PEOPLES Cry of - Bible · Cry of the Prophets—Zech. 1:4; ... Cry of The Prophets Cry of The Prophets T. W HAT I S T RUTH? - [PDF Document] (2024)

PEOPLES Cry of - Bible· Cry of the Prophets—Zech. 1:4; ... Cry of The Prophets Cry of The Prophets T. W HAT I S T RUTH? - [PDF Document] (1)

February 1998

Published by THE BIBLE MAGAZINELPMPO Box 21047, Brantford, ON, Canada N3R 6B0




Cry of The Prophets

Paul Billington

PEOPLES Cry of - Bible· Cry of the Prophets—Zech. 1:4; ... Cry of The Prophets Cry of The Prophets T. W HAT I S T RUTH? - [PDF Document] (2)

he Bible is no epic fairy-tale. This book, once called ‘The Secret ofEngland’s Greatness’, and which gave a system of ethics and lawsforming the basis of legal codes throughout the English-speaking world,

provides the only foundation upon which a wholesome and prosperous societymay be built. This may seem a high claim to make, yet the evidence for it issubstantial.

Such a claim for the ancient writings was made by Moses who told theIsraelites:

“Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgements, even as the LORD

my God commanded me...Keep therefore and do them; for this is yourwisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shallhear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise andunderstanding people. For what nation is there so great, who hath Godso nigh unto them...And what nation is there so great, that hath statutesand judgements so righteous as all this law, which I set before you thisday?”—Deuteronomy 4:5-8.

Here was the secret of Israel’s greatness in the days of David and Solomon—and there is no doubt that it has brought blessings upon Gentile nations alsowhen its principles were adopted. Certainly this was seen in the history of theEnglish-speaking civilisation, until the Bible was thrust out, and an inevitabledecline followed.

The Bible Disproved?Today, the Bible is set aside because many people think that it has been

“disproved”. What few people appreciate is the fact that attacks upon the


Today, an unclean spirit is infecting society with a grievous and deadly plague.It is the spirit of a godless Humanism, but no longer recognisable as such, as itwas in the days of Marxism and the Communist era. Today it comes disguisedas Christian and uses religious phraseology to express itself. This unclean spiritis manifested in several political forms—but its source can be identified withthe social doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, and it is through thesedoctrines that all nations are being deceived—Revelation 18:23.To understand this somewhat more fully, this present booklet should be read in

conjunction with an earlier one entitled United Europe: The ReligiousConnection (published August 1996).Despite warnings such as those on the front pages of the newspapers shown

here, Britainvoted in thespring of 1997for change, andfor a newdirection. TonyBlair’s “newBritain” isfavoured byRome becauseit will movethe countryaway from herhistorical rootsand she will bebrought moreinto line withCatholic social doctrine which formsthe bedrock of the European Union.Britain, as with the United States and

other English-speaking nations, is nostranger to the Bible. There is thereforea burden of responsibility that restsupon those who direct current foolishpolicies; they are largely responsible also for the serious and appalling moraldecline that has taken place since the last war. As we show in this booklet, thesethings will bring Britain and her allies into an hour of terrible judgement—andonly those who are wise enough to come to an early repentance can hope tosurvive.This booklet attempts to look at a broad picture in the light of Scripture—and

in doing so concludes that we must expect circ*mstances to bring Britain andother English-speaking nations into the Middle East where they will meet theirdestiny in a future crisis. May we be personally prepared by taking heed to theCry of the Prophets—Zech. 1:4; 2 Pet. 1:19.

Paul Billington, February 1998.

1What is Truth?

“Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out;he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that givethbreath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein... Behold,the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before theyspring forth I tell you of them.”— Isaiah 42:5,9.

Cry of The Prophets

Cry of The Prophets


PEOPLES Cry of - Bible· Cry of the Prophets—Zech. 1:4; ... Cry of The Prophets Cry of The Prophets T. W HAT I S T RUTH? - [PDF Document] (3)


veracity of the Bible have been mounted with cardboard weapons. It may soundstrange and even far-fetched at first, yet these cardboard weapons, thoughexpertly painted and providing the illusion that they are real and deadly—arenonetheless without substance.

The fact is that the weapons used to “disprove” the Bible are, actually,theories and opinions. Admittedly, they may sometimes come from “scholars”and “experts”—they may well be professional opinions and theories, but that isall they consist of: opinion and theory (i.e. speculation and guesswork runningriot in areas that are not open to direct examination).

Unwanted EvidenceOver the years we have observed an inexcusable prejudice among those

whose work has a connection in some way with the Bible. Does a piece of“evidence” appear to conflict with Scripture in some way? It is given all theattention and publicity possible. Does a discovery, or piece of evidence, appearto support the Bible? It is often swept under the carpet—or if not, an almightyrow breaks out, often resulting in wrecked careers, dismissals, witch-hunts, untilthe offending evidence is buried under a mountain of conflicting opinion.

This is what happened some years ago following the discovery of the EblaTablets in northern Syria. These tablets, it was said, “support a great deal of theOld Testament story.” Actually they did more than that, the contents of thesetablets became a serious embarrassment to Biblical critical scholarship andstruck at its very roots. The problem was that these tablets contained an accountof the Creation very similar to that found in the book of Genesis—but criticalscholarship had been telling itself and the world that this account came from asource (the so-called “Priestly School”) dating to about the time of Ezra. TheEbla creation tablet pre-dated that time by about 2,000 years, showing that thehypothesis of the critical scholars was way off target! It thus called intoquestion the reputations of leading professors—and the reputations of the mostprominent seats of learning in the world. They just couldn’t be all that wrong!The Ebla evidence had to be somehow challenged and discounted—and it was.*The evidence from Ebla now lies buried in a maze of controversy which costthe original discoverers their careers.

Typical, again, of the way in which evidence for the Bible is treated bymodern “scholars” was the treatment meted out to a small piece of stonediscovered in Tell Dan, northern Israel. For years sceptical scholars had pouredscorn on the “mythical” king David of the Bible. So what happened when aninscription was found clearly referring to “the House of David”—the RoyalFamily of Israel? First, some scholars tried to dispute the reading—“David”simply means “beloved”, not a reference to the Biblical king at all. Thatargument couldn’t be sustained when put to the test (another fragment wasfound later), so the most recent attempt to discredit the evidence of theinscription has come in the form of a suggestion that it may be a fake—adeliberate “plant”. Of course it is not a fake, but it just demonstrates thesceptical environment in which this kind of work is carried out. Other evidenceis discounted on the grounds that artifacts (such as the seal of the Biblical“Baruch the son of Neriah”—Jer. 36:4) are in private collections and the


circ*mstances of discovery are not known.Trapped!

Thus we find a situation existing today in which many professionals findthemselves trapped in an unbelieving work environment—in a professionalatmosphere that is maintained and even disciplined with considerableruthlessness. To remain a respected member of the profession one must followthe party line and produce acceptable results. Most people with any experienceof the modern world in business, the professions, arts, politics...will readilyrecognise the the truth of this. It is the way in which the modern world runs—and it will doubtless become worse as freedoms are overturned by anapproaching system of oppression. Invisibly, yet very effectively, GeorgeOrwell’s “Thought Police” are already at work in large sections of our societyto the cost of intellectual freedom and professional integrity.

It is incredible to see a generation that has been taught the need to think foritself—all manifesting a unitary mind, all adopting the same style of dress, thesame attitudes and the same pattern of thinking. There are some variations it istrue, but the scope for serious dissension and non-conformity is rapidlyshrinking.

In the 1970’s when a Mr. David Watson (a British school teacher) wasdismissed because of his views on creation—and his refusal to accept the theoryof evolution—there were some who were willing to write in his defence. Onesuch article reminded readers of the “scientific” hoax that had been pulled overthe public some years before to support the theory of evolution. It appeared inThe Daily Telegraph (Sept. 26, 1977) and was written by H.E. Sendall. Hepointed out that:

“There were over 300 ponderous scientific theses written on PiltdownMan, and it was said that when the fraud was uncovered the combinedacademic blushes were sufficient to burn down seven universities. Andstill we are expected to genuflect before the altar of evolutionaryscience.”

In the same article the words of Sir Arthur Keith (the well-known physicianand anatomist) are quoted: “Even our leading biologists and masters of historyare evolutionists only from the lips outwards.” The article concluded, “Such isthe tyranny of the mind.”

How Old...?Historians as well as archaeologists must often base their final conclusions

upon the results provided to them by scientists who work with the application ofcertain dating techniques. Upon the accuracy (or otherwise) of those results, theBible record has often been judged. Is this a firm basis upon which to reject theancient Scriptures?

Some years ago a Professor E.T.Hall, who was Director of the ResearchLaboratory for Archaeology at Oxford, and described as “a university expert ondating techniques” wrote a telling article for The Sunday Telegraph in which hediscussed the constantly changing theories about dating techniques. He asked:

“When an archaeologist digs up an important find and subsequentlyclaims it to be so many thousand or even million years old and ofconsequent importance to the history of mankind, can the rest of us*See the booklet Warnings from the Dust by the same author

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believe him? Is it really possible to date objects accurately over suchperiods?”

In answer, Professor Hall wrote, “Scientists, like everyone else, are fallibleand, although they do their best, their results may be misleading to peopleworking in other disciplines...My purpose here is to advise caution.”

After cataloguing several “corrections” to Carbon 14 dates he wrote: “...manydoubts remain, and my guess is that we have yet to hear the final set ofcorrections.” He then continued:

“The processes are getting so complex that no field archaeologist canbe expected to question effectively how well the work on his sampleshas been carried out. He just asks his questions and receives someanswers rather as the ancient Greeks consulted the Delphic Oracle.”

He concludes by describing the temptations before the archaeologist and says:“It must be a great temptation to an archaeologist when a uniqueprocess comes up with a date which changes his work from the merelyinteresting to the sensational. The public has a great appetite forsensation, but the greatest temptation is the one which leads anarchaeologist selectively to believe evidence which seems to confirmthe theories on which he thinks his professional reputation rests. Whenthe evidence comes from complex scientific techniques which are errorprone and involve principles not wholly understood even by thescientists themselves, the dangers are great indeed.” (SundayTelegraph, Nov. 3, 1974).

What Came First?It is amazing just how conceited modern scholarship and academia have

become. In the Bible we have a collection of writings by people who werecontemporary with the world of the ancients. They have many important thingsto tell us, yet because of the colours appearing in some test-tube—we candecide that these ancient writers were a bunch of romantics who deceivedthemselves into telling a pack of lies in the the name of God!

The fact is (and we can all check this without the aid of sophisticatedscientific process) modern unbelief preceded the subsequent “proof” found tojustify it. Atheism and its partner, Humanism, it should be noted, began withphilosophers during the 17th and 18th centuries. The supportive theories (suchas evolution) that were produced to prop up this godlessness did not surfaceuntil the 19th century —over 100 years later! Unbelief first, and theories tojustify that unbelief much later —yet this embarrassing fact does not even causea blush upon the faces of the brazen intellectuals who have the gall to tell usthat the Bible is a fairy-tale. They are, one and all, dishonest pedlars of fraud,calumny and sheer bluff.

“Call the Witnesses!”To those who wield their cardboard weapons against the rock of Holy

Scripture, the Almighty issues His challenge through the prophet Isaiah. Hespeaks thus:—

“Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your strong reasons,saith the King of Jacob. Let them bring them forth, and shew us what




Piltdown Man was the ‘missing link’which supported evolutionary scienceuntil it was discovered to be a fraud. Whydo so many people believe such nonsense:why choose this over Bible Truth?

TIME Magazine July 28, 1980


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shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that wemay consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare usthings for to come. Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that wemay know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may bedismayed, and behold it together. Behold, ye are of nothing, and yourwork of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you.” — Isaiah 41:21-24.

Again, He says:—“Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people beassembled: who among them can declare this, and shew us formerthings? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified:or let them hear, and say, It is truth. Ye are my witnesses, saith theLORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know andbelieve me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no Godformed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD; andbeside me there is no saviour. I have declared, and have saved, and Ihave shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore yeare my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God.”— Isaiah 43:9-12.

Jacob (the Jews) are witnesses to the existence of God! How so? They areliving witnesses to the truth of God’s word in the Bible because it has foretoldtheir survival as a race, and because that word has been fulfilled in detail duringa history of 3,000 years—and in such detail so as to remove all possible doubt.We have here a clear instance of a phenomenon that is only attributable to asupernatural cause. There is just no other reasonable explanation for the facts inthe case. No human-being could possibly foreshow the future history of apeople with such accuracy.

Isaiah himself—a complete copy of his prophecy on a 2,000 year old scroll,one of the “Dead Sea Scrolls” can be seen in Jerusalem today—is but one of theprophets who mapped out Israel’s future. He speaks of Israel going intocaptivity “because they have no knowledge...because they have cast away thelaw of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against his people...” (chapter 5:13,24-25).

The Jew is certainly no stranger to captivity. His wanderings are proverbial—yet Isaiah declared:

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his handagain the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shallbe left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and fromCush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and fromthe islands of the sea. And he shall set up an ensign for the nations,and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together thedispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.” — Isaiah 11:11-12.

The clear evidence of over 2,000 years of history testifies to the truth. Thepaths trodden by Jews down many centuries and over many lands have in thispast century led them back to their ancient homeland. What power is this, andwhose hand is it, that can guide the destiny of a whole nation—ensuring its


ultimate survival through slaughter and holocaust—to lead it to a pre-determined home-coming which was clearly stated, in writing, before the longjourneyings even began?

We should not, and cannot allow this testimony to be dismissed withoutgiving it the consideration it deserves. The cry of the prophets concerns not onlyIsrael, but other nations as well. The force of this phenomenon is far too strongto be ignored by any reasonable person—it is clear evidence as we shall see, ofthe reality and existence of the God spoken of in the Bible. The implications ofthis for the modern world, for Israel today and for other nations which includethe English-speaking family of nations, are enormous. The Bible, far from beingan epic myth, is sober truth which has been marvelously preserved to thispresent day for our instruction.

THE AMAZING TRUTH:How The Bible Foretold Jewish History Over

3,000 Years in Advance

Approx Date

B.C. 1450

B.C. 760-587

B.C. 721

B.C. 610-589

B.C. 553

A.D. 30-33



Moses foretold the Jewish dispersion and thefuture suffering of the nation — Deut 28:58-68.

The Prophets, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,all wrote of Israel’s future dispersion andcaptivity — and their ultimate regathering andrestoration.

Israel taken captive by Assyria

Judah (Southern Jewish kingdom) taken captiveby the Babylonians.

Daniel the Prophet foretells of the Roman conquestof Judea (chapter 8) and of the ultimate establishmentof the kingdom of God (Chap 2:44; 7:27 etc).

Jesus of Nazareth foretold of the coming Romandestruction of Jerusalem and scattering of theJews — Matt 24; Mark 13; Luke 21.


Balfour Declaration promises Jewish NationalHome in Palestine

Jews return to Palestine during British Mandate,leading to establishment of the State of Israel.



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It is also a fact however, that the survival of the Jews through centuries oftime was predicted by the ancient prophets. Who on earth would take it uponhimself to pen words such as we find in Jeremiah 31,

“Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and theordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, whichdivideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is hisname: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, thenthe seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me forever. Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and thefoundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all theseed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.”—Jeremiah31:35-37

Men have still not plumbed the extent of infinite space—it can be “measured”only so far. The vast distances that we call ‘light years’ only reveal the marvelto be unfathomable. The survival of the Jewish people is as certain as space isunending. Centuries of anti-Semitism with its pogroms, persecutions,massacres, expulsions, dispersion (and even mixed-marriages and attempts toassimilate), have not terminated its existence. Hitler’s “Final Solution” was notfinal at all—he has gone, yet Israel lives. Israel, like the Bible itself, survives asa testimony and a witness before the world.

Let the words of Jeremiah (written in about 600 B.C.) sink into our minds:“Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the LORD; neitherbe dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seedfrom the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be inrest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid. For I am with thee,saith the LORD, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nationswhither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: butI will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogetherunpunished.”— Jeremiah 30:10-11.


he existence of the modern state of Israel is remarkable enough even if weforget about the ancient prophecies that predicted it. The survival andrevival of the nation—with its resurrected Hebrew language—has rightly

been called a miracle. To bring together a people with such diversebackgrounds—Jews from Europe, the United States, Ethiopia, Morocco,Yemen, Afghanistan, Britain, Turkey etc. etc... to bring together these peopleand forge them into one nation upon the mountains of Israel is an incredibleachievement. The Jews had been offered territory in Uganda or Mozambique,but no, it was to be their ancient homeland from which they were ejected 2000years ago.

In November 1947 (fifty years ago exactly, as these lines are being written)the General Assembly of the United Nations narrowly voted for the creation ofa Jewish State. Was this result just lucky?

War with the surrounding Arab nations was immediate. The Jewish Statenarrowly escaped annihilation — lucky again?

In May 1948 when the State of Israel was officially proclaimed, the Arabnations attacked again in order to “drive the Jews into the sea”—but yet againthey survived.

In 1956 Israel was at war again...and again survived it. In 1967 the Arabnations formed “a ring of steel” around Israel, but they were dramaticallydefeated in the June “miracle” war. In 1973 war erupted yet again—and againthe Jewish nation survived, surrounding the Egyptian army in the desert.

After five major battles for survival, this remarkable nation is never out of thenews headlines for long. It is as though the circ*mstances in which it exists,continuously draws the attention of a world that is blinded through unbelief.Like the blasts of a trumpet ringing through the air-waves, news about Israelensures that this remarkable phenomenon is never out of mind for long.

A Miracle of SurvivalTo stubbornly ignore the Israel fact and refuse to take it into our

considerations is about as reasonable as driving down a highway blindfolded! Itis not only foolish—there is no excuse for it. We can kick against the pricks forall we are worth, but the Israel fact remains and is attracting world attentionalmost daily.


2A Witness To The World

“All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when helifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hearye...” —Isaiah 18:3


PEOPLES Cry of - Bible· Cry of the Prophets—Zech. 1:4; ... Cry of The Prophets Cry of The Prophets T. W HAT I S T RUTH? - [PDF Document] (7)


As ancient as the Jewish race certainly is, it has not evolved into somethingelse. This People have remained distinct and identifiable down through the ages.This has been readily recognized in the past by men who were not blinded bystubborn unbelief. In 1754 Thomas Newton wrote as follows in his bookDissertations on the Prophecies:—

“You see the Jews ‘led away captive into all nations, and Jerusalemtrodden down of the Gentiles’ and likely to continue so ‘until the timesof the Gentiles be fulfilled,’ as the Jews are by a constant miraclepreserved a distinct people for the completion of other propheciesrelating to them.”

Prophecy FulfillingThere can be no serious denial of the fact that the Bible teaches the restoration

of the Jews to their ancient homeland—or that we have seen this come to passin our own time. Yet the modern world refuses to acknowledge these things.Even religious leaders—often especially religious leaders—are conspicuouslysilent about this evidence of the Divine hand at work. Many of them actuallyseek to refute the idea! The reason for this is that such leaders are professionalhypocrites who do not believe what the Bible has to say anyway. They seek thehonour of an unbelieving world in which they want to be respected—consequently they cannot be seen as “fundamentalists,” “Zionists” or evenworse: “Bible thumpers”. To remain respectable in this world they choose todistance themselves as far as possible from such associations.

Embarrassing though it may be, and against all odds, Israel does exist—andthe Bible had placed it on record that it would be so, over twenty centuries ago.Let any man or woman examine these ancient texts for themselves. There arefar too many for us to reproduce them all here, but a small sample is sufficientto justify our point:

• “And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the formerdesolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations ofmany generations....”— Isaiah 61:4.• “And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in thesight of all that passed by. And they shall say, This land that wasdesolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolateand ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. Then theheathen that are left round about you shall know that I the LORD buildthe ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the LORD havespoken it, and I will do it.”—Ezekiel 36:34-36.• “And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take thechildren of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, andwill gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land...”—Ezekiel 37:21.• “For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring againthe captivity of Judah and Jerusalem...”— Joel 3:1.• “And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and theyshall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plantvineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens,


and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land...” —Amos 9:14.• “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery,lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part ishappened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And soall Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sionthe Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.” —Romans11:25-26.

The survival and the eventual restoration of Israel is a central theme of Bibleteaching which all honest hearts will readily recognize and acknowledge. Also,the history of the past century reasonably demonstrates to us that such a processof restoration has already begun—and there are no grounds to think that it willnot be fully completed in fulfillment of the Scriptures in God’s appointed time.

Heralds of the ReturnIt must be stressed that our view of these matters is not something that has

been noticed after the fact merely—or that the modern nation of Israel havingbeen established, Scripture texts were then found and made to apply to it. Thisexplanation—an awkward one in any case—is shot right out of the water by thefact that many religious writers had pointed out chapter and verse and hadclearly stated their expectations long before Jews began moving to Palestine.Many of these earlier books can still be found through good reference libraries.Among those who anticipated the restoration of Israel in fulfillment of Bibleprophecy are the following:

• Thomas Brightman—wrote 1615• Joseph Mede—wrote 1643-1650• John Prideaux—wrote 1621• Peter Jurieu—wrote 1687• Robert Fleming—wrote 1701• Sir Isaac Newton—wrote 1733• Thomas Newton—wrote 1754• William Lowth—wrote 1739• Robert Boyle—wrote 1769

Other writers can be added to the list—men like Adam Clarke, AlexanderKeith, H.Grattan Guinness, George Stanley Faber, Bickersteth and many more.No matter what other faults may be found with their works—they were notinfallible or inspired writers—the fact is that for a period extending well over200 years they spoke clearly about the literal restoration of the Jews to theirland, and they did so upon the basis of Scripture teaching long before the Returnitself entered the realm of practical politics.

What kind of things did they write—what did they say? The unambiguousstyle adopted by these writers may be seen from the following words penned byThomas Newton (1754) who we quoted earlier. In reference to Christ’s wordsrecorded in Luke 21:24 concerning the fall of Judea he wrote:

“Our Saviour’s words are very memorable, ‘Jerusalem shall be troddendown of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.’ It isstill trodden down by Gentiles, and consequently the times of the


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Gentiles are not yet fulfilled. When ‘the times of the Gentiles’ shall be‘fulfilled,’ then the expression implies, that the Jews shall berestored...The prophecies have been accomplished to the greatestexactness, in the destruction of their city, and its continuing stillsubject to strangers; in the dispersion of their people, and their livingseparate from all people: and why should not the remaining parts of thesame prophecies be as fully accomplished too, in their restoration, atthe proper season, when ‘the times of the Gentiles shall be fulfilled?’”

Exactly seventy years before the modern State of Israel was proclaimed inMay 1948, H. Grattan Guinness wrote the following:

“However improbable it may appear that Palestine should ever againbe the home of a mighty Jewish nation, Scripture leaves no room todoubt that such will be the case,—that the same Almighty arm whichto place Israel there of old, plagued Egypt, destroyed the host ofPharaoh, and extirpated almost entirely the seven nations of Canaan;which subsequently overthrew the mighty Babylonian monarchy inorder to restore Israel to it for a comparatively brief period by means ofCyrus and Artaxerxes, will in due time overthrow the Turkish powerwhich has so long trodden down Jerusalem, defiled the sanctuary, anddesolated the land of Israel, and will the second time, restore hisancient people to their inalienable inheritance. Every barrier must fall,every obstacle be overthrown, that the purpose of God may beaccomplished and the promises to Abraham and to his seed befulfilled.” —The Approaching End of the Age (published 1878).

Thus, in clear language, the return of the Jews to Palestine was set forthbefore the world by many different writers and over many years.

A Three-fold TestimonyHere then are three indisputable witnesses to the fact that God has spoken,

revealing His word through ancient prophets. First, there is the Bible itselfwhere the writings of the prophets have been preserved, standing as a testimonybefore the world over many centuries. As if to answer the textual critics andstop the mouths of those who have suggested a kind of textual evolution —theDead Sea Scrolls turned up to demonstrate that this word has not changed in2,000 years. The comments of Yigael Yadin in his book Masada are to the pointin this regard—the texts found on several Biblical scrolls written well before thefall of Masada in 73 A.D. were “almost identical (except for a few minorchanges here and there) to the text of the Biblical books which we use today.”He describes one particular find saying: “we could immediately identify them asseveral chapters from the Book of Leviticus, chapters eight to twelve, and tonote that this scroll too was absolutely identical with the traditional text...” Yetanother find included chapters from the book of Ezekiel describing therestoration of Israel and yet another the Book of Deuteronomy: “It need hardlybe added,” he wrote “that these two scrolls, too, are virtually identical with thetraditional biblical texts...”

The second—unwilling witness though he may be—is the Jew. He standsbefore the world as a living monument, and as a testimony to the truth of theword of God. He too has fulfilled this role for centuries, but in our day when the


revived state of his nationhood is setbefore the world so clearly, histestimony and evidence leaves us noexcuse for the great act of folly inrejecting the Bible. As the blue andwhite ensign flies over the Jewishstate of Israel in the Middle Easttoday, the word of God through theprophet Isaiah cries out:

“All ye inhabitants of theworld, and dwellers on theearth, see ye, when helifteth up an ensign on themountains, and when hebloweth a trumpet, hearye”—Isaiah 18:3

The third witness lies in the bodyof literature which men have leftbehind them, declaring on the basisof Scripture that the restoration ofIsrael would come to pass. Thesem*n have long since died and are unable to speak directly with us, but in thelibraries of our cities and universities their words are still stored, supporting thetestimony of the prophets themselves. Indeed, they warn us of the direconsequences that follow unbelief of God’s word. Take for example thefollowing words from the pen of Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727):—

“We have Moses, the Prophets and Apostles, and the words of Christhimself; and if we will not hear them, we shall be more inexcusablethan the Jews. For the Prophets and Apostles have foretold that, asIsrael often revolted and brake the covenant, and upon repentancerenewed it; so there should be a falling away among the Christianssoon after the days of the Apostles; and that in the latter days Godwould destroy the impenitent revolters and make a new covenant withhis people. And the giving ear to the Prophets is a fundamentalcharacter of the true Church.”—Observations upon the Prophecies etc.

What a testimony to the modern unbelieving world as it arrogantly flaunts itsrebellion against the Creator of heaven and earth. What a condemnation thesewords are upon a society that has sunk to some of the lowest forms ofimmorality and wickedness that the human mind can conceive. Surely the GreatGod of Israel will not hold His peace for ever—and yet, as we have seen above,He has mercifully provided all the evidence necessary so that men and womenmay turn to Him for forgiveness and healing. The mind staggers at Hisforbearance with the human race.

Sir Isaac Newton


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the lead in restoring them: Yet it is manifest, that no maritime powercan effect their complete restoration, and that a very large proportionof them, perhaps the greatest proportion, is scattered throughout theEast.”—A Dissertation on the Prophecies written by George StanleyFaber in 1806.

Faber did not mention Britain by name it is true—so what does the Bible itselfsay of these “isles”?

The Maritime LandsThe word that is translated “isles” in both Jeremiah 31:10 and Isaiah 60:9 has

a fairly broad meaning. Gesenius the well-known Hebrew scholar says that itdenotes “maritime land, whether the sea coast of a continent, or an island.” TheCompanion Bible renders it “maritime countries”. The overall sense is thusperfectly clear—“isles afar off” (Jeremiah 31:10) refers to remote maritimelands, or lands that are at a great distance across the sea.

According to Genesis chapter 10 such maritime lands were first populated asthe descendants of Noah migrated to various parts of the earth. The followingsimple diagram reproduces the idea given:

The name of JAVAN, the son of Japheth, is the Hebrew name for Greece and istranslated as such in Daniel 8:21. So this branch of the human family developedand migrated in a westerly direction. The book of Genesis says: “...the sons ofJavan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these were the isles ofthe Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after theirfamilies, in their nations.” In other parts of Scripture it will be seen how thesenames are often associated with “the isles”—as they are for example in Psalm72:10; Isaiah 66:19; Ezekiel 27:6,7.

From this it would appear that the early Mycenaean and Greek civilisationswere directly descended from Javan. His descendants who migrated west wouldhave first occupied Mediterranean coasts and islands (Kittim is the Bible namefor Cyprus)—and as populations grew, later generations would have moved onto more distant parts in search of living space and to escape war. As is usual insuch circ*mstances they would “call their lands after their names” (Psalm49:11) and after their homelands—just as British settlers in Australia foundedNew South Wales, or a New England in America and a Nova Scotia in Canada.


he miracle of Israel’s restoration has been set forth before the nations ofthe world during the past century and has directly and closely involvedmany of them in the drama. It has particularly concerned Britain and

other English-speaking nations ever since the famous ‘Balfour Declaration’stated that: “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment inPalestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” It is as though the words ofJeremiah, quoted at the head of this chapter, had found their mark in theseparticular “isles afar off”.

Gentile nations have of course been involved in Jewish matters before—inBible times it was kings such as Cyrus and Artaxerxes who encouraged andused their best endeavours to facilitate a restoration of the Jewish nation in itsown land. Furthermore, the Prophets had predicted that it would be so—and itcame to pass in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, between B.C. 530 and 430 —this too was a process of restoration occupying approximately a century.

A Role for Britain?In the prophecies concerning Israel’s final restoration it is remarkable that

maritime nations are depicted as being actively involved in the process ofregathering. This appears for example in Isaiah 60:9 where we read:

“Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, tobring thy sons from far...”

In the light of the events which brought the Jewish national home intoexistence it is not difficult to see in that verse of Scripture a foreshadowing ofthe role played by Britain in the return. Is this a right connection?

It is understandable that such an application of the words of Isaiah should bemade following the Balfour Declaration and after Britain, together with herallies liberated Palestine from the Turks, so laying the foundation for the JewishReturn. We do well to ponder however, the basis of a foresight that could lead aman to write the following words (when commenting upon Revelation 16:12)over a hundred years before the events of the First World War with its effectupon the Turkish (Ottoman) Empire or its consequences for the Jews:

“Who the kings of the East are, for whom a way is prepared by theannihilation of the Turkish empire, it is impossible to say before theevent takes place. The most probable conjecture is that the Jews arealluded to. Dispersed indeed this wonderful people is over the face ofthe whole earth, and some great maritime power is undoubtedly to take


3“Isles Afar Off”





Gomer - Magog - Madai JAVAN Tubal - Meshech - Tiras

“Hear the word of the LORD, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off,and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherddoth his flock.”— Jeremiah 31:10.



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Carthage Nova or New Carthage (Cartagena today) in south-east Spain.A passage concerning the trade of Tyre from Ezekiel 27:12, and referring to

Tarshish as Carthage, reads as follows in the Septuagint Version that we havetoday: “The Carthaginians were thy merchants because of the abundance of allthy strength; they furnished thy market with silver, and gold, and iron, and tin,and lead.” Now the North African Carthage could not have provided thesemetals of itself for they are not found in that location—they must have comefrom somewhere else.

A reference to the source of tin made by the Greek historian Herodotus isinteresting in that he does not associate the metal with either Carthage orTartessus in Spain. This ancient writer knew about Carthage of course, and ofTartessus in Iberia (Spain) where the Phoenicians visited—he says thatTartessus lay beyond the Pillars of Heracles and he describes its wildlife (Book1 and Book 4). Yet in writing about the far west of Europe he says:

“...I have no definite information, for I cannot accept the story of ariver called by non-Greek peoples the Eridanus, which flows into thenorthern sea where amber is supposed to come from; nor do I knowanything of the existence of islands called the Tin Islands(Cassiterides) whence we get our tin...I have never found anyone whocould give me first-hand information of the existence of a sea beyondEurope to the north and west. Yet it cannot be disputed that tin andamber do come to us from what one might call the ends of the earth.”(Book 3).

If the main source of tin and these other metals (silver, iron, lead) wassouthern Spain, why did Herodotus not say so? Neither Carthage, New Carthageor its extended area of Tartessus was the true source of the metals—andconsequently these places do not qualify as the Tarshish referred to by Ezekiel.The words of the prophet concerning Tyre (Phoenicia) are quite clear:

“Tarshish was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all kinds ofriches, with silver, iron, tin, and lead, they traded in thy fairs.”—Ezekiel 27:12

Trading with TyreThe Revised Version renders the above passage from Ezekiel 27, “they (the

merchants of Tarshish) traded for thy wares.” If these wares included thefamous Tyrian purple cloth, or papyrus from Byblos and Egypt, then therewould be no trace of such materials today. What does remain however is theshell dumps of the murex trunculus which was used in purple dye-making. Thatthe Tarshish lands visited by the Phoenicians or Carthaginians extended beyondSpain is seen by the mounds of these shells that have been found on theCornwall and Devon coasts—and it also is significant that the dyers used leadand tin pans for the process, as other metals such as brass or iron woulddiscolour the essence.

Phoenicians obtained metals, including tin, from a variety of sources — but itis clear that a chief supplier of the Mediterranean market was Britain. Apublication on mining activities in Britain, published by the Government viaHer Majesty’s Stationary Office says:


Thus, in time, the phrases “isles of the Gentiles”, “isles afar off,” or simply“isles” would refer to distant maritime lands in a general sense, but wouldindicate this branch of the Gentiles.

Sometimes the general phrase is used in conjunction with a more specificname —such as we have in Isaiah 60:9, “the isles...and the ships of Tarshish,”or Psalm 72:10, “The kings of Tarshish and of the isles...” This appears todenote a particular group of lands far across the sea who are to be in some wayassociated with Tarshish. So what do we know of this Tarshish?

A Western TarshishJust where this son of Javan migrated to, or precisely what path his

descendants followed we cannot be sure*—but what we do know is that by thetime of the prophet Jonah—around 850 B.C.—ships were sailing across theMediterranean for a place called (by the Hebrews) Tarshish. Jonah 1:3 tells usthat this prophet sought to get away as far as possible, and to do so he found aship sailing from Joppa, (now known as Jaffa in Tel-Aviv) and “he paid the farethereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presenceof the LORD.” From Joppa, which is on the eastern shore of the MediterraneanSea, the ship would have to go west. Further, we learn from the prophet Isaiah(chapter 23:6,7) that Tarshish was “afar off” (the Hebrew denotes remote).

Different opinions have been expressed as to the location of this remote land.It seems that the Jews who translated the Old Testament into Greek,approximately 285 BC, understood Tarshish to be the Phoenician coastal city ofCarthage in North Africa. Alternatively, these translators may have had in mind


*Josephus seems to have thought that Tarsus in Cilicia was Tarshish








“And the sons of Javan; Elishah, andTarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these

were the isles of the Gentiles divided in theirlands; every one after his tongue, after theirfamilies, in their nations”— Genesis 10:4,5.



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They extracted the tin from its host rock ‘in an ingenious manner’. Herefers to their skill in dressing and smelting the concentrate, and thendescribes how they conveyed the metallic tin to an off-shore island,called Ictis. The island, generally presumed to be St. Michael’s Mount,could only be approached at ebb tide. The tin was then carried acrossto Gaul and then by horseback to the mouth of the Rhone, wheremodern-day Marseilles is located. We are left in no doubt as to theimportance of the trade.”

Ancient AccountsAs indicated in the above quotation, there are several ancient accounts which

mention the existence of the British Isles—and which describe voyages thereduring early times. The earliest of these is the reference to the Tin Islands, orCassiterides, made by Herodotus (BC 484-432) and referred to earlier.

According to the Roman writer Pliny, writing about AD 70 and working frommuch earlier material, a recorded visit to Britain was made by someone calledMidacritus sometime before BC 500. Another writer, Hyginus in about AD 27,mentions a visit by Midas at about the same time. Some commentatorsconclude that Midacritus and Midas are one and the same—in any event, thesevoyages which were made in connection with tin took place at about the timethat Ezekiel wrote his prophecy.

Aristotle (384-322 BC) mentions Britain in his De Mundo sec 3. Both Pliny(AD 70) and Festus Avienus (AD 370) refer to the voyage undertaken fromCarthage to Britain by the Phoenician Himilco in about BC 500. Himilco hadwritten a report of the voyage but it is now lost—all that remains are thequotations made from it by other writers.

Timaeus of Sicily (350-326 BC) wrote of the tin trade with Britain but againhis account has been lost except for the quotations made from it by Pliny.

Pytheas of Marseilles sailed round Britain in about BC 325. Fragments of hisreport survive in the writings of Polybius (BC 130), Diodorus Siculus (BC 20),


“The principal economic minerals of south-west England are, ofcourse, tin and copper ores, and considerable amounts of ores of lead,zinc, silver, arsenic, antimony, sulphur, iron and manganese have alsobeen raised. “The date of the discovery of tin in the west of England is not known,but it was being produced about 2,500 years ago.” (italics are mine—P.B.).

The very metals mentioned by Ezekiel are thus mentioned in this publication.In a booklet entitled The Cornish Mining Industry by J.A. Buckley (1988 Tor

Mark Press) we are informed:—“Artifacts found on tin sites, and identified by archaeologists, indicatethat the tin industry was established by the Early Bronze Age (1500-800 BC). Finds in all the main tin-producing localities betweenDartmoor and Land’s End show that from as early as 1500 BC theextraction of tin has probably continued without serious interruptionuntil the present day.“Historical references support this. They show a well-established andfairly sophisticated tin trade between Cornwall and the Mediterraneanby the 4th century BC. There is little evidence that the great events ofhistory—such as the invasion by the Romans and their subsequentwithdrawal 400 years later—did any more than temporarily disturb thatinternational trade.“Timaeus of Sicily and Pytheas of Massalia (Marseilles), of the 4thand 3rd centuries BC, gave accounts of Cornwall’s tin trade. Neitherauthor’s work has survived but from fragments quoted by other authorsit is clear that Pytheas had visited and probably circumnavigatedBritain some time between 325-250 BC. In the 1st century BC,Diodorus Siculus quoted Pytheas’ report and told much about thenature and importance of Cornwall’s tin trade. He said that the Cornishwere friendly and civilised, due to contact with foreign merchants.

Tin was exported from St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall.

Purple Dye- as made by thePhoenicians

Phoenicians made purple dye byextracting a liquid from glands ofthe murex (pictured right). Eachgland yielded only a drop or two ofa yellowish substance whichdarkened when exposed to sun andair. Processing required a slowsimmering over about two weeks —usually in lead or tin pans, as othermetals discoloured the dye. Moundsof these shells lie piled aroundancient dye works such as Tyre andSidon.

Above: Murex Trunculus (left) &Murex Brandaris (right)


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hat the Hebrew prophets were in fact referring to far off Britain throughthe use of the name “Tarshish” is a conclusion which, if correct, carriestremendous ramifications —not only for Britain herself, but also for all

those “remote lands far across the sea” who are associated with her. The factis—as we have already discovered in part—Britain meets the criteria in order toqualify as the Biblical Tarshish in that she was a supplier of certain metals tothe ancient world, was remote from Palestine and was reached by ship.

In the first place this identification would mean that Britain’s initialinvolvement in laying the foundations of a national home for the Jewish people,was not just an accident of history—a far more powerful Force was at workguiding events in order to fulfill a purpose that had been clearly marked out bythe prophets of Israel in ancient times. Other nations were also involved in theseevents, for when Britain liberated Palestine from the Turkish power duringWorld War One, she was accompanied by Australians, New Zealanders,Gurkhas and others. The words of Isaiah were: “Surely the isles shall wait forme, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far...”

What other prophecies are there that refer to Tarshish and its allies in the latter

Strabo (AD 18) and others.Posidonius, a Syrian, wrote about tin from Britain around 90 BC. He is

referred to by both Diodorus and Strabo.Although most of the ancient material is no longer available to us for first-

hand inspection, there are sufficient references and quotations to it by others toestablish its authenticity. These somewhat later writers, who conducted theirresearches at about the time of Christ, were able to piece together theinformation and it is they who show us that ancient Britain traded their metalwith foreign merchants, including the Phoenicians.

Diodorus Siculus says: “The inhabitants of Britain who live on thepromontory named Belerion (that is Cornwall) are remarkably hospitable, andbecause of their intercourse with merchants they are civilized in their ways.”

Strabo says: “Of the metals they have tin and lead, which with skins theybarter with the merchants for earthenware, salt, and bronze trinkets. Formerlythe Phoenicians alone carried on this traffic from Gades (Spain), concealing thepassage from everyone...”

The ChroniclesWhilst we would not make too much of it, some writers have seen echoes of

these early visitors in the fanciful tales and myths penned by monks in Britainduring the Middle Ages. These monks claimed that they were working fromearlier sources written in the language of ancient Britain. There is the Epistle ofGildas dating from the 5th century AD. Nennius wrote his Historia Britonumaround AD 800 and Geoffrey ap Arthur (known as Geoffrey of Monmouth)wrote his Histories of the Kings of Britain in 1140. These writers mentionvisitors from remote times (such as Brutus from Troy)—but their tales ofgiants, magic and other fantastic yarns has discredited their accounts.

What is certain is that Britain and its metal trade was known and writtenabout well before the time of Christ. If these early writers knew of it, there is nodifficulty in understanding how a prophet, inspired by the spirit of God, coulddescribe these isles afar off which would, in the latter days, be involved inbringing the sons of Israel from far—Isaiah 60:9.

It is difficult to avoid the rather obvious conclusion that Britain was one ofthe Tarshish lands from which the metals of Ezekiel 27:12 were obtained. Thisbeing the case, association of Tarshish with “isles” (remote lands far across thesea) takes on a special significance in the prophetic Scriptures. It was a way inwhich the inspired prophets of ancient times could identify a unique situation inthe distant future, where certain lands would be found related to Britain—andwho together with her, would be involved in the fulfillment of God’s purposein regathering Israel.

4Britain in The Bible

An Australian unit of the Imperial Camel Corps in Palestine During the First World War.

“Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish ... but the LORD is the trueGod, he is the living God, and an everlasting king ...” —Jeremiah 10:9, 10



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safely buried in the ground, crumble. Even stone monuments orinscriptions, if exposed long enough to the weathering of wind, rainand frost, become blurred and eventually indecipherable. Therefore,while the Phoenicians over a period of about a thousand yearsundoubtedly were very busy making things, saying things and writingthings down, the elements were equally busy destroying them...“It is scarcely surprising that by the beginning of the 19th Century,when archaeologists first began to concern themselves with thoseelusive people, the Phoenicians, there seemed to be almost nothingPhoenician lying about for anyone to study...“In the power vacuum that followed the collapse of MycenaeanGreece, the Phoenicians in the east did begin to reach out. Theytouched Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, other Aegean Islands, even Greeceitself. They also went south to Egypt and west from there. But theywent as traders, not as settlers, and as a result left behind in the townsthey visited little record of their early presence other than the goods inwhich they traded. As for the uninhabited harbors or beach frontswhere they may have dropped anchor and gone ashore for only a nightor so on their travels, they left little trace at all.”

Is Archaeology Silent?Archaeology, producing as it does, rock-solid information from the past, is

one thing—archaeologists, those who try to interpret that information aresomething else. As was pointed out and demonstrated in our first chapter, thesepeople have to produce their theories and their conclusions in a professionalenvironment that is quite opposed to anything that may be seen to give supportto the Bible. We have to be aware of this in considering what archaeology mayhave to tell us. There is also the danger that over-zealous Bible believers canmake unreasonable and extravagant interpretations in order to bolster theirviews. In this situation we must rely upon a readers common sense—thereforelet our points be fairly evaluated.

Our first piece of “archaeological” evidence requires virtually nointerpretation at all—it is the visible evidence of ancient mine-workings invarious parts of Britain.

• Ancient writers have told us that certain metals were being providedfrom Britain, or the Tin Islands.• Mine-workings which date to before the time of Christ, show thatores were being extracted in Britain at the time that the writers saidthey were.

Mine-WorkingsThe so-called Bronze-Age (approximately between 2,600 and 600 BC) saw a

great deal of mining activity in Britain and many of the sites can be visitedtoday. One of the best known copper mines of this period was on the GreatOrme near Llandudno on the North Wales coast. This site was active for over athousand years. Copper would have been used with tin to form bronze.

The mining of tin has already been mentioned. Originally it would have beenobtained from streaming alluvial deposits. The largest North Atlantic deposits


days? If there is a revelation—a communicated word as to the destiny andresponsibility of the English-speaking nations—it would surely be wise torecognise and understand it—but we live in a very sceptical age.

A Heart of UnbeliefEven if it were true that no archaeological evidence exists to authenticate the

reports of visitors to ancient Britain—or the accounts of its metal trade with theMediterranean world—these reports could hardly be dismissed out of hand.Here we have several accounts (as pointed out in our last chapter) eachcorroborating the other. The combined evidence of these ancient writings is justtoo strong to be ignored.

It amounts to this: ancient records state that metals (such as tin) were obtainedby Mediterranean merchants from southern Britain—yet some modern“scholars” do not believe it because they claim that there is insufficient or noevidence for it. They particularly dislike the Phoenician connection and quicklyderide any suggestion of it. In fact there is an underlying reason for this— it isan unwillingness to lend support to the inevitable connections with the Bible.One over-enthusiastic writer, R.L. Atkinson in Tin and Tin Mining boldly statesthat “a widespread belief that the Phoenicians traded in Cornish tin has beenproved erroneous.” How this was “proved” he does not tell us. Some that wehave talked with even go so far as to say that the “myth” was invented by Biblebelievers in the sixteenth century—when the clear truth obvious to any honest-minded investigator is that the information was disclosed first by those whowrote their reports before the time of Christ (such as cited in our last chapter).These ancient accounts not only corroborate one another, they are endorsed bythe existence of extensive Bronze-Age mine-workings in Britain. Where did allthis metal go? It is sheer prejudice that insists that none of it found its way tothe market-places of Tyre.

To claim that the Phoenicians never visited Britain is very difficult to sustain.It is largely an argument based upon silence—or rather the refusal to hear. Butas to this supposed lack of direct evidence—what should we reasonably expect?

The PhoeniciansAs can be seen from a reading of Ezekiel chapter 27, Tyre conducted trade

over a very wide area of the ancient world. Many names from Genesis chapter10 appear in this chapter, giving us an idea of the extensive and far-flungtrading connections enjoyed by the Phoenicians. A similar picture is given to usby the Greek historian Herodotus, referred to earlier. From Herodotus, wholived about 100 years after Ezekiel, we have the idea of Phoenicians sailing inthe Atlantic and Indian Oceans—and even circumnavigating Africa (an accountgiven credibility because of the observations made in regard to the changingpositions of the sun).

These extensive commercial operations however, have left surprisingly littleby way of direct evidence. This has been seized upon in order to discountPhoenician connections with Britain. In The Sea Traders by Maitland A Edey(Time-Life Books, 1974), the following points are made however:

“Why for so long has so little been known about the Phoenicians? Onereason is the climate. Coastal Lebanon is fairly damp. Anythingwritten on papyrus quickly disappears; wood rots; clay tablets, unless


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of tin ore, cassiterite, are to befound in south-west Britain—butthere are also small amounts inScotland and Ireland which mayhave been of significance in theBronze Age. Bronze wasgenerally an alloy of 10% tin and90% copper — with the additionof lead in Britain. Evidence of allthese metals being obtainedduring Bible times is thereforeestablished. It is thought thatlead also came from theShropshire/ Powys area.

Galena, or lead sulphide, oftencarries silver and there has beenan important source for it aroundthe area of St. Agnes inCornwall. At least a dozen otherdistricts are described wheresilver has been obtained. Silveris also found in conjunction withcopper. In the same area of St. Agnes and in Exmoor iron has been obtained.Gold was also being mined during this period—chiefly in the Wicklowmountains of Ireland.

The evidence of these workings only proves that metal ores were beingproduced in Britain during Bible times—it does not prove that the Phoenicianswere involved in the actual mining operations. Indeed, Ezekiel the prophet onlysays that they “traded” as “merchants” with this Tarshish land. Jeremiah saysthat beaten silver was brought from there—Jeremiah 10:9

“No Evidence...”?The mounds of shells found on the coasts of Devon and Cornwall just happen

to be the type used by Phoenician traders in making their dye. Obviouslysomeone left them there—and they do happen to date from early times. Invarious ways, including over reliance on modern dating techniques (see chapterone), this item is brushed aside by those who do not like the idea of Phoenicianvisitors to Britain.

What happens then, when actual Carthaginian coins are found in Britain — asthey have been? Surely here is something concrete—Coinage from Himilco’shome town! “...they could have been taken there by the Romans” says Dr.Donald B. Handen a noted Phoenician historian (National Geographic, August1974, P. 181). Notice the “could have been...” The mental gymnasticsperformed in order to avoid another conclusion are absolutely amazing. It isobvious that no matter what artifacts may have been found—or may yet befound—there are those who will always find some alternative explanation inorder to avoid bringing the Phoenicians into contact with Britain—or Britainwith the Bible. No evidence? No, of course not. How could there be ...? (!)

Mediterranean...But not Phoenician!From a survey of literature on this subject it seems that since about the early

1960’s a serious antipathy has developed towards this idea of Phoenicians (Tyreof the Bible and its colony in Carthage) having contact with Britain and tradingfor metals. The story was put about that it was “a fable agreed upon” (BarbaraTuchman, Bible and Sword, 1959); that Bible-believing Englishmen, hungry for


Bronze Age opencast workings on the Great Orme, in North Wales.



The Phoenician trading post atCarthage in the Mediterraneancertainly sent sailors beyond thestraits of Gibraltar. Ancientrecords say that one mariner,named Himilco sailed to Britainand Carthaginian coins have beenfound in England. How did thecoins get there?The Carthaginian coin (known asa stater) pictured left, dates toabout 350 B.C. It is possible thatsuch coins were brought to Britainby Mediterranean traders.


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natives), he wrote, ‘work the tin into pieces the form of knuckle-bonesand convey it to an island which lies off Britain and is called Ictis...’ ”

The distinctive shape of this tin ingot echoes that of odd-shaped copper ingots(sometimes called Oxhide) which were common in the Mediterranean area andwhich were traded by Phoenicians. They are not exactly similar but a generalidea can be seen in the comparison of the pictures on the page opposite. It hasbeen suggested by some writers that the slightly convex shape of the Falmouthtin ingot was so that they would stack in a boat—others have seen the shape assuitable for transportation by a pack-horse. In either case the ingots were beingexported, and the clear evidence is that much of it went to the Mediterraneanarea (i.e. Tyre).

Mediterranean “Wares” in BritainContact between the Mediterranean area and Britain during the so-called

Bronze Age is confirmed by several different finds that have been made. Themuseum booklet quoted above recognises this contact and influence, listingamongst its display of artifacts thefragment of a bronze dagger“probably imported from Greecec.1200 B.C., found in a barrow inPelynt.”

In The Monument Builders byRobert Wernick (Time-Life Books,1973) there is a photograph of agold beaker together with thefollowing caption.

“A pure gold beaker foundin a Cornish grave wasribbed after the fashion ofcorded pottery. It is threeand a half inches high, andmay have been a Mycen-aean gift to a Britishchief.”

Several other finds—bowls,ornaments, beads have also been catalogued.

The Stonehenge MonumentR.J.C. Atkinson in a book entitled Stonehenge (Penguin Books, 1956 and

1960) comments upon the carving of a dagger that can be seen on one of theancient stones which form the monument. Comparing it to axe carvings he says:

“If the axe carvings represent a specific type of axe, of whichnumerous actual specimens survive, we are entitled to assume that thedagger carving also delineates a specific type of dagger, which wasfamiliar to the person by whom, or under whose orders, the carvingwas executed. The weapon appears to have a straight-sided taperingblade with a sharp point, expanding into projecting ‘horns’ at its base,with a short hilt and wide pommel with a flat top. No daggers of thisform are known in the earlier Bronze Age either of Britain or indeed of


some kind of identity with Bible lands, built up the notion in order to feed theirreligiously inclined appetites. Evidence that had been accepted and interpretedin support of the Phoenician/Britain contact was re-interpreted and explaineddifferently. Certain obstinate facts stand in the way however, so some havesought to compromise by dropping references to “Phoenician” and substituting“Mediterranean” or even “Greek” in its place. The fact is that the trading peopleof the Mediterranean area between about 1000 BC and 300 BC were thePhoenicians of Tyre. After the fall of Tyre to Alexander the Great thePhoenicians, operating out of Carthage, still ran their business in the westernMediterranean until that was gradually eroded during the Punic wars. InEzekiel’s time however the Phoenicians of Tyre—whatever we want to callthem —were the trading people that would have been concerned. Any “silver,iron, tin and lead” entering the Mediterranean area from Britain wouldinevitably come into the hands of the Phoenicians. We can be quite sure that itdid come their way, and that consequently Britain is the Tarshish of the Bible.

Tin from TarshishIn 1823 a tin ingot weighing nearly 160 lb. was dredged up in the Falmouth

estuary near St. Mawes, Cornwall. It is not known how old this ingot is. Todayit can be seen in the Truro museum. Amuseum booklet states:

“Were this ingot Roman ormedieval, one would expect adifferent shape, a differentweight and a variety ofidentification marks upon is a reasonable assumptionto think that the River Falingot is prehistoric...This ingotmight fit the description givenby Diodorus Siculus in the 1stcentury B.C. ‘They’ (the


Left: Copper ingot being carried by aPhoenician trader.Below: Tin ingot found in Falmouthharbour shows interesting similarities.

Gold Beaker found in Cornish grave: AMycenaean gift?


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Europe north of the Alps. On the other hand, fairly close parallelscome from the famous Shaft Graves at Mycenae in southern Greece,the burials of the dynasty of warrior chieftains symbolized for us bythe legendary figure of Agamemnon, which can be dated 1600-1500B.C. Indeed, the best parallel of all for the form of the Stonehengedagger is another carving, this time in relief, on one of the grave-stonesset up over Shaft Grave V at Mycenae, showing a warrior armed with adagger and driving a war-chariot. The only difference is in thepommel, which is spherical at Mycenae but flat-topped at Stonehenge.“One cannot insist, of course, that the Stonehenge carving must be arepresentation of a Mycenaean dagger, for such identifications arealways in the last resort a matter of personal opinion. But the factremains that no nearer parallels are known; and if it were the intentionof the carver to represent a British type of dagger, he could have doneso just as easily. In fact it would be easier, for the blade of such adagger is broader and less angular in outline; and the techniqueemployed to make the carving is one which lends itself to breadth andto curves rather than to the narrow and angular shape which hasactually been portrayed. Moreover, among the grave-goods of theWessex Culture there are several objects which provide clear evidence,to which no archaeologists have objected, for trade contacts betweensouthern Britain and the Mycenaean and Minoan civilizations of thecentral Mediterranean, so that the idea of a Mycenaean dagger atStonehenge is by no means as far-fetched as it at first appears to be.”

As to Stonehenge itself, this same writer (who has held responsible posts suchas Assistant Keeper at the Department of Antiquities in the AshmoleanMuseum, Oxford; Lecturer in Prehistory (Edinburgh); Professor of Archaeologyat University College, South Wales*) says:

“...were these Wessex chieftains alone responsible for the design andconstruction of this last and greatest monument at Stonehenge? For alltheir evident power and wealth, and for all their widespreadcommercial contacts, these men were essentially barbarians. As such,can they have encompassed unaided a monument which uniquelytranscends all other comparable prehistoric buildings in Britain, andindeed in all Europe north of the Alps, and exhibits so manyrefinements of conception and technique? I for one do not believe it. Itseems to me that to account for these exotic and unparalleled featuresone must assume the existence of influence from the onlycontemporary European cultures in which architecture, as distinctfrom mere construction, was already a living tradition; that is, from theMycenaean and Minoan civilizations of the central Mediterranean.Admittedly not all the refinements of Stonehenge can be paralleled indetail in Mycenaean or Minoan architecture, though it is noteworthythat the structure of the Postern Gate at Mycenae is very similar to thetrilithons at Stonehenge, even to the use of the mortice-and-tenonjoints to hold the lintel in place. But even without this specific parallel,


the architecture of the central Mediterranean provides the only outsidesource for the sophisticated approach to architecture exhibited atStonehenge. We have seen that through trade the necessary contactswith the Mediterranean had been established.”

In the light of Genesis chapter 10 which tells us that Tarshish was a son of

Carvings of Mycenaean Daggers at Stonehenge.

* Not that the qualification is as important as the reasoning which he offers us.


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he work of Britain in initiating the first stage of Israel’s restoration is aremarkable phenomenon in the annals of history. That Britain herselfshould develop a sympathetic outlook to the idea of the Return at a

specific point in history—and that she should be able to gather together allieswho were willing to assist her, was not a situation that came about in a moment.It had been in preparation for almost 400 years.

Two historical events stand out as being primary impulses developing thefavourable circ*mstances for the Return. One event was the French Revolutionwhich brought liberty and emancipation for the Jew. The other event was thetranslation of the Bible into English—for it was the influence of this Book thatled the British Government to view with favour the establishment of a JewishNational Home in Palestine. It also led to the American support for Israel thatwe have witnessed in more recent years.

Translation RequiredJeremiah chapter 31 concerns the latter days (note the connection between

chapter 30:24 and chapter 31:1). The subject matter of this 31st chapter is,clearly, the restoration of Israel.

Now it is in this context, and for this time, that verse 10 says:“Hear the word of the LORD, O ye nations, and declare it in the islesafar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keephim, as a shepherd doth his flock.”

Here is a message, addressed to Gentile nations who are to “hear the word ofthe LORD.” To these nations, the Hebrew Scriptures (as well as the Greek NewTestament) would be “an unknown tongue” or language: so Paul says in adifferent context “except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood,how shall it be known what is spoken?”

If these Gentile nations were to hear the word of the LORD, then as a practicalnecessity, translation of the Scriptures were required—c/p Psalm 19:3,4 withRomans 10:18. The nations then, are here called upon to hear the word of theLORD—but it is to be “declared” (Strong # 5046, brought to light or manifested)in isles afar off.

The message to be declared is “He that scattered Israel will gather him.” Sothe regathering of Israel is the substance of the message that is to be brought tolight, manifested or declared in far off maritime lands in the latter days. Now


Javan (from whom Greece gets its name, as mentioned on page 17), thisconnection between ancient Britain and the early Greek civilisations of Minoaand Mycenaea only serves to strengthen the identification of Britain with theTarshish of the far west.

Britain Fits the CriteriaScripture says that Tyre (alias the Phoenicians) traded with Tarshish for silver,

iron, tin and lead. This was about 580 BC and the indications are that the tradehad been going on much earlier than that—and with the early Greekcivilizations that had preceded the Phoenician trade monopolies. We have seenthat Britain was producing such metals during this period and from the ancientaccounts that have survived—and which we have cited—it appears that at leastsome of it went to supply the Mediterranean area where the Phoenicians werecommercially active. It is highly unlikely that these good business people wouldput all their eggs in one basket—doubtless they had other sources for the metalsas well—but neither is it likely that they would have ignored such a rich sourceas that which was available from Britain.

We have taken up considerable space in dealing with this ancient identity—but far more powerful reasons for the identification come from Britain’s role inIsrael’s latter-day restoration. This work, said the prophets, was to be carriedout by Tarshish and the isles (Isa. 60:9). Britain, with the aid of her relations inthe “isles”, has played a leading part in the restoration. As we have pointed out,this was foreseen by Bible believers before it happened. It would be extremelydifficult to find any other nation in the world—or group of nations—that fit therequirements as does Britain. Carthage? Spain?...there is no reasonablealternative to Britain as the Tarshish of the Bible.

5The Calling of Britain

ALSO AN EASTERN TARSHISH Although the original Tarshish lands lay in the west, inhabited by the

sons of Javan (Genesis 10), there was also another location known by thatname in the ancient world, this one was in the east. This can be seen fromreferences such as 1 Kings 10:22; 22:48; and 2 Chronicles 9:21. ThisTarshish location has been identified by some with India. This should notconfuse us, a parallel can be found today with the names East Indies and theWest Indies.

It is probable that a similar situation will exist in the latter days, and thatIndia, as well as Britain, will establish strong trading ties with Israel and theArabian countries. In this case we can see India, who has been allied withBritain during colonial days and in two World Wars, fulfilling a role as oneof the “young lions” in the prophecy of Ezekiel 38:13. Important andcomprehensive trade agreements were signed between Israel and India in1997.

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return untome void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in thething whereto I sent it.”—Isaiah 55:11



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These words are unquestionably those of the spirit of Christ speaking in theprophet (see 1 Peter 1:10,11; Luke 1:31; Matt. 10:34; Eph. 6:17; Rev. 1:16).The sense of the prophecy of Isaiah 49 is that when the word of Christ wouldgo forth as “a light to the Gentiles,” it would be as a sword—and this is whathappened when the New Testament, and then the complete Scripture, wastranslated into the language of Gentile peoples. The result was a controversythat produced what is known in history as the Reformation. Many differentlands were involved, but it was in the British Isles that the most far-reachingeffects were seen.

A spineless and insipid presentation of God’s word does not alter the courseof history, build empires—or even convert ordinary men and women. It neverhas and never will. We do well to remember that, “the word of God is quick,and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword...” (Hebrews 4:12). Thisis why it overcame the mighty Roman Empire—it is why it has had such animpact upon the English-speaking world. In other instances, where it has nothad the same result, we see that it was compromised and rendered “of noneeffect” (Mark 7:13; 1 Cor. 1:17).

The Course of HistoryIn order for a Gentile state to undertake the work of restoring Jews to their

homeland in the Middle East, it would be necessary for the hand of God to beprovidentially active as it was in raising up Cyrus in order to bring about thereturn from the Babylonian exile—see Isaiah 44:26 and to 45:6; also Ezra 1.

In order to restore Jerusalem and return the exiles, it was first necessary thatthe Medo-Persians conquer mighty Babylon. Similarly, in preparing the wayfor the latter-day restoration of Jews to Palestine, it was necessary that Britainnot only become sympathetic to the Jewish cause, but that she contend withthose who ruled the Holy Land, or who would oppose the Divine purpose. Inthe practical context of things, this meant that Britain would have to becomewilling to oppose Catholic Europe—the age-long persecutor of Jewry—and,when the time arrived for it, expel the Ottoman Turk from the Holy Land. Ourchart (page 37) illustrates the remarkable influence of the Bible upon Britishhistory, shaping that nation—and then her empire—in a way that would prepareit for the work. Once the restoration of Jews had been accomplished to therequired extent—and in order that events may move towards the second stageof restoration—Britain would vacate the scene. The Jewish national home, afterbeing instructed and refined by “a time of trouble, such as never was sincethere was a nation” (Dan. 12:1)—is to become subject to the rightful heir ofDavid’s throne (Luke 1:32,33),the Lord Jesus Christ returned.

Darkness over EnglandAs in all of pre-Reformation Europe, the Roman Catholic Church in England

reigned supreme, and it was virtually the only source of spiritual guidance. TheBible, only available in Latin, was not promoted among the ordinary people—they were largely ignorant of it. The Church itself was in a very corrupt state—and this had in fact been foretold in the New Testament by the 1st Centuryapostles. We can hardly miss the signs that they left on record in theirepistles—a particularly forceful example comes form 1 Timothy 4:1-3.

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall


what is the point of bringing this message to light in these far off lands unless ithas some relevance there?

Let There be LightWhen the word of God is sent forth it does not return to Him void. This is

what we learn from Isaiah 55:11.“ shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which Iplease, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

This principle is applicable to the case before us—that of the word of theLORD being brought to light in far off maritime lands, it would accomplish awork and a purpose.

One work, of course, is that it would enlighten some in those far off parts,with the message of salvation in Christ—See Isaiah 49:1-6; 42:6. This has beenan exceedingly important work just as it was in ancient times. For some threecenturies before the time of Christ the Greek translation of the Old Testament—the Septuagint—prepared an environment in the ancient world for the truegospel taught by the apostles. This, we believe, is confirmed by Paul inRomans 10:11-18 (and especially verse 18). The influential English Bible hasaccomplished a similar work for our time.

The purpose to be accomplished by the word of God according to Isaiah 55, isthe establishment of the kingdom of God—as may be seen from verses 12 and13. This work involves restoring again the kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6)—forthis is the Scriptural kingdom of God. It is in the first and preliminary stage ofthis work—the return of Jews to Palestine—that we find that the influence ofthe English Bible has fulfilled such a remarkable role. In the words of historianBarbara Tuchman in the preface to Bible and Sword: “It is a curious irony thatthe Jews retrieved their home partly through the operation of the religion theygave the Gentiles.”

We have seen that Jeremiah addressed Gentile maritime lands of the latterdays, and that God’s purpose to regather Israel would be declared and broughtto light in these far off parts. History demonstrates that this has in facthappened—and the influence of this message prompted, first the British Islesand then other English-speaking nations, to become instrumental in bringingabout the Jewish return. Not only so but as we shall see shortly, these nationshave provided a degree of necessary protection for the developing Jewishpresence in their ancient homeland.

Now, how were Gentile powers influenced and moulded so that they would bewilling to undertake such a task as this? The answer is found in the influence ofthe English Bible upon British history, as well as upon that wider group ofEnglish-speaking countries throughout the world.

A Controversial BookThe Bible has always been—and still is today—a highly controversial Book.

It is in fact a sword of the spirit. In Isaiah 49:1-2 we read:“Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people from far; The LORD

hath called me from the womb: from the bowels of my mother hath hemade mention of my name. And he hath made my mouth like a sharpsword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me apolished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me...”


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Vulgate (Roman Catholic Version) about 1380 AD. It had a limitedcirculation—mostly among a group known to us as Lollards. Even this earlyversion stirred considerable controversy and was opposed by church authorities.This was but a foretaste of what would come when Greek manuscripts arrivedafter the fall of Constantinople (1453) and Greek (Byzantine) believers fled


depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines ofdevils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared witha hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain frommeats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving ofthem which believe and know the truth.”

“Forbidding to marry” not only finds its reflection in a so-called ‘celibatepriesthood’ but it has the effect that the apostle indicated that it would.“Nevertheless,” said Paul, “to avoid fornication, let every man have his ownwife, and let every woman have her own husband.” (1 Corinthians 7:2). Toenforce celibacy upon a man by forbidding marriage, such as the RomanChurch still does even today, ensures that he is driven to depravity—except invery rare people. Human nature is weak stuff—and this was recognized in theapostolic teachings of the New Testament. In not following that teaching theChurch had become both apostate and corrupt. The immorality of the Romanpriesthood had become a scandal—as one writer put it. “Whenever anecclesiastical establishment existed (in England before the Reformation), therefamily life was imperilled; whilst ‘benefit of clergy’ and ‘Bishop’s Courts’screened the culprits from punishment.”*

Another passage of Scripture foretold:“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as thereshall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnableheresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring uponthemselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their perniciousways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. Andthrough covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandiseof you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and theirdamnation slumbereth not.”— 2 Peter 2:1-3.

Through the sale of indulgences, forms of Church taxation, “Peter’s Pence”and many other money-raising tactics, the Roman Church amassed tremendouswealth. One incident that took place in Rome in the Middle-Ages is describedby the Jesuit writer Malachi Martin:

“At the first Jubilee in 1300, 30,000 pilgrims entered the city... Bycontributing to the saying of Masses, the lighting of votive lamps overthe tombs of saints, the pilgrims could get assurance of forgiveness fortheir sins. It did not bother them that night and day during thepilgrimage two smiling priests stood at the altar of St. Paul’s forinstance, shoveling in the gold and silver offerings like hay.” (TheDecline and Fall of the Roman Church, 1981).

We could continue to discuss various other aspects of the spiritual conditionsthat existed, but the point has been made. The spiritual environment of the timesis well expressed by the term “the dark ages”—for so they were. The peoplewere ignorant of what the Bible had to say and superstitiously followed theguidance of the Roman Church.

The Word Sent ForthWycliffe translated the Bible into an early English dialect from the Latin








1914 - 1948THE JEWS RETURN




* The Papal Conquest by Alexander Robertson, 1909.


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west from the Turks. This event,coming hot on the heels of theinvention of printing, brought togethercirc*mstances which were destined toreshape Christendom.

William Tyndale, a young priest inGloucestershire, England—knowingthat it would probably cost him hislife—determined to translate the Bibleinto English from the originallanguages of Greek and Hebrew. Histranslation of the New Testament(from the Greek text of Erasmus)appeared in print in 1525—and mostof it was promptly burnt (one copysurvives today). Another editionappeared in 1534.

Tyndale appreciated the fact that theBible was a controversial book. UsingChrist’s allegory concerning salt(Matt. 5:13; Mark 9:49-50 etc) hewrote:

“The nature of salt is to bite,fret, and make smart...True preaching is a salting that stirreth uppersecution...If salt have lost its saltness, it is good for nothing but tobe trodden under foot of men—That is, if the preacher, which for hisdoctrine is called salt, have lost the nature of salt, that is to say, hissharpness in rebuking all unrighteousness...he is condemned of God...”

Tyndale clearly saw it as a duty to “salt” a corrupt church.“...all that is corrupt must be salted; and those persons are of all othersmost corrupt, and therefore may not be left untouched. The pope’spardons must be rebuked, the abuse of the mass, of the sacraments, andof all the ceremonies, must be rebuked and salted...”

In turning people to the Scriptures, Tyndale was also turning them away fromthe Church of Rome. In 1536 Tyndale’s “salting” brought the persecution hehad foreseen. The translator of the Bible into English was taken to the stake,strangled and burnt—but the word of the LORD had gone forth and would notreturn unto Him void; it would accomplish that which he pleased.

John Foxe wrote:“These books of William Tyndale being compiled, published, and sentover into England, it cannot be spoken what a door of light theyopened to the eyes of the whole English nation, which before weremany years shut up in darkness.”

Separation from RomeFor over 70 years after Tyndale’s death an epic struggle continued in England

between the authority of the Bible and that of the Roman Church. The nation

was violently jolted one way, and then the other. There were plots and counter-plots; plans for invasion from Catholic Europe, plots for assassination andkidnap. As the struggle continued, Bibles came forth from the printing presses—Coverdale’s, Matthew’s Bible, the Great Bible, the Geneva— and translatorswere burnt—John Rogers at Smithfield (London 1553), Thomas Cranmer(Oxford 1555)... and so the battle waged on. This is a period of history that wedo well to reflect upon, and ask: “How much did our Bible cost?” The price wemay pay for a copy today in no way reflects the priceless heritage of the EnglishBible!

Hearing the WordMichael Pragai, an Israeli writer, gives us the following account in his book

Faith and fulfillment:“The growing importance of the English Bible was a concomitant ofthe spreading Reformation, and it is true to say that the Reformationwould never have taken hold had the Bible not replaced the Pope as theultimate spiritual authority. With the Bible as its tool, the Reformationreturned to the geographic origins of Christianity in Palestine. Itthereby gradually diminished the authority of Rome. The year 1611saw the publication of the King James Version, and with that the“adoption” of the Bible was complete. The family and tribal history ofone nation became the “national epic” of another.”

As the word of the LORD was brought to light in these “isles afar off” menbegan to become aware of God’s declared intention to regather his peopleIsrael. As we saw earlier, books about the restoration of the Jews appeared, andas Bible knowledge spread; people were made aware of the purpose of God torestore His ancient people.

A Protestant ConstitutionAnother result of the Bible’s influence was the growth of anti-Catholic

sentiment. This was an important development having a profound effect upon


William Tyndale at The Stake — an old print from Foxe’s Monuments

William Tyndale - Translator of theBible into English


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things, but it is important to realize that the Reformation—as important as thatwas —did not go far enough. Many traditions of the Roman Church as well asher doctrines, remained in the fabric of the English Church. This was to form abasis for the ecumenical activity which we see today. Just as ancient Israelfailed to rid Canaan of pagan idolators (see Deut. 7:16 and Judges 2:2,3) withthe result that their gods became a snare to Israel, so the doctrines of Romewhich should have been eradicated have now ensnared Britain and otherEnglish-speaking countries. Nonetheless, the dawn of the 19th Century sawBritain preparing for her mission.

Containing EuropeThe French Revolution of 1789 and the military success of Napoleon in

Europe afterwards, deprived the papacy of much of its power. The Holy RomanEmpire was dismembered and the Catholic Church was in trouble—at least asfar as its temporal power was concerned.

The Napoleonic threat and the general chaos in Europe was sufficient reasonfor Britain to seek, and gain, supremacy at sea in order to safeguard her interestsboth at home and abroad. In effect, Britain was containing Europe andpreventing its rulers from penetrating through to the Middle East and the HolyLand. From the time of the Napoleonic wars and Trafalgar (1805) this is clear.The Crimean War (1854) kept Russia out of Turkey and the Middle East. Thepath that had been marked out for Britain—that maritime power of the latterdays—had become unavoidable. On the back cover of Barbara Tuchman’s Bibleand Sword we read:

“From early times the British people have been drawn to the HolyLand through two major influences: the translation of the Bible intoEnglish and, later, imperial need to control the road to India and accessto the oil of the Middle East.”

These two major influences combined to cause Britain and her allies tocontain Europe—the home of anti-Semitism. This became particularly apparentduring two of the greatest wars ever waged between men. In view of the historyconcerned, and the influence of the Bible upon Britain, we can surely see thatBritain was called by the prophets to fulfill a specific destiny. Today this mayseem far removed from current trends, but from Scriptures yet to be consideredin this booklet a clear destiny still lies ahead for Britain and the English-speaking world.


history. The preface and “translators remarks to the Reader” in the King JamesAuthorized Version of 1611 gives a glimpse of this. The reference to “that manof sin” and “popish persons” still appears in many editions of that version. Oneparagraph in the translators’ remarks is devoted to explaining how the Churchof Rome had opposed the translation of the Scriptures into English. The RomanChurch is said to have admitted having been forced into producing a translationof their own—which they then refused to license for public reading.

In this atmosphere the country moved further away from Catholicism. Eventsbrought the monarchy into collision with parliament when the former wasperceived to be collaborating with, or in sympathy with papists. Civil war, theexecution of Charles I, the growth of Puritanism and Scottish Presbyterianismbrought Oliver Cromwell to power as “Lord Protector”. An attempt to restorethe monarchy revived the former problems. Later, James II married a Catholicand began appointing Roman Catholics to positions of power. In consequencehe was deserted by the ruling Whig party and in 1688 William of Orange (son-in-law to James II) was invited to occupy the throne as a Protestant monarch.The Bill of Rights and Act of Settlement (1689) ensured that, from then on, theBritish Crown would be reserved for Protestants only. The act reads as follows:

“Whereas it hath been found by experience that it is inconsistent withthe safety and welfare of this Protestant Kingdom to be governed by apopish Prince or by any King or Queen marrying a papist... Everyperson who is or shall be reconciled to, or shall have communion with,the See or Church of Rome, or shall marry a papist, shall be excludedand be for ever incapable to inherit, possess, or enjoy the Crown orGovernment of this Realm and Ireland, and in every such case thepeople of these Realms shall be and are hereby released of theirallegiance.”

Britain now had a Protestant constitution. She would now have to maintain anindependence from Catholic Europe.

A Protestant EmpireBy 1700 Britain was busy establishing colonies throughout the world. Cook’s

voyages of discovery opened up new opportunities—and with an eye to tradeand commerce rather than acquiring an empire—Britain’s interests spreadacross the face of the globe. So did the English language—and so did theinfluence of the English Bible. An important area of development was NorthAmerica where the Puritan influence was particularly strong. Michael Pragaisays:

“To understand America one has first to understand Puritanism, whichin turn has its origins in the legends, images, morals, legal codes andprophecies of the Hebrew Bible. America’s roots are embedded, as itwere, in the fertile soil of the Bible, and from there they derive theirlife-sustaining vital fluids. When the Puritans adopted the Bible,especially the Old Testament, it became their principal spiritualauthority” (Faith & Fulfillment).

By 1800, the English-speaking world had developed a spiritual and culturaloutlook which was favourable to the Jews but deeply suspicious of Catholicismand of Europe. The influence of the English Bible had produced this state of


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fter diligently studying the Scriptures of the Prophets, John Thomas,penned the following words in 1848. His book, entitled Elpis Israel(The Hope of Israel) was published in London, England:—

“The truth is, there are two stages in the restoration of the Jews, thefirst is before the battle of Armageddon; and the second, after it: butboth pre-millennial. God has said, “I will save the tents of Judah first.”This is the first stage of restoration...“There is, then, a partial and primary restoration of Jews before themanifestation, which is to serve as the nucleus, or basis, of futureoperations in the restoration of the rest of the tribes after he hasappeared in the kingdom. The pre-adventual colonization of Palestinewill be on purely political principles; and the Jewish colonists willreturn in unbelief of the Messiahship of Jesus, and of the truth as it isin him. They will emigrate thither as agriculturists and traders, in thehope of ultimately establishing their commonwealth...“Now any person acquainted with the present insecure condition ofPalestine under the Ottoman dominion must be satisfied from thetestimony, that some other power friendly to Israel must then havebecome paramount over the land, which is able to guarantee protectionto them, and to put the surrounding tribes in fear. This is all that isneeded, namely, security for life and property, and Palestine would beas eligible for Jewish emigration as the United States have proved forthe Gentiles.“But to what part of the world shall we look for a power whoseinterests will make it willing, as it is able, to plant the ensign ofcivilization upon the mountains of Israel? The reader will, doubtless,anticipate my reply from what has gone before. I know not whether themen, who at present contrive the foreign policy of Britain, entertain theidea of assuming the sovereignty of the Holy Land, and of promotingits colonization by the Jews; their present intentions, however, are ofno importance one way or the other, because they will be compelled,by events soon to happen, to do what, under existing circ*mstances,heaven and earth combined could not move them to attempt. The


6Returning in Unbelief

present decisions of “statesmen” are destitute of stability. A shootingstar in the political astronomy. The finger of God has indicated acourse to be pursued by Britain which cannot be evaded, and which hercounsellors will not only be willing, but eager, to adopt when the crisiscomes upon them.”

From our present vantage point, andwriting towards the close of 1997 (exactly150 years after John Thomas), we can seehow those words have been incrediblyjustified by events. There is more to thisstory of course—but as far as it went, itwould be difficult to quarrel with theexpectations of John Thomas.

A Testimony DeliveredIt was from the writings of this man that

a religious group came into being knownas the Christadelphians (taken from Greek,and meaning simply Brethren in Christ).They continued to teach and promote theirideas in America, Britain and the thenBritish Empire. Their preaching waszealous and the message was deliveredwith a forceful conviction.

In 1876 a leading Christadelphian writer,Robert Roberts, wrote a booklet entitled Prophecy and the Eastern Question, acopy of which was sent to the then Prime Minister of Great Britain, W.E.Gladstone. Copies were also sent to all members of the House of Lords and theHouse of Commons— as well as to many other public figures. The followingreply from the Prime Minister was received by Robert Roberts:

January 24th, 1877Sir:Allow me to thank you for your tract, which I shall read with greatinterest; for I have been struck with the apparent ground for belief thatthe state of the East may be treated of in that field where you havebeen labouring.

Your faithful servant,W.E.Gladstone

R.Roberts, Esq.

The note to Robert Roberts appeared in the press—giving the bookletconcerned wide publicity—as well as the subject matter with which it wasconcerned. The small group of Christadelphians and their beliefs began toattract notice. A few years later a pamphlet issued by the Catholic TruthSociety, critical of what it called Christadelphianism, gives us theirobservations of these people early in the 20th Century:

“One cannot go into any large town, in England at least, withoutcoming across the Christadelphians. True, they have neither large nor

John Thomas

“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto hisservants the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD

hath spoken, who can but prophesy?”—Amos 3:7,8.


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beautiful churches; but such things are not in accordance with theirbeliefs, so the absence of them is not evidence of lack of members ofthe sect. In the halls of public libraries, in little meeting-houses even indisused railway-stations of which they have converted the waiting-rooms into places of assembly; they meet to teach the one true faith asthey conceive it. They always say, “Bring your Bible with you, so as totest what is said.” They undoubtedly make an impression, at least in

large towns.”*Lectures were held on a variety of

Biblical topics, but would frequentlyexplain prophecies concerning ‘The Hopeof Israel’, the restoration of the Jews andBritain in Bible prophecy. Booklets suchas The Destiny of the British Empire andBritain in Prophecy were freely available.Their treatment of the subject was not tobe confused with British Israelism, whichthey strenuously opposed, pointing outthat Britain was a Gentile nation and thatthe so-called ‘ten lost tribes of Israel’never were lost to start with. In line withJohn Thomas, they taught that Britainwould be involved in restoring Jews toPalestine.

It was a time when a general awarenessof Bible prophecy had been createdamong the public—it was a uniquewindow of time in history when statesmencould be found who were sympathetic tothe idea of the Jewish Return. LloydGeorge for example, was enthusiasticabout the idea of the return to Zion, for hebelieved in the Bible.

A Sure Word of ProphecyWhatever else may be included in the name “Tarshish”, it must refer to Britain

in several prophecies — especially those which have to do with the initialprocess of Israel’s restoration. The “Tarshish” aspect is of course a side issue,the main focus being upon the restoration itself—nonetheless it is oftremendous relevance to all those who dwell in Tarshish and the “isles”associated with her, for it directly concerns them.

In piecing together the information revealed to us by the prophets, JohnThomas has given us a sound introduction to these matters. As events haveshown, the Jews did go back to their land in unbelief. It is also abundantly clearto us that not all Jews have returned to Israel—the Return that we witness todayis only partial. In the words of John Thomas this is but the first stage in therestoration process prior to the appearance of Messiah.


How did John Thomas arrive at his remarkable conclusions? As he pointedout himself, he had no special revelation and was not an inspired prophet— allhis conclusions were simply based upon study of the Bible. The sources andtools that he used are available to anyone who may be moved to make use ofthem.

It was from Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 that Thomas concluded that there mustbe two stages of restoration. Ezekiel 38 describes a condition in “the latteryears” in these words:

“...the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out ofmany people... the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste:but it is brought forth out of the nations...” (verse 8).

There is also the expression in verse 12, “the people that are gathered out ofthe nations.” The prophecy goes on to describe an overwhelming invasion ofthese gathered Jewish people from the extreme north—and it is after this, whenthe Lord God has delivered the land that He says in chapter 39,

“Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy uponthe whole house of Israel...” (verse 25).

The implication is clear: a partial and primary gathering of Jews prior to thegreat northern invasion of the land; then “the whole house of Israel” to bebrought back after it. This conclusion is supported by other Scriptures— forexample, Zechariah 12:7 where we read; “ The LORD also shall save the tents ofJudah first...” Historically, Judah only comprised part of the Jewish nation (thesouthern kingdom) and this remained in the land for some time—and wasrestored in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah—whilst the rest of the nation was indispersion. The pattern fits the situation that we witness today.

What about returning in unbelief? Where does the Bible suggest that?The sequence of chapters in Ezekiel, known as the prophecies of the

restoration, describe what is to take place. Repeatedly the prophet speaks ofIsrael being brought back to their land and then undergoing a spiritual renewal.For example, Ezekiel 36:24-26.

“For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of allcountries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkleclean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness,and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I giveyou, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away thestony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.”—Ezekiel 36:24-26.

Other prophets give the same sequence—see Jeremiah 3:14,15; 23:3,4. If theJewish people are to return to the land and then be instructed, fed and cleansed,then clearly they must return there without having experienced that renewal.They return in unbelief —and that is why we see the State of Israel in its presentcondition. It is a nation which, to all appearances, is like any other—largelyfaithless and unheeding of the ways of God.

The Ground PreparedIt was persecution and affliction, not faith, that motivated Jews to go and live

in Palestine —it was a spate of organized massacres in southern Russia, known

A Christadelphian Booklet by Islip Collyer


* Christadelphianism by J.W.Poynter

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as ‘pogroms’, that produced the first wave of immigrants (the first “Aliya” of1887-1903). It was a nightmare as gangs of Russians broke into Jewish homesand slaughtered the occupants—throwing young children out of upper storywindows, gouging out the eyes of victims and murdering them. Many Jews leftfor western countries (like the United States of America); some went toPalestine which was then under Turkish (Ottoman) control. Few would havethen foreseen that these early pioneers were forming a slim foundation or basefor what was to come a few years later.

At about the same time Theodore Herzl, a Jewish journalist, becameconvinced that there was no safety for Jews in Europe. In 1896 he published hisideas in a book entitled The Jewish State. It proved to be the birth of activepolitical Zionism.

Around 1900 there was a great deal of sympathy in Britain for the Jewishcause —but Britain could not give Palestine to the Jews. It was not in theirpossession. At that time the Holy Land was part of the Ottoman Empire ofTurkey —and they ruled it with an iron hand allowing no political activitywhatsoever. Britain did what she could under the circ*mstances, she offeredTheodore Herzl Uganda in Africa as the basis for a national home. After greatdebate at the Zionist Congress the offer was rejected by the Jews.

It was of course the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 that was to bringabout dramatic changes to these circ*mstances. Austria-Hungary, together withGermany, contrived to destroy Serbia. Russia, Great Britain and Franceobjected. When hostilities broke out on the Serbian border, war was declared.“The lamps are going out all over Europe” said Britain’s Foreign Secretary— itwould be four terrible years before they could go on again.

In October 1914 German warships (which had been seconded to the Turkishnavy) bombarded Russian coastal cities with the result that the Allies declaredwar on Turkey (Nov, 1914). Britain was now at war with the Ottoman Empire,the ruler of Palestine.

“Not only Willing, but Eager”Prime Minister Herbert Asquith of Britain had no interest in Zionism, but in

December 1916 he was forced to resign. Two key positions in the new cabinetwere then filled by Lloyd George and Arthur James Balfour. Less than a yearlater General Allenby was leading his forces into Palestine.

On November 2nd, 1917—over a month before the objective had beenachieved—Balfour issued the famous Declaration in which he conveyed:

“...on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declarationof sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submittedto, and approved by, the Cabinet.“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment inPalestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use theirbest endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object...”

Australian, New Zealand, Indian and British forces moved into Gaza, took theport of Jaffa, then threaded their way through the Judean hills entering the cityof Jerusalem on December 11, 1917. When Allenby reached the Jaffa Gate, hedismounted, so as to enter the Old City “as a pilgrim, not as a conqueror.” Hearrived as the Jews celebrated Hanukka—one Jewish witness of the occasion


The Ground on which Britain and her allies fought in order to assume thesovereignty of the Holy Land during the First World War.

revealed the emotion that was felt:“They indeed told us that it was Redemption—not only the miracle ofHanukka but Redemption. We knew that it was so and hoped that wewould be redeemed.”

By July 1920 the first British High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel, wasinstalled in office. He was both a Jew and a Zionist. He declared his intention to


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“transform Palestine at the earliest possible occasion, into an independent statewith an established Jewish majority.”*

“Jewish People: Where Are You?”In those early days of the British Mandate there was no restriction whatsoever

on Jewish immigration to Palestine. “Had they so desired” says one narrative,“the Jews could have returned to the Promised Land en masse and might evenhave established a Jewish State prior to the Holocaust.”* In the very samemonth that Herbert Samuel was sworn in as High Commissioner, anembarrassed President of the Zionist Federation, Dr. Chaim Weizmann utteredan appeal to the Diaspora: “Jewish People, where are you?”

The Jews did not come—they didn’t believe... those who did leave Europewent west, especially to America. Others, particularly in Germany, wereaffluent, comfortable and enjoying the pleasures of life to the full. Why go tosome hot Middle-Eastern desert where swamps and flies—and possibly malariaor some other disease threatened? As their forefathers many centuries beforehad done, they despised the Land (see Numbers 14:31,32). The six millioncarcasses that fell in the wilderness of Europe during the Nazi era could havebeen in Palestine helping to build a national home!

A few did return—even in “the ships of Tarshish”—but it was nothing likewhat it could have been. This people, this blind, obstinate and faithless people“entered not in because of unbelief” (c/p Hebrews 3:19;4:6).

The opportunity passed by. Arab opposition to Jewish political ambitionsbegan to surface, changes in the British Government brought to power thosewho were less inclined to view Zionism with favour. Gradually the doors beganto close... The Return would only happen when Jews were made willing. Thewords of the prophet Jeremiah are surely relevant:

“Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shallfish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt


Jews Returning in British ships during the Mandate

them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes ofthe rocks. For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid frommy face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes.”— Jeremiah16:16,17.

It was difficult to motivate an unbelieving people to return, and only after theSecond World War and the Nazi Holocaust did Jews flood into Palestine, oftenfighting their way there, trekking across the Alps, coming in ships as“illegals”— all in unbelief. Even Britain’s sympathy for the Jews turned intoopposition, sometimes brutal opposition. Britain too had lost her Biblicalperspective, and with it her greatness.

Left: A World War One Poster.Above: Australians, British andIndians together in the trenches asthe Allies conquer Palestine in WW1.

From left to right: General Allenby, Lord Balfour and Herbert Samuel

* Quoted from Pillar of Fire by Yigal Lossin (Shikmona Publishing) Page 85


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t Dunkirk and Calais, on the coast of France, an army massed inpreparation for the invasion of England. Before this army couldembark however, the Battle for Britain had to be won at sea—it was

the year 1588 and the “Invincible” Spanish Armada was sailing into Britishwaters in a majestic crescent-shaped formation. In Reform and Revolt(Newsweek Books 1974 edtn.) contributor Neville Williams says:

“Pope Sixtus V had blessed the Spanish Enterprise although he hadwithheld his financial support, and on April 15, 1588, the banners to becarried in the crusade against the heretic Queen (Elizabeth I) werehallowed in Lisbon Cathedral; and every man in the expedition tookthe Sacrament. By April 30, the fleet was ready to sail...”

Tyrell’s History of England (19th Cent.) says:“When the Armada was ready to sail, before it put to sea, Philip (ofSpain) sent a brief note to Elizabeth, demanding—1st. That no furtheraid should be given to the Protestants in the Netherlands. 2nd. That sheshould restore the treasure captured by Drake. 3rd. That she shouldacknowledge the supremacy of the pope.”

The Spanish Armada and planned invasion of England was the first stage in a“holy crusade” intended to return England to the Roman Catholic Church.“Hope beat high in the breast of every Spaniard, who believed that the proudisland heretics would crouch for mercy beneath the weapons of hiscountrymen,” says Tyrrell. According to some writers, vessels in the Armadacarried “instruments of torture for Protestants, some of which may now (i.e.1859) be seen in the Tower of London.”

The wind happened to be blowing the wrong way for the Catholic Armada in1588 and the British, by a strategy using fire-ships, scattered and attacked theirwould-be conquerors who lost about two-thirds of their ships.

The Planned Defeat of ProtestantismThe Council of Trent, which set in motion the counter-Reformation, had held

its final session just 25 years before the defeat of the “Invincible” SpanishArmada. The Council re-affirmed Catholic doctrine, considered variousmeasures whereby Christendom might be “re-united” under the authority of


7Spiritual Warfare

Rome —and it saw the birth of the Jesuit Order under Ignatius Loyola, whosesworn mission it was to bring back the Protestant heretics into the Catholic fold.The plans were put into effect—and it is clear that the hostile advance of theSpanish Armada upon England was in strict accordance with the Council’sobjective.

Not that there has been just one attempt to overthrow the British systemwhich, as we have seen in Chapter 5, was really the result of the Word of Godbeing proclaimed throughout the land. As we have pointed out, there have beenseveral plots and conspiracies that were designed to overthrow this Protestantform of government, often involving treasonable acts against the Crown. A fewinstances are given below which are directly attributed to Roman Catholicinstigation. They are culled from Steinberg’s Dictionary of British History(1970 edition):

• The Throckmorton Plot (1583)• The Babington Plot (1586)• The Spanish Armada (1588)• The Bye Plot (1603)• The Gunpowder Plot (1605)• The Popish Plot (1678)• A conspiracy to turn England back to Catholicism under

James II resulted in the Revolution of 1688.• The Jacobite Rebellion (1745)• The ‘Aggression of the Pope’ (1850) in unilaterally setting

up a Catholic hierarchy in Britain resulted in the Ecclesiastical Titles Act (1851).

• Sinn Fein attempts to overthrow British rule in Ireland began in 1916.

These were some of the attempts that had been made to destroy British

A Contemporary engraving shows the crescent formation of the Armada

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, exceptthere come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son ofperdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, orthat is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewinghimself that he is God.” —2 Thess 2:3,4



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Protestant rule prior to, and up to, the First World War. There is a longer historythan that, but the point is surely made. It may help to explain Britain’sexperiences with the Roman Church in past history, and why it is that we findthe following enshrined in The Bill of Rights and Act of Settlement (1689):

“Whereas it hath been found by experience that it is inconsistent withthe safety and welfare of this Protestant Kingdom to be governed by aPopish Prince or by any King or Queen marrying a Papist...”


The 1918 Sinn Fein PledgeRoman Catholic Hierarchy, Cardinal Logue and ArchbishopWalsh appear prominently at top of the Anti-British Pledge.

Unpleasant Truth!In our present tolerant and ecumenical environment the religious rivalry and

conflicts of the past may seem crude and distasteful to dwell upon. Many willthink of them as “unchristian”—and so they are. It is indeed difficult— nay,impossible — to recognise the spirit of Christ in the history of Christendom,except it be among those small minorities who have refused to take the swordeven in self defence, choosing rather to suffer affliction and even death rather





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refusal, while waiting for the Last Judgement, to participate in politicaland social life, and their equalitarianism, caused them to be considereddangerous atheists against whom public anger flared up at the slightestpretext.”

A particular danger to believers was the philosophy of that world—so highlythought of and respected. This could corrupt the minds of believers. In 2Corinthians 11, the apostle expresses his concerns:

“...I am jealous over you with godly jealousy : for I have espoused youto one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. ButI fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through hissubtility, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity(selfless sincerity) that is in Christ.”

Here is the idea of a pure young virgin being corrupted through subtlety. Theapostle is referring to false theories about “another Jesus” and “another gospel”(see verses 4 and 5). The apostle John uses the same simile when he says:“These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you” (1 John2:26). His exhortation was:

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If anyman love the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (chapter2:15).

Clearly, this was regarded as illicit courtship. It was what is sometimescalled ‘spiritual fornication’.

The Making of an Harlot

The New Testament tells us how some early Christians, having adopted theideas and ambitions of the world, separated themselves from the original bodyof believers. The apostle John writes:

“They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had beenof us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out,that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” (1 John2:19).

Here then was the birth of a Christian sect which had separated from theoriginal body. John says (chapter 4:1-5), “many false prophets are gone out intothe world...They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and theworld heareth them.”

From this we understand that these worldly Christians gained a hearing andmade an impact in the world. Their preaching met with success and, no doubt,their numbers grew rapidly. As time went on the emerging leaders of these“Christians” naturally became desirous of power and influence in the world.Their ambitions however had to await the reign of Emperor Constantine.

The apostle Paul, in writing to the Thessalonians about a “falling away” (theword used in 2 Thess. 2:3 is the Greek Apostasia, a defection, revolt, apostasy)says:

“And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in histime. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who nowletteth (or restraineth, R.V.) will let, until he be taken out of the way.And then shall that wicked (or lawless one) be revealed...” (2 Thess.


than to grasp the power and wealth of this world for a season. Yet the facts ofhistory, politics and crusades of one kind and another are before us. We alsohave the fact that the New Testament itself predicted the development of apseudo-christian power that would exalt itself in the earth shortly after the timeof the Apostles.

Whether we like it or not, ever since the Lord God divided light from darknessand made a difference between good and evil, right and wrong, truth andfalsehood —there has been implacable enmity between those who identify witheither one or the other. Jesus Christ himself did not choose to be the enemy ofanyone —but because he told his contemporaries the Truth, they sought to killhim (John 8:40). The apostle Paul similarly found that teaching the Truth wasnot the road to popularity—Galatians 4:16.

Now the fact is that the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ left it on record forlater generations, that a great false church would develop out of the originalChristian movement. This pseudo-church would become wedded to the RomanState in direct contravention of the apostles’ command that believers keepthemselves separate from the world. Let us look at this principle of Scripture,for it reveals to us the nature and identity of the false church.

The Separation of BelieversThe true Christian in the time of the apostles was “called out” from the

Gentiles in order to dedicate himself or herself to the principles of Christ’steaching —Acts 15:14. The apostle Paul argues forcibly in 2 Corinthianschapter 6 that this separation from the world should be maintained:

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for whatfellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and whatcommunion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christwith Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?...Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith theLord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And willbe a Father unto you...” (verses 14-18).

Again, the apostle James puts the issue this way:“Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of theworld is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of theworld is the enemy of God” (chapter 4:4).

It is clear from this that the disciple of Christ separated himself from the evilsocial and political environment of his day. At that time of course, it was apagan world. Believers had come out of it and were joined to Christ. Anyfurther fellowship with that world was an act of treachery against Christ—it wascalled adultery and fornication. It was to act and behave unfaithfully.

This idea is easy to understand in the context of a pagan world. The beliefsand practices of superstitious idolators were completely foreign to the teachingof Christ, as well as of the Old Testament. One could not have been “a friend ofthe world” without being involved in the very things which Christianitycondemned. These observations are well recognized by historians. TheLarousse history notes:

“The scorn which the Christians displayed for popular beliefs, their


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“A PROPER SIMILITUDE TO DESCRIBE OUR HOLY FATHER.“And to see how our holy father came up, mark the ensample of an ivytree. Then it joineth itself beneath alow (below) unto the body of thetree, and crepeth up a little and a little, fair and softly. And at thebeginning, while it is yet thin and small, (so) that the burden is notperceived, it seemeth glorious to garnish the tree in the winter, and tobear off the tempests of the weather. But in the mean season itthrusteth roots into the bark of the tree, to hold fast withal: and ceasethnot to climb up, till it be at the top and above all. And then it sendethhis branches along by the branches of the tree, and overgroweth all,and waxeth great, heavy, and thick; and sucketh the moisture so soreout of the tree and his branches, that it choaketh and stifleth them. Andthen the foul stinking ivy waxeth mighty in the stump of the tree, andbecometh a seat and a nest for all unclean birds and for blind owls,which hawk in the dark, and dare not come at the light.“Even so the Bishop of Rome, now called pope, at the beginning cropealong upon the earth; and every man trod upon him in this world. Butas soon as there came a Christian emperor (i.e. Constantine); he joinedhimself unto his feet and kissed them, and crope up a little withbegging now this privilege, now that; now this city, now that; to findpoor people withal, and the necessary ministers of God’s Word...“And thus, with flattering and feigning, and vain superstition, underthe name of St. Peter, he crept up and fastened his roots in the heart ofthe emperor, and with his sword clamb up above all his fellow-bishops,and brought them under his feet. And as he subdued them with theemperor’s sword, even so by subtility and help of them (after that theywere sworn faithful) he clamb above the emperor, and subdued himalso, and made him stoop unto his feet and kiss them another while.Yea, Pope Coelestinus crowned the Emperor Henry the Fifth (Sixth),holding the crown between his feet: and when he had put the crown on,he smote it off with his feet again, saying, that he had might to makeemperors and to put them down again.“And as the pope played with the emperor, so did his branches and hismembers, the bishops, play in every kingdom, dukedom, and lordship;insomuch that the very heirs of them by whom they came up, hold nowtheir lands of them, and take them for their chief lords. And as theemperor is sworn to the pope, even so every king is sworn to thebishops and prelates of his realm: and they are the chiefest in allparliaments; yea, they and their money, and they that be sworn tothem, and come up by them, rule altogether...”

Warnings UnheededThe generous spirit and sense of “fair play” among the British people could

not maintain the suppression of its Roman Catholic minority indefinitely,consequently the Toleration Acts of 1778 and 1791 were passed allowingfreedom of worship and education. As the Emancipation bill passed through theHouses of Commons and Lords in 1829, many voices warned the nation against


2:6-8).So here was an apostate Christian movement being withheld and restrained

by something which would eventually be taken out of the way. Then the“Lawless one” would be seen by all. The power which prevented these apostateChristians achieving immediate recognition was the pagan form of Government.When this was removed (as it was by Constantine), the apostasy would becomefully manifest in its co-operation with the world. The social and political worldwhich faithful believers had separated themselves from, was now to become thepartner of the “Christian”—now to be called “Catholic” or universal—church. Itbecame, in fact, the state church. In spiritual terms the church had sold her“body” for worldly power, wealth and position. She had become an “harlot”.

The Harlot of the Apocalypse

What we have looked at is essential to a right understanding of Christendom(and especially European Christendom) today. The book of Revelation (theApocalypse) presents these things to us by sign and symbol. They are notdifficult to understand and can be easily deciphered once we have grasped theprinciples of truth outlined in the rest of Scripture. This is the key to theunderstanding of the Apocalypse.

For reasons already explained then, the harlot of the Apocalypse (Revelationchapter 17) is a symbolic representation of the unfaithful Christian Church. Thisis “the great whor* that sitteth upon many waters.” These “waters”, explainsverse 15 of the chapter “are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.”So this system has an international following—a universal or “catholic” base.This great whor*, says verse 2, has relations with political worldly powers—for“the kings of the earth have committed fornication” with her (see also chapter18:3). There is only one Christian church which could possibly answer to such adescription. That identity becomes certain when we add the other featureswhich are given in this chapter:

• She is known for her wealth (v. 4).• She is a “mother” of other harlot-churches (v. 5).• She is known for persecution (verse 6).• She is associated with a seven-hilled city (verse 9).• A city which reigned over kings (v. 18).

This great whor* is the Roman Catholic system which is ruled by the Vaticanin Rome —and it is just because Britain was so much influenced by the Bible inher past history, that she found herself at enmity with Rome, whose “pope” isdetermined to exalt himself above all.

A ParableThe Reformers of the 16th Century were neither infallible nor faultless, but

they did recognise from Scripture the great false church. As mentionedpreviously, the preface to the 1611 King James Authorised Version of the Biblerefers to “that man of sin” and “Popish persons” who “maligned” the translatorsof Scripture. The translators themselves were not backward in exposing theChurch of Rome and its methods either. The following “parable” written byWilliam Tyndale is so close to the mark that it should have been heeded farmore than it was:


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exterior of a system which isdangerous to the foundationsof civil order.” (Page 117)

Many other warnings passed un-heeded.

The Roman LegionsAs the restrictions upon Roman

Catholics in Britain were removed it isworthy of note that the countrybecame flooded with monks, priestsand nuns from overseas. Again wequote Alexander Robertson in ThePapal Conquest (1909). Thefollowing extracts are from a chapterentitled THE ARMY OF INVASION:

“I suppose nearly everyMonastic Order that existsthroughout Christendom isnow represented in England—Augustinians, Benedict-ines, Carthusians, Cister-cians, Dominicans, Francis-cans, Marist Brothers, Nunsof the Holy Spirit, Oblates,

Passionists, Redemptorists, Servites, Sisters of the Sacred Heart,Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Trappists, andmany others, not to mention Jesuits of world-wide infamy.“And the cry is, Still they come! Why should they not? Other countrieshave become too hot for them... In these lands their action is watchedand restricted. To England alone they can come without let orhindrance, and do practically what they like...”“But there is another reason why these monks, priests, and nuns come,and that is because they are sent. The Conquest of England is a greatenterprise. It requires many workers, and so the pope and the RomanCuria have ordered them to our shores...The pope, then, is throwing histroops into England...they live and work in secret. These MonasticOrders are screened from all publicity...theoretically they are subject tothe law of the country, but practically they are not...“And this host, this army of priests, monks, and nuns now invadingEngland, has come to stay. It is not here simply on a foragingexpedition. It is here to remain. It is quartering itself with a view topermanently abiding in the land, of ultimately possessing the land. It islengthening its cords and strengthening its stakes. It is making sure itshold upon John Bull. It is buying estates, the transactions beinggenerally carried out through agents, who conceal from the sellers whothe real purchasers are. It is building cathedrals, churches, chapels,palaces, colleges, monasteries, and nunneries by the score. The


the consequences for both Government and Crown—one voice was that of LordChancellor Eldon who said:

“You may flatter yourselves that these consequences will not follow,and God forbid that I should say you are wrong if, in voting for thethird reading of this bill, you do not conscientiously believe that youare placing in danger these Protestant establishments which ought tohave, but which will not have, if this bill pass, a Protestant King and aProtestant Parliament. These with whom we have to deal are much toowary to apprise us, by any immediate conduct, of our danger; but thatthey will triumph—not to-day, nor to-morrow, but when I shall havebeen consigned to the urns and sepulchres of mortality—I have nomore doubt than that I now stand here. I therefore, my Lords, pray toGod that those evils may be averted which I foresee...”—Hansard’sParliamentary Debates, Vol. 21, pages 639-640. April 1829.

Many articles and books were written expressing deep concerns at that time. Itwas felt that the Roman Catholic objective was not merely toleration, butcontrolling power—to convert England to Catholicism and, eventually, todestroy the Protestant throne. Nonetheless, the Emancipation bill passed and 21years later, in 1850, a Roman Catholic hierarchy was restored in Britain underthe archbishop of Westminster. The following extract from the book The PapalConquest by Alexander Robertson (pub. 1909) explains some of the concernsfelt:

“The promoters of former Roman Catholic Disabilities (Removal)Bills, such as those of 1792, when there was removed from the Statute-Book the law forbidding Roman Catholics to vote; of 1829, when therewas removed that which forbade them sitting in Parliament; and 1846,when there was removed that which forbade the entrance of papal bullsinto the kingdom, all solemnly swore that each concession would bethe last to be sought, that each and all were to be “final settlements”;and that the Roman Catholic Church would for ever afterwards avoidpolitical matters, and in each case (as we have already seen in that of1829) the oaths and promises were deliberately broken.“Cardinal Newman, replying to Mr. Gladstone’s (who was four timesPrime Minister of Britain) complaint “that the English and Irish penallaws against Roman Catholics were repealed on the faith of assurances,which have not been fulfilled,” said : “No pledge from Catholics wasof any value to which Rome was not a party.” Mr. Gladstoneexclaimed: ‘Statesmen of the future recollect the words, and recollectfrom whom they came...’. ”

Another, earlier writer expressed it in these words: “Alas! Britain...withmistaken generosity and compassion, she has folded a viper in her bosom,which, it is to be feared, may yet prove her destruction.” (Popery in its SocialAspect by R.P. Blakeney).

So concerned at the advance of Rome in Britain was the leading statesmanW.E. Gladstone, that he wrote a book entitled Vaticanism. He wrote:

“I warn my country men against the velvet paw, and smooth and soft


This illustration, originally from anItalian publication was reproduced in

Alexander Robertson’s “The PapalConquest” (1909)


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statements that have been made by popes and Church Councils condemning thereading of the Scriptures by laymen. The Bible could only be interpretedcorrectly by the Church—that was and still is their position, consequentlyhistory relates how they sought to either ban or burn translations of it. By the19th Century the old crude methods had to be abandoned and new, moresophisticated strategies brought into play.

Two important fronts amongst many should be mentioned here. First, an allywas found in the theory of evolution propounded by Darwin. The involvementof the Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin with the notorious deceit passedoff on the scientific world by the faked ‘Piltdown Man’ speaks for itself (seepage 7). The Roman Church had no interest in resisting a theory which calledinto question the literality of the Genesis record—indeed, the evidence is thatshe quietly promoted it.

The second front concerned the reliability of the original texts from which theBible was translated. In the words of David Otis Fuller’s book Which Bible:

“...if confusion on the origin and authenticity of the Scriptures could bespread abroad in the world, the amazing certainty of the Reformers...which had astonished and confounded the Papacy, could be brokendown. In time the Reformation would be splintered to pieces, anddriven as the chaff before the wind.” (Page 237)

From the evidence presented, the same book says:“Ignatius Loyola came forward and must have said in substance to thePope: “Let the Augustinians continue to provide monasteries of retreat


buildings must keep pace with the influx of this great army. A hundredyears ago there were no monasteries in Great Britain; fifty years agothey could almost be counted upon the fingers of the hand; now theyamount to nearly four hundred. The nunneries run up to four figures(actually about 900—P.B.) and so also do the churches, chapels,colleges, schools, and mission halls.”

The figures (below) were published in 1918 (the close of the First World War)showing the growth that had taken place in the numbers of Roman Catholicworkers and establishments during the 50 years since 1868.

This “army” went to work with great diligence in what was then ProtestantEngland. The incredible words of the Roman Catholic Cardinal Manning are onrecord as he addressed these Ecclesiastics:

“It is good to be here in England. It is yours, right reverend fathers, tosubjugate and subdue, to bend and to break the will of an Imperialrace. You have a good commission to fulfil and great is the prize forwhich you strive. England is the head of Protestantism, the centre of itsmovements, the stronghold of its powers. Weakened in England, it isparalysed everywhere; conquered in England, it is conqueredthroughout the world. Once overthrown here, it is but a war of detail.All the roads of the world meet in one point, and this point reached, thewhole world is open to the Church’s will.”—Sermons on EcclesiasticalSubjects, Vol. I, pp. 166-7

That “Man of Sin” has one clear objective: to exalt himself above all!Undermining the Bible’s Influence

The Protestant Reformation in England—which admittedly did not go farenough—was based upon the Bible as we saw in an earlier chapter. Only onepower could challenge the authority of the Church, and that power was theinfluence of the open Bible. To overthrow Protestantism therefore, it was alsonecessary to undermine the influence of the English Bible—particularly theKing James Authorized Version of 1611 which even went so far as to identifythe papacy with “that man of sin” in its preface. So it was then, that the sameChurch which had opposed the translation of the Bible in the first place, andburnt it—would now seek to subvert and weaken its standing and influence. Todo so would bring great changes in society over a projected period of time; itwould first become a secular society before moving towards Rome.

Few today appreciate Rome’s true position towards the Bible—or the strategythat was employed in order to counter and divert its powerful influence uponBritain and other English-speaking nations.

As to the Vatican’s position on the Bible, one only has to review the


1868 1918

958 priests 4,458683 churches 2,31853 nunneries 90517 monasteries 359

Ignatius Loyolabefore PopePaul 3rdpledges theJesuit Order asa counter-Reformationmovement thatwouldvigorouslycombatProtestantism.This was thecontext in whichthe Council ofTrent was held.


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the action of the drama...“The motion picture is viewed by people who are seated in a darktheatre and whose faculties, mental, physical and often spiritual, arerelaxed. One does not need to go far in search of these theatres: theyare close to the home, to the Church and to the school and they thusbring the cinema into the very centre of popular life.”

Disinformation was spread through every conceivable means. The CatholicTruth Society (as it calls itself) was pouring out over two million pamphlets ayear—re-writing history and trying to explain away the Spanish Inquisition, St.Bartholomew’s Massacre in France, the Celibate Priesthood (‘Should PriestsMarry’), Papal Infallibility etc. etc...

It was a spiritual Battle for Britain, and the trouble is that the country sleptthrough the raid...


for contemplative minds; let the Benedictines give themselves up tothe field of literary endeavor; let the Dominicans retain theirresponsibility for maintaining the Inquisition; but we, the Jesuits, willcapture the colleges and the universities. We will gain control ofinstruction in law, medicine, science, education, and so weed out fromall books of instruction, anything injurious to Roman Catholicism. Wewill mold the thoughts and ideas of the youth. We will enroll ourselvesas Protestant preachers and college professors in the differentProtestant faiths. Sooner or later, we will undermine the authority ofthe Greek New Testament of Erasmus, and also of those OldTestament productions which have dared to raise their heads againsttradition. And thus will we undermine the Protestant Reformation.”(Pages 232-233).

So well was this work carried out that many Protestant clergymen soon beganto feel that the Holy Oracles were but the well-intentioned production of humanminds. The inspiration of the Bible became the heated subject of debate and theseeds of doubt began to grow into unbelief. In time this would be seen in thebelief patterns and life-styles of the English-speaking peoples throughout theworld.

A Flood of DisinformationAs the Victorian era gave way to the giddy and frivolous ‘Roaring Twenties’,

the signs of those times indicated a rapidly growing secularism. RomanCatholics began to occupy influential positions in the media and other importantareas. Young people were urged to form a “Lay Apostolate,” and to seek careerswhich would benefit the Church. As I write I have before me “A Handbook forSchool Leavers” published by the Catholic Truth Society (London) in whichover 20 different Catholic organisations are listed in the U.K. to guide theseyoung people. Each organisation has its local offices spread throughout thecountry, and most of them are involved in pursuits which are designed toinfluence society and move it towards Catholicism.

In 1936 the motion picture was seen as a powerful means through whichsociety could be influenced. The following is quoted from an Encyclical letterby Pius XI dated June 29th of that year:

“... there does not exist today a means of influencing the masses morepotent than the cinema. The reason for this is to be sought for in thevery nature of the pictures projected upon the screen in the popularityof motion picture plays and in the circ*mstance which accompanythem... The power of the motion picture consists in this, that it speaksby means of vivid and concrete imagery which the mind takes in withenjoyment and without fatigue. Even the crudest and most primitiveminds which have neither the capacity nor the desire to make theefforts necessary for abstraction or deductive reasoning are captivatedby the cinema. In place of the effort which reading or listeningdemands, there is the continued pleasure of a succession of concreteand, so to speak, living pictures.“This power is still greater in the talking picture for the reason thatinterpretation becomes even easier and the charm of music is added to



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ngland’s spiritual health was in serious trouble by the 1920’s. Fashions,popular dances, the cinema and similar attractions set the national goalsof pleasure-seeking. The Protestant clergy, their beliefs reeling under

attacks from evolution and textual criticism of the Bible, were unable to defendtheir position convincingly in debate. The well-meaning turned to socialistprinciples and the nation became more and more impervious to the cry of theprophets, or to Bible-based principles generally. As could be learnt from theprophet Haggai, the poverty that resulted from the Depression of the 1930’spresented a choice: People could either turn to the light of Scripture which asthe Word of God could have given direction and revealed the true situation, orthey could pursue an illusive, materialistic, socialism. As the nation driftedtowards darkness, an hour of decision had come—and while Britain faltered inher steps, Nazi Germany prepared for war.

Knowledge of Our TimesIn today’s environment of unbelief and godlessness most people are blind to

the reality of God’s existence and to the fact that He has control overcirc*mstances —for the human mind is naturally and continuously focussedupon the fleeting present; the here and now. For the most part the public areunconscious of the great current of historic events, of what they areaccomplishing or where they are leading. A mind truly enlightened by Scripturehowever, will have a different perspective. As the apostle Paul expressed it in 2Corinthians 4:18,

“...we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which arenot seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the thingswhich are not seen are eternal.”— 2 Corinthians 4:18.


8The Second World War:

Britain’s ‘Wake-up’ Call.

When a crisis occurs such people prayerfully seek to understand the situationfrom a Scriptural viewpoint. We do not live in times of open vision whenangelic visitors inform us directly of God’s actions. We must seek theknowledge of our times from His written Word in faith.

Now it is God’s way that He tries both men and nations in order to reveal ormake manifest their true state. Israel of old was put to the test by hardship (seeDeuteronomy 8:2,3) and was proved by false teachers:

“If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, andgiveth thee a sign or a wonder, And the sign or the wonder come topass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods,which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt nothearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: forthe LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD

your God with all your heart and with all your soul.”— Deuteronomy13:1-3.

This teaches us how God tried those to whom He had committed His Word—He was providing scope for faith and loyalty to be demonstrated.

Gentile nations were also held responsible for the knowledge that they hadreceived. When Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came against Judah in judgementduring the days of Zedekiah, he also punished the surrounding Gentile nationswho had been exposed to God’s Word through the prophets. Belshazzar ofBabylon was held responsible because of what he knew (see Daniel 5:22);Nineveh who had repented at the preaching of Jonah (and therefore had acertain knowledge) was finally destroyed because of its wickedness.

All this reveals the principle that God is the judge of nations, and that thosewho have been exposed to his Word are especially responsible. That thisprinciple applies to Great Britain and to other English-speaking nations therecan be no doubt whatsoever. Let us lodge that firmly in our minds.

That a people may be led astray through the work of false teachers is noexcuse. Israel was tried in this way yet was accountable for any resultingapostasy. False teachers who corrupt the Truth of God were to be dealt with inthe severest manner. True Christians of the first century were tried in this wayalso, for the apostle wrote to the believers at Corinth saying: “For there must bealso heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifestamong you”—1 Corinthians 11:19. The love of God’s Word would causecertain men to stand for Truth—for in this way they would be made manifest.On the other hand, those who had no love of truth, and did not care about it,would be deceived by the subtlety of the smooth operators among them —see 2Thessalonians 2:10-12.

Britain Under TrialBritain has never had the special relationship with God that Israel did, but she

was enlightened to a remarkable degree and has had men in her midst whocould make known the mind of God on the basis of Bible teaching. As far backas 1536 William Tyndale could address “the King, Nobles, and Subjects ofEngland” warning against “the wicked counsel of our pestilent prelates,” theirpersecution of Christ and his holy Testament, their interference in economicmatters and the disastrous effects of this upon the well-being of England. He

“They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; Thesesee the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep. For he commandeth,and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof. They mount upto the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is melted because oftrouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at theirwits' end. Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them outof their distresses. He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof arestill. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto theirdesired haven. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for hiswonderful works to the children of men!”— Psalm 107:23-31



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further writes:“...of all the subjects of England this I crave—that they repent; for thecause of evil rulers is the sin of the subjects, as testifieth the Scripture.And the cause of false preachers is, that the people have no love untothe truth, saith Paul, in 2 Thess. 2.”

With this situation before us we cannot be surprised that Britain shouldexperience trial. Judgement for hypocrisy and pride is a consequence that mustbe expected in some form. That God’s Hand has been at work in the rise andfall of this nation there can be no doubt — her opportunities and herresponsibilities have been very great.

The period of the British Mandate in Palestine was one of heavy responsibilityand trial for the London Government and for the nation as a whole. First, therewas the challenge to the nation’s faith in the written Word of God which camefrom a well-organized assault by her traditional enemy, the Roman CatholicChurch. There was also the rise of Humanistic Socialism with its social andscientific theories. The Mandatory governance of Palestine presented specialproblems just at the time when belief in the Bible was under attack. Britain hadthe task of administering the Holy Land—“A Land which the LORD thy Godcareth for: the eyes of the LORD thy God are always upon it, from the beginningof the year even unto the end of the year.” (Deuteronomy 11:12). Not only so,Britain was ruling over the Jews, of which Scripture says: “...for he thattoucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye” (Zechariah 2:8).

In the 1930’s, at the same time that all these challenges were converging,another threat was developing in Nazi Germany. This was indeed a time of trialfor Britain.

As one becomes more fully aware of the tremendous issues facing Britainduring this period of her history—and especially that she was so directlyinvolved with matters so closely connected with the purpose of God—it is, tosay the least, a sobering if not fearful situation to contemplate. One is remindedof the words addressed to the King of ancient Tyre of the Phoenicians:

“ Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so:thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up anddown in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy waysfrom the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.”—Ezekiel 28:14-15.

Making Known God’s Purpose

In his days upon earth Jesus Christ was the Light of the World (John 8:12;9:5) and as such made known to that generation of Jews their true conditionbefore God. He gave them an accurate forecast of judgements that lay ahead (asfor example in the Mount Olivet Prophecies) and he explained clearly the wayof salvation for those who believed in him.

Jesus told his disciples that they too must be light-bearers before the world—He told them: “Ye are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). This the discipleswere as they let their light shine before men—first among the Jews and thenamong the Gentiles of the Roman Empire. The apostle Paul, in writing tobelievers at Ephesus, reminded the assembly there of their responsibility to


make known God’s purpose to the rulers and authorities of the day: “To theintent that now unto the principalities and powers in the heavenly (or highplaces) might be made known by the ecclesia (that is, the assembly ofenlightened believers) the manifold wisdom of God, according to the purpose ofthe ages which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Ephesians 3:10,11.Compare Revised Version and margin notes).

From this we will doubtless understand the responsibility that is upon theshoulders of those who, even in our day, have a grasp of Bible principles. Eventhough not specially commissioned or inspired, there are those who have anunderstanding of God’s ways. They see the issues and know from the voice ofthe prophets where events are leading—it therefore rests upon them to enlightenthose with whom they come into contact—and, as far as is possible, to bringthese matters before those who are in authority. This is not a question oflobbying or becoming actively engaged in politics; it is a question ofenlightening their fellow-men as to God’s great purpose, and of how it affectsthem. This testimony of believers before the authorities should be accompaniedby prayer (1 Timothy 2:1,2) and it should be delivered respectfully (1 Peter2:13-17).

It is not possible for the present writer to comment upon the extent to whichthis testimony may or may not have been delivered to British authorities in theearlier part of this century. The Christadelphians did produce booklets and gavelectures (as we mentioned on pages 43, 44). Certainly Winston Churchill wasaware of Britain’s mission with respect to the Jewish Return. This writer’sgrandfather was employed by Churchill as his private chauffeur just prior to theFirst World War and discussed Bible prophecy with him at some length duringlong journeys. On one occasion when Churchill missed the train, they drove to

Winston Churchill’s Christadelphian Chauffeur (1911 to 1915)


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London and on the way discussed passages written by John Thomas in ElpisIsrael—and especially those concerning Britain, Palestine and the Jews (seeextract on page 42). That the knowledge of these things reached those in highplaces is certain.

A Mission to ProtectJohn Thomas not only saw from Scripture that Britain must be involved in the

initial stage of the Jewish Return, he also wrote in Elpis Israel:“The decree has long since gone forth which calls upon the Lion ofTarshish to protect the Jews. Upwards of a thousand years before theBritish were a nation, the prophet addresses them as the power whichat “evening-tide” should interest themselves in behalf of Israel... ToBritain, then, the prophet calls as the protector of the Jewish nation inthe evening-tide trouble...”

Britain’s mission in this regard has not been fully accomplished yet— as weshall see later. Nonetheless it is interesting to see how this protective role wascarried out during the thirty-year Mandate, which includes the Second WorldWar.

The intention behind the Balfour Declaration was that Britain should fulfillthe role of protector to the Jews. This was confirmed by Lloyd George (who hadbeen Prime Minister at the time of the Declaration) both in his Memoirs and inhis testimony before the 1936 Palestine Royal Commission (also known as thePeel Commission) as to: “who would act as protector of the National Homeuntil such time as she was able to stand on her own feet, there was little doubt,and no real alternative, that Britain would fulfill the role.”*

The Commission produced its findings in 1937 recommending the partition ofPalestine —in effect, it recommended the birth of a Jewish state, still withBritish protection. But in 1937 with the gathering storm clouds of war withGermany, how well would Britain be able to protect Palestine? Indeed, couldshe protect herself?



Chauffeur, S.W. Butler,pictured with

Randolph and Sarah,



The MiracleIt was towards the end of May 1940 when British forces (or what was left of

them) retreated in France until they occupied a small area around Dunkirk andits beaches. As most people are aware, the wartime Government of Britainexpected that few could be rescued and that virtually the whole army,comprising some 224,000 men would have to surrender en masse to the Nazis.

It was a grim time—where now could Britain turn in its hour of need? As acall went out from the Government for every available boat in Britain, the taskof bringing so many over the channel under enemy fire was, of course,impossible.

King George VI appointed a Day for National Prayer; on Sunday May 26th1940 the whole British nation would cry to Almighty God for His mercy. Onecan imagine, too, the intensity of that cry as it came from fathers, mothers,wives and even children of the young men trapped at Dunkirk. The following isquoted from a pamphlet published shortly after the crisis and entitled: Becauseof the Weather. It demonstrates some of the circ*mstances of that evacuation:

“Lord Gort who was in Command at that time, was given permissionto Capitulate, if he thought it best to do so, but within forty-eight hoursof receiving this authority from the War Office, light began to piercethe dark clouds. When the dykes were opened to flood the low groundto delay the German advance, the wind blew in from the sea, greatlyfacilitating this important operation, whilst during five out of the sevendays and nights of the evacuation period, the wind blew from the land,without which embarkation in small boats from that dangerous coastwould have proved impossible.“On June 4th, 1940, in the British House of Commons, the PrimeMinister said: ‘A fog did its helpful work in screening from theinnumerable German aircraft the motley mass of vessels sent to rescuethe men, and the swift current of the English Channel gave way tocalm waters, a happening almost without precedent, at this time ofyear.’”

In the book by Walter Lord, The Miracle of Dunkirk (Victory Press, 1982) weread this account:

“Traveling in company, usually shepherded by an armed tug or skoot,the little ships moved across a smooth, gray carpet of sea. The EnglishChannel has a reputation for nastiness, but it had behaved for four daysnow, and the calm continued on May 30. Best of all, there was a heavymist, giving the Luftwaffe no chance to follow up the devastating raidsof the 29th.“‘Clouds so thick you can lean on them,’ noted a Luftwaffe war diarist,as the Stukas and Heinkels remained grounded. At Fliegerkorps VIIIGeneral Major von Richthofen couldn’t believe it was that bad. Atheadquarters the sun was shining. He ordered Major Dinort,commanding the 2nd Stuka Squadron, to at least try an attack. Dinorttook his planes up, but returned in ten minutes. Heavy fog overDunkirk, he phoned headquarters. Exasperated, Richthofen countered* Quoted in Faith and Fulfillment by Michael Pragai from The Gentile Zionist



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that the day was certainly flyable where he was. If Herr Generalmajordidn’t believe him, Dinort shot back, just call the weather service.”

Winston Churchill called it a “miracle of deliverance” in his speech toParliament. Gort’s Chief of Staff, General Pownall entered in his diary: “Theevacuation from Dunkirk was surely a miracle.” Walter Lord wrote in his book:

“Actually, there were several miracles. First, the weather. The EnglishChannel is usually rough, rarely behaves for very long. Yet a calm seawas essential to the evacuation, and during the nine days of Dunkirkthe Channel was a millpond. Old-timers still say they have never seenit so smooth.“At one point a storm seemed to be heading for the coast, but veeredup the Irish Channel. Northerly winds would have kicked up adisastrous surf, but the breeze was first from the southwest, latershifting to the east. On only one morning, May 31, did an on-shorebreeze cause serious trouble. On June 5—the day after the evacuationwas over—the wind moved to the north, and great breakers camerolling onto the empty beaches.“Overhead, clouds, mist, and rain always seemed to come at the rightmoment. The Luftwaffe mounted three all-out assaults on Dunkirk—May 27, 29, and June 1. Each time the following day saw low ceilingsthat prevented any effective follow-up. It took the Germans three daysto discover the part played by the eastern mole, mainly because thesouthwesterly breezes screened it with smoke.“Another miracle was Adolf Hitler’s order of May 24, halting his tanksjust as they were closing in for the kill. That day Guderian’s panzershad reached Bourbourg, only ten miles south-west of Dunkirk. Nothingstood between them and the port. The bulk of the BEF (BritishExpeditionary Force) still lay near Lille, 43 miles to the south. By thetime the tanks began rolling again in the predawn hours of May 27, theescape corridor had been established, the BEF was pouring intoDunkirk and Ramsay’s rescue fleet was hard at work...“Still another miracle was provided by the Luftwaffe itself. PerhapsGoring could never have stopped the evacuation, but he could havecaused far more mischief. The German planes rarely strafed thecrowded beaches; they never used fragmentation bombs; they neverattacked tempting targets like Dover or Ramsgate...”

It was for one small moment in modern times, and in an hour of desperateneed that Britain experienced their need for God and turned to Him. Theincident surely illustrates the principles that we find expressed in the extractfrom Psalm 107 reproduced under the heading of this chapter—we can butreiterate the Psalmist’s prayer: “Oh that men would praise the LORD for hisgoodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.”

Invasion Plans AbandonedBy mid-August 1940 the Germans had, or thought they had, the full measure

of Britain’s defences. The Luftwaffe had become familiar with the R.A.F.’sfighting techniques and equipment. British airfields, after months of

THE DUNKIRK MIRACLERight: A Germanmap carried themessage: “BritishSoldiers! Look atthis map: it givesyour true situation!Your troops areentirely surrounded— stop fighting!Put down yourarms!Below: Britishevacuation fromthe beaches and asafe arrival home.


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surveillance, were marked for elimination. The plan was to paralyze England byneutralizing her shipping and air defences during a period of two weeks to onemonth —and then to mount a sea-borne invasion across the Channel. In Britainpreparations for the worst were made—Churchill and the Royal Family were tobe flown out of the country. The Crown jewels were sealed up in deep caves inthe Welsh mountains—Churchill gave his famous speech: “We will fight themon the beaches...” Instructions were issued to the civilian population of what todo in the event of the invasion. The ‘Battle of Britain’ was on. Another Day ofNational Prayer was held in early September 1940 as Britain was fighting for itslife. The following is from the pamphlet, Because of the Weather:

“In the second week of September, 1940, Mr. Churchill with fullknowledge of the facts, said in the House of Commons, that the nextten days would be more critical than any the country had ever passedthrough. It is known that September 16th—20th is the period chosenfor the yearly attempts to swim the Straits of Dover, and that theharvest moon then prolongs light to a late hour, and it is usually calmweather. Boats for invasion purposes were being collected at variouspoints on the French Coast, and the weather was calm up to the 16th,but on the 17th a gale blew up the Channel, the sea became rough, andthis lasted until the 29th. The invasion boats had to be taken intoharbours, and their destruction at Calais and Boulogne by the R.A.F.was clearly seen, and heard on the English side of the Straits.“The Germans then announced that Providence had favoured theBritish twice (the first time at the Miracle of Dunkirk when the seawent calm, and the tide seemed to stand still for us) and that we weretotally unworthy of the favours. But, said the enemy, we had only to





It was the German intention tobomb Britain into submissionthrough “The Blitz” in preparationfor the coming invasion. Theinvasion was postponed...

Britain Prepared for Invasion by Nazi Germany and King George V1proclaimed a National Day of Prayer


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9Britain’s Self-Interest

... and The Jews

wait for the November or December fogs (for which the Channel iswell known) to get our deserts, but again for the first time in livingmemory, there were no fogs that winter in the Straits.“Next we come to Saturday, December 29th, 1940, when the GermanLuftwaffe tried to set fire to the City of London. The Guildhall andPaternoster Row were burnt out, and many an historic building wasdestroyed,The Press reported that:‘...It was one of the biggest night attacks on Britain since September.No R.A.F. night fighters were operating over the London area, thoughsome were doing so between London and the coast. Soon after 10 p.m.the German Air Command sent out instructions for all the bombersengaged to return to their bases, as the weather had taken a turn for theworse, and fog was blotting out their aerodromes.’“‘It was Because of the Weather then,’ says this Press correspondent,‘and not our night fighters, that saved London from an even worseattack.’”

The ‘Battle of Britain’ had given way to the ‘Blitz’ and when that did notaccomplish all that had been hoped, the Fuhrer reluctantly postponed theinvasion plans indefinitely! The invasion fleet was dispersed and, it seems, notfor the first time in history, the wind just happened to be blowing in the rightdirection! Why Hitler gave his orders to ‘postpone’ the invasion of Britain noone will ever know for sure. Had he moved over the Channel he would havemet resistance no doubt, but no human agency could have stopped him.

Could not the British people learn something from these things? Here wasclear evidence of God’s saving Hand at work. In 1940 what could the theory ofevolution offer? At Dunkirk, what hope could the scholars of textual criticismoffer —those who were busily undermining belief in the God of the Bible?During the Battle of Britain and the Blitz—in these times of peril that cameupon the people of Britain—what inspiration could be found in humanism or inRoman Catholic social doctrines? The empty and sterile philosophies of menmake much clatter in the world, but none of them can control the weather. Onecannot but help recall the words of the Almighty through Isaiah originallyaddressed to Israel:

“... I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called bymy name...” Isaiah 65:1

Surely, the Second World War was Britain’s ‘Wake-up’ call. It stands as anobject lesson to all English-speaking peoples. Hearts hardened in unbelief maydoubt it—they will doubtless refuse to acknowledge the guiding hand behindevents and find other explanations—but the Scripture has spoken, and it tells usthat the Most High rules over all—that it is He who controls the affairs of men(Daniel 4:17).

hortly after Britain had experienced the amazing deliverance from theoverwhelming military strength of Germany in 1940-1, she faced a testof a different kind. By 1942 news was beginning to reach Britain about

the extent of Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’. Having been delivered from Hitler—Howwilling would Britain now be in helping and protecting the Jews of Europe andPalestine from that same Nazi Beast? This was a question that now had to beconsidered.

Britain Aware of Jewish IssueAs the Holocaust raged in Europe,

appeals began to be made to theBritish public concerning the plightof the Jews, and suggestions wereput forward of ways in which theymight be helped. One such appealcame in the form of a pamphletentitled Let My People Go, writtenby Victor Gollancz.* In January1943 150,000 copies were printedand distributed in the country.Referring to Germany’s declaredpolicy of exterminating the Jewishpopulation of Europe, and to thenews that “between one and twomillion” had already beenmurdered, the writer said of thispolicy:

“ It is now reaching itsclimax. Unless somethingeffective is done, within avery few months these sixmillion Jews will all bedead, except for fifty

“Ho! to the land shadowing with wings...That sendeth ambassadors by the sea,even in vessels...upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nationscattered and peeled to a nation...trodden down...” Isaiah 18:12


*This pamphlet is referred to in The Christadelphian Magazine, April 1943, page 74.


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thousand or so...”The booklet goes on to say:

“ It is clear that, for geographical reasons, many escaping refugeescould reach Palestine far more easily than any other haven. Moreover,the Jewish population there is prepared to take the fullest responsibilityfor the largest number...

Then this:“ But except to an extent quite insignificant in proportion to the need,the doors of Palestine are closed to these despairing men, women andchildren. They must be opened. The policy of treating Jewish refugeesto Palestine as illegal immigrants who may not be admitted mustimmediately be reversed. This is an act at once within our (Britain’s)power, without the necessity for any previous conference or discussionwith other countries. It may very soon be too late. Then those who didnothing while there was yet time will bear a share of the responsibilityfor the murder of Jewish children...”

A contemporary comment in The Christadelphian magazine (April 1943)confirms that the British Government at that time was well aware of Bibleprophecies concerning the Jews:

“...evidence is not wanting that some in the Houses of Parliament arewell aware of the teaching of the Scriptures on Jewish matters. Mrs.Edgar Dugdale, the niece of Lord Balfour, and his biographer, tellshow that knowledge had in the past influenced Government action. InThe Balfour Declaration: Origin and Background she says:

“‘Understanding of the deeper and more spiritual aspects ofZionism comes to them (the British people) from another source.There is no better guide to Jewish nationalism than the OldTestament. Knowledge of the Bible and reverence for itsteachings have permeated the British character and Britishpolitical life for centuries and markedly so in the British attitudetowards the Jews. It influenced the Puritans when they admittedthem back to this country some four hundred years ago. Itinfluenced Lloyd George and Balfour when a British Governmentacknowledged the historic claim of Jewry to the Promised Land.It influenced leaders of thought in the intervening period, notablyin the great and pious Victorian Age...

“On more than one occasion during recent years members of theHouses of Parliament have drawn attention in debate to Bibleprophecy, citing the predictions concerning Jewish restoration. It is notinformation that is lacking, but as Lord Shaftesbury lamented,political, financial and commercial considerations have preponderatinginfluence in directing policy.’”

“Political Considerations”The remarkable insight into this subject shown by John Thomas in Elpis

Israel is again underlined. It is 150 years since he wrote:“As I have said elsewhere, the Lion-power will not interest itself in


behalf of the subjects of God’s kingdom (i.e. the Jews), from puregenerosity, piety towards God, or love of Israel: but upon theprinciples which actuate all the governments of the world— uponthose, namely, of the lust of dominion, self-preservation, and self-aggrandizement.”

That Britain could have done far more than she did do to help the victims ofthe Holocaust, is certain. In view of the Bible prophecies concerning the Jews,of which several of her statesmen were aware, she had a clear responsibility todo so—the policy of restricting Jewish entry to Palestine during this time isinexcusable even if there were other considerations. Britain should have actedin faith, but to her shame, failed to do so.

We have already shown that Jews in Europe could have freely returned toPalestine during the early days of the British Mandate, but chose not to do so.They had no faith in the ancient Prophets—and being trapped under Hitler’sdespotism during the war was the fatal result of their unbelief. That Britain nowfound itself unable to help, because of the war and because of the political andother considerations involved at that moment—should not surprise us.Statesmen cannot always do what they want to do; they have to respond tocirc*mstances and situations over which they frequently have little or nocontrol. It was Britain’s inability to act at this time and in the years immediatelyfollowing the war, that created the very circ*mstances which ultimately broughtinto being the State of Israel. Without excusing Britain in any way, one can seethe Hand of Providence at work in the flow of events.

The door of opportunity for the Jews of Europe had closed prior to theoutbreak of war, just as it will surely close one day for Gentiles when theirtimes are fulfilled (Luke 21:24; Romans 11:25).

The post-war situation is a somewhat different matter. Thousands of Jewsfleeing Europe were prevented entrance to Palestine in one of the mostinhumane policies ever contrived by a British Government. This came aboutbecause British voters chose a socialist path, bringing to power leaders whowere not in sympathy with Biblical considerations or the Jews. The seeds ofdoubt sown earlier in the century were now permitted to bear fruit. Like Israelof old, and immediately following a great deliverance, the people desired theflesh-pots, the leeks and the garlic. It was a sad and disappointing result afterBritain’s ‘wake-up‘ call.

Nonetheless we must appreciate the different issue concerning the Jews inEurope, to that of the national home in Palestine. Despite the failure to helpJews in Europe, Britain’s mission, after having initiated the Jewish nationalhome, was to protect it. The remarkable way in which this was accomplishedduring the Second World War has received far less recognition than it deserves.As certain as it is that Britain’s own existence continued as a result of a greatProvidence during the Dunkirk evacuation and during the Battle of Britain, soalso the continued existence of the Jewish national home would have ceasedhad not Britain and her allies defended it—albeit, out of self-interest and self-preservation.

Why Did God Save Britain?The unique and improbable set of circ*mstances that surrounded Britain’s


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survival during 1940-41 can and will be set aside by sceptical minds as beingsimply a somewhat fortunate string of coincidences. It was just lucky—whatever that might mean. Others, who recognise that there is a God whosuperintends human affairs, will be willing to acknowledge that—for whateverreason —the country was saved by God from being occupied by Germany.

In considering the reasons for this, and in looking for Biblical principles toexplain them, three probable reasons are evident. First, there is the point alreadyreferred to—that the nation turned to God in prayer. This conclusion wouldseem to have some Biblical support from Psalm 107:23-31. Similarly the Kingof Nineveh (a Gentile nation like Britain) proclaimed that there be nationalprayer and repentance during the days of Jonah, so averting catastrophe.

Another reason that we may consider arises from the pleas of Abraham madeto God with regard to Sodom and Gomorrah. In Genesis 18 Abraham asks ifGod would destroy righteous people along with the wicked—and from verse 32it may be seen that if ten righteous people could have been found in those cities,they would have been spared. On this basis we may be justified in concludingthat sufficient righteous people were found in Britain during 1940-41 for God tospare the whole nation. Doubtless such people would have prayed for such adeliverance at that time—see 1 Timothy 2:1,2; 1 Peter 3:12.

A third reason we believe, is that Britain was spared because God still had afurther work for her to perform. Quite apart from that role which she is yet tofulfill —as we shall discuss shortly—Britain, in 1941 had a vital taskimmediately before her in protecting the infant Jewish national home from Naziaggression. Had Britain not succeeded in defending the Middle East, Hitlerwould have destroyed the developing Jewish homeland.

It was Lloyd George who told the Royal Commission in 1936 that Britainmust “act as protector of the National Home until such time as she was able tostand on her own feet...” The Prophets had assigned this task to the latter-daymaritime power—and it was Britain who was called upon to carry this outduring 1942-43.

Protector of the Holy LandThat Britain has a future mission in connection with the Jews in the Holy

Land is readily perceived from Ezekiel’s 38th chapter. As many students ofScripture have noted, this prophecy has never yet been fulfilled. The prophecyspeaks of “the people that are gathered out of the nations” (verse 12), who will“dwell in the midst of the land” during “the latter years” (verse 8) or “latterdays” (verse 16). At this time those gathered Jews are invaded by “a mightyarmy” from the north (verse 15) which, as the chapter shows, is destroyed byDivine intervention and miraculous power using the elements. It is in thissituation, as the enemy sweeps into the Land, that we find an opposing voice.Verse 13 reads:

“Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the younglions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hastthou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver andgold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?”

Sheba and Dedan are readily identifiable with modern Saudi Arabia and thearea of the Gulf States. Tarshish, as we have seen, points us to Britain—with the


rather obvious connection of her “young lions” being that group of nations whohave developed out of what was once the British Empire (more about that later).The point here is that we see this merchant power of the latter days adopting aprotective stance towards Israel because of its apparent commercial intereststhere—silver, gold, cattle, goods etc.

Other prophecies convey the same basic picture—for example, the sectionfrom Isaiah chapter 17:12. Here we see the nations rushing like many watersduring “evening tide trouble.” Again, the enemy is not—he is destroyed. It isduring this time of trouble that a “land shadowing with wings” is addressed.The terminology suggests protection (c/p Isa. 30:2,3; Psalm 36:7; 57:1; 61:4etc.) It also refers to this protector as a maritime power that concerns itself with“a nation scattered and peeled” and “trodden down” (c/p Daniel 12:7 and Luke21:24). Although this maritime power is not named in the text, it is reasonableto assume that it is the same as that mentioned in Ezekiel 38, for the situationsare identical.

A similar picture is again given to us in Daniel 11:40-45. Again it is “the timeof the end” and a whirlwind invasion comes from the north—and there is anopposing power described here as “the king of the south”.

Clearly the main thrust of these prophecies concern events that are still futureto us, but they provide a mold as it were—a pre-set pattern to which the playersand circ*mstances are to conform.

That Britain and her English-speaking allies have been the main contendersagainst the European powers of the north during two world wars is clearenough. It was Britain (then in possession of Egypt and consequently entitled tothe Scriptural title of “king of the south”) that literally “pushed” Turkey out ofthe Holy Land in 1918. This has been seen as a fulfillment of the first sentencein Daniel 11:40, though clearly it involves more than that.

The remarkable situation involving Britain and her allies during the SecondWorld War fits the same mold. Britain, in self-interest and for reasons of self-preservation was forced to protect and defend Palestine from the Nazis. In doingso, a by-product was that British training provided the Jews with the necessaryskills to form—eventually—the Israeli army. The objectives stated by LloydGeorge and which had been foreseen through Bible prophecy were, in fact,achieved.

Defence of the Eastern MediterraneanAfter France surrendered to Germany in 1940, the Mediterranean shores

friendly to the British Fleet “had shrank to the coasts of Egypt and Palestine,and the islands of Cyprus and Malta” says an Admiralty account published in1943. “There were no wardens of the western basin, and henceforward theBritish units faced the enemy alone.” Under the heading Malta Rides the Stormwe are told:

“The Royal Air Force had on the Island a small force of practicallyobsolete London flying boats. The pilots of these boats had neverflown a fighter machine in their lives; but the four of them took on thedefence of Malta. They uncrated and assembled the Gladiators, andthey flew them in combat with all that Italy chose to send against them.Wave after wave of bombers swept over the Island. They fought all


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day, coming down only to refuel and reammunition, taking onunimaginable odds. One machine was shot down, but the other threebattled on in this fashion for two breath-taking months, when asquadron of Hurricanes came to their relief from England. Neverbefore in its long history of assault had Malta seen so undaunted adefence: the inhabitants, peering out from the caves and tunnels at thethree of them as they swooped against flights of ten, twenty and evenfifty of the enemy, named them Faith, Hope and Charity...”

The account continues:“The story of the Merchant Navy throughout the war in theMediterranean is one of unostentatious gallantry and hardihood. Fromthe time they entered the narrow seas until they left them—usually toreturn again and again in fresh convoys—these ships were liable toceaseless attack at sea and in harbour. Those unloading at Malta were,in the words of one shipwrecked there before them (i.e. the Apostle

Paul, Acts 27:26-28:1) in jeopardy every hour. The Navy shared theperils with them...”

Against incredible odds and continuous bombing by the Luftwaffe, Britainheld the small island—the only staging post en route to the EasternMediterranean and the infant Jewish homeland.

Rommel’s AdvanceAs the war progressed, the situation worsened. By late June 1942 the

Mediterranean had become impossible for allied shipping and Rommel “TheDesert Fox” was leading the German Africa Corps, through Libya. Tobruk felland the Allies were in retreat. The Daily Mail for Wednesday, June 24, 1942reported in its leading article: “Cairo is awaiting a “flash” from Eighth ArmyHeadquarters announcing that Rommel has attacked our Egyptian frontierpositions. Most of the Africa Corps, with its Italian infantry, is massed opposite

Above: An Italian propaganda map during the Second World War shows the Axisthreat to the Middle East, with British ships protecting Cyprus,Palestine & Egypt


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Fort Capuzzo, and anassault is expected in amatter of hours.”

As Rommel headed forEgypt and the Suez Canal,German forces wereattacking Stalingrad insouthern Russia, intendingto swing south towards theCaucasus mountains. TheMiddle East, includingPalestine was beingthreatened by a massivepincer movement. In YigalLossin’s Pillar of Fire weread:

“The Germans took Tobruk by storm. Within less than a month, theyhad crossed the border into Egypt and threatened Palestine...“Rommel’s advance through the North African desert filled the heartsof Palestine’s Jews with great anxiety. Britain hurriedly prepared forretreat from Egypt and from Palestine to a new defense line inMesopotamia. Believing that they had nothing to lose, Britishintelligence increased its secret cooperation with the Jewishunderground in Palestine...“During those days of anxiety, many ideas were proposed concerningwhat to do in the event of an invasion. One plan drawn up by Haganaleaders was to transform Haifa and the bay area into a mountainfortress in which all of Palestine’s Jews would be concentrated, a kindof Masada on Mount Carmel...“says David Horowitz: ‘The plans were to fight down to the last dropof blood, a new version of Masada—that’s how you could define it.There was great fear.’“‘The Northern Plan’ was never put to the test. On July 1, 1942, theBritish succeeded in halting Rommel’s advance. 180 kilometers insideEgypt. There, near the town of El Alamein, the British established anew defense line. They appointed a new commander, GeneralMontgomery, whose first order was to cancel all retreat plans andprepare for attack. Both sides now faced each other in preparation forthe decisive battle over the future of the Middle East...“On October 28, 1942, General Montgomery launched an attackagainst the Germans at El Alamein. The British had a clear advantage.Within 15 days, Rommel retreated beyond Benghazi. Tel Aviv sighedwith relief. Victory in the desert rid the Jews of Palestine of anightmare. Suicide, as at Masada, was no longer necessary...“El Alamein and Stalingrad marked the beginning of the end for AdolfHitler. The world sighed with relief. But for the Jews, who so desired






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this change, conditions did not improve at all. On the contrary, militarydefeat appeared to have increased Hitler’s lust for murder, and hecalled for an accelerated pace of extermination.”

Time for a Jewish State?The book Pillar of Fire continues:

“The Zionist movement lost its patience and characteristic moderationduring the war. Even Weizmann, the superb formulator ofcompromise, joined Ben-Gurion in calling for the establishment of aJewish state in all of Palestine following the war. Winston Churchill,Prime Minister of Great Britain, sought to compensate the Jewishpeople for the tragedy it had suffered during the war. Churchill woulduse every opportunity to vehemently express his support for Jewishaspirations. Thus it was when he visited Cairo in late 1943.“Abba Eban who was an Intelligence Officer in the British Army, said:‘It was a most exciting experience. He ranted and raved and shouted,as though he were an actor doing an impression of Churchill. He knewthat most of his audience was composed essentially of avowed anti-Zionists, or, in any event, those whose job it was to develop friendlyrelations with the Arab countries. Suddenly, he cried out: ‘I am aZionist!’ As a shock wave hit the audience he began his speech, asthough he were standing before a great mass assembly, asking why theJews must bear all the suffering and torture of the Nazi horror, whytheir flag should not fly gloriously. He stared at them, as if he wereseeking an answer. Then, as expected, he received no negativeresponse to his question.’“Many of Churchill’s friends were accustomed to considering his pro-Zionist declarations merely as one of the eccentricities of a greatleader, but he meant them seriously. In January 1944, he asked his warCabinet to approve a decision, in principle, to establish a Jewish statein part of Palestine. Churchill ordered a heavy blackout on the plan fora Jewish state. He did not reveal its particulars, except for a fewgeneral hints, even to his old friend Weizmann...“In Palestine, nothing was known about the partition plan. Theblackout imposed by Churchill was so heavy that only 30 years later,when the British archives were opened, was it discovered that the HighCommissioner, Sir Harold MacMichael, supported the plan for aJewish state.”

A maritime power in the last days, overshadowing with its wings, a nationscattered and peeled...? Surely, despite the ups and downs of politicalcirc*mstances, this was Britain and her allies. Surely we cannot be blind tothese facts!

Britain and the “isles” still has a future destiny to fulfill concerning the Landof Israel and its Jewish people. The story is not yet finished or the fulfillment ofBible prophecies completed. That they will be completed, there is not theslightest possibility of doubt.

The above newspaperreports the battles inEgypt and Stalingrad .Both threatened theJewish National Home.Right: a map of ElAlamein shows thenations that were involved


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The work of the Lord Jesus Christ is not limited to the restoration of Israelhowever—therefore he addresses those who live in the isles of the Gentiles.God says to him in verse 6,

“... It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up thetribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also givethee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation untothe end of the earth.”

This “light to the Gentiles” first shone forth in the preaching of the apostles inthe Roman world (see Acts 13:47) and it was set down in writing by them toform the New Testament of the Scriptures. Through these writings small groupsof believers have arrived at an understanding of saving Truth during periods alldown the long centuries. During this time there were few copies of theScriptures in circulation, and they would have to be hand-written. The vastmajority of people however, living in the religious environment created by theRoman Catholic Church, would have no access to these apostolic writingswhich were in Latin and forbidden to the laity. It was only after the Reformationand the invention of printing that the word of the Truth of the gospel becameavailable on a wide basis. As we saw in chapter 5, it was the English Bible thatwas to have by far the major influence—it was the word of God in this form thatwas declared in “the isles afar off” (Jeremiah 31:10).

Now as this light of the word reached the far off lands of North America,Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and similar countries, it broughtunderstanding. This understanding was received in various degrees and in asimilar manner to that described by Jesus in the parable of the sower (Matthew13:3-23). As in the parable, Bibles were everywhere—but most of the seed fellby the way side, some on stony and thorny places— with just some falling intogood and honest hearts where it would bring forth fruit. From these good andhonest hearts then, the truth shone forth. A scattering of believers were thusfound throughout these distant lands witnessing to the way of salvation in JesusChrist, and to “the hope of Israel”. The message has been proclaimed throughadvertised public lectures, from open-air preaching stands, pamphlets, books,magazines, exhibitions... so that those in the “isles” would hear.

Sufficient knowledge, or light, has now been disseminated among thesecountries in order to lay the basis for future work when the time comes. As it iswritten in Isaiah 49, and in the 22nd and 23rd verses:—

“Thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to theGentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thysons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon theirshoulders. And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thynursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face towardthe earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I amthe LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.”

The same character of work is reflected in Psalm 72:10 and in Isaiah 60:9.This is a work yet to be carried out in the future—although, as we have seen,there has already been a preliminary undertaking of this service in theestablishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine, as well as in its

s it had been forces of the British Empire, including Indian, Australian,New Zealand and other men from the then colonies, that hadparticipated in pushing Turkey out of the Middle East in the First

World War—so it was to be forces from these same far off countries that woulddefend the Holy Land from German advances in the Second World War. Underthe command of General Montgomery, and defending the Middle East during1942 were to be found British, Australian, South African, Indian and NewZealand troops. It was predominantly the English-speaking peoples. Alsoentering the war at the close of 1941, and heading for the North Africanbattleground were forces from the United States of America.

What we have seen in Britain’s history: the influence of the Bible upon her,the resultant sympathy towards the Jews and the spiritual challenges — all ofthis is reflected in each of those countries related to her. Their paths have allbeen similar, converging more than once upon the Land of the Bible. Scriptureteaches us to expect that their destinies will meet there once again in the future.

Tarshish and the IslesAs we saw in Chapter 3, the word translated “isles” refers to remote maritime

lands—countries that are “afar off” across the sea. So it is, from severalpassages we see far off maritime lands related to Tarshish. Now, in Isaiah 49we see these different lands being addressed prophetically by none other thanthe Lord Jesus Christ:

“Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The LORD

hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath hemade mention of my name...”

From verse 5 we learn that one of his purposes is the restoration of Israel:“And now, saith the LORD that formed me from the womb to be hisservant, to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yetshall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, and my God shall be mystrength.”

So this “servant” is to be glorious before Israel is gathered (“Though Israel benot gathered yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord”)—this certainly isthe Lord Jesus Christ, and his work of restoring Israel is confirmed by otherScriptures (c/p Acts 1:6; Romans 11:26).

10“Listen, O Isles...”

“...I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people:and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carriedupon their shoulders...”—Isaiah 49:22



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Protestant town that Toronto had been in the first half of this century.The transformation of a Toronto dominated by the Loyal OrangeLodge and the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons began immediatelyafter World War II with the arrival of refugees from Eastern Europe.Then the Italians came by the hundreds of thousands to do much of thebuilding in the fabled “post-war building boom.” Later, in the 1960’s,the Portuguese arrived, picking up where the Italians left off... By the1970s and 1980s, second-generation Portuguese were also buying andbuilding in the suburbs, and a new wave of largely Catholicimmigrants, mostly from Southeast Asia and Central America, movedin to their old neighborhoods. The foregoing is, admittedly, anoversimplification, but the result is that, over the past 40 years, RomanCatholicism has become the dominant religion in Toronto and in thestill-rippling horseshoe of suburbs that surround it in three directions.”

Also, an article which was written in February 1984, just prior to a papal visit,lays the Canadian scene clearly before us:

“We are up to our necks with Catholics in high places, to the pointwhere the Pope, when he arrives, may feel he has stumbled upon amodern version of the Holy Roman Empire... (Prime Minister) JoeClark was a Catholic... and when he was overthrown, it was by afellow mick, Brian Mulroney. At Government House, the summit ofour power structure, the Roman rite runs strong, with three CatholicGovernors General in a row—Jules Leger, Ed Schreyer and JeanneSauve... Of the 20 most senior members of the federal cabinet, 14 are

subsequent protection. This was not a work carried out by Britain alone(although the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate were hers), she was alwaysaccompanied by other English-speaking nations in any military operations—andof course, it has been the United States which has supported Israel since itbecame an independent state in 1948.

Rome and North AmericaThe spiritual challenge made to Protestant England is mirrored in those far off

distant lands who are associated with her. Space in this book simply would notallow us to present the mass of evidence which illustrates this, but a fewcomments limited to North America will make our point. Rome considers itselfto be Possessor of Heaven and Earth—and consequently reserves the right togrant lands and dominions to whomsoever it pleases. Accordingly NorthAmerica was assigned to the King of Spain in the decree of pope Alexander VIdated 1493 A.D.

“We are credibly informed that whereas of late you were determined toseek and find certain Islands and firm lands, far remote and have appointed our well-beloved son Christopher Columbus... toseek (by the sea, where hitherto no man hath sailed) such firm landsand islands far remote and hitherto unknown... “...We of our own motion, and by the fullness of Apostolical power, dogive grant and assign to you, your heirs and successors, all the firmlands and islands, found or to be found, discovered or to bediscovered.”*

When the British Protestants moved onto the scene they pirated NorthAmerica as far as Rome is concerned. The Church’s policy had been toCatholicize the New World through Spanish, Portuguese and Frenchsovereignty. Avro Manhattan suggests that these plans have always inspired theCatholic hierarchy to encourage American colonies “to free themselves of linkswith Protestant England.” Thus a secular authority dominated by RomanCatholics in Canada today has achieved the aim of cutting many important linkswith Britain.

According to Edmond Paris in his book The Vatican Against Europe (pub.1959)

“North America is the Church’s new Promised Land; a land which inthe old days was so hostile to her but where Irish and Italianimmigration has now ensured—together with the subtle work of theJesuits—a situation which is becoming increasingly favourable.”

As far as the city of Toronto in Canada is concerned, the following extractfrom The Financial Post Magazine (Feb 1991) illustrates this:

“...It has been exactly 150 years since Bishop Michael Powerestablished the diocese that would become the archdiocese, tentingsouth to Lake Ontario from the Jesuit Martyrs’ Shrine at Midland toembrace the counties that bracket Toronto as well as Toronto itself.The years, especially the recent ones, have been kind. A large part ofthe reason has been the waves of immigrants, overwhelmingly fromCatholic countries, depositing settlers in and around the grumpy, gray

Pope Leo X (left) claims the dominionof Earth, Sea and Heaven ,1512 A.D.

Time (above) on U.S. visit 1979

* From the English translation published by R. Eden in 1577


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double pressure from a combined Euro-Soviet political system couldcompel the Church to overstep her original, self-imposed strategicallimits vis-a-vis the United States. That would spell conflict.”

The transformation of Europe into a Euro-Russian dominated continent withits (yes) Marxist-Catholic social doctrines, is already well advanced. Russia isalready a member of the Council of Europe. A “special relationship” hasrecently been established between Russia, Germany and France (but excludesBritain). We can be confident that the day will come when the power of aUnited Europe will be able to challenge that of the United States.

From a Bible perspective these things are seen from the prophetic word interms of “the controversy of Zion” (Isa. 34:8). The brutal aggression againstregathered Israel, as described in Ezekiel 38 (mentioned earlier) is from thenorth; it is a confederacy of nations comprising the whole of Eurasia (Europeand Russia). When this colossus of human power arises, it will co-operate fullywith the Vatican (the great false church of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the spiritualharlot of Revelation 17). In the mid-1970’s a booklet entitled Babylon andJerusalem was written by a Christadelphian, Graham Pearce, who said:

“Europe will become a christian socialist empire with the power of theVatican dominant in the religious and moral sphere, and the power ofthe Soviet (i.e. Russia) in the civil and military sphere. Thecooperation, in place of antagonism, between the two systems willcreate a colossus of human power which will oppose Israel and thethings of Zion.”

When this opposition to Israel matures, as most certainly it will, then it willinvolve the English-speaking peoples, as is shown to us in Ezekiel 38:13.

Tarshish and its “Young Lions”We have already seen that “Tarshish” is the name by which Scripture refers to

latter-day Britain. The phrase “young lions thereof” denotes a connectionbetween Britain and certain younger, though independent, powers. (“Tarshish,and its young lions”—see Young’s Literal and Green’s). There is just no waythat one can make these young lions to be villages in Israel, as some havesuggested—the wording clearly connects them to Tarshish; they are Gentilepowers, as are the “isles” seen in association with the Tarshish powerelsewhere.

This is an important factor in rejecting the identification of southern Spain(Tartessus) as the latter-day Tarshish. There is no family of nations related toSpain in the same way as we see in Britain’s case—Spain has no young lions

Roman Catholics—10 francophones plus Allan MacEachen, EugeneWhelan, Gerald Regan and Mark MacGuigan... since Pearson’s time,Catholics have dominated the top positions in the party, and hence inthe cabinet. Should the party turn to an anglophone leader to succeedTrudeau, the man most likely to succeed is John Turner, a Catholic.Other Catholic contenders are MacEachen, Chretien (present PrimeMinister, 1998), Whelan, Marc Lalonde, Monique Begin, Francis Fox,Regan and MacGuigan.” (Charles Lynch for Southam News)

Yet Roman Catholics number only two-fifths of Canada’s total populationaccording to Statistics Canada—and 55% of those live in Quebec. Theirs is apower and influence which greatly exceeds their numerical strength; it is apower that has been used to transform Canadian society.

The United States with about 23% of its population Catholic (it was less than6% at the time of the American Civil War), has been very strongly influencedby Rome in recent years. The collusion between the Administration of RonaldReagan and the Vatican in overthrowing Communism is now well known—butnow that atheistic Communism has been overthrown, Rome is turning itsattention to other foes—not the least of which is Capitalism.

It was Abraham Lincoln who warned: “I can see a very dark cloud on ourhorizon, and the cloud is coming from Rome.” That cloud is today very muchcloser; its potential for disruption of the great power of the United States is veryreal and it has already made an impact. This has been well described by AvroManhattan in his book The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance (1982).Manhattan, as events have proved so far, had a remarkable insight into theVatican’s geopolitical objectives—the disclosure in February 1992 by Timemagazine of the co-operation between John Paul and Reagan in bringing aboutMoscow’s eclipse had already been described by Manhattan ten years earlier!

Manhattan viewed the scene from a political—even humanitarian—perspective. He rightly foresaw that Communism, rather than being conqueredby the west, would be absorbed by it. Thus, socialism masquerading in the formof social doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church would permeate society. Aunited Europe, built upon this basic doctrine —which is really Marxism, knownby another name— would accommodate east and west, building a giganticconfederation. It would, in time, threaten the United States.

Looking ahead Manhattan wrote:“In the days to come, a serious dilemma will confront loyal, patrioticAmerican Catholics—at least those who are sufficiently educated andaware of the covert political attacks being made upon their country’sgovernment and institutions under the guise of religion. They will haveto re-examine their allegiance to the hierarchy of a Church which hasbeen allied with a subversive ideology—Communism. (But nowknown as Socialism—P.B.)... The outcome hangs in doubt... Thepossibility that the “progressive” elements of the Catholic Church,acting as a colossal Trojan horse, could be used to weaken the internalstability of America, is not a flight of alarmistic fantasy. Nor is it anunjustified political speculation. For, if and when Europe has beentransformed into a solidly Marxist-Catholic orientated continent, the


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Israel knew that the US would never sit idly by if it were to be aquestion of the destruction of Israel.”

In 1973 when the Arab-Israeli war turned in Israel’s favour, and Russia madepreparations to intervene, the United States placed its nuclear forces on RedAlert: That is how far they were prepared to go! The measures taken by theUnited States to protect Israel in that conflict were immense; the air-lift ofarmaments colossal. The large Jewish lobby played its part of course, but quiteapart from that, there were many in America who believed (rightly) that—in thewords of Scripture quoted by one of their well-known T.V. preachers:—“...Iwill bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee...” (Genesis12:3).

1991 brought the “young lions” on the scene again in that bizarre war againstSaddam Hussein. The United States with Britain and other English-speakingnations retrieved Kuwait out of the jaws of Iraq— and yet again, a by-productwas the protection of Israel. The United States not only sent the necessaryequipment, they also sent personnel to Israel. A more direct and visible proof ofAmerica’s intention to protect Israel could not have been made.

The drift of history, though it may wander off course from time to time, willnot now be diverted permanently.

Can the Alliance be Shattered?Ever since the Reformation in the 16th century, Protestant powers have

frustrated the objectives of the Vatican. Even in the secular world of the 20thcentury they seem to naturally gravitate towards each other whenever a seriouscrisis threatens, they always seem to end up on the same side—that is, on theopposite side to that favoured by the Roman Church.

This long history has not been lost on the geopolitical architects in the

(The Vatican’s objectives notwithstanding). Certainly, Spain has played no partwhatsoever in restoring the Jews to Palestine—clearly, the maritime powerreferred to is Britain and not Spain.

The unique relationship existing between Britain and these “young lions” waswell described by George Catlin in his book The Grandeur of England and theAtlantic Community (1966).

“...the United States is no longer a new country but an old one; and itcan regard, unlike others, its colonial past, not with adolescentresentment, but with historical pride. It is the land of a civilization‘which from Magna Carta on has used the fabric of law for thefulfillment of liberty.’ The words are those of President Johnson.Historically, it is the greatest beyond all measure, of the Britishcolonies as well as the undisputed leader of the English-speakingworld. And although, like them, America is a mixture of all peoples(and, without much discrimination, most rightly such), the British Islesare yet the land to which General George C. Marshall, then Secretaryof State, speaking before the Pilgrims in London, referred as ‘themother country.’ Mothers and daughters by no means always agree;but it is an indissoluble special relationship registered in the pages ofthe centuries.”

The relationship between the United States and Britain is duplicatedelsewhere—and especially with those far off distant lands who still (incredibly)share the monarchy with Britain, and whose Royal standard just happens todisplay a number of lions!

That it has been this family of nations which has ensured the survival of theJewish State since the termination of the British Mandate in 1948, there can beno question. At different times, and in varying combinations, they have fulfilledthe role of protectors. It cannot be all that surprising to us therefore, that theprophets foresaw a time when nations would be gathered against Jerusalem tobattle, and that at that time, this particular group of nations would be foundopposing and resisting the invasion of the Land:

“Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the younglions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hastthou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver andgold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” Ezekiel38:13

Despite Britain’s opposition to Jewish immigration to Palestine just after theSecond World War—and even though she betrayed the Jews most shamefully atthe time of Atlee’s Labour Government, by 1956 the situation had changed. Bya series of collusive plans, Britain and Israel became involved together, inmilitary action against Nasser of Egypt—and Israel fared better than Britain,who was forced by the U.N. to withdraw from Egypt.

In the 1967 war when Israel defeated her Arab attackers so spectacularly, wecould read in the book The Six Day War, written jointly by Randolph Churchilland his son—

“Of course, from start to finish, everyone including Russia, Egypt and


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he word of prophecy, like any other aspect of the word of God, requiresmuch prayerful study and contemplation if we are to perceive the truthsthat are revealed. It is just not good enough to scan passages of

Scripture, taking in superficial impressions and jumping to speedy conclusionswithout taking time to think out what was intended. As it is written in theproverbs, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is tosearch out a matter” (Prov.25:2). Neither is any one enquirer of the word betterthan the next. There is no room for human pride in such matters; indeed, we areassured that such misplaced confidence in self will only lead into the manyblind alleys of speculation that are open. It is then, in a spirit of earnest enquirythat we turn to the word of the living God, beseeching Him to show unto us inHis mercy those things which must shortly come to pass. It is our desire to hearthe cry of the Prophets—to grasp the message that they were inspired to writedown for our time, so that we may be moved to faithfully convey it to ourgeneration. The objective is to cause men and women to read for themselveswhat the prophets have to say to us—and to meditate upon their words.

The Preparation PhaseWe know what has been accomplished in the history of Israel’s restoration so

far—and we know the part played by various nations in that process. We alsoknow, more or less, the current situation. The prophets tell about what is yet todevelop—so that we try to piece together the information that we have in orderto arrive at some idea of the phase of preparation that must be immediatelyahead of us.

From Ezekiel’s 38th chapter we know that a Russo-German leadership of allEurope is to emerge answering to “Gog of the land of Magog, Prince of Rosh,Meshech and Tubal” (Ezekiel 38:2 and 3 c/p R.V). Under this leadership a verypowerful military alliance is to be formed—and verse 7 tells us that there is tobe a period of preparation whilst this develops.

Today, it would appear that this preparation is now in progress. Having beenturned back in 1989-1990 (Ezek. 38:4), the Russian power has now become amember of the Council of Europe (her flag can be seen flying amongst the

11A Mart of Nations

“Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lionsthereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gatheredthy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattleand goods, to take a great spoil?”— Ezekiel 38:13.

Vatican—therefore, for some years now it has been an important part of Romanstrategy to dislocate and weaken the Anglo-Saxon alliance. As Avro Manhattanhas commented, this explains “the Catholic policy of encouraging the Americancolonies to free themselves from Protestant England.” It is why Rome hasworked so hard to bring about the independence of these nations and cut the tieswhich have bound them to the mother country. Protestant countries had beenwarned by the Bible itself—and there are many writings that have pointed tothe danger of Rome’s activities in the political sphere. They should haveknown.

In a 1977 Message, the Catholic Bishops of Canada launched an attack onCanada’s economic system (so-called Liberal Capitalism) under the title ASociety to be Transformed. The prosperity that Canada then enjoyed, said theMessage, was based upon an unjust system in which “Powerful foreign-controlled companies exercise increasing power in society beyond the reach ofeffective public intervention.” That many of these companies were eitherBritish or American was not pointed out. That they were beyond the law, asimplied, was not true—and as to the prosperity enjoyed in Canada at thattime—that was a reality based upon what these bishops termed “a woefulsystem,” namely capitalism. They wrote: “our country is still profoundlymarked by the founders of liberal capitalism. We carry forward many of theconsequences of their lives, for their ideas have become our institutions.” Thiswas a clear reference to the British heritage that makes up Canada’s history.Such a society, declared these bishops, was “a culture... ways of thinking andbehaving, alien to God’s purpose.” Catholics were urged to become activelyinvolved in transforming that society of 1977.

Canada moved forward (?) from that point. The old colonial flag had beenditched, the Jesuit trained Pierre Trudeau changed the constitution of thecountry and “brought it home” and Britain began to be spoken of as a “foreign”country.

Further— and although Canada today relies upon the United States for thesecurity of its borders—anti-American sentiment is whipped up on the slightestpretext.

In Australia and New Zealand the same transformation has been going on—with less and less commitment to the old alliance being seen as a result.Catholic political leaders have helped forward the cause of course and arecurrently questioning the value and desirability of connections with themonarchy.

The real ace played by the Vatican was in getting Britain herself attached tothe dream of a United Europe. This move has probably done more thananything towards the dismantling of the old alliance.

As we consider the scene before us today, one might be tempted to concludethat the old alliance will never again stand together for the protection offreedom.

That conclusion would be a mistake.



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others in front of the Council’s building in Strasbourg), she has formed a specialrelationship with Germany (with France included at present), and—significantly, has announced “large-scale military reforms” in which themilitary industry is to focus upon modern technologies (Russia Today, June 12,1997).

Whilst this is going on the Vatican has turned its attention to courting Islamiccountries. It is also actively working to “transform” (that is, undermine)capitalist economies by promoting her own social doctrines. In many English-speaking countries today she has succeeded in bringing to power leaders overwhich she has a degree of influence. In ways far more numerous than we canexplain here, Rome seeks to weaken these nations to lessen the possibility ofeffective resistance when the time comes. The Roman Catholic Church is todeceive “all nations” (Revelation 18:23).

A Trading AllianceNo matter how successful Rome may be in weakening the Anglo-Saxon

alliance, we know from Ezekiel 38:13 that circ*mstances will combine in orderto bring about a re-forming of those connections. The alliance may not be on thesame basis as in the past, but the prophet says that “all” the young lions will beinvolved. Ezekiel does not require a British Empire—such an entity is not evensuggested by his wording—what he describes is a trading group: “the merchantsof Tarshish with all the young lions thereof.” The context within this verseunderlines the fact that it is commercial interests that are paramount.

Today Britain has chosen the path of association with Catholic Europe. Thismust be expected to change. We do not know the details, but we are justified inanticipating Britain’s eventual isolation from Europe— at some stage abreaking-point will be reached. As Europe moves along the road to aCatholicized Marxism, British business interests will be forced to seek trade andfriendship elsewhere.

Ezekiel sees Tarshish in a group including “Sheba and Dedan”. This is thearea of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. It indicates the direction in which thebusiness interests of Tarshish and all her young lions will become focussed—they will inevitably be drawn towards the Middle East. If we are to be guidedby the prophets, then we will expect the coming years to witness tremendouseconomic growth in the Middle East—the magnet will not be China or south-east Asia; it will centre upon Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf area.

The foundation for the emergence of this trading group can be seen today inthe relationship that exists between Britain and North America. The followingwas published by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London (March1997):

“TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS”“A common commitment to democracy and free enterprise, togetherwith a shared history and culture, have forged an enduring partnershipwhich continues to be a stabilising and positive force in the world.“The foundations of the transatlantic relationship are trade and politicalcooperation. With one of the strongest economies in the EuropeanUnion (EU), Britain is North America’s foremost partner, and trade


On what basis is it claimed that Britain will separate from the E.U.? It issimply this; she cannot be on both sides in the coming conflict foretold bythe Prophets— either she must be with the latter-day northern power, alliedwith Russia and Catholic Europe, or she is to be identified with the southerngroup of “Sheba, Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all the younglions thereof.” She cannot be on both sides at the same time.Which side will Britain be on? This booklet places before the readerevidence showing that Britain is identified in prophecies that concern thosewho protest and oppose the aggressive northern power who comes to invadeIsrael. She cannot protest and oppose herself, she is therefore perforce, notpart of the European system when these prophecies are finally fulfilled. Forthis reason, writers over many years—some over a century ago—have seenBritain as being separated from Europe.

A General Election in 1997failed to make the issue ofEuropean membership thepriority it should have been.The divided Conservatives rana confused campaign, lackingin clear direction. We canexpect the issue to erupt againin a furious reaction to presentpolicies.


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agreements could be reached as to territory, terrorism will become pointless. Onthe basis of Ezekiel’s description here in Ezekiel 38, it is to be expected that atsome point circ*mstances will bring an end to the violence. When this happensthe whole area will benefit, bringing the prosperity that Ezekiel describes.

This prosperity must become quite substantial, for it is in order to grasp a“great spoil” that Gog of the north parts invades the Land.

The Merchant CityThe situation involving trading arrangements that will emerge between

English-speaking nations and Israel will reflect the historical one that existedbetween Phoenician Tyre and Israel. This is the underlying theme in theprophecy of Isaiah 23.

As we can see from verse one, this chapter is about Tyre—it is “the Burden ofTyre”. What we can also see from the last verse of the chapter (verse 18) is thatthe merchandise of Tyre is to be “holiness to the LORD”—that is, separated anddedicated unto Yahweh the God of Israel. This “merchandise shall be for themthat dwell before the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.” Inother words, this “merchandise” is to be allocated to the restored kingdom ofIsrael as it will exist under the Lord Jesus Christ when he sits upon David’sthrone (Luke 1:32,33; Acts 15:16,17). One assumes that this merchandise willprovide for the mortal population of Israel in that future age.

But the merchandise of ancient Tyre was not given to Israel in this way. It istrue that Hiram King of Tyre traded with Israel and that he provided materialsfor the temple in Jerusalem—but this prophecy of Isaiah (written after Solomonand Hiram’s time) has never been fulfilled. Furthermore, the ancient merchantcity of Tyre lost her position as a centre for trade at the time of Alexander theGreat—modern Tyre in Lebanon certainly would not fulfill the prophecy. Thereclearly has to be a latter-day representative of ancient Tyre—a “mart of nations”(verse 3).

The prophet predicts that the maritime supremacy of ancient Tyre would

between the two regions is vigorous.• Britain is the largest foreign investor in the US, and vice-versa.• Some 1 million jobs have been created in the US by Britishinvestment worth £82,500 million (US$132,000 million) -- nearly onequarter of all overseas investment in the US.• Over 40 per cent of US investment in Europe comes to Britain —more than to the whole of the Asia/Pacific area.• Britain is Canada’s third largest trading partner (after the US andJapan) and by far her largest market in Europe.• Britain is the second largest foreign investor in Canada. The totalvalue of her investment—of around £8,000 million (C$16,800 million)—makes up some 40 per cent of all European investment in Canada.“Britain meets the US and Canada at the negotiating table in almost allthe major organisations. From military cooperation to promotingliberalisation of trade, the scope and depth of this political relationshipis unrivalled.”

Israel to Dwell SecurelyEzekiel’s description of Israel dwelling in their Land immediately prior to the

invasion of the country from the north parts deserves careful attention. Thephrase: “they shall dwell safely” (or “securely” RV) does not stand alone. Inverses 11 and 12 of Ezekiel chapter 38 we have this picture:

“And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I willgo to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwellingwithout walls, and having neither bars nor gates, To take a spoil, andto take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are nowinhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations,which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of theland.”

It is just no use trying to make this fit the scene as it stands at present—Israelis an armed camp with every possible means being employed to try andmaintain security. Yet the situation is changing.

It is now over 20 years since President Sadat of Egypt was welcomed to Israelwith a 21-gun salute. It is almost 25 years since the last major all-out Arab-Israeli war. Since that time Israel has secured agreements of one kind andanother with most of her Arab neighbours. The scene today, at the beginning of1998, looks very different from that of either 1967 or 1973. War is still far fromimpossible, but if it came it is more likely to come from a crazy SaddamHussein —and in any case the overwhelming military forces of the UnitedStates and Britain would be brought to bear just as they have in the past. TheState of Israel as it stands today, is not going to be extinguished by Arab forcesalone.

The problem today is terrorism and political wrangling over territory with thePalestinians. As terrible as the results may be, a few suicide bombers—even ifvery successful within the confines of a shopping area or bus—are not about todestroy the State of Israel. For as long as it goes on this kind of thing is verytragic for the people of Israel, but it is not fatal to the nation as such. If firm


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will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiledthy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity ofthy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, itshall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in thesight of all them that behold thee.”—Ezekiel 28:2; 17-18.

To what extent might such words find an echo in an application to the latter-day representative of Tyre?

“Art Thou Come...?”Ezekiel’s description of the invasion of Israel from the north has a parallel in

the eleventh chapter of Daniel’s prophecy. Whereas Ezekiel tells us that thenorthern host will “ascend and come like a storm” and “be like a cloud to coverthe land,” Daniel says that the king of the north shall come “like a whirlwind”or tornado. This gives us an idea of the ferocity and power of this irresistibleBlitzkrieg that is to descend upon the Middle East. Daniel says “he shall enterinto the countries, and shall overflow (overwhelm) and pass through.” Anyprotestations made by the merchant powers are clearly to no avail— Daniel tellsus that many countries will be overthrown and among them will be Egypt. The“glorious land” is to fall—the State of Israel as we now know it will lie in ruins.

In view of this highly successful onslaught by the power from the north whatare we to think of the situation facing the Merchant Alliance? Clearly, they willbe in full and hasty retreat—they will have to evacuate from Egypt and Israel,but may hold a line in the area of present-day Jordan, for Daniel says “but theseshall escape (or be delivered) out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and thechief of the children of Ammon.”

Looking at these prophecies 150 years ago in Elpis Israel, John Thomas sawthat Britain and her allies would not be able to maintain their protection ofIsrael. He wrote:

“But from the subjugation of the Jews for a short time after they havebeen colonized, the protection of the shadowing-power would seem tohave been inefficient. So it will, as far as the mountainous parts of theland are concerned...”

The words that Ezekiel attributes to the merchant Alliance, “Art thou come totake a spoil... etc” indicates that the onslaught is also directed against theMerchants who will then be present in the Middle East. This is confirmed byDaniel who sees the king of the north coming against a king of the south withwhom he has been previously contending. As we consider the implications ofwhat the prophets are saying, it is virtually impossible to avoid seeing a massiveand unprecedented defeat overtaking the English-speaking nations representedhere as “The merchants of Tarshish with all the young lions thereof.” A“Dunkirk” on the hot sands of the Arabian desert —but with no escape route...

Keeping the Home Fires Burning...?One may wonder about the situation on the Home Front at this time—The

United States, Canada, Australia and other countries afar off. Britain itself onthe very shores of the mighty Russo-Germanic confederacy: what might beexpected?

What can nations expect that have rejected the word of God, the Bible, and

migrate westwards; “Pass ye over to Tarshish... her own feet shall carry her faroff to sojourn” (verses 6,7). When Tyre was destroyed—first byNebuchadnezzar and then by Alexander the Great—the commerce of the “shipsof Tarshish” moved west in accordance with the requirement of Isaiah’sprophecy. The historical progress of this commercial centre is easily tracedfrom the original Tyre and Sidon to “Chittim” (Isa. 23:12—Cyprus), toAlexandria (Acts 27:6; 28:11), Carthage, Venice, Lisbon, and finally—following the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 to Britain. Britain istherefore, the latter-day “daughter of Tyre,” and still holds the same position asher ancestor did in the commercial world. So it is then, that when we come toEzekiel 38, we see a reference to “the merchants of Tarshish.” This is where the“mart of nations” will be located when Gog comes upon Israel and the tradingalliance in the latter days. The trading link between the Tarshish alliance andthe Middle East is the preliminary step towards making Israel herself thereligious and commercial centre of the world under the reign of the returnedJesus Christ.

The latter-day Tyre being represented by Britain then, we must take intoconsideration those pronouncements that are made against her by Ezekiel,particularly those which are contained in the 28th chapter.

Does proud Britannia rule the waves? Such was the position of Tyre to whomthe prophet Ezekiel cried:

“Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD;Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit inthe seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and notGod, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God...“Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corruptedthy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I


A drawing taken from an Assyrianrelief found in the 1840’s shows theKing of Tyre escaping from hisbesieged city with his family as theyleave for Cyprus. The remarkablepicture shows the fulfillment of Isaiahchapter 23.

“...the LORD hath given acommandment against themerchant city, to destroy thestrong holds thereof. And he said,Thou shalt no more rejoice, Othou oppressed virgin, daughter ofZidon: arise, pass over to Chittim(Cyprus); there also shalt thouhave no rest.”


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become of nations who have been exposed to the word of Truth, have beenaddressed through it, have even been moved by it to fulfill His great purposes;have been delivered—but then turned their backs upon God and despised theHoly Oracles? What is to become of nations we ask, who refuse to hear the cryof the Prophets, preferring science fiction and the myths of atheistic dreamers?Hear what the Almighty says through the prophet Jeremiah:—

“At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning akingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; If thatnation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I willrepent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant Ishall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to buildand to plant it; If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then Iwill repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.”—Jeremiah 18:7-10.

This infallible principle will apply to all of the independent English-speakingnations who each bear their own responsibility before God. They will be heldespecially responsible for the way in which they treat His people, the Jews.

Ancient Tyre was addressed as follows:“ Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities,by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire fromthe midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashesupon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they thatknow thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be aterror, and never shalt thou be any more.”— Ezekiel 28:18-19.

If these words are to find a secondary fulfillment in the latter-day Tyre in its‘Tarshish’ lands or ‘isles’, then we may be assured of a terrible and dreadfuljudgement that is to be poured out upon those who have hardened their heartsagainst God. The word through Ezekiel says: “... therefore will I bring forth afire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee...” What could this mean?

Avro Manhattan has painted this scenario for the United States in his bookThe Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance:

forgotten God? The principle is surely stated clearly enough by the Psalmist:“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forgetGod.”— Psalm 9:17.

It is because Britain and other English-speaking nations have ignored thewarnings of Scripture (and the warnings of those who were enlightened by thisWord) —and have foolishly allowed Roman Catholicism to infiltrate andweaken them, that defeat will come. As Delilah charmed Samson and deprivedhim of sight and strength, so the harlot of Rome is working to bring about theruin of the English-speaking world. Britain is being bound and chained by hermembership of the European Union with its laws and directives — when shewakes up to the realisation of her plight, her strength will be gone!

The God of Heaven is just and righteous in all His ways, but what is to






The above map suggests the approximate position of contending forcesduring the time when Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11:40-45 is fulfilled. White

arrows are the Russo-German led power of the north, the small black arrowsshow the Anglo-Arabian forces holding a line of defence.


AN INDICTMENTBritain and the English-speaking peoples are indictable on the followinggrounds:

1. Rejecting the Bible as the Word of the Living God and replacingits teachings with Humanism and theories such as evolution.

2. National Immorality: laws controlling wickedness have beenabandoned bringing sexual license, gambling, social perversion and crime.

3. The acceptance of Roman Catholicism as a respectable religiousorganisation, overlooking idolatry, results of clerical celibacy and interferencein the political process.

4. In Britain’s case, transferring national sovereignty to CatholicEurope and thereby enslaving the country to her traditional enemy.

5. Government attitudes to Israel and the Jews have often beenshameful, particularly in Britain’s case. This must be accounted for.

PEOPLES Cry of - Bible· Cry of the Prophets—Zech. 1:4; ... Cry of The Prophets Cry of The Prophets T. W HAT I S T RUTH? - [PDF Document] (53)


“... fifty-five million Americans, many of them in positions ofinfluence, could be a formidable minority if they supported CatholicMarxism. The vast network of the Catholic Church could provide amost efficient vehicle of subversion throughout the United States. Sucha network, buttressed by religious, social and cultural pressure groups,could interpenetrate the most sensitive and the most influential strataof American society...“Should the current Vatican strategy succeed, an even wider section ofthe U.S. church will be gently nudged towards the gradual acceptanceof Catholic Marxism as practiced in Europe. This would mean thecreation of a revolutionary minority which would carry on theirsubversion against American democratic institutions, disguised as areligious group exercising their rights under the First Amendment tothe U.S. constitution...“To talk about Catholic fifth columnists sounds discriminatory. Yet,one generation ago, Catholic minorities helped to destroy democraticEurope. This they did by cooperating with Hitler. They helped Hitlerbecause they were fired with ideological zeal, that is, by anti-Communism under the anti-Communist Pontiff, Pius XII.”

That Avro Manhattan is absolutely correct in this, and that the Roman Churchcould oppose certain military ventures by organising subversive activity, if itthought fit, was shown by a front-page report in the Canadian Catholic Register(June 28, 1982). Under the heading ‘ARMS THREAT WARRANTS CIVIL

DISOBEDIENCE, CATHOLIC RALLY TOLD’ it was reported:“NEW YORK (NC) — After participating in a massive disarmamentrally in Central Park June 12, some 2,000 Catholic peace activistsextended their day by gathering at a Manhattan church for Mass and aCatholic disarmament assembly.“With a standing ovation, the group, which included three Catholicbishops, approved a statement endorsing the use of civil disobediencein the struggle for peace and justice.”

The use of force in given situations is endorsed in several theological works,both Catholic and non-Catholic. There has been the use of the term “just war”,or as a Professor J.G. Davies of Birmingham (U.K.) expressed it in his bookChristians, Politics and Violent Revolution (1976, SCM press): “resort to forcemust be regarded as just, if the cause is just.” The struggle against capitalismwould conceivably be regarded as “just” by the Church, whereas military actionin defence of the Zionist State of Israel —especially when directed againstCatholic Europe— could be grounds for subversive activity from Catholic-inspired “peace movements.”

In view of these pseudo-christian teachings, the potential for subversiveactivity in a time of crisis is very great if the Church happened to think it suitedits purpose. We hardly need to explain what this could mean as social anarchyand violence swept through the streets.

Civil Disorder?Today, as we see Britain under its present political leadership becoming more


enmeshed in its association with Europe, we are right to fear for the future andto urgently warn of the consequences that could follow. Such a course will notbring God’s blessing upon Britain. The closer Britain becomes tied to Europenow, the worse it will be for her when the time to separate comes. Europe maywell insist upon Britain maintaining links she has agreed to — and we must notbe surprised if this issue brings violence onto the streets of Britain. Someleading political figures have already warned of such a possibility — and thatwould certainly bring about the situation described by Ezekiel: “a fire from themidst of thee...”

We do not know, because we are not told, exactly what will happen in thisregard. The Scripture principle is there for us to consider—and it provides abasis for warning those around us of what could happen. When subversiveaction and violence breaks out as “a fire from the midst of thee”—it will be toolate then to hear the words of Christ: “O fools, and slow of heart to believe allthat the prophets have spoken” (Luke 24:25).

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Isaiah says:“Send ye the lamb to the ruler of the landfrom Sela to the wilderness, unto themount of the daughter of Zion. For itshall be, that, as a wandering bird castout of the nest, so the daughters of Moabshall be at the fords of Arnon. Takecounsel, execute judgment; make thyshadow as the night in the midst of thenoonday; hide the outcasts; bewray nothim that wandereth. Let mine outcastsdwell with thee, Moab; be thou a covertto them from the face of the spoiler: forthe extortioner is at an end, the spoiler ceaseth, the oppressors areconsumed out of the land. And in mercy shall the throne beestablished: and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David,judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness.”

This prophecy of Isaiah 16 is important and the events described hereimmediately precede the re-establishment of the Davidic throne in mercy (verse5). There are some translation difficulties with the section, but the general senseis clear enough. A Christadelphian comment upon this situation, written in the1920’s, ran as follows:

“David the Second (that is, the Lord Jesus) comes up into hisinheritance from the South, and a Spoiler is then in possession of

heba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish with all the young lions thereof,having failed to dissuade Gog through diplomatic protestations, andhaving been roundly defeated on the battlefield, will find themselves

trapped in the South Arabian peninsular and severely threatened in that areawhich we know as Jordan. Their plight will be desperate, their hopes ofsurvival—nil. Such is the scene that is conveyed to us by the prophets.

That this bitter outcome is in store for the latter-day Tarshish is confirmed byother Scriptures; for example, Isaiah 2:12-17.

“ For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that isproud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall bebrought low... And upon every high tower, and upon every fencedwall, And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasantpictures. And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and thehaughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall beexalted in that day.”

Also, Psalm 48:7 has the same basic message—Tarshish broken. So it is then,we find that as a matter of principle as well as by direct reference, the nationsthat have turned their backs upon the Bible—and consequently upon itsauthor—and who have committed fornication with that great Roman Harlot,will find themselves facing extinction.

A Change of Heart?It would seem to be at about this stage that the peoples of this area show a

changed spirit—and especially towards the Jews who at this time will have losttheir national home and will be in great distress. There are a few passages ofScripture which describe acts of kindness being shown towards these Israelirefugees—and in each case it concerns the area that is held by this Anglo-Arabian Alliance.

Arabia (Sheba) and Dedan are seen in this connection in Isaiah 21:13. Thoseof the area are described as providing water and bread for those who flee fromthe grievousness of war. This is a reversed attitude to the historical casem*ntioned in Nehemiah 13:1,2. In Isaiah 16:1-5 there is a similar scene inwhich those of Moab are to provide refuge from the face of “the spoiler” (Gog).

12The Coming of The Deliverer

“ They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shalllick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: thekings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. Yea, all kings shall fall down beforehim: all nations shall serve him.”— Psalm 72:9-11.


















PEOPLES Cry of - Bible· Cry of the Prophets—Zech. 1:4; ... Cry of The Prophets Cry of The Prophets T. W HAT I S T RUTH? - [PDF Document] (55)


This message, combined with the urgent circ*mstances of the crisis beingfaced will not fall on deaf ears—either in the Arabian deserts or in the isles afaroff. People will then be amazed to learn that these events have been writtenabout over centuries; that the despised Fundamentalist School of Bible believershad left on record many years ago that these things would happen. It willgradually dawn upon the minds of people, that they have been duped by thewise of this world—by their theologians and scholars; by their priests andreligious counsellors, by their philosophers and social scientists, by theiranthropologists and evolutionists. Thus has Jeremiah foreseen that “the Gentilesshall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathershave inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit” (Jer. 16:19).The cardboard weapons that have been cunningly formed against the Bible willat last be seen for what they are—lies and vanity, theories of no value or profitwhatsoever; utter foolishness!

The affect of these revelations will be far-reaching, bringing a response in thedesert-wilderness of Kedar, in Petra and in “the isles”. Note the following,which is part of the work of Christ who is to be “for a light of the Gentiles”:

“Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise from the end of theearth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, andthe inhabitants thereof. Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift uptheir voice, the villages that Kedar doth inhabit: let the inhabitants ofthe rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Let themgive glory unto the LORD, and declare his praise in the islands. TheLORD shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like aman of war: he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail against his enemies.I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrainedmyself: now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy anddevour at once.”— Isaiah 42:10-14.

Yet another passage from Isaiah 60 describes the way in which Gentiles willrespond at the time of Israel’s rising again—this passage takes us beyond thetime of trouble and to the greater regathering of Israel that will follow it, goingon to show us how the nations are to become subservient to the kingdom ofIsrael under Christ:

“For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness thepeople: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seenupon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to thebrightness of thy rising. Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: allthey gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shallcome from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. Then thoushalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged;because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, theforces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee. The multitude of camelsshall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they fromSheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shallshew forth the praises of the LORD. All the flocks of Kedar shall begathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto

Jerusalem. The Jews, his brethren after the flesh, are in great affliction;and, under these circ*mstances, the hospitality of Moab for David’sparents, at his request, is antitypically repeated in the nationalhospitality of Moab in the latter days for the fugitive Jews...“...(In Daniel 11) The King of the North overflows and spoils theglorious land; “but these shall escape out of his hand even Edom andMoab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.” Here then is the“covert” for the “outcasts” in the terrible “time of trouble” thatimmediately precedes the “establishment in mercy of the throne ofDavid.” (Isaiah 16)...“Driven out of Egypt by Russia and her allies, Britain, whose solitaryfriendship for the Jews is now so conspicuous amidst a world ofpersecutors, takes refuge in Edom and Moab, and there becomes a“covert” for the “outcasts,” who are now, in their “Zionist”movements, establishing themselves in the land of Palestine in a feeblemanner, as Ezekiel 38 requires.”*

When the Lord revives his work and comes from Teman (or, the south) and as“the Holy One from mount Paran” (Habakkuk 3) the surrounding peoples willinitially be in great consternation: “I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction: andthe curtains of the land of Midian did tremble” says the prophet.

We do not know (because it is not revealed) the exact flow of events, but thegeneral pattern is that when the Lord reveals his presence in the earth, there willbe recognition of his irresistible power and wisdom. We cannot be certain of theform initial contacts will take; it seems however, that after having given theJews themselves some initial instruction, the camp of the Holy One will addressthe nations of this region, putting them in mind of their obligation to the Jews.There are strong indications that these nations will be instructed afresh abouttheir role as the protectors of the Jews: “be thou a covert (hiding, protection)from the face of the spoiler.” They are told to “give glory unto the Lord”(which involves obedience to his commands—doing unto others as we wouldlike to be done to us).

A Message for the TimesThe general character of the message to be delivered to Gentile nations at this

time can be seen from these appropriate words in Revelation 14:7.“... Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment iscome: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, andthe fountains of waters.”

These words, which properly belong to a later stage in Christ’s subjugation ofthe nations, will be appropriate here also. It will not be a time for negotiation, orquibbling about texts and interpretations—the terms are as uncompromising asthey are forthright: ‘Fear God, or take the consequences which are to follow...’The choice is to submit, or to be consigned to everlasting oblivion! In a clearand unmistakable statement that authoritatively excludes the foolish theories ofthe modern human mind, the nations will be told: “worship him that madeheaven and earth...”

* The Ministry of the Prophets C.C. Walker (1923 edition) p. 306-307.


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offer gifts. Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shallserve him.”— Psalm 72:8-11.

Here is the future destiny of the English-speaking peoples as outlined in theBible. In submitting to Jesus Christ the King of Israel their lands will becomehis possession; their governments will come under the authority of Messiah.What a terrible time of judgement and trouble Britain and her associates willhave experienced before this destiny is achieved! Such is necessary to abase herpride and arrogance as we see it today—for as the Scripture says: “...when thyjudgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learnrighteousness” (Isa. 26:9).

Revealed in Flaming FireThe great false Church of Rome which has perverted the true Gospel of Christ

beyond recognition, and has been responsible for so much deception and evilamongst the nations, will come into remembrance before God, “to give unto herthe cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.” (Revelation 16:19); “For hersins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities” (Rev.18:5).

At the time of the final crisis, the Church of Rome will have reached dizzyheights of power—saying in her heart, “I sit a queen, and am no widow, andshall see no sorrow” (Rev. 18:7). Today we see her gaining that power andinfluence in the world, for “all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath ofher fornication (or spiritual promiscuity), and the kings of the earth havecommitted fornication with her”(18:3)— yet she will be lured to her destructionthrough her own insatiable lust for power.

Avro Manhattan has pointed out, on purely political grounds, that Israel andthe Vatican each look for a Messiah—and that they are mutually exclusive. Tothe Vatican, the appearance of a Jewish Messiah in the name of Yahweh wouldchallenge their own idea of the Messiah. This would be antichrist. He wrote:

“In Vatican eyes, therefore, the millenarian yearning for a globalHebrew theocracy represents a deadly threat to the eschatologicalteachings of the Catholic Church. When translated into concretepolitical terms, such a view spells not only rivalry, but implacableenmity.”

This enmity between Rome and a future Jewish Christ or Messiah, is not anew concept—it was foreseen by students of Bible prophecy soon after theReformation. In 1643 Joseph Mede equated the Roman Church with the Beastof the Apocalypse when commenting upon Revelation 16:12, and he wrote:

“The fixth phial fhall be poured out upon that great river Euphrates,that being dried up, a paffa*ge mey be prepared for new enemies of theBeaft to come from the Eaft; that is, for the Ifraelites to be wonderfullyconverted to the pure faith and worfhip of Chrift, and now to haveconferred upon them the kingdome promifed fo many ages fince.Whome the worfhippers of the Beaft, haply, fhall efteem for the armyof their imaginary Antichrift to arife from among the Jews, God forevenging the obftinacy of their error...”

This then will lead to the battle described as Armageddon, for Rome as the

thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I willglorify the house of my glory. Who are these that fly as a cloud, and asthe doves to their windows? Surely the isles shall wait for me, and theships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and theirgold with them, unto the name of the LORD thy God, and to the HolyOne of Israel, because he hath glorified thee. And the sons of strangersshall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for inmy wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee.”—Isaiah 60:2-14.

The Time of DeliveranceSheba, Dedan, the Tarshish alliance—including the isles afar off—will thus

be brought to acknowledge the supremacy, majesty and power of Jesus Christ asKing of Israel. Their immediate response will be to protect Jews who are fleeingfrom the cruel aggression of the Russo-European invader.

As Ezekiel and the prophets show, the ferocious spoiler of Israel will provokethe anger of Almighty God. His words are: “ shall come to pass at the sametime when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, thatmy fury shall come up in my face” (Ezekiel 38:18). The eyes of Yahweh beheldas Nazi Germany put to death six million Jews; His eyes beheld the torturouswrithing of those who suffered in the Inquisition; the bludgeoned bodies ofthose killed in Russian pogroms: and will He now keep silence yet again? By nomeans! Habakkuk sees the Holy One march through the Land in indignation:“Thou didst thresh the heathen in anger. Thou wentest forth for the salvation ofthy people, even for salvation with thine anointed (or Christ).” Ezekiel sees anearthquake of immense proportions strike the Land—and Zechariah sees thesame thing—“and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof towardthe east and toward the west” (chapter 14). As those in the Land beholdalmighty power unleashed in the elements, they will know that the God of Israelis a fearful reality to be reckoned with. Even thus shall Gog “come to his end,and none shall help him” (Daniel 11:45).

In this manner then, the Land will be delivered from the alien hand and givento the just.

The Kingdom of ChristOnce established in the Land the glorious King will reign over the house of

Jacob for ever, as Mary was told in Luke 1:33, “and of his kingdom there shallbe no end.” To think that any other power could prevail against him—even for ashort time—is to underestimate his invincible power. As it is written:

“Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfareis accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received ofthe LORD’S hand double for all her sins.”— Isaiah 40:2.

In a description of this reign of Messiah “the kings of Tarshish and of theisles” in association with Sheba, are depicted as rendering tribute:

“ He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river untothe ends of the earth. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bowbefore him; and his enemies shall lick the dust. The kings of Tarshishand of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall


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“false prophet” of Revelation 16:13 will support the Russo-Germanic ledEuropean armies that invade the Land. As Ezekiel has pointed out, this invadingspoiler is to be destroyed in the Land. Following this destruction, and after aperiod during which the King of Israel demands the obedience of the world,Rome will gather the nations of Europe together to make war upon Israel’snewly emerged “antichrist” (as Mede rightly observed). This situation isdescribed in Psalm 2, in Revelation 17:12-14 and again in chapter 19:11-21. Itis also described in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 thus:

“And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shallbe revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire takingvengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel ofour Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlastingdestruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of hispower; When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to beadmired in all them that believe (because our testimony among youwas believed) in that day.”— 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10.

In this way, the great apostate Church will meet its end—“thatWicked...whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shalldestroy with the brightness of his coming” (chapter 2:8).

The growing popularity and prestige of the Roman Church today is a sure signof the nearness of her utter destruction at the hands of the Truth in the person ofJesus Christ the King of Israel.

A Transformed WorldWhen at last Zion’s King is enthroned upon the Holy hill, the Tarshish power

will be utilized in the completion of the task assigned to her—she will continuethe work of bringing Israel’s sons from far (Isa. 60:9). What other work theLord may have for these nations we do not know, but we do know that they willreceive instruction in the ways of righteousness and true peace:—

“ For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I willgather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape ofthem unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, toTubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame,neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among theGentiles. And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto theLORD out of all nations upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters, andupon mules, and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem,saith the LORD, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a cleanvessel into the house of the LORD. And I will also take of them forpriests and for Levites, saith the LORD. For as the new heavens and thenew earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD,so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass,that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another,shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.”— Isaiah66:18-23.



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PEOPLES Cry of - Bible · Cry of the Prophets—Zech. 1:4; ... Cry of The Prophets Cry of The Prophets T. W HAT I S T RUTH? - [PDF Document] (2024)


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