and she knows it made you uncomfortable, then it shouldn’t be repeated. I can’t help but wonder how she would react if you told her you had run into the man’s wife on one of your business trips and the two of you had had dinner together.

DEAR ABBY: My husband’s

sister is being married in a few months. The wedding is in her hometown, which is more than 1,400 miles from where we live. My husband and I have three small children.

Taking our entire family and staying for three or four days will cost $3,000. Two of the chil-dren would not be able to attend the ceremony without causing a disruption, due to naps, feeding, etc. In spite of the fi nancial bur-den and the fact that it will be a diffi cult trip for the children, the bride-to-be is demanding that all of us be there.

Abby, are we obligated to make this trip, or would it be ac-ceptable for only my husband to attend? If he goes alone, he will have time with his sister and

the rest of the family, whom he does not get to see very often. We want to do the right thing, but the reality is that taking our family of fi ve would be diffi cult for everyone. – Anxious in Ohio

DEAR ANXIOUS: Your hus-band needs to assert himself and talk some sense into his sister. While it is wonderful that she would like to have all of you at her wedding, an invitation is a request – not a summons. If being there with the children would be stressful fi nancially, logistically and emotionally, you are right to stay home.

Write Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los

Angeles, CA 90069 or



Thought for Today



HHHHH Dynamic dayHHHH Positive dayHHH Average dayHH So-so dayH Diffi cult day


Wife’s dinner with mutual male friend upsetting



For some people, greeting cards mean a lot



While I’m away, readers give the advice.

ON SENDING cards when you don’t value them: When my father’s sisters died and

I cleaned out their possessions, I found every birthday card and letter that I had sent them since the scribbled ones when I was 5. I had no idea how much those mailings meant to them, and I was embarrassed that I hadn’t sent a card every year. – H.S.

I CAN’T remember the con-tent of my last e-mail … but I do have a 40-year-old box of love letters in the upstairs closet, quietly preserved. – D.K.


slipped into dementia after los-

ing three of her seven children. Her short-term memory was gone. But she would sit with her old greeting cards, and could tell you who sent them and why. It gave her a sense of place and time in a bewildering life.

My mother gained immeasur-able peace, knowing that my grandmother could fi nd some-thing that gave her joy after losing so much. – Card queen

ON THE “perfect girl” who

might get away: You can decide if it’s cynical or just pragmatic, but if this ideal girl had gone to a different school, hung out in different clubs or lived in an-other neighborhood, they would have met someone else who was “the only one” without ever knowing the other existed.

I have had my heart broken many times, and there was al-ways another wonderful person in my future. Some of the old “only ones” are thought of with nostalgia; some with absolute relief that we didn’t continue on. – No spilled-milk laments

ON LEARNING not to fall for people who have emotional problems: I had a (series of bad relationships), and eventually

realized that I needed to learn how to become attracted to a different kind of person.

It’s not easy to change an emotional reaction, and I’m not sure I could have done it with-out counseling. How was it pos-sible to fi nd someone attractive if he never let me down? Where was the excitement?

When I met Mr. Right, I knew intellectually he was the person I should spend my life with, but it took me months to develop an emotional attachment. I have never felt the burn-me-up pas-sion I had found in less stable relationships. – Anonymous

Chat with Carolyn online noon Fridays

at washingtonpost. com or e-mail her at


“Better to be alone than with a bad companion.”

Spanish expression


HHHHH Approach others with

depth, even if you fi nd someone to

be remarkably superfi cial. Perhaps

you can help this person make

contact on a more profound level.

Detach, and you’ll gain a different

perspective. Tonight: Let the good

times rock and roll.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

HHHH You generally are sure of

yourself. Allowing people to know

less about how you feel could be

powerful. Let spontaneity just hap-

pen between you and others. Detach

and watch someone start taking

more responsibility. Tonight: Say


GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHH Honor who you are in resolving a

daily life issue. A partner might want

to give his or her input. Realize you

are seeing events from a different

perspective. Know that if you value

this person, there can be truth here.

Tonight: Say little; do more.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

HHHHH An innate sense of

creativity touches nearly everything

you do. Even though others see

situations as you see them, they still

could be elaborated on. Be easy with

a child or new friend. You could be

exhausted. Tonight: Let it all hang


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH You continue to work on a personal

level, not allowing bias to come for-

ward. You’ll understand much more

as a result of this period of internal

refl ection. Plug into your to-do list,

knowing there is a lot to accomplish.

Tonight: Finally, taking it easy.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHHH Tap into your creativity, and nothing

will baffl e you for any length of time.

Solutions appear if you are willing

to get to the root of an issue and

understand it. Someone cares a lot

about you and lets you know it. Be

available to others. Tonight: Hang


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHH Take a gander. Detach. How much

is the material side of life affect-

ing you? You wonder if you have a

choice or an opportunity to move

in a different direction. Be willing

to fi nd an expert and investigate

alternatives. Tonight: Do some read-

ing. Relax before you approach an

issue again.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

HHHH Understanding draws a

very different perspective. Keep con-

versations fl owing, even if you might

need to do some rescheduling or a

situation is turning your life upside

down. Go with it, for now. There is

much to be gained. Tonight: A key

person responds to your efforts.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

HHH Take your time, knowing

there is no rush. You need to tune

in to what you feel and think. How

much can you offer? This could refer

to an emotional or fi nancial situation.

Do needed research. Tonight: Much-

needed downtime.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

HHHHH Your ability to move with

the group yet point to basics could

be far more important than you real-

ize. Honor who you are, and ask for

more feedback. Brainstorm; toss out

ideas. You’ll come up with solutions.

Tonight: Zero in on what you want.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

HHHHH Honor what is going on

among your friends, and get to the

bottom of an emotional matter. This

could involve someone you look up

to or an issue involving responsibility

and authority. Rome wasn’t built in

a day; nor does your thinking need

to be solidifi ed immediately. Tonight:

Take the lead.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

HHHHH You have a way of

looking at issues from both sides. A

different perspective might be more

important than you realize. Listen to

what is being said. Understand there

are many ways to the same goal. Use

good sense. Tonight: Move onward.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAYTHIS YEAR, you appear extraor-

dinarily grounded. Communication

becomes a star issue, which you and

others seem to work on. You also

might fi nd work more of a burden

than in the past. Look at what you

can do to transform this situation.

The next four to fi ve months could

be very fortunate. In January, you

will have started a new 11-year luck

cycle. Eliminate what you don’t want

to deal with anymore. If you are

single, the next four months could

draw in quite a few suitors. The right

person might be in the mix. If you

are attached, your partner could be a

bit “different.” You are redefi ning this

relationship. SCORPIO bottom-lines


Jacqueline Bigar is on the Internet at:


– King Features Syndicate Inc.

PEANUTS by Charles Schulz


TW 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 CTN5 5 Community Kitchens Local Programming Lighthouse Jubilees Local Programming Haskell From the House Thom Hartmann Show

6-WCSH 6 207 Magazine. Be a Millionaire The Biggest Loser An eliminated contestant returns. (N) (S) (cc) Parenthood Adam worries about his job.

7-WPFO 7 Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Glee Sue fills in for Principal Figgins. (S) (:01) Raising Hope (:31) Traffic Light (N) News 13 on FOX (N)

8-WMTW 8 Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) (cc) No Ordinary Family “No Ordinary Animal” Best in Film: The Greatest Movies of Our Time America’s favorite films are revealed.

MPBN 10 PBS NewsHour (N) (S) (cc) The Street Stops Here Basketball coach Bob Hurley Sr. (cc) Frontline Nonprofit group Dignitas. (S) Independent Lens

11-WENH 11 PBS NewsHour (N) (S) (cc) Behind the Britcom: From Script to Screen British comedies. (S) (cc) Good Neighbors Royal Special

51-WPXT 12 How I Met/Mother How I Met/Mother One Tree Hill “Holding Out for a Hero” (S) Hellcats Marti faces initiation. (S) (cc) Entourage (S) (cc) TMZ (N) (S) (cc)

13-WGME 13 Entertainment ’Night The Insider (N) (S) NCIS “Out of the Frying Pan ...” (N) (S) NCIS: Los Angeles “Enemy Within” (N) (S) The Good Wife “Ham Sandwich” (N) (S)

ION 14 Without a Trace “Volcano” (S) (cc) Without a Trace “Neither Rain Nor Sleet” Criminal Minds “Children of the Dark” (S) Criminal Minds “Seven Seconds” (cc)

35-WPME 17 The King of Queens Everybody-Raymond Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? Don’t Forget Lyrics! Don’t Forget Lyrics! Curb Enthusiasm OurMaine Homes

EWTN 18 Daily Mass: Our Lady Mother Angelica Live Classic Episodes EWTN Religious The Holy Rosary Threshold of Hope

BET 23 (6:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Let’s Stay Together The Game (S) (cc) The Game (S) (cc) The Game (S) (cc) The Game (N) (cc) Let’s Stay Together

DSC 24 Auction Kings (cc) Auction Kings (cc) Auction Kings “Spy Watch; Model A” (S) Auction Kings (cc) Auction Kings (cc) Auction Kings (cc) Auction Kings (cc)

FAM 25 America’s Funniest Home Videos (cc) America’s Funniest Home Videos (cc) America’s Funniest Home Videos (cc) America’s Funniest Home Videos (cc)

USA 26 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (cc) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (cc) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (cc) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (cc)

NESN 27 NHL Hockey New Jersey Devils at Boston Bruins. From TD Garden in Boston. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) Bruins Overtime NESN Daily (Live) Dennis

SCNE 28 SportsNet Central Mike & Tommy Celtics Old School Sports Tonight Live SportsNet Central

ESPN 30 Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament -- Connecticut vs. Purdue. (Live) College Basketball NIT Tournament, Quarterfinal -- Kent State at Colorado. (cc)

ESPN2 31 Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament, Second Round. (Live) (cc) Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament, Second Round. (Live) (cc)

WE 32 Charmed “The Day the Magic Died” (S) Movie: ★★ “Where the Heart Is” (2000, Comedy-Drama) Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd. (cc) Movie: Where Hrt

OXY 33 The Bad Girls Club “Beat-Down Barbie” The Bad Girls Club “Weak Sauce” (cc) The Bad Girls Club “Power Trippin” Movie: ★★★ “Jerry Maguire” (1996)

DISN 34 Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb Movie: ★★ “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl” (2005) Suite Life on Deck Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb

TOON 35 Johnny Test (cc) Scooby-Doo Hole in the Wall (S) Adventure Time King of the Hill (S) King of the Hill (S) American Dad American Dad (S)

NICK 36 iCarly (S) (cc) SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids Hates Chris Hates Chris George Lopez (S) George Lopez (S)

MSNBC 37 Hardball With Chris Matthews (cc) The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Ed Show (N)

CNN 38 John King, USA (N) In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (cc)

CNBC 40 The Kudlow Report (N) The Facebook Obsession 60 Minutes on CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC (N)

FNC 41 The FOX Report With Shepard Smith (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (cc) Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren

TNT 43 Bones “Yanks in the U.K.” (cc) NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Atlanta Hawks. From Philips Arena in Atlanta. (Live) (cc) NBA Basketball

LIFE 44 Pawn Stars (cc) Pawn Stars (cc) American Pickers “Invisible Pump” (cc) American Pickers “Getting the Boot” One Born Every Minute (N) (cc)

TLC 46 19 Kids-Count 19 Kids-Count What Not to Wear “Gina” (S) (cc) What Not to Wear “Jillian” (N) (S) (cc) What Not to Wear “Jordan” (N) (S) (cc)

AMC 47 (5:00) Movie: ★★★ “Tombstone” (1993) Movie: ★★★ “The Rainmaker” (1997) Matt Damon. A rookie lawyer goes up against a big insurance company. ‘PG-13’ (cc)

HOME 48 Hunters Int’l House Hunters House Hunters My First Place My First Place (N) Selling New York House Hunters Hunters Int’l

TRAVEL 49 Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern (N) Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern

A&E 50 The First 48 (cc) The First 48 (cc) The First 48 “Alias; Duel” (cc) The First 48 “Southwick; Devil’s Doorway”

TVFN 51 Iron Chef America “Morimoto vs. Yeo” Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars “Vintage Cupcakes” Chopped “Squashed”

BRAVO 52 The Real Housewives of Orange County The Real Housewives of Orange County Million Dollar Listing (N) (cc) The Real Housewives of Miami (N)

TRU 53 World’s Dumbest... A limo in reverse. Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn (N) Hardcore Pawn (N) Big Brian: The Fortune Seller “Pilot”

NGC 54 Hard Time “Breaking In” Devil’s Bible Codex Gigas. Hard Time “Worst of the Worst” Hard Time “The Hustle”

HALL 55 Little House on the Prairie “Annabelle” Touched by an Angel (S) (cc) Touched by an Angel “The Road Home” Touched by an Angel “The Road Home”

SYFY 56 Destination Truth “Yeti” (S) (cc) Destination Truth (S) (cc) Destination Truth (N) (S) (cc) Marcel’s Quantum Kitchen

ANIM 57 Human Prey “Killer Sharks” (S) (cc) Fatal Attractions (S) (cc) Fatal Attractions “Don’t Feed the Bears!” Fatal Attractions “Raging Bulls” (S) (cc)

HIST 58 Modern Marvels Materials deflect bullets. Pawn Stars (cc) Pawn Stars (cc) Only in America With Larry the Cable Guy Top Shot “Trick Shot Showdown II” (N)

SPIKE 60 (6:30) Movie: ★★★ “Under Siege” (1992) Steven Seagal. (S) (:45) Movie: ★★ “On Deadly Ground” (1994, Action) Steven Seagal, Michael Caine, Joan Chen. (S)

COM 61 Daily Show The Colbert Report Jeff Dunham: Arguing With Myself (cc) Tosh.0 (S) (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc)

FX 62 Two and a Half Men Movie: ★★★ “Wanted” (2008, Action) James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie. Lights Out “Rainmaker” (N)

E! 64 E! News (N) Movie: ★★★ “Something’s Gotta Give” (2003) Jack Nicholson. A music exec falls for the mother of his young girlfriend.

TVLND 67 Sanford & Son Sanford and Son Sanford & Son (:28) Sanford & Son Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond

WTBS 68 The King of Queens The King of Queens The Office (S) (cc) The Office (S) (cc) The Office (S) (cc) The Office (S) (cc) The Office (S) (cc) The Office (S) (cc)

VH1 69 Wedding Wars (S) Beverly Hills Love & Hip Hop (S) RuPaul’s Drag Race “RuPaul-a-Palooza” Movie: “What’s Love Got to Do With It”

MTV 70 Silent Library (S) Silent Library (S) When I Was 17 (S) When I Was 17 (S) Teen Mom 2 “Two Steps Forward” (S) Teen Mom 2 Chelsea studies for her GED.

CMTV 71 The Dukes of Hazzard (S) (cc) The Dukes of Hazzard (S) (cc) Movie: ★ “Stroker Ace” (1983, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty. (S) (cc)

BBC 108 BBC World News America (cc) Star Trek: The Next Generation (S) (cc) Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (S) (cc) Prince William & Prince Harry-Future

ENC 125 (6:10) Movie: ★★ “St. Elmo’s Fire” ‘R’ Movie: ★ “Law Abiding Citizen” (2009, Suspense) Jamie Foxx. (S) ‘R’ (cc) (9:50) Movie: ★★ “Unlawful Entry” ‘R’

ESPNC 127 Boxing: 1987 Williams vs. Witherspoon College Basketball NCAA final, from 4/5/93. The Fab Five

TCM 146 (6:00) Movie: ★★★ “Baby Doll” (1956) Movie: ★★ “Wife vs. Secretary” (1936) Clark Gable. (cc) (:45) Movie: ★★★ “Red Dust” (1932) Clark Gable. (cc)

HBO 200 (6:00) Movie: ★★★ “Independence Day” (1996) Will Smith. (S) Movie: ★ “Cop Out” (2010, Comedy) Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan. (S) ‘R’ (cc) Big Love: End

MAX 220 Movie: Bev. Cop (:45) Movie: ★★★ “The People vs. Larry Flynt” (1996, Drama) Woody Harrelson. (S) ‘R’ (cc) Movie: ★★★ “Get Him to the Greek” (S)

SHOW 250 (6:15) Movie: ★★★ “Transsiberian” ‘R’ (:15) Movie: “The Tournament” (2009, Action) Robert Carlyle. iTV. (S) ‘R’ (cc) Californication (iTV) Californication (iTV)

TMC 266 (6:25) Movie: “Command Performance” Movie: “Home of the Giants” (2007, Drama) Haley Joel Osment. (S) ‘PG-13’ (cc) Movie: “Joe Strummer: Future”

STARZ 270 (:05) Movie: ★★ “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003, Action) Paul Walker. (S) ‘PG-13’ (cc) Movie: ★ “Grown Ups” (2010) Adam Sandler. (S) ‘PG-13’ (cc) Movie: Stepfather

% WCVB Inside Edition (N) Chronicle (cc) No Ordinary Family “No Ordinary Animal” Best in Film: The Greatest Movies of Our Time America’s favorite films are revealed.

WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos (cc) Old Christine Old Christine How I Met/Mother How I Met/Mother WGN News at Nine (N) (S) (cc)

Solution to Monday’s puzzle

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku,visit www.sudoku.org.uk.

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Every Sunday in the Maine Sunday Telegram

Portland Press Herald 3-22 - [PDF Document] (34)

D O D G E C A L I B E R S X T2008 - 4DR, new tires.exc . cond. 40 ,815 mi .h a s w a r r a n t y . C l e a rtitle. 4 cyl, hatchback,a u t o , b l a c k , n o a c c i -d e n t s , 1 o w n e r , N . S .$8295, retails $10,500.423-313-7777, car is inWestbrook.

SAAB 93 2003 - 4 DR,L O A D E D , C D , m o o n -roof, beautiful car, 1o w n e r . m u s t s e e .Asking $6800.650-1603

BMW R27 1964 - Rebuiltmotor & trans. Beauti-f u l o r i g . p a i n t . a l l o ywheels, new seat & barsincl. $3600/best offer

Call FMI, 778-0735.

HONDA P ILOT LX ‘06 -4WD, 5 spd auto, 8 pas-senger/3rd row seat,si lver, 71K, al l power,A/C, CD, alloys, traction/stability control, cruise1st/2nd/3rd row cur-tain air bags, great int. ,exc cond. $16,490/best.Kennebunk 603-475-2208

C H R Y S L E R T O W N &COUNTRY LX 2002 - 139Kmi., new sticker, goodcond., clean int., runsgreat. $3950. 839-7300.

DODGE CARAVAN 2005,V6, 7 Pass. Great familyvehicle.

Must Sell- $6,750 oboCall Stu 423-3986

S U B A R U L E G A C Y L S ISTATION WAGON 1995 -2nd owner, auto, AWD,169K mi . , exc . shape,n e w t i r e s , b r a k e s &tuneup. $2950 or bestoffer. 522-1599

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O NROADGLIDE FI 2003 - 24Km i . S i l v e r / b l a c k ,g a r a g e d . E x c . c o n d .Dealer installed Stage Ik i t & e x h a u s t . C a l l207-735-5440 for moredetails. Bangor. $11,500.

JEEP WRANGLER 2007,V6, Pwr Opt, 6Spd, HardTop, AlloysMust Sell - $19,968 obo

Call Lou 518-8131

DODGE STRATUS 2006,V6, A l loys , Great stu-dent/family car!

Must Sell- $7,990 oboCall Stu 423-3986

SUBARU OUTBACK 2001-146K, new brakes, cali-pers, rotors, head gas-kets, timing belt, camseals, new tires, newsticker $6600. 831-9216

DODGE RAM CARGO VAN2500 1996 - Runs great,clean, 120K miles, newalternator & battery ,st ickered $1895/bestoffer. 892-4656


Must Sell - $6,000 oboCall Stu 423-3986

SUZUKI KAZASHI SE 2010- A W D , a u t o , 1 0 , 0 0 0miles, many features,e x c c o n d , a s k i n g$22,000. 807-8622.

FORD CROWN VICTORIA2007 - 130K mi. Pol iceInterceptor, excellentcondition. $6500. Call207-797-9046.


Must Sell - $8,950 oboCall Stu 423-3986

F O R D E X P L O R E RSPORT TRAC XLT 2003 -4WD,low mi. auto, CD,s i l v e r c o l o r , g r a yleather. Must See. Exc.Cond. $8900. 650-1100

TOYOTA AVALON XLS ‘98- A u t o , l e a t h e r , C Dp l a y e r , l o a d e d , v e r yc lean, in great cond.A k s i n g $ 4 , 9 0 0 . C a l l650-1100.

F O R D M U S T A N G C O N -V E R T I B L E 2 0 0 5 -m a r o o n , a u t o , 6 c y l ,A / C , P W , 2 6 K m i . ,g a r a g e d w i n t e r s .$12,500 or best offer.Call Greg, 207-318-8116.

CHEVY EQUINOX LT 2006,V6, AWD, Leather, verynice SUV!Must Sell - $16,500 obo

Call Lou 518-8131

SPACE CAP for 8’ bed, 3yrs. old. A lot of shelf-ing. $5800 NOW. ($8500NEW). 207-467-1518

FORD F150 CC 2010 -auto, 4X4, Sirus radio,tow pkg. power sun-roof, bedliner w/only25K mi.$34,500.

Call 615-3235.

T O Y O T A C A M R Y L E2006 - Excellent condi-tion. well maintained,new t i res , 1 owner .$9,200. Call 727-4778.

HONDA ACCORD EX 2004- 4 dr., 4 cyl, auto, grayw/gray cloth, 110K mi.,

very clean, fully ser-viced, new brakes,

coolant, filters, tuneup.Winter & summer tires.

$9,100. 443-2011 or841-7801

M E R C U R Y M A R I N E RPREMIERE 2010 - 4x4,7 5 0 0 m i l e s , a u t o ,leather interior, sync &GPS systems, back-ups e n s o r s , e x c c o n d .A s k i n g $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 .415-8767.

2005 MERCEDES C240MA- 4 M a t i c , 4 1 K m i .L o a d e d , B l a c k O p a l ,g r e a t c o n d . O r i g i n a lowner. Asking $16,400.Blue Book 17,625. 781-640-7270 [emailprotected]

TOYOTA COROLLA 2009 -4 c y l a u t o , w h i t e /beinge interior, loadedw i t h e v e r y t h i n g b u tpower seats, 32K miles,exc cond $14,000/bestoffer 615-6329

FORD F750 1998 - newtires, brakes, exhausta n d m o r e . 2 6 ’ b o xtruck. Runs great, readyfor road. $5000.

Call 828-8699.

CHEVY TAHOE 2005, V8,4WD Great family SUV!Must Sell- $14,750 obo

Call Stu 423-3986

NISSAN MURANO 2006,SL, V6, LeatherALL-WHEEL DRIVE!Must Sell - $15,500 obo

Call Lou 518-8131TOYOTA COROLLA 2010,Auto, Pwr Opt , GreatMPG!Must Sell- $13,750 obo

Call Lou 518-8131

FORD RANGER XLT 2004 -ext. cab, A/C, auto, tow

package, truck liner.95K mi. 4WD, looks &

runs exc. w/new powerwheel chair lift. $7900.

Call 779-7843.

BMW 330 Ci 2003 -Convertible. Low mi. 41K


Rear wheel drive,Manual, Green exterior,

Tan leather interior.$18,000 Negotiable.

(In Portland)Call 207-650-1153

H Y U N D A I E L A N T R A2 0 0 0 - n e w s t i c k e r ,very clean, runs great,2 0 6 K m i , p e w t e r ,37mpg. $1895 or bestoffer. Call 240-6505.

GMC JIMMY SLE 2000 -4X4, 4 .3 Vortex, 176K.O r i g i n a l l y S o u t h e r nt r u c k . n o r u s t , g o o ds t i c k e r , s u p e r c l e a nchampagne color , hastrans issue, no 4th gear,l o a d e d , a l l o p t i o n sw/tow pkg. Sell $1800.Books $3200. 205-9123.

CHEVY TAHOE LT 2007,S u n r o o f , 2 0 ” A l l o y s ,Very sharp SUV!Must Sell - $21,500 obo

Call Stu 423-3986

BUICK LUCERNE SUPERC X S 2 0 0 6 - Norstar4.6L ,54K mi . , metal l icmaroon, tan leather ,h e a t e d 8 w a y p o w e rs e a t s , i n d i v i d u a l c l i -m a t e c o n t r o l , b l u e -tooth,, OnStar, remotes t a r t , e v e r y o p t i o ne x c e p t m o o n r o o f .Asking $16,500. $45,225to replace. 892-2052

INF IN IT I G35X 2004 -Auto., 6-Cyl. 97,500 mi.S i l v e r , l o a d e d , v e r yclean. All wheel drive,black leather, 6 discC D , d u a l p o w e rseats,power sunroof,3.5 l iter, sporty ride.$12,500. 883-4706

TOYOTA 4RUNNER 2005SR5 4WD 4.0L V6, Auto,Very Clean. Perfect reli-able family SUV.

Must Sell- $16,750 oboCall Stu 423-3986

TOYOTA SIENNA LE 2005- 28K miles, auto, exc.cond., new tires, towpkg $16,500. 865-4505

V O L K S W A G E N J E T T A2 0 1 0 - d i e s e l ,4 1 - 4 5 m p g i n t o w n ,standard trans. 7200mi . $20 ,300 . $24 ,800new. loaded. 467-1518

GMC P/U 1988 - 4WD,89K, 8 ft F isher plow,t o o l b o x , b e d l i n e r ,r e a d y t o g o $ 2 , 1 9 5 .Boothbay 380-3551

C H E V Y T R A I L B L A Z E R2003, 4WD, Alloys, greatin snow!

Must Sell - $9,500 oboCall Stu 423-3986

KIA RONDO LX 2008, V6,Pwr Opt,Perfect familyvehicle!Must Sell- $12,688 obo

Call Lou 518-8131

CHEVROLET COLORADO4X4 Z71 CREW CAB 2005- Auto., 5-Cyl. 100K mi.R e d , A / C , n e w t i r e s ,exc.cond. Many extras.$11,000. 989-980-7653


GMC SIERRA SLE 2009 -Regular cab, 4WD w/8’F i s h e r p l o w , n e v e rused. 6 liter eng., 9143mi . Ask ing $25 ,500 .Or ig . pr ice $40 ,000 .A l s o s p a c e c a p f o radditional $6000.

Call 467-1518.

VOLKSWAGON PASSAT2 0 0 4 - 4 motion, veryg o o d c o n d . s i l v e r ,loaded, 107K mi. $7200.831-4694

T O Y O T A R A V 4 2 0 0 8 -Auto. , 4-Cyl . 51K mi. ,white pearl, new tires,cloth seats. Excellentc o n d i t i o n . $ 1 7 , 0 0 0207-694-4184

VOLVO 850 WAGON 1993,5 C Y L , A u t o , G r e a t i nsnow!

Must Sell- $1,950 oboCall Stu 423-3986

C H E V R O L E T M A L I B UCLASSIC 2005 - 63K, exccond, 1 owner $6,995,lists for $8,100. Booth-bay 380-3551

C H E V Y T R A I L B L A Z E R2006 4WD LS Package,4 . 2 L I - 6 , A u t o , V e r yclean truck.

Must Sell- $13,900 oboCall Stu 423-3986

GMC SIERRA SLT 2010 -loaded 4dr crew cab1/2 ton , 9K .$33 ,500 .ORIG. $47,700. 467-1518

LEXUS GS300 2003 - 4DR, exc. cond. very-nice. loaded w/ every-thing. Asking $8900.Call 650-1100.

CHEVROLET COLORADO2007 - 2WD, short box,P/U, 2.9 4-cyl, auto, A/C,tilt, cruise, Posi rear, 1o w n e r , I m m a c u l a t econd., 152K $5595 firm.Norway 207-515-4187

CHEVY CAMARO 2010 -Manual, 6-Cyl.1475 mi.B l a c k , l o a d e d , L TCoupe w/ RS Package.2 0 " w h e e l s . R e a rspoiler, sunroof, aux-illary gauges. Leatherseats & much more.$25,500 608-359-1668

TOYOTA S IENNA 2006 ,L i m i t e d , A W D f u l l yloaded!

Must Sell- $20,500 oboCall Lou 518-8131

LEXUS GS300 2004 - withn a v i g a t i o n s y s t e m ,Mark Levinson sounds y s t e m , s u n r o o f &m a n y o t h e r o p t i o n s103K, exc. cond., regu-l a r l y m a i n t a i n e d b yd e a l e r , s u m m e r &B L I Z A K w i n t e r t i r e s$12,300. 207-358-0080.

VOLVO S60 AWD 2003 -A u t o . , 5 - C y l . 8 7 K m i .R e d , l o a d e d , l e a t h e rinterior, sunroof. Veryclean, 1 owner. AWD,d e a l e r m a i n t a i n e d .$9 ,000 . (KBB $11 ,000 )Peter 207-838-1761

FORD ESCAPE HYBRID2006 - 4WD, navigation,6 CD player, exc cond,105K, 1 owner $8,800firm. Call 207-318-5248.

C H E V Y I M P A L A 2 0 0 2 ,V 6 , P w r O p t , G r e a tcommuter car!

Must Sell- $5,750 oboCall Stu 423-3986

V O L V O S 8 0 2 0 0 0 - l e a t h e r , e x t r e m e l yclean, well main. exc.cond. Drives like new.$2945. 650-1603.

LEXUS RX400H 2007 -Auto. , 145K highwaymi. Charcoal, loaded,anti-lock brakes, P.S.A/C, GPS. New tires,runs well, leather inte-r i o r , m o o n r o o f .$17,175. 207-318-1787 TOYOTA TACOMA 2009,

Crew, V6 Tough truck! Must Sell $26,500 obo

Call Lou 518-8131

FORD EXPEDITION 2000 -loaded, black. 132K mi.$5500 or best offer. Call380-6609

CHEVROLET SUBURBAN4X4 1996 - 4WD, 9 pas-senger, 200K, loaded.3/4 ton HD, runs new,Class 3 hitch. blue. 5.7.$1900. 205-9123.

V O L V O V 7 0 X C 1 9 9 9 ,AWD, Leather Great insnow!

Must Sell- $3,950 oboCall Stu 423-3986

FORD EXPLORER 20044WD 4.0L V6, Auto, FullPower Options, solid.

Must Sell- $9,200 oboCall Stu 423-3986

CHRY PT CRUISER 2003,4Cyl, Pwr Options, GreatMPG!

Must Sell- $3,550 oboCall Stu 423-3986

MERCEDES BENZ CLASSSL500 ROADSTER 2004 -hardtop convertible, 2dr, V8, 5.0L, auto, silver,light blue leather inte-rior, 90K mi, loaded w/all options, exc.cond.S e l l i n g f o r $ 2 4 , 5 0 0 .$89K new. 207-465-7189or 207-233-5416.

C H E V Y C O L O R A D O2004,Z-71, Leather, verynice small truck!Must Sell - $10,967 obo

Call Stu 423-3986

VW JETTA 2007 HeatedLeather, Sunroof, 2.5LI-4, Auto, Full Power

Must Sell- $13,900 oboCall Lou 518-8131

FORD F550 XLT SUPERDUTY TOW TRUCK 1999 -302K, auto, 7 .3 dieself l a t b e d r o l l b a c k 1 9 ’long w/wheel lift. runsexc., new sticker & tires.Many, many new parts.B o u g h t n e w t r u c k .D o n ’ t n e e d t h i s .$16K/best. 207-329-1956

FORD EXPLORER EDDIEB A U E R E D 2 0 0 7 - 7 3 Khwy miles, V-6 auto, 2tone maroon, leathers e a t s , 3 r d r o w s e a t ,remote start, DVD sys-t e m , S a t e l l i t e r a d i or e a d y , s u n r o o f , t o wp k g , r o o f r a c k , e x ccond $18,300. 985-9847

C H R Y S L E R S E B R I N G2008, 4 C y l , L e a t h e rSmooth ride.Must Sell- $11,500 obo

Call Lou 518-8131

CHEVY SILV 1500 2008,V6, Auto Perfect worktruck!

Must Sell- $16,500 oboCall Lou 518-8131

MERCEDES BENZ S5002003 - All wheel drive,71K mi., silver. Loaded.$18,900. 329-0094

F O R D E X P L O R E R X L T1 9 9 8 - A u t o . , 6 - C y l . ,125K mi . White , ant i -l o c k b r a k e s , p o w e rs t e e r i n g , A / C , C D ,A M / F M , s t e r e o , r u n sw e l l , t o w p a c k a g e .$2900/Best. 510-1571


Call 776-5472.

N I S S A N S E N T R A G X E2002 - Silver, auto, 4 cyl,A / C , P W , P L , P M , C D ,sticker, no rust, 30MPG$4,600. 650-6772. ITASCA SUNCRUISER 38T

2006 - 3,500 mi. barelyused. 6.8L-V10, leather,power awning, 2 slide-o u t s . Q u e e n S e l e c tNumber bed, 2-flat TVs,fireplace, washer/dryer,c e n t r a l a i r . $ 1 1 5 , 0 0 0207-725-5977

C H R Y S L E R V O Y A G E R2002 - Auto., 119K mi.M a r o o n , r u n s w e l l .N e w M a i n e S t a t eInspection Sticker asof 3/4/11. Good condi-tion! $3950. 415-9569

CHEVY SILVERADO 2010 -e x t c a b , 3 8 0 0 m i l e s ,b l a c k , a u t o , l o a d e d ,$27,000. 380-6609

F O R D M U S T A N G C O N -VERTIBLE CONVERSIONR E S T O M O D 1 9 6 5 - 3 0 23 0 0 0 m i . m a n yupgrades, 17” wheels,many fiberglass parts,new top, new int., 5 spdstandard, suspensionupgrades, much more.$12,500/best. 749-7825.

PONTIAC SUNFIRE 1996 -Auto, sliding sunroof,g r e a t A / C & h e a t e r ,r e c e n t i n s p e c t i o ns t i c k e r , F W D , 1 2 7 Km i l e s , N o k i a n s n o wtires, great car! $2700.518-9069

H O N D A C R V 2 0 0 2 -M a n u a l , 4 - C y l i n d e r ,120,000 miles, MojaveMist, power steering,air conditioning, CD,AM/FM, stereo, runswell, moon roof, veryclean, $8200 .


C H E V Y S I L V E X T C A B2 0 0 4 , V 8 , 4 W D , G r e a twork truck!

Must Sell - $6,950 oboCall Stu 423-3986

CIVIC EX 2006 - Manual,4 - C y l i n d e r , 1 1 0 , 0 0 0miles, Blue, anti- lockbrakes, power steering,a i r condit ioning, CD,A M / F M , s t e r e o , v e r yclean, $7,800 .


Portland Press Herald 3-22 - [PDF Document] (2025)


Where can I get Portland Press Herald? ›

Q: How do I subscribe to the Portland Press Herald? A: You can subscribe online or call Customer Service at (207) 791-6000 or send us an email. Q: What subscription options are available? A: We offer both print and digital subscriptions here.

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Maine's Leading News Provider http://pressherald.com Got news to share? Email us at news@pressherald. com.

How do I submit OBIT to Portland Press Herald? ›

SUBMITTING OBITUARIES: Please send obituaries to: jtcommunity@journaltribune.com. If you do not hear from someone on the staff, please call to confirm that we have received an obituary at (207) 282-1535 to ensure the obituary is submitted by deadline. Funeral homes need to provide obituaries by email.

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General Contact Information

Or, you can email us anytime at circulation@pressherald.com or call (207) 791-6000 Monday – Friday from 6am to 5pm or Saturday – Sunday from 6am to noon. To ask a question or report a problem with either our ePaper or mobile app, please email us at support@pressherald.com.

Where is the Portland Press Herald printed? ›

The Portland Press Herald (abbreviated as PPH; Sunday edition Maine Sunday Telegram) is a daily newspaper based in South Portland, Maine, with a statewide readership. The Press Herald mainly serves southern Maine and is focused on the greater metropolitan area of Portland. 295 Gannett Drive South Portland, Maine, U.S.

How much is an obituary in the Portland Press Herald? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Portland Press Herald cost? Placing an obituary in the Portland Press Herald starts at $38.00. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary.

What is the biggest newspaper in Maine? ›

Maine's largest paid newspaper with statewide coverage and distribution to 263 cities and towns, concentrated in Cumberland and York counties. The Portland Press Herald is shared digitally Monday and in print Tuesday-Saturday, and the Maine Sunday Telegram is printed on Sundays.

Who owns the Portland Press Herald? ›

The National Trust for Local News, the new owner of the Portland Press Herald and numerous other daily and weekly newspapers, is dedicated to preserving and strengthening local news. The new nonprofit newspaper group will be known as the Maine Trust for Local News.

Does Portland have a daily newspaper? ›

The Oregonian is the major daily newspaper in Portland, Oregon. It is the oldest continuously published newspaper on the West Coast of the United States, founded as a weekly by Thomas J. Dryer on December 4, 1850.

Where is the Portland Press Herald mailing address? ›

Portland Press Herald, 295 Gannett Dr, South Portland, ME - MapQuest.

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Mar 7, 2024

How do I submit an obituary to the local newspaper? ›

Most newspapers will have links on their websites directing people to submit a paid death notice, usually under the heading “Obituaries” or “Obits.” While some newspapers manage their own obituary submission and management processes, many newspapers work with the obituary and death notice website Legacy.com.

How do I contact a local newspaper? ›

Writing a letter to the letters page is one of the quickest and easiest ways to contact your local media. The letters page is one of the most read parts of a local newspaper. To enhance your chances of getting a letter printed it's helpful to read previous letters to get a sense of the style they like to publish.

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How do I get into my local newspaper? ›

Ten ways to get coverage in your local media
  1. Do your research. ...
  2. Network. ...
  3. Approach local journalists directly. ...
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How do I cancel my Portland Press Herald subscription? ›

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  5. The cancellation will apply to the next billing cycle. We do not offer refunds.
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Portland Tribune is a paid and free distribution newspaper published twice a week serving the Portland region.


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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 5866

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.